Panasonic 9TGCF-28WLAN1 User Manual

Using ORiNOCO and Windows - View Other Computers

View Other Computers

When multiple ORiNOCO stations are up-and-running in your wireless network, you can use the procedure described below to display the other computers:

1.Start Windows Explorer.

2.Scroll down the list of files and folders to look for the item Network Neighborhood.

3.Double-click the Network Neighborhood item to display all stations in your Microsoft Networking Group.

4.To display other workgroups in the network environment, double-click the

Entire Network icon.

If you cannot find other (ORiNOCO) networked computers, verify whether the other ORiNOCO computers are:

Powered up and logged on to the network.

Configured to operate with identical Microsoft Network settings concerning:

Networking Protocol.

Wireless Network Name

Workgroup Name

ORINOCO PC Card - User’s Guide


Using ORiNOCO and Windows - View Other Computers

To view or modify the Station Name or Workgroup of your computer, proceed as follows:

1.Click the button from the Windows task bar.

2.Click on Settings, and then on Control Panel.

3.In the Control Panel window, double-click the Network icon.

4.In the Network Settings window, select the Identification tab.

You can verify and change the Station Name or Workgroup parameters.


You have to restart your computer before changes to the Network Settings will be effected.

To verify the radio connection with other stations refer to “View Wireless Link Quality” on page 3-7.


ORINOCO PC Card - User’s Guide

Using ORiNOCO and Windows - Using the Client Manager

Using the Client Manager

If you installed the ORiNOCO Client Manager as described in “Installing the Client Manager Software” on page 2-3, you can use the Client Manager to:

Verify the quality of your wireless connection to the network.

View/Modify the configuration settings of your wireless PC Card.

The Client Manager will start automatically every time you power up your computer.

The Client Manager icon is displayed in the “System Tray” of your Windows task bar at the right-side on the bottom of your screen, indicating that the Client Manager program is running.

Click the icon once with your left mouse button to retrieve a more detailed status overview.

Click the icon once with your right mouse button to display a menu with more options.

View Wireless Link Quality

You can use the Client Manager icon on the Windows task bar to verify the link quality of your network connection.

An overview of all possible icons is given in Table 3-1. When the

Client Manager icon is not indicating excellent or good radio connection, act as described below.

ORINOCO PC Card - User’s Guide


Using ORiNOCO and Windows - Using the Client Manager

Table 3-1

Client Manager Icon









Excellent radio connection






Good radio connection






Marginal radio connection:



The radio signal is weak. Move closer to the:



ORiNOCO AP-1000, or



ORiNOCO Base Station






Poor radio connection:



The radio signal is very weak. Save your files and move



closer to the:



ORiNOCO AP-1000, or



ORiNOCO Base Station






No radio connection because:



Looking for initial connection, or



You have moved out of range of the network.






Peer-to-Peer network connection







ORINOCO PC Card - User’s Guide

Panasonic 9TGCF-28WLAN1 User Manual

Using ORiNOCO and Windows - Using the Client Manager

View/Modify PC Card Settings

If you would like to view or modify ORiNOCO parameters, for example because you would like to connect to another network or type of network, proceed as follows:

1.Right-click on the Client Manager icon on the Windows task bar.

2.From the menu, select Configuration Profile (see Figure 3-2) and select:

Add/Edit Profile to add a new profile or to modify an existing profile.

One of the existing profiles (if present) to select a profile without viewing or modifying the settings.

After selecting and another profile, the PC Card will use the selected profile to connect to the wireless network.

Figure 3-2 Edit Wireless Configuration Settings

ORINOCO PC Card - User’s Guide


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