Palsonic PW207TFR, PW239TFR Product Manual

Fridge Freezer 207 Litre Gross
Fridge Freezer 239 Litre Gross
Fridge Freezer 268 Litre Gross
Safety Warnings
Safe ty Warni ngs
Installation Instruction
Plac ement Sta rt
Temperature Control
Key Operation
Instructions of Door Replacement
Name s of compon ents
Refr igerating c hamber Free zing cham ber
Ma in te na nc e o f Refrigerators
Clea ning Defr ost
Stop u sing
Frequently Asked Questions
Saving Tips and Service
Safety Warnings
This c hapter de scribes the i mportan t security ma tters to pr event user s from inju ry or propert y damage. P lease under stand ful ly the foll owing text (l ogo, icon ) and comply wi th the safe ty warnings .
Ind icate s a hazar dous si tuati on whic h, if not a voide d, wil l resul t in deat h or seri ous inj ury
Ind icate s a hazar dous si tuati on whic h, if not a voide d, cou ld resu lt in dea th or ser ious in jury
Ind icate s a hazar dous si tuati on whic h, if not a voide d, cou ld resu lt in min or or mod erate i njury.
The s ymbol s indic ate pro hibit ed matt ers, an d those beh avior s are for bidde n. Non- compl iance w ith the ins truct ions ma y resul t in prod uct dam ages or e ndang er
Pro hibit ion sym bols
War nin g sym bo ls
Not e symbo ls
the p erson al safe ty of use rs.
The s ymbol s indic ate mat ters th at must b e follo wed, an d tho se beha viors m ust be st rictl y execu ted in li ne with t he ope ratio n requi remen ts. Non -comp lianc e with th e ins truct ions ma y resul t in prod uct dam ages or e ndang er the p erson al safe ty of use rs.
The s ymbol s indic ate mat ters to p ay atte ntion t o, a nd the se beha viors s hall be s pecia lly not ed. Due pre cauti ons are n eeded o r minor o r moder ate inj uries or da mages o f the pro duct wi ll be cau sed.
WAR NING Keep vent il ation o pe nings, in t he a pplia nc e enclosu re o r in the bu il t- in stru ct ure,
--- ­clear of ob st ructi on .
WAR NING Do not use me ch anica l de vices or ot he r means t o ac celerat e th e defro st ing proce ss ,
--- ­other tha n th ose rec om mended by t he m anufa ct urer.
WAR NING Do not dama ge t he refr ig erant cir cu it.
--- ­WAR NING Do not use el ec trica l ap pliance s in side th e fo od storag e co mpart me nt s of the
--- -
applian ce , unles s th ey are of the t yp e recom me nded by the m an ufact ur er.
The appli an ce has to b e un plugged a ft er use an d be fore carr yi ng out us er m ai ntena nc e on the
applian ce .
This appl ia nce can b e us ed by child re n aged fr om 8 y ears and ab ov e and per so ns w ith red uc e
physica l se nsory o r me ntal capa bi litie s or l ack of expe ri ence an d kn ow ledge i f th ey have bee n given sup er visio n or i nstruct io n conce rn ing use of th e ap plian ce i n a sa fe way an d un derstan d the hazar ds i nvolv ed . Childre n sh all not p la y with the ap pl iance . Cl ea ning an d us er mainte na nce shall not b e ma de by chi ld ren witho ut s uperv is ion.
If the su pp ly c ord is da ma ged, it mus t be r eplac ed b y the manuf ac turer, i ts s ervice ag en t or
similar ly q ualif ie d persons i n or der to av oi d a hazard.
Please ab an don the r ef rigerat or a ccord in g to local re gu lator s fo r it u se flam ma ble blowi ng
gas and ref ri geran t.
Please ac co rding t o lo cal regul at ions re ga rding dis po sal of th e ap pl iance f or i ts flamma bl e
refrige ra nt and bl ow ing gas. Be fo re you sc ra p the appli an ce, ple as e ta ke off th e doors t o pr ev ent childre n tr apped .
This appl ia nce is in te nded to be us ed i n house ho ld and simi la r appli ca ti ons suc h as
-staf f kitchen a re as in sho ps , offic es a nd othe r wo rk ing env ir onments ;
-farm h ou se s and by cl ie nts in hote ls , motel s an d other res id entia l ty pe enviro nm ents;
-bed and br ea kfast t yp e environ me nts;
-cate ri ng a nd simi la r non-ret ai l appli ca tions. Do not stor e ex plosi ve s ubstanc es s uch as ae ro sol cans wi th a f lamma bl e pr opell an t in this
applian ce .
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Safety Warnings
This c hapter de scribes the i mportan t security ma tters to pr event user s from inju ry or propert y damage. P lease under stand ful ly the foll owing text (l ogo, icon ) and comply wi th the safe ty warnings .
Electricity related warnings
Do not pull the power cord when pulling the power plug of the refrigerator. Please firmly grasp the plug and pull out it from the socket directly. Do not damage the power cord under any condition so as to ensure safety use, do not use when the power cord is damaged or the plug is worn. Worn or damaged power cord shall be replaced in manufacture-authorized maintenance stations.
Please use a dedicated power socket and the power socket shall not be shared with other electrical appliances. The power cord should be firmly contacted with thesocket or else fires might be caused. Please ensurethat the grounding electrode of the power socket is equipped with a reliable grounding line.
The refrigerator adopts 220-240V/50Hz AC power, voltage fluctuations over the range of 240V will cause malfunction or even damage. Please turn off the valve of the leaking gas and then open the doors and windows in case of leakage of gas and other flammable gases. Do not unplug the refrigerator and other electrical appliances considering that spark may cause a fire.
To ensure safety, it is not recommended that to place regulators, rice cookers, microwave ovens and other appliances at the top of the refrigerator, those recommended by the manufacture are not included. Do not use electrical appliances in the food pantry.
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Safety Warnings
This c hapter de scribes the i mportan t security ma tters to pr event user s from inju ry or propert y damage. P lease under stand ful ly the foll owing text (l ogo, icon ) and comply wi th the safe ty warnings .
Related warnings for use
Authorized demolition or renovation of the refrigerator is not prohibited. It is forbidden to damage the refrigerant lines and the repair and maintenance of the refrigerator must be carried out by professionals. Damaged power cord must be replaced by the manufacturer, its maintenance department or related professionals in order to avoid danger.
The surrounding of the appliances around or the embedded structure shall not be obstructed while good ventilation shall be maintained. The gaps between refrigerator doors and between doors and refrigerator body are small, be noted not to put your hand in these areas to prevent squeezing the finger. Please be gentle when switching off the refrigerator door to avoid falling articles. Do not pick foods or containers in the freezing chamber when the refrigerator is running, especially metal containers in order to avoid frostbite.
Do not allow children to enter or climb the refrigerator to prevent that children are sealed in the refrigerator or children are injured by the falling refrigerator.
Do not spray or wash the refrigerator; do not put the refrigerator in moist places easy to be splashed with water so as not to affect the electrical insulation properties of the refrigerator.
Do not place heavy objects on the top of the refrigerator considering that objectives may fall when switching the door, and accidental injuries might be caused.
Please pull of the plug in case of power failure or cleaning. Do not connect the freezer to power supply within five minutes to prevent damages to the compressor due to successive starts.
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