Palm Mail Windows Edition User Guide

Palm™ Mail User Guide

Windows Edition

Copyright © 2001 Handspring, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Handspring and the Handspring logo are trademarks of Handspring, Inc., and may be registered in some jurisdictions. Portions copyright © 1998-2001 Palm, Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Graffiti, and HotSync are registered trademarks, and Palm and the HotSync logo are trademarks of Palm, Inc., and are used by Handspring under license. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Disclaimer and limitation of liability
Handspring, Inc. and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this handbook.
Handspring, Inc. and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise through the use of this software. Handspring, Inc. and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as a result of malfunction, dead batteries, or repairs. Be sure to make backup copies of all important data on other media to protect against data loss.
Warranty and License Agreement
For warranty information and a copy of the End User License Agreement applicable to your Handspring product, please see the Handspring web site at http://support.hand­ If you would like a copy of these materials mailed to you, or if you have any questions, please contact Handspring Customer Support.
The information included on this web site sets forth Handspring's sole and complete warranty and software licensing obligations with respect to your Handspring product. Use of the product indicates your acceptance of the terms of the warranty and the End User License Agreement.
Software download available
Wireless setup and desktop synchronization software are supplied on the Handspring CD-ROM disc. If you do not have access to a CD-ROM drive for your computer, you can download this software from
Page 2 Palm™ Mail User Guide
What is Palm™ Mail?..............................................................................5
Setting up Palm Mail on the desktop ...................................................6
Using Palm Mail on your communicator...............................................8
Opening Palm Mail ...............................................................................8
Viewing e-mail items ............................................................................8
Displaying full header information ................................................9
Creating e-mail items..........................................................................10
Looking up an address .......................................................................12
Adding details to e-mail items ..........................................................13
Setting a priority ..............................................................................14
Sending a blind carbon copy .........................................................14
Adding a signature to your e-mail item ......................................15
Requesting confirmations ..............................................................16
Storing e-mail to be sent later ............................................................16
Editing unsent e-mail .....................................................................17
Draft e-mail ......................................................................................18
Filing e-mail .........................................................................................19
Deleting e-mail.....................................................................................19
Removing e-mail from the Deleted folder ...................................20
Purging deleted e-mail ...................................................................20
Message list options............................................................................20
Date column .....................................................................................21
Sorting the Message list ..................................................................22
HotSync options ..................................................................................22
Creating special filters ....................................................................24
Truncating e-mail items .................................................................28
Palm Mail menus.................................................................................29
Message menus ...............................................................................29
Options menus ................................................................................29
Index ......................................................................................................31
Contents Page 3
Page 4 Palm™ Mail User Guide

What is Palm™ Mail?

Palm Mail is an application that lets you manage the e-mail that you send and receive through the e-mail application on your desktop computer. You can read, reply to, compose, and delete e-mail on your communicator. To send or receive e-mail, you
must perform a HotSync HotSync cable or the infrared port on your communicator, or remotely, using the built-in wireless modem or a network.
The key to Palm Mail is that it truly synchronizes the mail in the Inbox of your desktop e-mail application with the mail on your communicator. For example, if you delete e-mail items from Palm Mail, your next HotSync operation also deletes the e-mail items from your desktop e-mail application, so you never have to delete e-mail items twice. Similarly, if you read an e-mail item on your communicator and leave it in your Inbox, your next HotSync operation marks it as read in your desktop e-mail application.

In Palm Mail, you can do the following:

View, delete, file, and reply to incoming mail.
Create outgoing e-mail items and drafts of e-mail items.
Create simple or complex filters, which allow you to decide the type of e-mail that your communicator retrieves from your desktop E-mail application.
Use your communicator and its HotSync cable or with infrared communication to send and retrieve e-mail items from your desktop e-mail application.
operation either locally, using the
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Setting up Palm Mail on the desktop

Before you use Palm Mail for the first time, make sure your desktop E-Mail application is up and running. You must also set up Palm™ Desktop software for use with your desktop e-mail application.
Palm Mail supports a number of Windows desktop e-mail applications, such as Microsoft Outlook (version 4.0 or higher), QUALCOMM Eudora (version 3.0.3 or higher), and Lotus cc:Mail (versions 2.5, 6.0, and 7.0). You can see the full list of the supported applications when you set up Palm Mail.
If your desktop e-mail application does not appear on the list, you may still be able to manage your desktop e-mail application from your communicator by means of special connection software, called a conduit, that lets you synchronize your desktop e-mail application and your communicator. Contact the vendor of your e-mail application or visit the web site for more information.
The following instructions assume that you have already installed Palm Desktop software on your computer and that you did not set up Palm Mail during the installation. If you have not yet installed Palm Desktop software, install it now.

To set up Palm Mail:

1. Click Start in the Windows taskbar.
2. Highlight Programs, highlight Handspring (or Palm), and then click Mail Setup to begin setup.
3. Follow the instructions onscreen to set up your communicator for use with your desktop e-mail application.

To select HotSync options:

1. Click the HotSync icon right corner of the taskbar).
2. Choose Custom.
3. Select Mail in the list box.
Page 6 Setting up Palm Mail on the desktop
You can also choose Custom from the HotSync menu in Palm Desktop software.
in the Windows system tray (bottom-
4. Click Change.
5. Click one of the following settings:
Synchronize the files
Desktop overwrites handheld
Do Nothing
Set As Default
To turn off Palm Mail, select Do Nothing and then select the
Set As Default check box.
Synchronizes the mail on your communicator and your desktop e-mail application.
Replaces the mail on your communicator with the mail in your desktop e-mail application. You should use this option only if, for some reason, the two inboxes get out of sync. This setting applies for only one HotSync operation and then reverts back to the default setting.
Turns off communication between your communicator and desktop e-mail application. This setting applies for only one HotSync operation and then reverts back to the default setting.
Changes the default setting on an ongoing basis. (When you first set up Palm Mail, Synchronize the files is the default setting.)
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To change your Palm Mail setup options:

1. Click the HotSync icon in the Windows system tray.
2. Choose Custom.
3. Select Mail in the list box.
4. Click Change.
5. Modify your settings as needed.
6. Click OK.
You can also choose Custom from the HotSync menu in Palm Desktop software.

Using Palm Mail on your communicator

After you enable and configure Palm Mail, you need to perform a HotSync operation to synchronize Palm Mail with your desktop E-Mail application. For a complete explanation of HotSync technology, see the electronic

Opening Palm Mail

To open Palm Mail:

1. Tap the Applications icon on Graffiti® models, or press Option
and then press Menu on keyboard models.
2. Tap the Mail icon .
User Guide

Viewing e-mail items

The Message list displays a list of your incoming e-mail items, who sent them, and the date they were received. E-mail items you’ve read have a check next to them. High-priority e-mail items appear in bold.
Page 8 Using Palm Mail on your communicator

To open an e-mail item:

Tap an e-mail item to open it.
Previously read

To close an e-mail item:

Tap Done to close the e-mail item.
Header mode icons
Time and date sent
E-mail body

Displaying full header information

By default, Palm Mail displays abbreviated header information, which comprises only the From: and Subj: fields. The full header provides complete information about the sender, receiver, and copied recipients, in addition to the subject and date the e-mail item was created. Palm Mail uses the header type you select for all your e-mail items.
To display full header information:
1. Open an e-mail item.
2. Tap the Complete Header icon.
To redisplay the abbreviated header, tap the Abbreviated
Header icon.
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Creating e-mail items

You create e-mail items with your communicator the same way you create e-mail with your desktop E-mail application: you identify the recipient(s) of the e-mail item, define a subject, and create the body of the e-mail item.
You create original e-mail items and replies in the New Message screen. All e-mail items must, at the very least, contain information in the To: and Subj: fields.

To create an e-mail item:

1. Tap New.
Tap New
2. Enter the e-mail address of the recipient.
Page 10 Using Palm Mail on your communicator
You can also create an e-mail item by tapping New from the Message menu.
Enter the address as if you were entering it from your desktop e-mail application. For example, network users sending an e-mail item to a user on the same network do not need to add Internet information, such as
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