Setup Guide
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm
Treo™ Smartphone

BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm
Copyright and Trademark
© 2006 Palm, Inc. All rights reserved.
Palm, Treo, VersaMail, and the Palm and Treo logos are among the trademarks or registered trademarks
owned by or licensed to Palm, Inc. All other brand and product names are or may be trademarks of, and are
used to identify products or services of, their respective owners.
BlackBerry families of related marks, images, and symbols are the exclusive properties and
trademarks of Research In Motion Limited—used by permission.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
Palm, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this guide.
Palm, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise through the use
of this software. Palm, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as a
result of malfunction, dead battery, or repairs. Be sure to make backup copies of all important data on other
media to protect against data loss.
the accompanying software program(s). Using any part of the software indicates that you accept the terms of
the End User Software License Agreement.
PN: 406-10618-00
v. 1.1
Treo™ 650 smartphone
Please read the End User Software License Agreement with this product before using

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction...........................................................1
What do I need to get started?.....................................................................3
Chapter 2: Setup Instructions.................................................4
Before you begin...........................................................................................4
Step 1: Install the updated Palm software ..................................................5
Step 2: Install the BlackBerry Connect
Step 3: Set up the BlackBerry
Chapter 3: Common Questions............................................12
desktop application ....................7
BlackBerry Connect™ for Palm®Treo™ smartphones

What do I need to get
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm
BlackBerry Connect™for the Palm
650 smartphone integrates the
Calendar and VersaMail
on your smartphone with your
corporate BlackBerry Enterprise
With BlackBerry Connect
, email
messages and Calendar events are
pushed from the server to your
smartphone. Likewise, any messages
you send or events you create are
pushed to the server.
Treo™ 650 smartphone

Key Term
Technology in
which a server
automatically delivers
information (such as
email messages) to a
device; the user does not
need to do anything to
retrieve the information.
Key T erm
in which changed info on
your smartphone is
automatically updatedon
the server and your
desktop; the user does
not need to do anything
to upload the info to the
BlackBerry Connect™offers the following features:
Push email, Calendar events and meeting invitations
BlackBerry Enterprise Server
messages, events and invitations it receives onto your smartphone. Likewise, when you compose
an email message, enter an event in Calendar, or reply to a meeting invitation on your
smartphone, the new entry is pushed to the server. See “Your Inbox” in the BlackBerry Connect
User Guide
Wireless reconciliation
smartphone, the change is reconciled to (updated on) the server and your desktop. See “Your
Inbox” in the BlackBerry Connect
Remote Address Lookup
email addresses on your corporate Exchange or Domino server. See “Remote Address Lookup” in
the BlackBerry Connect
Attachment viewing
with your smartphone or in BlackBerry
BlackBerry Connect
BlackBerry Connect
allow you to customi e your experience. See “BlackBerry Connect
for details.
User Guide
When you delete or change an email message or event on your
User Guide
for details.
When addressing an email message, you can search for and retrieve
User Guide
You can view downloaded attachments either in an application that came
User Guide
for details.
Attachment Viewer. See “Viewing attachments” in the
for details.
BlackBerry Connect
contains account-specific
for details.
preferences that
in the BlackBerry
BlackBerry Connect™ for the Palm
Treo™ 650 smartphone