Palisade EVOLVER 5.5 User Manual

Guide to Using
The Genetic Algorithm Solver
for Microsoft Excel
Version 5.5
March, 2009
Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2009, Palisade Corporation.
Trademark Acknowledgments
Microsoft, Excel and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft, Inc. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, Inc. Palisade, Evolver, TopRank, BestFit and RISKview are registered trademarks of Palisade Corporation. RISK is a trademark of Parker Brothers, Division of Tonka Corporation and is used under license.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Installation Instructions.....................................................................7
Chapter 2: Background 11
What Is Evolver?...............................................................................13
Chapter 3: Evolver: Step-by-Step 19
The Evolver Tour ..............................................................................23
Chapter 4: Example Applications 41
Advertising Selection.......................................................................45
Assignment of Tasks........................................................................49
Budget Allocation.............................................................................53
Chemical Equilibrium.......................................................................55
Class Scheduler................................................................................57
Code Segmenter...............................................................................59
Dakota: Routing With Constraints..................................................63
Chapter 1: Introduction i
Job Shop Scheduling.......................................................................65
Radio Tower Location...................................................................... 67
Portfolio Balancing .......................................................................... 69
Portfolio Mix......................................................................................71
Power Stations .................................................................................73
Salesman Problem...........................................................................77
Space Navigator............................................................................... 79
Trader ................................................................................................ 81
Chapter 5: Evolver Reference Guide 87
Model Definition Command............................................................. 89
Optimization Settings Command..................................................113
Start Optimization Command........................................................121
Utilities Commands........................................................................ 123
Evolver Watcher............................................................................. 127
Chapter 6: Optimization 137
Optimization Methods.................................................................... 139
Excel Solver....................................................................................145
Types of Problems......................................................................... 149
Chapter 7: Genetic Algorithms 153
Introduction ....................................................................................155
A Biological Example.....................................................................158
A Digital Example ...........................................................................159
Chapter 8: Evolver Extras 163
Adding Constraints ........................................................................165
Improving Speed.............................................................................175
How Evolver's Optimization is Implemented...............................177
Appendix A: Automating Evolver 181
Appendix B: Troubleshooting / Q&A 183
Troubleshooting / Q&A ..................................................................185
Appendix C: Additional Resources 187
Glossary 195
Index 205
Chapter 1: Introduction iii

Chapter 1: Introduction

Before You Begin......................................................................................3
What the Package Includes.....................................................................3
About This Version .................................................................................3
Working with your Operating Environment ......................................4
If You Need Help .....................................................................................4
Before Calling .............................................................................4
Contacting Palisade....................................................................5
Student Versions ........................................................................6
Evolver System Requirements...............................................................6
Installation Instructions.....................................................................7
General Installation Instructions..........................................................7
Removing Evolver from Your Computer ...............................7
The DecisionTools Suite.........................................................................8
Setting Up the Evolver Icons or Shortcuts...........................................9
Macro Security Warning Message on Startup ....................................9
Other Evolver Information...................................................................10
Evolver Readme ........................................................................10
Evolver Tutorial ........................................................................10
Learning Evolver ....................................................................................10
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Introduction 2


Evolver represents the fastest, most advanced commercial genetic algorithm-based optimizer ever available. Evolver, through the application of powerful genetic algorithm-based optimization techniques, can find optimal solutions to problems which are "unsolvable" for standard linear and non-linear optimizers. Evolver is offered in two versions - professional and industrial - to allow you to select the optimizer with the capacity you need
The Evolver User’s Guide introduction to Evolver and the principles behind it, then goes on to show several example applications of Evolver’s unique genetic algorithm technology. This complete manual may also be used as a fully-indexed reference guide, with a description and illustration of each Evolver feature.
, which you are reading now, offers an

Before You Begin

Before you install and begin working with Evolver, make sure that your Evolver package contains all the required items, and check that your computer meets the minimum requirements for proper use.

What the Package Includes|contextid=9000

Evolver may be purchased on its own and also ships with the DecisionTools Suite Professional and Industrial versions. The Evolver CD-ROM contains the Evolver Excel add-in, several Evolver examples, and a fully-indexed Evolver on-line help system. The DecisionTools Suite Professional and Industrial versions contain all of the above plus additional applications.

About This Version

This version of Evolver can be installed as a 32-bit program for Microsoft Excel 2000 or higher.
Chapter 1: Introduction 3

Working with your Operating Environment

This User’s Guide assumes that you have a general knowledge of the Windows operating system and Excel. In particular:
You are familiar with your computer and using the mouse. You are familiar with terms such as icons, click, double-click, menu,
window, command and object.
You understand basic concepts such as directory structures and file

If You Need Help

Technical support is provided free of charge for all registered users of Evolver with a current maintenance plan, or is available on a per incident charge. To ensure that you are a registered user of Evolver,
please register online at
If you contact us by telephone, please have your serial number and User’s Guide ready. We can offer better technical support if you are in front of your computer and ready to work.
Before Calling
4 Introduction
Before contacting technical support, please review the following checklist:
Have you referred to the on-line help?
Have you checked this User's Guide and reviewed the on-line
multimedia tutorial?
Have you read the README.WRI file? It contains current information
on Evolver that may not be included in the manual.
Can you duplicate the problem consistently? Can you duplicate the
problem on a different computer or with a different model?
Have you looked at our site on the World Wide Web? It can be found at Our Web site also contains the latest FAQ (a searchable database of tech support questions and answers) and Evolver patches in our Technical Support section. We recommend visiting our Web site regularly for all the latest information on Evolver and other Palisade software.
Contacting Palisade
Palisade Corporation welcomes your questions, comments or suggestions regarding Evolver. Contact our technical support staff using any of the following methods:
Email us at
Telephone us at (607) 277-8000 any weekday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM,
EST. Follow the prompt to reach technical support.
Fax us at (607) 277-8001.
Mail us a letter at:
Technical Support Palisade Corporation 798 Cascadilla St. Ithaca, NY 14850 USA
If you want to contact Palisade Europe:
Email us at
Telephone us at +44 1895425050 (UK).
Fax us at +441895425051 (UK).
Mail us a letter at:
Palisade Europe 31 The Green West Drayton Middlesex UB7 7PN United Kingdom
If you want to contact Palisade Asia-Pacific:
Email us at
Telephone us at +61 2 9929 9799 (AU).
Fax us at +61 2 9954 3882 (AU).
Mail us a letter at:
Palisade Asia-Pacific Pty Limited Suite 101, Level 1 8 Cliff Street Milsons Point NSW 2061 Australia
Regardless of how you contact us, please include the product name, version and serial number. The exact version can be found by selecting the Help About command on the Evolver menu in Excel.
Chapter 1: Introduction 5
Student Versions
Telephone support is not available with the student version of Evolver. If you need help, we recommend the following alternatives:
Consult with your professor or teaching assistant. Log on to for answers to frequently asked
Contact our technical support department via e-mail or fax.

Evolver System Requirements

System requirements for Evolver include:
Pentium PC or faster with a hard disk.
Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 or higher.
Microsoft Excel Version 2000 or higher.
6 Introduction

Installation Instructions

Evolver is an add-in program to Microsoft Excel. By adding additional commands to the Excel menu bars, Evolver enhances the functionality of the spreadsheet program.

General Installation Instructions

The Setup program copies the Evolver system files into a directory you specify on your hard disk. To run the Setup program in Windows 2000 or higher:
1) Insert the Evolver or DecisionTools Suite Professional or Industrial
version CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive
2) Click the Start button, click Settings and then click Control Panel
3) Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon
4) On the Install/Uninstall tab, click the Install button
5) Follow the Setup instructions on the screen
If you encounter problems while installing Evolver, verify that there is adequate space on the drive to which you’re trying to install. After you’ve freed up adequate space, try rerunning the installation.
Removing Evolver from Your Computer
Chapter 1: Introduction 7
If you wish to remove Evolver (along with Evolver or the DecisionTools Suite Professional or Industrial versions) from your computer, use the Control Panel’s Add/Remove Programs utility and select the entry for @RISK or the DecisionTools Suite.

The DecisionTools Suite

Evolver can be used with the DecisionTools Suite, a set of products for risk and decision analysis available from Palisade Corporation. The default installation procedure of Evolver puts Evolver in a subdirectory of a main “Program Files\Palisade” directory. This is quite similar to how Excel is often installed into a subdirectory of a “Microsoft Office” directory.
One subdirectory of the Program Files\Palisade directory will be the Evolver directory (by default called Evolver5). This directory contains the Evolver add-in program file (EVOLVER.XLA) plus example models and other files necessary for Evolver to run. Another subdirectory of Program Files\Palisade is the SYSTEM directory which contains files needed by every program in the DecisionTools Suite, including common help files and program libraries.
8 Installation Instructions

Setting Up the Evolver Icons or Shortcuts

In Windows, setup automatically creates a Evolver command in the Programs menu of the Taskbar. However, if problems are encountered during Setup, or if you wish to do this manually another time, follow these directions:
1) Click the Start button, and then point to Settings.
2) Click Taskbar, and then click the Start Menu Programs tab.
3) Click Add, and then click Browse.
4) Locate the file EVOLVER.EXE and double click it.
5) Click Next, and then double-click the menu on which you want the
program to appear.
6) Type the name “Evolver”, and then click Finish.

Macro Security Warning Message on Startup

Microsoft Office provides several security settings (under Tools>Macro>Security) to keep unwanted or malicious macros from being run in Office applications. A warning message appears each time you attempt to load a file with macros, unless you use the lowest security setting. To keep this message from appearing every time you run a Palisade add-in, Palisade digitally signs their add-in files. Thus, once you have specified Palisade Corporation as a trusted source, you can open any Palisade add-in without warning messages. To do this:
Click Always trust macros from this source when a Security
Warning dialog (such as the one below) is displayed when starting Evolver.
Chapter 1: Introduction 9

Other Evolver Information

Additional information on Evolver can be found in the following sources:
Evolver Readme
Evolver Tutorial
This file contains a quick summary of Evolver, as well as any late­breaking news or information on the latest version of your software. View the Readme file by selecting the Windows Start Menu/ Programs/ Palisade DecisionTools/ Readmes and clicking on Evolver
5.0 – Readme. It is a good idea to read this file before using Evolver.
The Evolver on-line tutorial provides first-time users with a quick introduction of Evolver and genetic algorithms. The presentation takes only a few minutes to view. See the Learning Evolver section below for information on how to access the tutorial.

Learning Evolver

The quickest way to become familiar with Evolver is by using the on­line Evolver Tutorial, where experts guide you through sample models in movie format. This tutorial is a multi-media presentation on the main features of Evolver.
The tutorial can be run by selecting the Evolver Help menu Getting Started Tutorial command.
10 Installation Instructions

Chapter 2: Background

What Is Evolver?...............................................................................13
How does Evolver work?......................................................................14
Genetic Algorithms..................................................................14
What Is Optimization? ..........................................................................15
Why Build Excel Models?.....................................................................16
Why Use Evolver? ..................................................................................16
No More Guessing ...................................................................16
More Accurate, More Meaningful.........................................17
More Flexible.............................................................................17
More Powerful ..........................................................................17
Easier to Use ..............................................................................18
Cost Effective.............................................................................18
Chapter 2: Background 11
Chapter 2: Background 12

What Is Evolver?

The Evolver software package provides users with an easy way to find optimal solutions to virtually any type of problem. Simply put, Evolver finds the best inputs that produce a desired output. You can use Evolver to find the right mix, order, or grouping of variables that produces the highest profits, the lowest risk, or the most goods from the least amount of materials. Evolver is most often used as an add-in to the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program; users set up a model of their problem in Excel, then call up Evolver to solve it.
You must first model your problem in Excel, then describe it to the Evolver add-in.
Excel provides all of the formulas, functions, graphs, and macro capabilities that most users need to create realistic models of their problems. Evolver in your model and what you are looking for, and provides the engines that will find it. Together, they can find optimal solutions to virtually any problem that can be modeled.
Chapter 2: Background 13
provides the interface to describe the uncertainty

How does Evolver work?

Evolver uses a proprietary set of genetic algorithms to search for optimum solutions to a problem, along with probability distributions and simulation to handle the uncertainty present in your model.
Genetic Algorithms
Genetic algorithms are used in Evolver to find the best solution for your model. Genetic algorithms mimic Darwinian principles of natural selection by creating an environment where hundreds of possible solutions to a problem can compete with one another, and only the “fittest” survive. Just as in biological evolution, each solution can pass along its good “genes” through “offspring” solutions so that the entire population of solutions will continue to evolve better solutions.
As you may already realize, the terminology used when working with genetic algorithms is often similar to that of its inspiration. We talk about how “crossover” functions help focus the search for solutions, “mutation” rates help diversify the “gene pool”, and we evaluate the entire “population” of solutions or “organisms”. To learn more about how Evolver’s genetic algorithm works, see Chapter 7 - Genetic Algorithms.
14 What Is Evolver?

What Is Optimization?

Optimization is the process of trying to find the best solution to a problem that may have many possible solutions. Most problems involve many variables that interact based on given formulas and constraints. For example, a company may have three manufacturing plants, each manufacturing different quantities of different goods. Given the cost for each plant to produce each good, the costs for each plant to ship to each store, and the limitations of each plant, what is the optimal way to adequately meet the demand of local retail stores while minimizing the transportation costs? This is the sort of question that optimization tools are designed to answer.
Optimization often deals with searching for the
combination that yields the most from given resources.
In the example above, each proposed solution would consist of a complete list of what goods made by what manufacturing plant get shipped in what truck to what retail store. Other examples of optimization problems include finding out how to produce the highest profit, the lowest cost, the most lives saved, the least noise in a circuit, the shortest route between a set of cities, or the most effective mix of advertising media purchases. An important subset of optimization problems involves scheduling, where the goals may include maximizing efficiency during a work shift or minimizing schedule conflicts of groups meeting at different times. To learn more about optimization, see Chapter 6 - Optimization
Chapter 2: Background 15

Why Build Excel Models?

To increase the efficiency of any system, we must first understand how it behaves. This is why we construct a working model of the system. Models are necessary abstractions when studying complex systems, yet in order for the results to be applicable to the “real­world,” the model must not oversimplify the cause-and-effect relationships between variables. Better software and increasingly powerful computers allow economists to build more realistic models of the economy, scientists to improve predictions of chemical reactions, and business people to increase the sensitivity of their corporate models.
In the last few years computer hardware and software programs such as Microsoft Excel, have advanced so dramatically that virtually anyone with a personal computer can create realistic models of complex systems. Excel’s built-in functions, macro capabilities and clean, intuitive interface allow beginners to model and analyze sophisticated problems. To learn more about building a model, see Chapter 9 - Evolver Extras

Why Use Evolver?

Evolver’s unique technology allows anyone with a PC and Excel for Windows to enjoy the benefits of optimization. Before Evolver, those who wished to increase efficiency or search for optimum solutions had three choices: guess, use low-powered problem-solving software, or hire experts in the optimization consulting field to design and build customized software. Here are a few of the most important advantages to using Evolver:
No More Guessing
16 What Is Evolver?
When you are dealing with large numbers of interacting variables, and you are trying to find the best mix, the right order, the optimum grouping of those variables, you may be tempted to just take an “educated guess”. A surprising number of people assume that any kind of modeling and analysis beyond guessing will require complicated programming, or confusing statistical or mathematical algorithms. A good optimized solution might save millions of dollars, thousands of gallons of scarce fuel, months of wasted time, etc. Now that powerful desktop computers are increasingly affordable, and software like Excel and Evolver are readily available, there is little reason to guess at solutions, or waste valuable time trying out many scenarios by hand.
More Accurate, More Meaningful
More Flexible
Evolver allows you to use the entire range of Excel formulas and even macros to build more realistic models of any system. When you use Evolver, you do not have to “compromise” the accuracy of your model because the algorithm you are using can not handle real world complexities. Traditional “baby” solvers (statistical and linear programming tools) force the user to make assumptions about the way the variables in their problem interact, thereby forcing users to build over-simplified, unrealistic models of their problem. By the time the user has simplified a system enough that these solvers can be used, the resulting solution is often too abstract to be practical. Any problems involving large amounts of variables, non-linear functions, lookup tables, if-then statements, database queries, or stochastic (random) elements cannot be solved by these methods, no matter how simply you try to design your model.
There are many solving algorithms which do a good job at solving small, simple linear and non-linear types of problems, including hill­climbing, baby-solvers, and other mathematical methods. Even when offered as spreadsheet add-ins, these general-purpose optimization tools can only perform numerical optimization. For larger or more complex problems, you may be able to write specific, customized algorithms to get good results, but this may require a lot of research and development. Even then, the resulting program would require modification each time your model changed.
Not only can Evolver handle numerical problems, it is the only commercial program in the world that can solve most combinatorial problems. These are problems where the variables must be shuffled around (permuted) or combined with each other. For example, choosing the batting order for a baseball team is a combinatorial problem; it is a question of swapping players’ positions in the lineup. Complex scheduling problems are also combinatorial. The same Evolver can solve all these types of problems, and many more that nothing else can solve. Evolver’s unique genetic algorithm technology allows it to optimize virtually any type of model; any size and any complexity.
More Powerful
Evolver finds better solutions. Most software derives optimum solutions mathematically and systematically. Too often these methods are limited to taking an existing solution and searching for the closest answer that is better. This “local” solution may be far from the optimal solution. Evolver intelligently samples the entire realm of possibilities, resulting in a much better “global” solution.
Chapter 2: Background 17
Easier to Use
Cost Effective
In spite of its obvious power and flexibility advantages, Evolver remains easy to use because an understanding of the complex genetic algorithm techniques it uses is completely unnecessary. Evolver doesn’t care about the “nuts and bolts” of your problem; it just needs a spreadsheet model that can evaluate how good different scenarios are. Just select the spreadsheet cells that contain the variables and tell Evolver what you are looking for. Evolver intelligently hides the difficult technology, automating the “what-if” process of analyzing a problem.
Although there have been many commercial programs developed for mathematical programming and model-building, spreadsheets are by far the most popular, with literally millions being sold each month. With their intuitive row and column format, spreadsheets are easier to set up and maintain than other dedicated packages. They are also more compatible with other programs such as word processors and databases, and offer more built-in formulas, formatting options, graphing, and macro capabilities than any of the stand-alone packages. Because Evolver is an add-in to Microsoft Excel, users have access to the entire range of functions and development tools to easily build more realistic models of their system.
Many companies have hired trained consultants to provide customized optimization systems. Such systems will often perform quite well, but may require many months and a large investment to develop and implement. These systems are also difficult to learn, and therefore require costly training and constant maintenance. If your system must be altered, you may need to develop a whole new algorithm to find optimal solutions. For a considerably smaller investment, Evolver supplies the most powerful genetic algorithms available and allows for quick and accurate solutions to a wide variety of problems. Because it works in an intuitive and familiar environment, there is virtually no costly training and maintenance.
You may even wish to add Evolver’s optimization power to your own custom programs. In just a few days, you could use Visual Basic to develop your own scheduling, distribution, manufacturing or financial management system. See the Evolver Developer Kit for details on developing an Evolver-based application.
18 What Is Evolver?

Chapter 3: Evolver: Step-by-Step

The Evolver Tour ..............................................................................23
Starting Evolver......................................................................................23
The Evolver Toolbar.................................................................23
Opening an Example Model...................................................23
The Evolver Model Dialog ...................................................................24
Selecting the Target Cell.......................................................................25
Adding Adjustable Cell Ranges..........................................................25
Selecting a Solving Method....................................................27
Constraints ..............................................................................................28
Adding a Constraint.................................................................29
Simple Range of Values and Formula Constraints............29
Other Evolver Options ..........................................................................32
Stopping Conditions................................................................32
View Options ............................................................................34
Running the Optimization...................................................................35
The Evolver Watcher................................................................36
Stopping the Optimization.....................................................37
Summary Report.......................................................................38
Placing the Results in Your Model........................................39
Chapter 3: Evolver: Step-by-Step 19


In this chapter, we will take you through an entire Evolver optimization one step at a time. If you do not have Evolver installed on your hard drive, please refer to the installation section of Chapter 1: Introduction and install Evolver before you begin this tutorial.
We will start by opening a pre-made spreadsheet model, and then we will define the problem to Evolver using probability distributions and the Evolver dialogs. Finally we will oversee Evolver’s progress as it is searching for solutions, and explore some of the many options in the Evolver Watcher. For additional information about any specific topic, see the index at the back of this manual, or refer to Chapter 5: Evolver Reference.
NOTE: The screens shown below are from Excel 2007. If you are using
other versions of Excel, your windows may appear slightly different from the pictures.
The problem-solving process begins with a model that accurately represents your problem. Your model must be able to evaluate a given set of input values (adjustable cells) and produce a numerical rating of how well those inputs solve the problem (the evaluation or “fitness” function). As Evolver searches for solutions, this fitness function provides feedback, telling Evolver how good or bad each guess is, thereby allowing Evolver to breed increasingly better guesses. When you create a model of your problem you must pay close attention to the fitness function, because Evolver will be doing everything it can to maximize (or minimize) this cell.
Chapter 3: Evolver: Step-by-Step 21
22 Introduction

The Evolver Tour

Starting Evolver

To start Evolver, either: 1) click the Evolver icon in your Windows desktop, or 2) select Palisade DecisionTools then Evolver 5.0 in the Windows Start menu Programs entries. Each of these methods starts both Microsoft Excel and Evolver.
The Evolver Toolbar
Opening an Example Model
When Evolver is loaded, a new Evolver ribbon or toolbar is visible in Excel. This toolbar contains buttons which can be used to specify Evolver settings and start, pause, and stop optimizations.
To review the features of Evolver, you'll examine an example model that was installed when you installed Evolver. To do this:
1) Open the Bakery–TutorialWalkthrough.XLS worksheet using
the Help menu Example Spreadsheets command.
Chapter 3: Evolver: Step-by-Step 23
This example sheet contains a simple profit maximization problem for a bakery business. Your bakery produces 6 bread products. You are the bakery manager and track revenues, costs, and profits from production. You are to determine the number of cases for each type of bread that maximizes total profit while satisfying production limit guidelines. The guidelines you face include 1) meeting the production
quota for low calorie bread, 2) maintaining an acceptable ratio of high fiber to low calorie, 3) maintaining an acceptable ratio of 5 grain to low calorie, and 4) keeping production time within limits for person hours used.

The Evolver Model Dialog

To set the Evolver options for this worksheet:
1) Click the Evolver Model icon on the Evolver toolbar (the one on
the far left).
This displays the following Evolver Model dialog box:
The Evolver Model Dialog is designed so users can describe their problem in a simple, straightforward way. In our tutorial example, we are trying to find the number of cases to produce for the different bread products in order to maximize overall total profit.
24 The Evolver Tour
+ 185 hidden pages