This docu ment cont ai ns ste p- by -st ep di sass embly ins truct i ons for the EasyNote T5 chas si s. The i nst ructions are
illustr at ed w here necessary wi t h images of the part that is bei ng removed or disasse mble d. Further more, the screw s
that are r emoved are s hown nex t to the i mage of the parts t hemselv es.
Packar d Bell r eserves the ri ght to make cha ng es t o the Easy N ote T5 chassi s without noti ce.
Technician Notes
Only tech ni cians authorized by NEC Computers I nt ern a ti onal B.V. shoul d att empt t o repair this equip ment. Al l
troubleshooting and repai r proc ed ures are det ailed to allow on ly sub as sembly/module leve l rep air. Becaus e of t he
complex ity of the i ndi vidual boards an d s ubasse mblies, no one sh ou ld attempt to ma ke repairs at t he c omponent
level or to ma k e modificati ons to any pri nt ed wiring board. Impro per re pairs can cre at e a saf et y hazar d. Any
indicat i on of co mpone nt rep la ce me nt or print e d wiring board modificat i ons may v oid any warranty or exchange
Disassembly Instructions
When disas s e mbli n g the system uni t, follow these g en er a l rules :
nDo not disassemble the system int o parts t hat are smaller than those specified in the instructi ons.
nLabel all re moved conn e cto rs. Note wh er e t he c onn ector goes a n d i n what position it was installed.
nTurn off the pow er an d di scon nect all p ow er an d all o pti ons.
Reassembly Instr uctions
Reasse mbly i s the reverse of the di sass e mbly pr o cess. Use car e to ensu re t hat all cab les an d screws are ret ur ned
to their pro per positions. Check that no to ols or any loose parts hav e been left i nside th e ch assis. Chec k that
everyt hi ng i s proper ly ins tall e d and ti ght en e d.
Required Tools
All disass e mbly pro ce d ur es can be perf ormed using the f ollow ing tools:
nPH 0x60 Philips screwdriver
nPH 0x40 Philips screwdriver
n4.0 x 60 Fl at screwdriver
n2.0 x 30 Fl at screwdriver
nSW5,0 Spacer screwdriver
nSmall tweezers
Packard Bell EasyNote T5 Disassembly Manual
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Hazardous Vo ltage
There i s hazardous volt age pr es e nt inside the computer
when it is connected to an AC supply, even when the
computer’s power switch is off. Ex posur e to haz ar do us
voltage c ould cause p ersonal injury. To av oid risk of injury,
contact an Authori z ed Service Provi der f or pr oper
(un)ins t allation of optional hardware devices.
Avoid Electrostatic Discharge
Electro st at i c electricity can easi ly damage ci r cui t cards a nd
integr ate d cir cui ts (I Cs). To reduc e ris k of dama ge, stor e
them in prot ective pa ckaging whenever they are not
installed in your system.
Add-i n cards can be ex t re mely sensitive to ES D and always
requi re c ar ef ul ha ndling. Af t er r emoving the card fr om the
computer, plac e the card flat on a gro und ed, st at i c-fre e
surface, co mpo ne nt-side up. Use a con du ctiv e foa m pad if
availab le, but not t he card w ra pper. Do not slide the card
over any surfac e.
Ensure that the computer is disconnected from
its power source and from all
telecommu nications links, net w orks, or mod em
lines whenever the chass i s cover is removed.
Do not operate th e co mput er wi t h the cover
Assure z-v ous que l e système est dé br anché de
son ali me nt ation ainsi que de tout es les
liais ons de té lécommuni cation, des rése aux, et
des lignes de modem avant d’enlever le cap ot .
Ne pas utiliser le système qua n d le capot est
Das System darf weder an eine Stromquelle
angeschlossen sei n noch eine Verbindu ng mit
einer Tele k ommu nikati ons ei nrichtung, ei nem
Netzwer k oder einer Mo de m-L ei t ung habe n,
wenn di e Geh äuseabde ckung entf ernt w ird.
Nehmen Si e das Syst em ni cht ohne di e
Abdeckung in Betrieb.
Before yo u install or remove me mory modules, vi de o
memory, disk drives, circuit cards or other devices, protect
them from static electricity. To do so, make sure your
computer’s power sw itch is OFF. Then, un plug the
computer’s AC pow er cord. Befor e pi c ki ng up the device you
(un)ins tall, you should w e ar a n ant i - static wris t wrap
(avai lable at ele ctr onic supply st ores). Be sure t o co nn ect
the wri st w rap to an u np ainted meta l portion of the co mputer
chassis . As an alter native, y ou can di ssipate electr ost atic
build-up by touchi ng an u np ainted meta l portion of t he
computer chas si s wit h one hand. The n touch th e dev i ce y ou
are (un)i ns t alling with the other ha n d, and mai nt ain
continuous cont act wit h it until it is (un)installed in the
comput er.
Power Supply Unit
Under no ci rcumstan ces sh ou ld y ou at tempt to disassemble
the power supply. The power supply cont ains no userservi ceable part s. I nsi de t he power s up ply are h az ar dous
voltages that can cause s erious personal injury . Alw ays
return a d efective power su pp ly t o your de a ler.
Asegúr es e de q ue c ada vez que s e quite la
cubierta del chasis, el si stema hay a s ido
desconectado de la red de alimentación y de
todos lo enlaces de telecomunicaci ones, de re d
y de líneas de módem. No ponga en
funciona mie nt o el si stema mientr as la cubi erta
esté quitad a.
Zorg er voor dat a lle v erbindingen v an en naar
de computer (st r oom, modem netwerk, etc )
verbroken word en voordat de behui zi ng
geopend wordt. Zet de computer nooit aan als
de behuizi ng ge ope nd i s.
Prima di r imu ove re il coperchio del tel aio,
assicurarsi che il sistema sia scollegato
dall’alimentazi one, da tutti i collegame nti di
comuni ca zione, reti o linee di mode m. N on
avviare i l si stema senza aver prima messo a
posto il coperchio
Packard Bell EasyNote T5 Disassembly Manual
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Removing the Battery
Perfor m t he f ollowing st eps t o r emov e the battery:
1. Make sure to power off the EasyNote T5 first.
2. Turn the unit upside down.
3. Unlock the battery and slide it out of its place as the arrow shows in Fig. 1
Fig. 1 Removing the b attery
Removing the Har d Disk Drive
To remove t he hard di s k dri ve, fir st re move th e battery (see Removing the Batt ery
the foll owing steps:
1. Remove the screws as shown in Fig. 2
Fig. 2 Removing the Hard disk drive cover
), then perform
M2.5x11 Black
2. Lift up the hard disk drive and disconnect it as shown in Fig. 3
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Fig. 3 Disconnecti n g the har d dis k dri ve
3. Unscrew the four screws on both sides of the hard disk drive as shown in Fig. 4
Fig. 4 Unscrewi n g the har d dis k dr i ve br a ck et screws
Removing the MDC Modem Module
To remove t he M D Cmod e m mo d ule, fi r st re move the hard dis k driv e ( se e Removing the Hard
Disk Drive), then perform the following steps:
1. Remove the screw shown in F ig. 5
M3x4 Black
Fig. 5 Removing the scr ew s on t h e MCD m odem
2. Careful ly lift up MDC m odem module.
3. Disconnect the cable attached to the MDC m odem and put the modem aside.
Packard Bell EasyNote T5 Disassembly Manual
M2.5x3.5 Sliver
Page 6
Removing the Keyboard Cover
To remov e t he Keybo ard Cover , first re move t he battery (see Removing the Bat t ery), then
perform t he following s t e ps:
1. Remove the screw as shown in Fig. 6
Fig. 6 Rem oving Keyboar d C ov er screws
M2x15 Black
2. Remove the Ke yboard Cover as shown in Fig. 7
Fig. 7 Removing the K eyboard Cover
Removing the Keyboard
To remov e t he Keyboard mo dule, first remove the keyboar d c ov er (see Removing keybo ard
cover), the n perf or m the fo llowing steps:
Packard Bell EasyNote T5 Disassembly Manual
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1. Remove the screws as shown in Fig. 8
Fig. 8 Removing the screws hol ding the keyboar d
Not e: The scre w “A” locate d on the hard disk slot cov e r hol ds the hard di s k dri ve and the keyboard.
2. Carefully lift up the keyboard.
3. Release the keyboard F PC cable as shown in Fig. 9 and put the keyboard a side
M2.5x11 Black
Fig. 9 Removing the keyboard FPC cable
Removing the Optical drive & Heat plate
To remove the optical dri ve & heat plat e, fi r st re move th e keyb o ar d cover (se e Removing the
keyboard cover), re move the keyboard (seeRemovi ng the keyboard) t hen perfor m t he f ollowing
1. Remove the screw as shown in Fig. 10
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