Supersedes Instruction & Parts List TS-TALON-8/25/2011
WARNING: Spray materials may be harmful if inhaled or allowed
Siphon Feed - Internal Mix Double Action Airbrush
Prime Charact eristics of the Paasche ® TS TALON Ai rbrush include the ability to spray fluid s requ iring siphon feed doing
fine detail and shading work. The Doub le Acti on, Int ernal mix feat ure per mits flexibi lity in reg ulation of col or and air
without work st oppag e.
TS Specifications:
• Dual Action
• Head Size .66mm
• Hair Line to 1-1/2 Inches
• Crown Cap
• New Style Trigger and Piston
PTFE Packings.
to come into contact with the skin or eyes. Consult the product
label and Material Safety Data Sheet supplied for the spray
material. Follow all safety precautions. CAUTION: Well Ventilated
Area Required to remove fumes, dust or overspray. Secure airhose
to Airbrush with V-62 Wrench for safety and to prevent air leaks.
M a x i m u m A i r P r e s s u r e 7 5 P . S . I .
Options for Talon:
.38mm head (TT-2 tip, TN-2 Needle and TA-2 Aircap) - Great for spraying Metallics, Pearlescent and Thicker Paints
.66mm Fan Aircap (TAF-3 Aircap, TN-3 Needle and TT-3 tip) Will give a 2-1/2 to 3 inch flat pattern for covering larger areas
Working Pressures:
• Operating pressures 15-55 PSI; Maximum pressure 85 PSI. Fan aircap needs 20 PSI or more.
• 20-30 PSI is best for detail spraying w/ properly thinned paint
• Use the higher pressures for thicker material where fine detail is not critical or thin the paint to allow lower pressures.
Equipment Set-up:
The Airbrush is held in the same manner as a pen, with the index finger comfortably over the finger button.
1. Attach air hose to air supply and to airbrush. If using a regulator set pressure between 15 -55 PSI.
Airbrush Operation:
1. Press down on Finger Button to release air and pull back on button to control quantity of color.
2. To spray a fine line without heavy ends, start moving the airbrush without release of color. Then start the color at the beginning of line
and stop the color at the end, but continue the motion of the airbrush after the color has stopped.
3. Practice this movement until you can spray a fine line or a broad pattern without heavy build up at the beginning or end of your strokes.
4. Speed of movement controls density of color and fading effects at beginning and end of strokes.
5. For detail, hold the airbrush very close to the surface push down for air and pull back very slowly on the Finger Button to release a
small amount of paint.
6. For background work and broad effects, hold the airbrush away from the work surface and pull back on Finger Button to release
required amount of color.
7. For Stippling remove the aircap, push down on the trigger and pump the trigger forward and back. Adjust the air pressure between 15
and 50 PSI for desired stipple effect.
8. For more instruction see the “22 Airbrush Lessons for Beginners” booklet enclosed with your airbrush.
Paasche Airbrush Company
4311 North Normandy Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634-1395
Phone: 773-867-9191 • Fax: 773-867-9198
Printed in the U.S.A.
Paasche® TS Siphon Feed, Double Action Airbrush Page 2
1. XI-41
1b. TAL-23
1c. TAF-3
2. TA-2, TA-3
3. TT-2, TT-3
4. MIL-12
5. TS-30
6. TAL-8
7. TAL-37
8. TAL-18
9. MIL-11
10. TAL-17
Needle Protection Cap
Crown Cap (Optional)
Fan Aircap for .66mm Head(uses TT-3 & TN-3)(Optional
Aircap (.38mm, .66mm)
Tip (.38mm, .66mm)
“O” Ring
Shell Assembly
Packing Assembly PTFE
Rocker Assembly
Needle Spring
Spring Housing
11. TAL-19
12. TS-33
13. TAL-14
14. TAL-32
15. TAL-26
16. TAL-22
17. TN-2, TN-3
18. TAL-28
19. TAL-35
Needle Lock Nut
Valve Casing
Air Valve Assembly
“O” Ring
“O” Ring
Needle (.38mm, .66mm)
Allen Wrench