SA Airbrush
for Hobbies & Crafts
Single Action / Internal Mix
Supercedes Instruction & Parts List SA-10/30/2008
WARNING: Spray materials may be harmful if inhaled or
allowed to come into contact with the skin or eyes. Consult
the product label and Material Safety Data Sheet supplied
for the spray material. Follow all safety precautions.
CAUTION: Well Vent ilated A rea Required to remove
fumes, dust o r overs pray. Secu re airh ose to Air brush
with V-62 Wrench fo r safety and to pre vent air leaks.
M a x i m u m A i r P r e s s u r e 7 5 P . S . I .
The SA Airbrush is simple in design and operation. Ideal for
Hobbyists and Crafters that are just learning to use an Airbrush.
Adjustments in the flow of color are made by turning the Needle
Chuck (#12) in to decrease, or out for increased flow. To spray,
press the Finger Button (#8).
To disassemble, loosen the Needle Locknut (#13) by holding the
Needle Chuck (#12) firmly so it will not turn. Unscrew the Needle
Chuck from the Red Handle (#11) and remove the Handle. Now
carefully remove the Needle (#6) and then the Finger Button
Assembly. Note: The angled hole in the Finger Button Stem (#9)
as you remove it because it must be replaced with the angle of
the hole in line with the Needle (#6). The Aircap (#3), Aircap Body
(#4) and Tip (#5) may now be removed. Reassembly should
always be done with care, especially when reinserting the
Needle. Reverse the procedure used for disassembly. After the
Needle has been gently pushed forward into the tip, assemble the
Needle Chuck (#12) and screw it in firmly. Hold the Needle Chuck
while screwing the Needle Locknut (#13) down to lock the needle.
Caution should always be used when reinserting the Needle - too
much pressure can damage the tip.
1. If PTFE Packing-#14 becomes worn or loose it must be
tightened or replaced.
2. You will need a small screwdriver to remove or tighten the
Packing Nut.
3. When replacing your PTFE Packing press Packing onto the
Packing Nut-#14. Use a small screwdriver to tighten packing
nut into shell until it is tight then back out one-half turn, may
4. Now insert needle - you should feel a slight resistance. If too
loose or too tight adjust the Packing Nut with screwdriver until
you feel some slight resistance.
5. Now completely re-assemble guts of Airbrush.
No. Part No. Description
1. VL-189 Head Protecting Cap
3. VLA-1, 3 or 5 Aircap (Select Size)
4. VLB Aircap Body
5. VLT-1, 3 or 5 Tip (Select Size)
6. SAN-1, 3 or 5 Needle-Extra Length
7. SA-206 Finger Button Assembly
8. VL-135A Finger Button
9. SA-207 Finger Button Stem
10. SA-210 Shell Assembly
VL-20 Valve Casing (Included)
Paasche Airbrush Company
4311 North Normandy Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634-1395
Phone: 773-867-9191 • Fax: 773-867-9198
Website: paascheairbrush.com
E-Mail: info@paascheairbrush.com
No. Part No. Description
11. SA-208 Handle
12. SA-211 Needle Chuck
13. SA-212 Needle Locknut
14. MU-612 PTFE Packing & Packing Nut (sold
as set)
16. VL-176 Air Valve Assembly
17. VL-20 Valve Casing
18. A-52 Valve Washer (Pack of 6)
19. H-21A Valve Plunger
20. A-22 Valve Spring
21. A-23A Air Valve Nut
Printed in the U.S.A.