UTS, UPS-1 and A-US
Manual and Automatic Stripers
Supersedes Instructions & Parts List UTS-UPS-5/29/09
WARNING: Striping materials may be harmful if inhaled or
allowed to come into contact with the skin or eyes. Consult
the product label and Material Safety Data Sheet supplied
for the spray material. Follow all safety precautions.
CA UTION : Well Ve ntila ted Are a Re quire d to r emove
fu mes, dust or ove rsp ra y. S ecure air hose an d fl uid
ho se wr ench tight for safet y and to p reven t lea ks.
M a x i m u m A i r P r e s s u r e 1 0 0 P . S . I .
M a x i m u m F l u i d P r e s s u r e 4 5 P . S . I .
1. Paasche Universal Stripers can be used with or without
adjustable swivel guide assembly.
2. The flow of fluid is controlled by UH-307 Stroke Adjusting
Screw (Item 15) for UTS Thumb-Action Striper. U-2061
Stroke Control Screw (Item 19) for UPS-1 Pistol Grip Striper.
U-3178 Fluid Adjusting Knob (Item 26) for A-US Auto matic
Striper; which regulates the stroke of the fluid needle.
3. A light pressure with finger or thumb lever (UTS- and
UPS-1) provides flow of material.
4. A Gravity Cup is normally used when material is of such
consistency that it will flow readily.
a. Raised or embossed effect may also be obtained by
using a pressure plunger cup or pressure feed
material tank with hose.
b. When using a pressure feed tank unit, a small supply of
compressed air is required to feed the fluid to the striping nib.
5. Standard flow nibs fit various widths and shapes of
a. Multiple striping nibs are made to order.
b. These nibs are made from Oil Hardening Drill Rod
and Flame hardened for durability.
c. A sample of article to be decorated or striped should
be sent to factory for determining suitable type nib
when special nibs are required.
1. Any liquid colors or fluid of proper consistency may be used.
2. Special striping lacquer or colors are manufactured and
will give better results.
a. Use as directed by Manufacturer.
b. IMPORTANT: all fluids should be mixed to free flowing
consistency according to your requirements.
3. When using a Manual Striper with a Gravity Feed Cup the
color should flow from Tip of Nib at a rate of approximately
one drop per second, at proper fluid consistency.
a. If consistency of fluid is too heavy it will cause flow of
material to be retarded or skip.
b. If consistency of fluid is too thin, it will blur or run.
c. To adjust the flow of fluid, suitable for work to be
done, turn:
• UH-307 Stroke Adjusting Screw (Item 15) for the
UTS Thumb-Action Striper.
• U-2061 Stroke Control Screw (Item 19) for the UPS1 Pistol Grip Striper.
• U-3178 Fluid Adjusting Knob (Item 26) for the A-US
Automatic Striper.
d. Practice on a smooth board or flat metal surface.
e. Striper should be in motion before trigger is
f. Then proceed to stripe at even speed.
g. After a little practice you will be able to stripe uniformly
at any speed over smooth or rough surfaces.
4. For obtaining a raised or embossed effect, for filling in
grooves or doing overhead work, heavy fluid materials
are used with a pressure plunger cup or pressure fluid
tank to feed the fluid color.
a. Pressure should be regulated to give the desired flow of
material at the tip. (Maximum Fluid Pressure 45 P.S.I.)
b. This flow will vary in accordance with the consistency
of the fluid and the effect desired.
1. Place the color nib in solvent cup between operating
periods to prevent color from drying.
2. Before use, wipe nib with cloth to remove solvent
accumulation and help color to start flowing.
3. Clean cup thoroughly and wash out nib and fluid body in
solvent before putting away.
4. Keep vent hole in top of color cup open.
Paasche precision made Units and Striping guns are
designed and manufactured for quality striping and the
highest production at lowest cost.
Special striping requirements mean special equipment.
Paasche designs special Semi-Automatic and Automatic
Strip ing Units. These Units are convertible in design and
application of limitless materials, for use with lacquers or
any color fluid mixed to a free flowing consistency. Available
with Nibs that control lines from fine to wide, at any desired
speed, depending on size used. These Units can be used
for striping, decorating, edging or coloring flat, concave or
convex surfaces and routings. They are excellent for
applying liquid latex, paste, glue or similar materials.
For more information regarding Paasche Striping guns,
Semi-Automatic or Automatic Units contact the Paasche
Sales Department located at the Main Office.
Paasche Airbrush Company
4311 North Normandy Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634-1395
Phone: 773-867-9191 • Fax: 773-867-9198
Website: paascheairbrush.com
E-Mail: info@paascheairbrush.com
Printed in the U.S.A.
Page 2 Paasche UTS, UPS-1 and A-US Manual and Automatic Stripers
No. Part No. Description
1. SNR- Round Nib (Select Size)+
2. U-373 Locknut (Nibs up to 5/16")
3. U-508 Locknut (Nibs 3/8" & Larger)
4. US-7B Fluid body
5. BUT-2-1/2 Needle
6. U-28-12 Packing Washers †(3)
7. U-25 Packing Nut
8. U-33 Spring
Part No. Description
9. U-514A Shell Assembly
10. U-2153 Retaining Ring
11. U-58 Nut
12. U-755 Link Sleeve
13. U-265A Shell
14. RD-27 Spring
15. UH-307 Stroke Adjusting Screw
16. UH-193 Trigger and Link Assembly
17. U-40 Trigger Screw
No. Part No. Description
1. SNR- Round Nib (Select Size)+
2. U-373 Locknut (Nibs up to 5/16")
3. U-508 Locknut (Nibs 3/8" & Larger)
4. US-7B Fluid body
5. U-2-3/8 Needle
6. U-28-12 Packing Washers †(3)
7. U-25 Packing Nut
8. U-33 Spring
9. UPS Shell And Handle Assembly
10. U-2153 Retaining Ring
11. U-58 Nut
12. U-755 Link Sleeve
13. U-2154A Shell Assembly
14. U-40 Trigger Screw
16 . U-1322A Link Assembly
17. U-35 Trigger Link Screw
18. U-1671 Trigger
19. U-3635 Piston
26. U-1890 Plastic Handle
27. U-899 Handle Tube Assembly
UPS Shell And Handle - CONTINUED
No. Part No. Description
20. U-3631 Plunger
21. U-2750 Packing Gland
22. AE-43 “O” Ring
23. U-2069B Rear Cap
24. 200-17 Fluid Knob
25. U-1702 Valve Spring
Fluid Control Assembly
† Packing Washers are sold by the dozen (12) only.
+ See page 4 for Nib styles and sizes.