The OX16C950 is a single-channel ultra-high performance
UART offering data rates up to 15Mbps and 128-deep
transmitter and receiver FIFOs. Deep FIFOs reduce CPU
overhead and allow utilisation of higher data rates.
It is software compatible with the widely used industrystandard 16C550 type devices and compatibles, as well as
other OX16C95x family devices. It is pin-compatible with
the TL16C550, ST16C650 devices.
In addition to increased performance and FIFO size, the
OX16C950 also provides enhanced features including
improved flow control. Automated software flow control
using Xon/Xoff and automated hardware flow control using
CTS#/RTS# and DSR#/DTR# prevent FIFO over-run. Flow
control and interrupt thresholds are fully programmable and
readable, enabling programmers to fine-tune the
performance of their system. FIFO levels are readable to
facilitate fast driver applications.
The addition of software reset enables recovery from
unforeseen error condition allowing drivers to restart
gracefully. The OX16C950 supports 9-bit data frames
used in multi-drop industrial protocols. It also offers multiple
external clock options for isochronous applications, e.g.
The OX16C950 is ideally suited to PC applications, such
as high-speed COM port add-in cards which enable PC
users to take advantage of the maximum performance of
analogue modems or ISDN terminal adapters. It is also
suitable for any equipment requiring high speed
RS232/RS422/RS485 interfaces. Fabricated in 0.6μm
process, OX16C950 also has a low operating current and
sleep mode for battery powered applications.
REV B ENHANCEMENTS................................................................................................................................................................ 1
4.1 FURTHER PIN INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................................12
9 LINE CONTROL & STATUS....................................................................................................................................................22
9.1 FALSE START BIT DETECTION...............................................................................................................................................22
9.2 LINE CONTROL REGISTER ‘LCR’...........................................................................................................................................22
9.3 LINE STATUS REGISTER ‘LSR’..............................................................................................................................................23
11.1 MODEM CONTROL REGISTER ‘MCR’..................................................................................................................................... 26
11.2 MODEM STATUS REGISTER ‘MSR’........................................................................................................................................ 27
12 OTHER STANDARD REGISTERS ..........................................................................................................................................28
13.1 ENHANCED FEATURES REGISTER ‘EFR’................................................................................................................................29
13.2 SPECIAL CHARACTER DETECTION.........................................................................................................................................30
13.3 AUTOMATIC IN-BAND FLOW CONTROL ................................................................................................................................... 30
14.1 GENERAL OPERATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
14.3 TIMES CLOCK REGISTER ‘TCR’.............................................................................................................................................32
15 ADDITIONAL FEATURES .......................................................................................................................................................35
15.1 ADDITIONAL STATUS REGISTER ‘ASR’................................................................................................................................... 35
15.6 FLOW CONTROL LEVELS ‘FCL&FCH’..................................................................................................................................37
15.14 PORT INDEX REGISTER ‘PIX’............................................................................................................................................40
17 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS.................................................................................................................................. 41
18 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS.................................................................................................................................. 43
Sep 2005 30/8/2005 Revision for additional green order code for both TQFP & PLCC packages
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OX16C950 rev B
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Feature OX16C950 16C450 16C550 16C650 16C750
External 1x baud rate clock Yes No No No No
Max baud rate in normal mode 15 Mbps 115 kbps 115 kbps 1.5 Mbps 1 Mbps
Max baud rate in 1x clock mode 60 Mbps n/a n/a n/a n/a
FIFO depth 128 1 16 32 64
Sleep mode Yes No No Yes Yes
Auto Xon/Xoff flow Yes No No Yes No
Auto CTS#/RTS# flow Yes No No Yes Yes
Auto DSR#/DTR# flow Yes No No No No
No. of Rx interrupt thresholds 127 1 4 4 4
No. of Tx interrupt thresholds 128 1 1 4 1
No. of flow control thresholds 128 n/a n/a 4 n/a
Transmitter empty interrupt Yes No No No No
Readable status of flow control Yes n/a No No No
Readable FIFO levels Yes n/a No No No
Clock prescaler options 248 n/a n/a 2 n/a
Rx/Tx disable Yes No No No No
Software reset Yes No No No No
Device ID Yes No No No No
9-bit data frames Yes No No No No
RS485 buffer enable Yes No No No No
Infra-red (IrDA) Yes No No Yes No
OX16C950 rev B
Table 1 OX16C950 performance compared with 16C450, 16C550, 16C650 and 16C750 devices
Improvements of the OX16C950 over previous generations of PC UART:
Deeper FIFOs:
OX16C950 offers 128-byte deep FIFOs for the transmitter
and receiver.
Higher data rates:
Transmission and reception baud rates up to 15Mbps. A
flexible clock prescaler offers division ratios of 1 to 31 7/8
in steps of 1/8 using a divide-by-“M N/8” circuitry. The
flexible prescaler allows users to select from a wide variety
of input clock frequencies as well as access to higher baud
rates whilst maintaining compatibility with existing software
drivers (see section 14.2).
External clock options:
The receiver can accept an external 1x clock on the DSR#
input. The transmitter can accept a 1x clock on the RI#
input and/or assert its own (Nx) clock on the DTR# output.
In 1x mode, asynchronous data may be transmitted and
received at speeds up to 60Mbps (see section 14.6).
Automatic flow control:
The UART automatically handles either or both in-band
(software) flow control (transmitting and receiving Xon/Xoff
characters) and out-of-band (hardware) flow control using
the RTS#/CTS# or DSR#/DTR# modem control lines.
Special character detection:
The receiver can be programmed to generate an interrupt
upon reception of a particular character value.
The device can be placed in ‘sleep mode’ to conserve
Readable FIFO levels:
Driver efficiency can be improved by using readable FIFO
Selectable trigger levels:
The receiver FIFO threshold can be arbitrarily
programmed. The transmitter FIFO threshold and
thresholds for automatic flow control can be programmed
to operate at a variety of trigger levels.
Additional control:
The transmitter and receiver can be independently
DS-0031 Sep 05 External—Free Release Page 6
OX16C950 rev B
Additional status:
Software drivers are able to read the status of in-band and
out-of-band automatic flow control, and distinguish
between Xoff and special character received interrupts.
Software reset:
The software driver may reset the device to recover from
unforeseen or unusual error conditions.
Transmitter empty interrupt:
The transmitter can generate an interrupt when the FIFO
and shift register are both empty.
RS485 buffer enable:
The DTR# pin may be re-assigned as a buffer-enable
signal for RS485 line driver in half-duplex mode (see
ACR[4:3] in section 15.3).
Device ID:
Four bytes of device ID are available to identify the
OX16C950 device to software drivers.
Infra-red ‘IrDA’ interface:
The UART contains an IrDA compliant modulator and
9-bit data framing:
The OX16C950 may be configured to use in 9-bit character
framing for multi-drop protocols where a tag ID (9
differentiates address and data characters.
18 14 I XTLI Crystal oscillator input or external clock pin.
Maximum frequency 60 MHz @ 5V, 50 MHz @ 3.3V
19 15 O XTLO Crystal oscillator output. Not used when an alternative TTL level clock is
applied to XTLI and can be left unconnected.
23 21 IU CLKSEL The state of this pin on power up configures the internal clock prescaler. This
pin has an internal pull-up. When CLKSEL pin is high the pre-scalar is
bypassed. Connect this pin to GND to enable the internal clock prescaler
(see section 14.2). The complement of this pin is loaded in MCR[7] after a
hardware reset.
This pin can also be used as an alternative external clock pin under software
control (replacing XTLI and thus reducing noise/power due to XTLO) for
embedded applications
Processor Interface
39 35 I RESET Active-high hardware reset. Hardware reset is described in section 7.1. This
pin must be tied inactive when not in use.
14, 15 9,
16 11 I CS2# Active-low chip select.
29 -31 26 – 28 I A[2:0] Address lines to select channel registers.
28 24 I ADS# Active-low address strobe. When ADS# signal is low, the address (A[2:0])
9 - 2 4 – 2,
47 – 43
26 22 O DDIS Drive Disable. This pin goes active (high) when CPU is not reading from
I CS0,CS1 Active-high chip select. All chip select pins must be active for the device to
be selected.
and chip select signal (CS0, CS1, CS2#) drive the internal logic, otherwise
they are latched at the level they were when low-to-high transition of ADS#
signal occurred. This pin is used when address and chip selects are not
stable during read or write cycles. If this functionality is not required, this pin
can be permanently tied to GND.
I/O DB[7:0] Eight-bit 3-state data bus.
OX16C950. This signal can be used to disable an external transceiver.
Active-low write strobe. When IOW# is used to write the chip, IOW should be
tied low (inactive).
Active-high write strobe. When IOW is used to write the chip, IOW# should be
tied high (inactive).
Active-low read strobe. When IOR# is used to read from the chip, IOR should
be tied low (inactive).
Active-high read strobe. When IOR is used to read from the chip, IOR#
should be tied high (inactive).
DS-0031 Sep 05 External—Free Release Page 9
OX16C950 rev B
PLCC TQFP Dir1 Name Description
Serial port pins
13 8 O
Transmitter serial data output.
This pin is re-defined to IrDA output when IrDA mode is enabled, i.e. MCR[6]
set in Enhanced mode.
36 32 O RTS# Active-low Request-To-Send output. Whenever the automated RTS# flow
control is enabled, the RTS# pin is de-asserted and re-asserted if the receiver
FIFO reaches or falls below a pair of programmed flow control thresholds,
respectively. This pin’s state is controlled by bit 1 of the MCR. RTS may also
be used as a general-purpose output.
Active-low modem Data-Terminal-Ready output. Whenever the automated
DTR# flow control is enabled, the DTR# pin is asserted and de-asserted if the
receiver FIFO reaches or falls below a pair of programmed flow control
thresholds, respectively. The state is set by bit 0 of the MCR. DTR may also
be used as a general purpose output.
In RS485 half-duplex mode, the DTR# pin may be programmed to reflect the
state of the transmitter empty bit (or it’s inverse) to automatically control the
direction of the RS485 transceiver buffer (see ACR[4:3]).
Transmitter 1x (or baud rate generator output) clock. For isochronous
applications, the 1x (or Nx) transmitter clock may be asserted on the DTR#
pin (see CKS[5:4]).
Receiver serial data input.
This pin is re-defined to IrDA input when IrDA mode is enabled, i.e. MCR[6]
37 33 O
11 7 I
set in Enhanced mode.
40 38 I CTS# Active-low Clear-To-Send input. Whenever the automated CTS# flow control
is enabled and the CTS# pin is de-asserted, the transmitter will complete the
current character and enter the idle mode until the CTS# pin is re-asserted.
However, flow control characters are transmitted regardless of the state of the
CTS# pin. The state of this pin is reflected in bit 4 of the MSR. It can also be
used as a general-purpose input.
41 39 I
Active-low modem Data-Set-Ready input. Whenever the automated DSR#
flow control is enabled and the DSR# pin is de-asserted, the transmitter will
complete the current character and enter the idle mode until the DSR# pin is
re-asserted. However, flow control characters are transmitted regardless of
the state of the DSR# pin. The state of this pin is reflected in bit 5 of the
MSR. It can also be used as a genera- purpose input.
External receiver clock for isochronous applications. The Rx_Clk_In is
selected when CKS[1:0] = ‘01’.
42 40 I DCD# Active-low modem Data-Carrier-Detect input. The state of this pin is reflected
in bit 7 of the MSR. It can also be used as a general-purpose input
43 41 I
Active-low modem Ring-Indicator input. The state of this pin is reflected in bit
6 of the MSR. It can also be used as a general-purpose input. RI can be
configured as tx and rx for a 1x clock in isochronous operation.
External transmitter clock. This clock can be used by the transmitter (and by
the receiver indirectly) when CKS[6]=’1’.
17 12 O BDOUT# Baud out. BDOUT# is a Nx (usually 16x, see TCR) clock signal for the
transmitter. It is the output of the baud generator module. The receiver can
use this clock by connecting BDOUT# to the RCLK pin or setting CKS[1:0] to
’10’ where BDOUT# will be connected to RCLK internally. In this case setting
CKS[2] to ‘1’ will disable the BDOUT# pin to conserve power.
10 5 I RCLK Receiver clock. RCLK is the Nx (usually 16x, see TCR) baud rate clock for
the receiver.
DS-0031 Sep 05 External—Free Release Page 10
OX16C950 rev B
PLCC TQFP Dir1 Name Description
Interrupt & DMA Pins
33 30 O INT The serial channel has a three-state interrupt output. This signal goes active
(high) when an interrupt condition occurs. The three-state logic is controlled
by INTSEL# and MCR[3] as described below.
23 O TXRDY# Signal for DMA transfer of transmitter data. There are two modes of DMA
signalling described in section 8.1.
32 29 O RXRDY# Signal for DMA transfer of received data. There are two modes of DMA
signalling described in section 8.1.
34 36 IU INTSEL# Active-low interrupt select. This pin has an internal pull-up resistor. When
INTSEL# is high or unconnected, the INT pin is enabled and MCR[3] is
ignored. When INTSEL# is low, the tri-state control of INT is controlled by
MCR[3]. In this case INT is enabled when MCR[3] is set and is highimpedance when MCR[3] is low.
This pin is used to save the external three-state buffer for the interrupt pin.
When using this facility, the INT output should be pulled down to GND using
a 1KΩ resistor.
Miscellaneous Pins
38 34 O OUT1# This user defined output pin reflects the complement of MCR[2]. It is inactive
(high) after a hardware reset or during loopback mode.
35 31 O OUT2# This user defined output pin reflects the complement of MCR[3]. It is inactive
(high) after a hardware reset or during loopback mode
1 37 ID FIFOSEL FIFO select. This pin has an internal pull-down. For backward compatibility
with 16C550, 16C650 and 16C750 devices the FIFO depth is 16 when
FIFOSEL is low or left open. The FIFO size is 128 when FIFOSEL is high.
The unlatched state of this pin is readable by software. The FIFO size may
be set to 128 by writing a 1 in FCR[5] when LCR[7] is set or by putting the
device into Enhanced mode, thus overriding the state of the FIFOSEL pin.
This pin is unconnected in 16C550 and 16C750 devices.
- 48 ID VSEL Voltage selector. This pin is used to control the voltage thresholds on all
input pins. When low (or unconnected), 5V biased TTL thresholds are used.
When high, 3V biased TTL thresholds are used. Generally should be tied
high when the OX16C950 is being powered off 3 Volts, and low (or
unconnected) when powered off 5 Volts. If tied high under 5V operation,
CMOS compatible input thresholds are obtained.
As this pin is not accessible in the PLCC, the PLCC is unsuitable for 3V
12 1, 13,
NC These pins are not connected.
25, 6
Power and Ground
22 18 GND Ground (0 Volts). The GND pin should be tied to ground.
44 42 VDD Power supply. The VDD pin should be tied to 5 Volts or 3.3 Volts
Table 2: Pin Descriptions
Note 1: Direction key:
I Input
IU Input with pull-up
ID Input with pull-down
O Output
I/O Bi-directional
Note: Attention should be given to high frequency decoupli ng of power and ground pi ns due to the high freq uency internal switch ing that oc curs
under normal operation
DS-0031 Sep 05 External—Free Release Page 11
OX16C950 rev B
4.1 Further Pin Information
Pin Description Action when used Action when not used
Bus Interface Pins
CS0 Chip Select Connect to active high chip select generation
CS1 Chip Select Connect to active high chip select generation
CS2# Chip Select Connect to active low chip select generation
IOR Additional I/O Read Control Connect to processors active high I/O read
line (and tie IOR# high)
IOW Additional I/O Write Control Connect to processors active high I/O write
line (and tie IOW# high)
Tie high – All chip selects must be
active in order to access the device
Tie high – All chip selects must be
active in order to access the device
Tie low – All chip selects must be active
in order to access the device
Tie low (IOR# will be used to control I/O
read operations)
Tie low (IOW# will be used to control
I/O read operations)
Control Pins
INTSEL# Interrupt Control Mode Tie low to allow software enable/disable of the
interrupt pin.
Leave unconnected (Pulled high
internally to leave the interrupt pin
permanently enabled).
DMA Pins
RXRDY# DMA Control signal output Connect direct to DMA control circuitry Leave unconnected
TXRDY# DMA Control signal output Connect direct to DMA control circuitry Leave unconnected
Clock Related Pins
BDOUT# Baud rate generator output Connect direct to the RCLK pin in order to run
Leave unconnected
the receiver with the same clock as the
RCLK Receiver clock input Connect directly to a suitable receiver clock
source (Usually the BDOUT# pin)
XTLI Crystal circuit input Connect to suitable clock input n/a
XTLO Crystal circuit output Connect to crystal oscillator circuit
Leave unconnected
Miscellaneous Pins
DDIS Driver Disable output Connect to active high bus transceiver drive
Leave unconnected
disable (goes high when device is not being
read from)
ADS# Address Strobe In Connect direct to external control circuitry
Tie low
(Low-High transition on this pin latches CS0-2
and A0-2)
OUT1# User defined output Connect direct to TTL input of external circuit
Leave unconnected
to control
OUT2# User defined output Connect direct to TTL input of external circuit
Leave unconnected
to control
Common Channel Pins
SOUT Serial data output Connect to a suitable line driver
SIN Serial data input Connect to a suitable line receiver
RTS# Request-To-Send Modem
signal output
CTS# Clear-To-Send Modem signal
DTR# Data-Terminal-Ready
Modem signal output
DSR# Data-Set-Ready
Modem signal input
Connect to a suitable line driver
Connect to a suitable line receiver
Connect to a suitable line driver
Connect to a suitable line receiver
Leave unconnected
(Serial data can not be transmitted)
Leave unconnected
(Serial data can not be received)
Leave unconnected
Tie high
Leave unconnected
Tie high
DS-0031 Sep 05 External—Free Release Page 12
Pin Description Action when used Action when not used
DCD# Data-Carrier-Detect
Modem signal input
RI# Ring-Indicator
Modem signal input
INT Interrupt Output Connect to an available processor interrupt
Connect to a suitable line receiver
Connect to a suitable line receiver
Tie high
Tie high
Leave unconnected
(Interrupts can not be used)
OX16C950 rev B
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OX16C950 rev B
The OX16C950 device is a single channel device software compatible with the 16C450, 16C550, 16C654 and 16C750 UARTs.
The operation of the OX16C950 depends on a number of mode settings. These modes are referred to throughout this data
sheet. The FIFO depth and compatibility modes are tabulated below:
450 1 0 X X X
550 16 1 0 0 0
Extended 550 128 1 0 X 1
650 128 1 1 X X
750 128 1 0 1 0
950* 128 1 1 X X
5.1 450 Mode
After a hardware reset bit 0 of the FIFO Control Register
(‘FCR’) is cleared, hence OX16C950 is compatible with the
16C450. The transmitter and receiver FIFOs (referred to as
the ‘Transmit Holding Register’ and ‘Receiver Holding
Register’ respectively) have a depth of one. This is referred
to as ‘Byte mode’. When FCR[0] is cleared, all other mode
selection parameters are ignored.
FCR[0] Enhanced mode
Table 3: UART Mode Configuration
* Note that 950 mode configuration is identical to 650 configuration
(guarded with LCR[7] = 1)
guard. Once FCR[5] is set, the software should clear
LCR[7] for normal operation.
The 16C750 additional features over the 16C550 are
available as long as the UART is not put into Enhanced
mode (i.e. EFR[4] should be ‘0’). These features are:
1. Deeper FIFOs
2. Automatic RTS/CTS out-of-band flow control
3. Sleep mode
5.2 550 Mode
Connect FIFOSEL to GND or leave it unconnected. After a
hardware reset, writing a 1 to FCR[0] will increase the FIFO
size to 16, providing compatibility with 16C550 devices.
Since this pin is a no-connect in 16C550 devices, replacing
a 16C550 with OX16C950 would result in a 550 compatible
device with 16 byte deep FIFOs.
5.3 Extended 550 Mode
Connect FIFOSEL to VDD. Writing a 1 to FCR[0] will now
increase the FIFO size to 128, thus providing a 550 device
with 128 deep FIFOs.
5.4 750 Mode
For compatibility with 16C750, leave FIFOSEL
Writing a 1 to FCR[0] will increase the FIFO size to 16. In a
similar fashion to 16C750, the FIFO size can be further
increased to 128 by writing a 1 to FCR[5]. Note that access
to FCR[5] is protected by LCR[7]. I.e., to set FCR[5],
software should first set LCR[7] to temporarily remove the
5.5 650 Mode
The OX16C950 is compatible with the 16C650 when
EFR[4] is set, i.e. the device is in Enhanced mode. As 650
software drivers usually put the device into Enhanced
mode, running 650 drivers on the OX16C950 device will
result in 650 compatibility with 128 deep FIFOs, as long as
FCR[0] is set. This is regardless of the state of the
FIFOSEL pin or package option. Note that the 650
emulation mode of the OX16C950 provides 128 byte deep
FIFOs whereas the standard 16C650 has only 32 byte
650 mode has the same enhancements as the 16C750
over the 16C550, but these are enabled using different
There are also additional enhancements over those of the
16C750 in this mode, these are:
1. Automatic in-band flow control
2. Special character detection
3. Infra-red “IrDA-format” transmit and receive mode
4. Transmit trigger levels
5. Optional clock prescaler
DS-0031 Sep 05 External—Free Release Page 14
OX16C950 rev B
5.6 950 Mode
The additional features offered in OX16C950 (950 mode)
generally only apply when the UART is in Enhanced mode
(EFR[4]=’1’). Provided FCR[0] is set, in Enhanced mode
the FIFO size is 128 regardless of the state of FIFOSEL.
Note that 950 mode configuration is identical to that of 650
mode, however additional 950 specific features are
enabled using the Additional Control Register ‘ACR’ (see
section 15.3). In addition to larger FIFOs and higher baud
rates, the enhancements of the 16C950 over the 16C654
•Selectable arbitrary trigger levels for the receiver and
transmitter FIFO interrupts
•Improved automatic flow control using selectable
arbitrary thresholds
• DSR#/DTR# automatic flow control
• Transmitter and receiver can be optionally disabled
• Software reset of device
• Readable FIFO fill levels
• Optional generation of an RS-485 buffer enable signal
• Four-byte device identification (0x16C95003)
• Readable status for automatic in-band and out-of-
band flow control
• External 1x clock modes (see section 14.4)
• Flexible “M N/8” clock prescaler (see section 14.2)
• Programmable sample clock to allow data rates up to
15 Mbps (see section 14.3)
•9-bit data mode
The 950 trigger levels are enabled when ACR[5] is set (bits
4 to 7 of FCR are ignored). Then arbitrary trigger levels can
be defined in RTL, TTL, FCL and FCH registers (see
section 15). The Additional Status Register (‘ASR’) offers
flow control status for the local and remote transmitters.
FIFO levels are readable using RFL and TFL registers.
The UART has a flexible prescaler capable of dividing the
system clock by any value between 1 and 31.875 in steps
of 0.125. It divides the system clock by an arbitrary value in
“M N/8” format, where M and N are 5 and 3-bit binary
numbers programmed in CPR[7:3] and CPR[2:0]
respectively. This arrangement offers a great deal of
flexibility when choosing an input clock frequency to
synthesize arbitrary baud rates. The default division value
is 4 to provide backward compatibility with 16C650
The user may apply an external 1x (or Nx) clock for the
transmitter and receiver to the RI# and DSR# pin
respectively. The transmitter clock may be asserted on the
DTR# pin. The external clock options are selected through
the CKS register (offset 0x02 of ICR).
It is also possible to define the over-sampling rate used by
the transmitter and receiver clocks. The 16C450/16C550
and compatible devices employ 16 times over-sampling,
i.e. There are 16 clock cycles per bit. However, OX16C950
can employ any over-sampling rate from 4 to 16 by
programming the TCR register. This allows the data rates
to be increased to 460.8 Kbps using a 1.8432MHz clock, or
15 Mbps using a 60 MHz clock. The default value after a
reset for this register is 0x00, which corresponds to a 16
cycle sampling clock. Writing 0x01, 0x02 or 0x03 will also
result in a 16 cycle sampling clock. To program the value to
any value from 4 to 15 it is necessary to write this value
into TCR i.e. to set the device to a 13 cycle sampling clock
it would be necessary to write 0x0D to TCR. For further
information see sections 14.3.
The OX16C950 also offers 9-bit data frames for multi-drop
industrial applications.
DS-0031 Sep 05 External—Free Release Page 15
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