Evaporative Air Cooler
Manual Instruction
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manual content are change without prior notice.
Single phase with 50 speeds
Axial Fan
Use in :
Please read this instruction manual carefully before using
Please read this instruction manual carefully before using !
Ⅰ、Safety Notice
Ⅱ、Product brief introduction
Ⅲ、Main parameter
Ⅳ、Applicable range
Ⅴ、Environmental conditions
Ⅵ、Brief diagram of structure
Ⅶ、Packing list
Ⅷ、Note in use
Ⅸ、Power principle diagram
Ⅹ、Control panel brief introduction
Ⅺ、Operating instruction
Ⅻ、Installation method of the air cooler
XⅢ、Cleaning and maintenance
XIV、General failure and solution
Evaporative air cooler
Ⅹ Ⅳ 、Gener al fa ilur e and solu tio n
1.No po wer co nnec tion
2.Bu tton switch failu re
3.Ph ase
4.Lo w voltage
7.Inside water tank and filter
screen with precipitation
1.Wat er pump d amag ed
Drai nage pump dam age
3.Sy nchr onou s moto r damag e
1.Pl ace the machi ne off bal ance
Water le akag e of wate r tank
3.Dr aina ge valve dama ge
4.Wat er inle t dama ge
5.Wat er leve l is too hig h
6.Wat er dist rbution sy stem is damag ed
7.Ev apor ativ e cool ing bad is dirty
1.Fa n blade dirty,d efor med or damaged
Moto r wear
3.Th e are sun drie s block ing th e air
outle t posi tion
1.Th e cooling pad or filte r is block ed
2.Th e control pan el is dam aged
3.Ma inbo ard is da mage d
4.Fa n button does not wor k
5.Mo tor phase
1.Sh orta ge of wat er
2.Wat er leve l syst em fail ure
3.Wat er pump d amag ed
4.Co ol button doe snot wo rk
5.Ma inbo ard is da mage d
High co nt ent min er al of wat er s upply
1.Ov er current pr otec tion
2.Co mmun icat ions m alfu ncti on
3.I np ut o ver v ol ta ge
4. Inp ut u nd er volt ag e
5.U V ov er load
6.S wi ng o verlo ad
7.W ate r pu mp o ver lo ad
8.D ra in ing ove rl oad
1.Ch eck power plu g
2.Re plac e the con trol pa nel
3.Ch eck phase
4.Ch eck voltage
1.Ch ange water pu mp
Chan ge drainage pump
3.Ch ange the sync hron ous mot or
1.Mo ve the ma chin e to flat fl oor
Repa ir or rep lace th e wate r tank
3.Ch ange drainage val ve
4.Ch ange the wate r inlet a cces sori es
5.Ad just the floa t ball va lve
6.Ch eck the water di strb utio n syst em
7.Cl ean the evapo rati ve cool ing ba d
1.Ch ange fan blad e or adju st brac ket
Repl ace motor
3.Cl ear the sundr ies
1.Cl ear or ch ange th e cool ing pad an d filt er
2.Ch ange the cont rol pan el
3.Ch ange the elec tric al board
4.Ch eck the motor
5.Ch eck phase
1.Ad d water into wat er tan k till wat er
2.Ex amin e and rep air wat er lev el sens or
3.Ch ange water pu mp
4.Ch ange the cont rol pan el
5.Ch ange the elec tric al board
Inc re as e drain ga ge freq ue ncy
1. Ch ec k wh et he r th e vo lt ag e an d mo tor is
mo rm al , Ch ec k wh et he r th e co olin g ba d
an d fi lt er i s bl oc ed .
2.Check whether the signa l line is connected well.
3.C he ck t he volt ag e
4.C he ck t he volt ag e
5.C he ck w hethe r th e UV lamp i s da maged
6.C he ck w hethe r th e synch ro nous
mot or i s da maged
7.C he ck w hethe r th e water p um p is dama ge d
8.C he ck w hethe r th e drain in g pump is d am aged
Evaporative air cooler Evaporative air cooler
Dear users :
Thank you very much for buying our evaporative air cooler. In
order to ensure that you enjoy our free one year warranty service,
please return the lower part of the attached warranty card to your
dealer within five days of purchase.
Please save the upper part of the attached warranty card along
with the invoice so that our maintenance staff can check your
information and implement our service.
Purchase Date:
Bar code:
The warranty service will be provided by your local maintenance
station. If you want to know more about our local maintenance
station, please contact your dealer.
1 .This part is the certificate of your one year warranty. Please send
this part to your dealer .
2 .To insure that you are covered by our free one year warranty, please
make sure that the information you provide is accurate. Thank you.
Ⅰ、Safety notice
1.Do not put unnecessary things/objects into the air outlet. Because once hit
during operation, it will lead to injury.
2.Do not climb up or stack things on the unit. Do not let the children touch the
3.Do not place the burning apparatus that the unit can blow directly, or it may
have led to carbon monoxide poisoning.
4.Do not unauthorized disassemble or modify the machine with unauthorized
person.incorrect disassembly and modified operation could lead to water
leakage, fire or electric shock.
5.Do not install the unit where there is inflammable and explosive gas, if there’s a
leakage of gas in different directions around the unit, it could easily cause fire.
6.Long-term non-use of the machine should unplug the power plug because the
accumulation of dust may cause a short circuit or fire.
7.This unit must have a reliable earth wire connection. If the earth wire are
connected to the unit incorrectly, it may cause electric shock or fire.
II、Product brief introduction
Evaporative air cooler has the following advantages:
Energy saving: Compared with the traditional conditioner, the energy saving
can reach above 80%.
Environmental protection: when running, it will not emit harmful substances
to the outside and non-freon.
Efficient: The minimum energy produce the largest refrigeration purifying effect.
Evaporative air cooler is the combination of Asia’s climatic conditions and the
development of a new generation of products, suitable for use in most parts of Asia.
The product uses a new generation of fan blade , high rotation speed, large airflow
and good effect.
Its working theory is the fresh air high-pressure water gasify in a short period,
a large number endothermic theory, research and development, design and
manufacture energy-saving air conditioning products, new technology. When work,
water pump the clean water in the water tank, through water distributor water-uniformly
distributed to the special textile imports manufacturing evaporative heat exchanger, and
the large flow of axial fan rotation make fresh outdoor air to a very high rate of heat
transfer through evaporative heat exchanger.