otometrics Aurical Hit, OTOsuite Hit module Reference Manual

AURICALHIT and the OTOsuite HITModule
Reference Manual
Doc. No. 7-50-1150-EN/06
Part No. 7-50-11500-EN
© 2012,2017GNOtometricsA/S. Allrights reserved. ® Otometrics,the OtometricsIcon,AURICAL,MADSEN, ICSand HORTMANN are registered trademarks of GNOtometricsA/S in the U.S.A.and/or other countries.
2017-03-12 (153432)
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Otometrics - AURICALHIT
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Intended Use 5
1.2 Typographical conventions 6
1.2.1 Navigating this manual 6
2.1 Unpacking AURICALHIT 7
2.2 Installation 7
2.2.1 Connecting AURICALHIT 7
2.2.2 Initial calibration 7
2.3 The test chamber 7
2.3.1 Reference microphone 9
2.3.2 BTE adapter tube 9
2.3.3 The coupler assembly 9
2.3.4 Battery simulator 11
2.3.5 Cable groove 11
2.3.6 Elevation plate 11
2.3.7 Coupler microphone sockets 12
2.3.8 Sound absorbing foam lining 12
2.3.9 Main loudspeaker 12
2.3.10 Rear loudspeaker 12
2.3.11 The AURICALHIT lid 12
2.3.12 Telecoils 12
2.3.13 The AURICALHIT handle 13
2.4 The Accessory Box 14
3 Testing hearing instruments 15
3.1 Calibrating the reference microphone 15
3.2 Positioning the hearing instrument for testing 16
3.3 Traditional BTE hearing instruments 20
3.4 Thin-tube hearing instruments 21
3.5 ITE hearing instruments 22
3.6 Telecoil testing 24
3.7 Hearing instruments with wireless transmitters (e.g. FM) 24
3.8 Body-worn hearing instruments 26
3.9 Testing the hearing instrument with OTOsuite HIT 26
4 HIT FreeStyle testing 29
4.1 Navigating in HIT FreeStyle 29
5 Cleaning, Repair and Calibration 32
5.1 Cleaning 32
Otometrics - AURICALHIT
3.2.1 General guidelines for positioning the hearing instrument 16
3.2.2 Using the battery simulator 18
3.2.3 Coupler adapters 19
3.3.1 With BTE adapter tube 20
3.4.1 Using the HA-1 ITE, RIE, thin-tube adapter 21
3.9.1 How to perform a standard test 26
3.9.2 How to test the directional microphone 27
5.1.1 Cleaning the device 32
5.1.2 Cleaning accessories 32
5.2 Service and repair 33
5.2.1 Replacing/updating the reference microphone 33
5.2.2 Replacing/updating the coupler microphone 33
5.2.3 Replacing floor lining 33
5.3 Calibration 34
5.3.1 How often is calibration necessary? 34
5.3.2 Environment Report 34 Procedure 34
5.3.3 Calibrating the coupler microphone 36
5.4 The battery simulator 37
6 Troubleshooting 38
7 Standards and Safety 39
7.2 Warning notes 39
7.3 The OTOsuite HIT Module 40
7.4 Manufacturer 41
7.4.1 Responsibility of the manufacturer 41
8 Technical specifications 42
Index 45
4 Otometrics - AURICALHIT

1 Introduction

Hearing instruments
It is easy to position hearing instruments on snap-on couplers inside the AURICALHIT test chamber and it is easy to access the hearing instruments in the test chamber during test without disturbing the test setup.
The battery pill types are recognized automatically, and the reference microphone ensures reliable positioning in the test chamber.
The Directionality feature provides for fast measurement of directionality and quality check of the hearing instruments.
AURICALHIT is designed for Hearing Instrument Testing and Coupler-Based Fitting.
AURICALHIT connects via USB to a computer running the OTOsuite software.
With the OTOsuite HITModule you can perform traditional hearing instru­ment testing according to either the ANSI or IEC test protocols, and obtain a consistent picture of every hearing instrument, regardless of manufacturer or type.
With the OTOsuite PMM Module you can perform Probe Microphone Meas­urements in a coupler for pre-programming and pre-fitting hearing instruments without the client being present.
Real ear response can be recorded without having AURICALHIT at hand, and coupler-based fitting can be performed by itself without using AURICALFreeFit.
Coupler-based fitting using RECD is a "coupler" mode as part of the PMM functionality for providing simple hearing instru­ment fitting. Coupler-based fitting is described in the AURICALFreeFit and the Probe Microphone Measurements User Manual.
AURICALHIT supports stored coupler values which drastically reduces the need for measuring coupler responses.
NOAH integration
AURICALHIT can operate either as a stand-alone system, or under the NOAH software, which was developed by HIMSA as a common software platform for programming and fitting hearing instruments. NOAH integrates client records, audiological data and the dedicated fitting modules from various hearing instrument manufacturers.

1.1 Intended Use

AURICALHIT is intended for testing purposes by audiologists, hearing instrument dispensers, and other health care pro­fessionals in testing programmable hearing instruments.
Required qualifications
It is assumed that the user has a basic knowledge of how to compare the results of the hearing instrument tests with the specifications from the hearing instrument manufacturer and to detect typical malfunctions of the hearing instrument.
Otometrics - AURICALHIT
1 Introduction

1.2 Typographical conventions

The use of Warning, Caution and Note
To draw your attention to information regarding safe and appropriate use of the device or software, the manual uses pre­cautionary statements as follows:
Warning Indicates that there is a risk of death or serious injury to the user or patient.
CautionIndicates that there is a risk of injury to the user or patient or risk of damage to data or the device.
NoteIndicates that you should take special notice.

1.2.1 Navigating this manual

Menus, icons and functions to select are shown in bold type, as for instance in:
Click the Set options icon on the toolbar or select Tools > Options.
6 Otometrics - AURICALHIT
2.1 Unpacking AURICALHIT
1. Unpack the device carefully. When you unpack the device and accessories, it is a good idea to keep the packing material in which they were delivered. If you need to send the device in for service, the original packing material will protect against damage dur­ing transport, etc.
2. Visually inspect the equipment for possible damage. If damage has occurred, do not put the device into operation. Contact your local distributor for assistance.
3. Check with the packing list to make sure that you have received all necessary parts and accessories. If your package is incomplete, contact your local distributor.

2.2 Installation

Place AURICALHIT on an absolutely stable surface.
In order to exclude ambient noise and to comply with the ANSI S3.22 standard, place the system in a moderately quiet room.
2.2.1 Connecting AURICALHIT
1. Install OTOsuite on the PC. See the OTOsuite Installation Manual.
2. Connect the USB cable from the USB socket under AURICALHIT to a USB socket in the PC. AURICALHIT is powered by the PC.
AURICALHIT is selected automatically in OTOsuite.
If you wish to use a demo device, select Tools > Configuration Wizard. Click Configure next to AURICALHIT, and select Demo device.

2.2.2 Initial calibration

When you have connected AURICALHIT to the PC, you must perform an initial calibration of the reference microphone. See Calibrating the reference microphone 15.
Calibration procedures and general recommendations about calibration are described in Calibration 34.

2.3 The test chamber

Using AURICALHIT and positioning hearing instruments in the test chamber are described in Testing hearing instruments
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A. Reference microphone 9
B. BTE adapter tube 9
C. The coupler assembly 9
D. Battery simulator 11
E. Cable groove 11
F. Elevation plate 11
G. Coupler microphone sockets 12
H. Sound absorbing foam lining 12
I. Main loudspeaker 12
J. Rear loudspeaker 12
K. The AURICALHIT lid 12
L. Telecoils 12
8 Otometrics - AURICALHIT

2.3.1 Reference microphone

The position of the reference microphone is easy to adjust. Make sure that the reference microphone does not come into contact with AURICALHIT when you close the lid so that the microphone is not pushed out of place when you close the lid for testing.
The AURICALHIT handle 13
(some models only)
The Accessory Box 14

2.3.2 BTE adapter tube

2.3.3 The coupler assembly

Coupler adapter
The Accessory Box provides a range of adapters for easy positioning of different types of hearing instruments.
The BTE adapter tube can be bent to correctly position the microphone or microphones of the hearing instrument in relation to the main loudspeaker. It is used for verification of BTE hearing instruments as well as for measuring the coupler portion of RECD.
The adapter tube is compliant with ANSI and IEC requirements.
The coupler assembly consists of the following parts: A. Coupler adapter
B. Coupler cavity
C. Coupler microphone
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Coupler cavity
During tests in the test chamber, the hearing instrument is connected to a 2cc coupler cavity manufactured in accordance with the ANSI standard. Alternatively, you can use an ear simulator.
NoteThe ear simulator is not ANSI or IEC compliant, and is not recommended for RECD measurements.
You can use the Coupler Type icons in the toolbar to toggle between 2cc coupler and ear sim- ulator. The selected coupler type is saved with measurements for later reference.
Coupler microphone
The coupler microphone is located in a coupler bottom piece which must be attached to the coupler cavity.
You can use the coupler microphone either directly in AURICALHIT or in the Accessory Box.
The system automatically detects and activates the coupler microphone regardless of which setup you are using.
A. BTE testing - Low coupler position
B. ITE, RIE, thin-tube testing - High coupler position
The Accessory Box
Connect the mini-jack cable from the Accessory Box to the mini-jack socket under AURICALHIT, and insert the coupler microphone in the microphone socket in the Accessory Box.
A. Wireless hearing instrument testing
10 Otometrics - AURICALHIT
The purpose of using the coupler microphone in the Accessory Box is to acoustically separate the input signal from the hearing instrument. This makes it possible to verify the external input device independently of the hearing instrument, and is mainly used for testing devices such as FM and Bluetooth transmitters.

2.3.4 Battery simulator

Using a battery simulator is highly recommended because it ensures that the hearing instrument is powered with the cor­rect voltage and you avoid unnecessary battery waste for the purpose of coupler measurements.
See Using the battery simulator 18.

2.3.5 Cable groove

Wrap the programming cable of the hearing instrument once around the cable groove. This prevents the hearing instrument from being pulled out of place when you close the lid for testing.

2.3.6 Elevation plate

To use the plate, lift it up from its recess and place it in the high-position coupler socket.
Use the elevation plate to facilitate positioning of wireless transmitters and body worn hearing instruments at a level where the microphone or microphones are approximately centered in relation to the loudspeaker.
Otometrics - AURICALHIT

2.3.7 Coupler microphone sockets


2.3.8 Sound absorbing foam lining

AURICALHIT is lined with sound absorbing foam which is specifically designed to enhance the acoustic performance. Do not remove any foam before measuring.
A. BTE testing - Low coupler position
B. ITE, RIE, thin-tube testing - High coupler position

2.3.9 Main loudspeaker

The main loudspeaker is used for presenting regular acoustic test signals.

2.3.10 Rear loudspeaker

The rear loudspeaker presents the signal from behind the hearing instruments and is used for directional microphone test­ing.
2.3.11 The AURICALHIT lid
The lid of AURICALHIT has a closing mechanism that prevents the lid from slamming shut, which could upset the position of the hearing instrument for testing.
Opening the lid
To open the lid, use only one hand to lift the lid gently.
Closing the lid
To close the lid, place your hand on the lid and press gently until the closing mechanism takes over the action.

2.3.12 Telecoils

4 induction loops are fitted in AURICALHIT for testing telecoil functioning:
BTE testing ITE testing
12 Otometrics - AURICALHIT
2.3.13 The AURICALHIT handle
NoteThis only applies to models equipped with a carrying handle.
The handle is designed for carrying AURICALHIT.
CautionIf you carry AURICALHIT by its handle, do not use your other hand to support it by the lid, as this may
cause the lid to open and squeeze your fingers.
Otometrics - AURICALHIT

2.4 The Accessory Box

The Accessory Box is suited for storing coupler adapters, battery simulators, etc., and fits in the test chamber when not in use.
The Accessory Box serves as holder for the coupler micro­phone for testing hearing instruments outside AURICALHIT. See The coupler assembly 9.
CautionDo not place the Accessory Box inside
AURICALHIT during transportation.
14 Otometrics - AURICALHIT
3 Testing hearing instruments
With AURICALHIT and the OTOsuite HITModule you can test the performance of hearing instruments according to both ANSI and IEC standards. You can also perform coupler-based fitting as described in the AURICALFreeFit and the Probe Microphone Measurements User Manual.
Testing a hearing instrument involves the following main tasks:
1. Calibrating the reference microphone
Otometrics recommends that you calibrate the reference microphone daily or weekly. Set up the interval to suit your pur­poses. See Calibrating the reference microphone 15.
2. Positioning the hearing instrument
General instructions are described in
Traditional BTE hearing instruments 20
Thin-tube hearing instruments 21
ITE hearing instruments 22
3. Testing
When you have positioned the hearing instrument correctly, you can test it using the OTOsuite HIT module as described in Testing the hearing instrument with OTOsuite HIT 26, or you can perform coupler-based fitting as described in the AURICALFreeFit and the Probe Microphone Measurements documentation.

3 Testing hearing instruments

3.1 Calibrating the reference microphone

1. Launch OTOsuite and select the HIT module in the Navigation
2. Position the microphones in the center of the test chamber.
Otometrics - AURICALHIT
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