Software Installation
To install Maxim DL Essentials Edition:
1. Insert the CD-ROM into the drive. The Launcher will appear. For Windows
Vista computers, the AutoPlay window will appear. Select Run Launcher.exe,
then the Launcher will appear.
2. Click Install.
3. The InstallShield Wizard will start. Click Next.
Read the Maxim DL License Agreement. If you agree with the terms, then
select I
accept the terms in this license agreement and click Next.
5. You are now ready to install. Click Install. The installation will proceed.
The installation is now complete. Click the Finish button.
ou can start Maxim DL Essentials Edition using the desktop icon, or using the
Windows Start menu.
Camera Driver Installation
Now that the software is installed, the camera driver must also be installed.
The system will automatically guide you through driver installation when the
SSDSMI-2 is initially connected to the computer. You must plug-in the camera
before starting Maxim DL Essentials Edition, or the software and computer will
not recognize the camera.
To install the camera driver on a Windows XP computer:
1. Make sure the CD-ROM is in the computer.
2. Connect the Orion StarShoot Deep Space Imager II to a USB port on the
computer with the supplied USB cable. Windows will automatically detect
the camera and start the Found New Hardware Wizard (Figure 5a).
Note: For best results, use a USB 2.0 port. If you only have USB 1.1, the camera
will run slower. We highly recommend upgrading to USB 2.0 if you have
USB 1.1. A USB upgrade card can be found from a computer parts supplier.
Note: You do not need to connect the SSDSMI-2 to the external 3VDC power
supply at this time. The external power is for the camera’s thermoelectric
cooler (TEC) only, and normal camera operation does not require it to be on
(i.e. when the TEC is powered it is on, when it is not powered it is off). Use
of the TEC is highly recommended for long exposure astro-imaging, however
(see “Imaging Deep Sky Objects”).
3. Select No, not this time and click Next.
Select Install from a list of specific location (Advanced) and click Next.
Select Search removable media (floppy, CD-ROM...). Turn off the other
options. Click Next.
Windows will start looking for the driver files on the CD-ROM.