Orion StarShoot 51450, StarShoot 51451 Instruction Manual

Orion StarShoot™
Solar System Color
Imaging Camera V
#51450-1.3MP StarShoot, #51451-3MP StarShoot
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© 2008-2018 Orion Telescopes & Binoculars
IN 618 06/18
Welcome to a new world of adventure. Your new StarShoot Solar System Imaging Camera V (SS-V) is capable of capturing detailed, fullcolor images of astronomical objects in our solar system. The planets, Moon, and Sun (with optional solar filter) can all be imaged to create spectacular views on your computer which can be saved for emailing or printing later. The SS-V can even be used during the day to take
images of terrestrial subjects. You’ll find that this inexpensive, yet capable and easy
to use, camera will enhance all of your journeys with your telescope. Please read this instruction manual before attempting to use the camera or install the needed software.
Parts List
● StarShoot Solar System Color Imaging Camera V (SS-V)
● USB Cable
● Instruction booklet
Drivers and software are available as a download from our website. Before plug­ging in the camera, please go to www.telescope.com/StarshootV for both Mac and Windows software.
System Requirements
The SS-V can be used with virtually any telescope that is compatible with 1.25" format eyepieces. The camera simply is inserted into a focuser in the same way as a standard eyepiece (Figure 1). If you use a star diagonal, you should remove it before installing the SS-V. If your telescope does not have enough inward focus travel, you will need to use an optional 1.25" Barlow
lens to extend the telescope’s focal plane to the camera’s imaging plane (Barlow sold
separately). For most types of astro-imag­ing with the SS-V, using a telescope with a focal length of at least 1000mm is recom­mended. Otherwise, the image scale may be too small. To increase the effective focal length of your system, use a Barlow lens or
other type of tele-extender lens.
While using an motorized mount is recommended to achieve the best results, one is
not absolutely required for imaging with the SS-V, as the maximum exposure time is
Figure 1. The SS-V attached to the
telescope focuser.
only a fraction of a second, astronomical objects will not drift significantly through a telescope attached to an altazimuth mount or Dobsonian base during single image captures. Use a sturdy mount that is appropriately sized for the telescope tube being used. For obtaining the best planetary images, however, we do recommend a motorized mount. Planetary imaging requires combining many individual images, and having a motorized equatorial mount or a computerized Alt-Az mount will pre­vent the planet from drifting out of the field of view of the camera during the time it takes to acquire the large number of images necessary.
A computer is required for normal use of the SS-V. For astro-imaging in the field at night, a laptop computer is highly recommended. For windows users the camera driver and Orion Capture software requires Windows 7, 8, or 10. For Mac, the soft­ware requires OS X (10.11 and newer).
Software and Driver Installation
Before the camera can be used, image capture software and a camera driver must be installed onto your computer.
Windows Installation
Do not plug the camera into your computer yet. This needs to be done after install­ing the driver and software. Turn on your computer and allow the Windows oper­ating system to load as normal. Using a web browser, go to www.telescope.com/ StarshootV and locate the download .zip file for your Windows computer.
Unzip the TCapture install file, making sure to note what directory the computer will
unzip the file to. Double click on TCapture.exe to start the install process. Note –
you may be required to be logged in as administrator in order to successfully install the software. Choose the language you wish to use, and click through the
next few windows:
1. Please choose the default directory for installation for the easiest install. If you wish to set a customer directory, you may do so during installation.
2. TCapture will ask to select the components for install (Figure 2). Select Full installation, and leave the
default check boxes alone to
install the driver and software. If you wish to install additional video compressor plugins, you may do so at this time, but they are not necessary for standard imaging through the software.
Figure 2. Select the components to install.
3. On the next screen involving selecting additional tasks, leave
the yes box unchecked.
(Figure 3).
4. Finally, the system will ask if you wish to install the device driver. Click install, and the software will take a few moments to install. Click finish when prompted.
5. Once the software has been installed, the computer will recognize the camera when it is plugged into an available USB 2.0 port. Plug the camera in, and then open TCapture to start imaging.
Mac Installation
Mac installation is extremely easy. Using a web browser, go to www.telescope.com/ StarshootV and locate the ISListen download file for your Mac (OS 10.11 and later).
1. Plug the camera into an available USB slot on your computer.
2. Open the ISListen software you previously downloaded, and the program will recognize the camera you have plugged in.
Image Processing Software
There are many popular free Image processing software to be used with your AVI
files to enhance your astro Images. Image Processing Software such as RegiStax or
AviStack can align and stack (combine) hundreds of individual images into a single resultant image and perform some additional image processing to bring out subtle details or to make the image appear more pleasing overall.
For detailed information on the image processing software consult the websites of each software provider. Tutorials and user groups can be found online also.
Registax: http://www.astronomie.be/registax/
AviStack: http://www.avistack.de/
Lynkeos (Mac stacking software): http://lynkeos.sourceforge.net
Getting Started During Daylight
We recommend using the SS-V for the first time during the day. This way, you can become familiar with the camera and its functions without having to stumble around
Figure 3. Leave the ‘yes’ box unchecked.
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