Orion INTELLISCOPE-to-PC, IntelliScope 5222 User Manual

IntelliScope®-to-PC Interface Cable
The IntelliScope Object Locator can “talk” to a computer with the addition of the IntelliScope-to-PC Interface Cable. The interface cable allows use of the object locator with optional astronomy soft­ware. The cable is also needed to download updates or changes into the object locator’s internal memory.
Plug one end of the cable into the RS-232 jack in the top end of the object locator. Plug the other end of the cable into the included serial port adapter. Then connect the serial port adapter to the serial port of your personal computer. If your computer has only USB ports, then you will need to purchase a USB-to-serial adapter from a local electronics or computer store.
Currently, the IntelliScope system is compatible with two commer­cially available software programs, TheSky6 and Starry Night Pro.
Serial port adapter
Compatibility with TheSky6
TheSky6 astronomy software from Software Bisque is now fully compatible with the IntelliScope Computerized Object Locator; all commands and functions can now be performed through The Sky6 software. This provides a larger and more graphical interface for the IntelliScope system.
In addition to TheSky6 Software (Orion part #17154 for Serious Edition, #17155 for Professional Edition) and the IntelliScope-to­PC cable, you will need to download TheSky6 “Hot Fixes” found on the following webpage:
Download the files “TheSky6, all editions” and the help files “TheSkyVersion6.chm” and “Telescope.chm”. Double click on the downloaded TheSky6Update file, and the software will auto­matically update itself. The help files must manually be placed in TheSky6’s help folder (located in C:\Program Files\Software Bisque\TheSky6\Help if you have chosen the default file locations during installation).
Next, run TheSky6 software, and select “Contents and Index” from the Help menu on the toolbar at the top of the screen. When the TheSky6 Help page pops up, type in the word “IntelliScope” as the search keyword, and select “IntelliScope (Orion Telescopes and Binoculars)” from the displayed topics. Then follow the directions
on how to set up and use the software through the IntelliScope Object Locator.
TheSky6 is one of the most advanced astronomy programs avail­able and has many features, so be sure to carefully read the manual that comes with the software. TheSky6 literally opens up new worlds to explore with your IntelliScope!
Compatibility with Starry Night Pro
Version 5.0 of Starry Night Pro (Orion part #17171) from Space. com is also fully compatible with the IntelliScope Object Locator. It too allows performing all IntelliScope commands and functions through the PC, and provides a larger and more graphical inter­face for the IntelliScope system.
The details on how to set up and use the Starry Night Pro with the object locator are included in the manual and/or help files that come with the software.
IntelliScope Object Locator Updates
The interface cable is needed for downloading software updates or changes into the object locator’s operating system. These downloads are located on the IntelliScope support page at www. telescope.com. Check the website for currently available down­loads, and for the procedure for actual downloading.
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IN 253 Rev B 02/09