Orion INTELLISCOPE 7880 User Manual

Addendum to the Instruction Manual:
#7880 IntelliScope Computerized Object Locator for SkyQuest XT IntelliScope Dobsonians
Because the IntelliScope Computerized Object Locator can now be used with either SkyQuest XT IntelliScope Dobsonians or SkyView Pro mounts, it is necessary to initially indicate which mount the object locator is being used with. This is simple to do, and only needs to be done once; the object locator will remember which mount-type has been selected when subsequently powered off.
When you initially switch on the object locator (by pressing the Power button), the top line should read “POINT VERTICAL”. If it does, you are ready to use the object locator with your IntelliScope Dobsonian. If the top line initially reads “ALIGN DEC MARK”, then simply press the up arrow button. The top line will now read “POINT VERTICAL”, and you are now set to use the object locator with your IntelliScope Dobsonian.
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IN 284 Rev. B 01/09