Orion EQ-1 Equatorial Mount 9011, 9011 Instruction Manual

IN 146 Rev. A 0500
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EQ-1 Equatorial Mount
Figure 1. EQ-1 Equatorial Mount parts diagram
Mounting platform
Dec. slow-motion control
Latitude adjustment t-bolt
R.A. slow-motion control
Accessory tray
Accessory tray bracket
Latitude lock t-bolt
Dec. lock thumb screw
(not shown)
Azimuth lock knob
Counterweight shaft
Counterweight lock knob
R.A. lock thumb screw
Tripod leg attachment bolt
Leg lock knob
1. Parts List
Qty. Description 1 German-type equatorial mount 1 Latitude adjustment t-bolt 2 Slow-motion control cables 1 Counterweight 1 Counterweight shaft 3 Tripod legs 3 Tripod leg attachment bolts with wing nuts
and washers 3 Leg lock knobs 1 Accessory tray 3 Accessory tray screws with wing nuts and washers 1 Assembly tool
2. Assembly
Carefully open all of the boxes in the shipping contain­er. Make sure all the parts listed in Section 1 are present. Save the original boxes and packaging materi­al. In the unlikely event that you need to return the telescope, you must use the original packaging.Note:
The EQ-1 Equatorial Mount is packaged with one empty interi­or box; the box is included for structural integrity only.
Assembling the mount for the first time should take about 30 minutes. No tools are needed, other than the one provided. All bolts should be tightened securely to eliminate flexing and wobbling, but be careful not to over-tighten or the threads may strip. Refer to Figure 1 during the assembly process.
1. Lay the equatorial mount on its side. Attach the tri­pod legs, one at a time, to the base of the mount by sliding a tripod leg attachment bolt through the top of a leg and through the holes in the base of the mount. The washers should be on the outside of the tripod legs. Secure the wing nuts finger-tight. Note that the hinged accessory tray bracket on each leg should face inward.
2. Attach and tighten the leg lock knobs at the base of the tripod legs. For now, keep the legs at their short­est (fully retracted) length; you can extend them to a more desirable length later, after the mount is com­pletely assembled.
3. With the tripod legs now attached to the equatorial mount, stand the tripod upright (be careful!) and spread the legs apart enough to attach the acces­sory tray to the three hinged tray brackets on the legs. The slots in the brackets should be positioned underneath the holes in the three corners of the tray. Use the three small accessory tray screws and wing nuts provided to fasten the tray to the brackets. Do not tighten the wing nuts yet.
Congratulations on your purchase of a quality Orion product. Your new EQ-1 Equatorial Mount
was designed to work with many different telescope optical tubes. With its precision equatorial head, you’ll be able to easily track astronomical objects over time so that they remain within your eyepiece’s field of view. The setting circles will help locate hundreds of fascinating celestial denizens, including galaxies, nebulas, and star clusters. With a little practice and a little patience, you’ll find that your EQ-1 Equatorial Mount is an invaluable tool for getting the most out of your astronomical observing sessions.
These instructions will help you set up and properly use your equatorial mount. Please read them over thoroughly before getting started.
Table of Contents
1. Parts List................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Assembly ............................................................................................................................... 3
3. Attaching A Telescope ........................................................................................................... 4
4. Balancing the Telescope........................................................................................................ 5
5. Setting Up and Using the Equatorial Mount .......................................................................... 6
6. Specifications....................................................................................................................... 10
7. Suggested Accessories ....................................................................................................... 10
4. With the accessory tray attached loosely, spread the tripod legs apart as far as they will go, until the accessory tray brackets are taut. Then tighten the wing nuts.
5. Next, tighten the wing nuts on the tripod leg attach­ment bolts at the base of the equatorial mount, so that the legs are securely fastened.You can use the provided assembly tool to hold the heads of the bolts while firmly tightening the wing nuts.
6. Thread the latitude adjustment t-bolt into the hole in the rear of the equatorial mount (see Figure 2). Orient the mount as it appears in Figure 2, at a lati­tude of about 40°, i.e., so that the pointer next to the latitude scale is pointing to the hash mark at "40." To do this, loosen the latitude lock t-bolt (central to the latitude scale), and turn the latitude adjustment t­bolt until the pointer and the "40" line up. Then re-tighten the latitude lock t-bolt.You may also need to rotate the mount about its right ascension (R.A.) and declination (Dec.) axes (see Figure 2). Do this by first loosening the R.A. and Dec. lock thumb screws.
7. Slide the counterweight onto the counterweight shaft. Make sure the counterweight lock knob is ade­quately loosened so the counterweight shaft can pass through the hole in the counterweight.
8. With the counterweight lock knob still loose, grip the counterweight with one hand and thread the shaft into the equatorial mount (at the base of the declina­tion axis) with the other hand. When it is threaded as far in as it will go, position the counterweight about
halfway up the shaft and tighten the counterweight lock knob. The washer and screw on the end of the counterweight shaft will prevent the counterweight from slipping off the shaft and possibly onto your foot if the counterweight lock knob should come loose
9. Now attach the two slow-motion cables to the R.A. and Dec. slow-motion shafts (see Figure 2) of the equatorial mount by positioning the thumb screw on the end of the cable over the indented slot on the shaft, then tightening the thumb screw. A cable can be attached to either end of the R.A. shaft, whichev­er is most convenient for you. Use the shorter cable for the R.A. shaft.
3. Attaching a Telescope
The EQ-1 Equatorial Mount is designed to hold small to mid-size telescopes weighing up to about 7 lbs. For heavier telescopes, the mount may not provide suffi­cient stability for steady imaging. Any type of telescope can be mounted on the EQ-1 Equatorial Mount, includ­ing refractors, Newtonian reflectors, and cadadioptrics, provided a proper adapter or set of tube rings is avail­able to couple the tube to the mount.
Orion carries a variety of differently sized tube rings and a 1/4"-20 mounting adapter designed exclusively for the EQ-1 Equatorial Mount. One of these items probably fits the telescope tube you wish to mount. See the list of Suggested Accessories at the end of these instructions, or check the Orion print or online catalogs for currently available mounting accessories. The
Latitude adjustment t-bolt
Declination (Dec.)
setting circle
Right ascension (R.A.)
setting circle
Right ascension (R.A.)
slow-motion shaft
Latitude scale
Latitude locking t-bolt
Figure 2. The equatorial mount
R.A. lock knob
Declination (Dec.) slow­motion shaft
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