Universal DC motor drive
The massive upgrade for your deck
he single most important upgrade you can
make concerns the motor drive...nothing
can prepare you for the shock of going DC. In a
word, gobsmacking.”
he difference the kit made to sound quality
was remarkable”
ts value is nothing short of tremendous.”
ou will not be prepared for the difference
the DC motor makes, or the magnitude of
improvements made by swapping the partnering
switch boxes and mains transformers....It’s been
said before: the LP12 is all about notes stopping
and starting ...the ability to hear the tune. But
with the Origin Live components this really is
the case....you become appreciative of the overall
intelligibility, absolute stability of imaging. The
way the music gains in continuity over the
span of a piece is something I can only liken
to experiencing master-tape replay at Abbey
Road Studios. I strongly preferred the more
powerful DC200 motor: even with the silver
box it added definition to low pitched notes on
strings and pianoforte. The Ultra box brought
even more control, the bigger transformer then
adding still more sound-stage depth, separation
and apparent dynamic range. Now there was
more expression, more graceful phrasing by the
musicians, and the bass was still more extended,
good though the basic combination had been.
One noticed new details in performance ....
which increased listening pleasure, sharpening
Advanced switch box housing the voltage
regulator and speed control switch
o one would blame you for being sceptical of an easy to
fit, inexpensive dc motor upgrade. Especially one that
over 4 times as much. It is simply impossible to imagine the level of
improvement attained by eliminating motor vibration that your Hi Fi
amplifies 8,000 times. The Origin Live DC motor drive upgrade has
been successfully fitted to the majority of turntable models such as
Linn (Valhulla, Lingo), Roksan, Pink Triangle, Rega, Thorens, VPI,
Michell, Heybrook, Opus, Oracle, Well Tempered, Acoustic Research,
Systemdek and many more. No matter how advanced the existing
power supply, the result of adding the drive upgrade has surprised
and delighted owners. It simply produces massive improvements
to all aspects of sonic performance. For over five years, these drives
have been fitted to practically every deck ever built with spectacular
results - it is extremely well thought out and highly refined. The
performance value to your system is well over 4 times what you invest
(in comparison to some upgrades) and the improvement is similar
regardless of the type of deck you own.
Risk free trial
Time and again owner feedback says things like “for once the hype
is true” - “does everything you claim and more”. This means that we
confidently offer these drives on a 1 month money back guarantee
basis. If it doesn’t outperform your current motor drive by a
considerable margin, we will give an immediate refund.
improves on the best of other power supplies costing
f you are thinking of upgrading your system,
investing around 400 Euros in the Origin
Live dc-motor kit should be high on your list for

Motor drive outline
The upgrade “motor drive”consists of
a high-grade motor, external control
box with 2 speed rotary switch and
a transformer. The motor plate is
designed for drop-in replacement of
your existing turntable motor. Three
levels of upgrade are offered - Standard,
Advanced and Ultra.
Reasons to upgrade your
motor drive
It is makes an enormous, cost
effective improvement to your system
due to the central importance of the
motor drive.
It is a relatively low investment in
comparison to changing your deck.
Why is the motor and
power supply so influential
on sound quality?
Motor drives include all you need
Fully built control box with 2 speed rotary switch - all leads
and plug connectors included.
33rpm & 45rpm. (H x W x D) 50 x 110 x 180mm
High grade DC motor with precision bored, electro plated
pulley designed for flat and round belts. The motor is supplied
with a motor plate adaptor to enable fitting to your deck.
Transformer for either 240/230V, 50Hz
or 110V, 60 Hz mains supplies
Strobe card for easy and accurate speed setting
Fitting instructions
The upgrade motors and power supplies are fully
built, no soldering is required - they are literally plug
and play. Installing the motor in your deck is usually a
simple procedure with full instructions provided.
The reasons why superior power
supplies have such an audible effect
on performance have been well
documented - they reduce vibration
and variation in motor speed - both
of which have a huge effect on the
signal generated by the “all sensing”
stylus. What may not be so generally
appreciated is that platters suffer a
momentary slowing under load which
is so small it can hardly be measured.
The cartridge amplifies this effect 8,000
times, resulting in an appreciable loss
of dynamic impact, especially in the
bass region. To overcome this, some
decks use a very high mass platter but
this “solution” has its own drawbacks,
producing a thick, clinical and lifeless
sound. A better solution is to make the
motor capable of responding powerfully
and instantaneously to any increase in
the dynamic load on the drive. This is
one aspect addressed powerfully by the
circuit design of the advanced and ultra
upgrades. The results are obvious upon
Characteristics of a high
grade power supply
Control of motor energy fluctuation
A high performance dc motor drive is
dependent not only on motor quality
but more importantly on a superb power
Motors are hard to drive evenly with
absolute precision. Eddy currents
within the magnets cause severe power
fluctuations among other factors.
Negative voltage is fed back into the
power supply. If not controlled, this
results in motor vibration and severe loss
of dynamics. Origin Live power supplies
absorb such dips and surges in load,
while adjusting to deliver copious and
precise power with great speed.
Speed stability
The motor requires load compensation
to maintain the turntable at a constant
speed. This is because the drag of the
stylus varies between the inner and outer
tracks of a record. Many turntables suffer
from about 1% speed drift. Not only is
there variation from inner to outer tracks
- there is also localised variation when
the stylus negotiates complex or heavy
passages of music.
To overcome these problems, the
Advanced and Ultra power supplies have
a load sensing circuit that maintains
speed drift to a mere 0.1% (as measured
by Hi-Fi News magazine - ten times
better than the average turntable). The
results are increased dynamics, better
timing and pitch control, and a greater
sense of drive and pace.
It is worth mentioning that for motors,
a well designed mains regulator far
surpasses the performance of lead acid
battery regulation (as used by a few high
end pre-amps).