Field Probes
Field Probes Overview
Aperture Field Probe systems are used to evaluate the extraneous signals
which exist in the location of the Device Under Test due to reflections, other
transmitting sources, etc.
The Aperture Field Probe can rest on a polarization positioner which moves on
a linear carriage, which is mounted on another polarization positioner. Thus a
circular area can be observed at any location in any desired polarization.
The carriage rotation is achieved by a standard polarization positioner, AL-5601P, AL-760-1P, AL-1260-1P or AL-1760-1P according to series and carriage
The linear slide is used for the radial motion.
The main purpose of the probe polarization positioner is to keep the probe in a
constant polarization by rotating in reverse direction to the Field Probe
polarization positioner. For example, if the probe is in vertical polarization at a
given position, and the Field Probe rotates 30°, then the probe itself rotates -30°
to retain the same vertical polarization. The probe polarization positioner can
also serve to sample the field at several polarizations at any given point.
It is recommended that the probe be mounted on the smallest polarization
positioner which complies with the probe's mechanical constraints (weight and
bending moment).
Options for both series include:
Rotary joint for the probe positioner
RF cable installation
Probe fixtures
Replace the synchro transducer with Incremental rotary encoder. This option
is required when using AL-060-1P or AL-160-1P positioners
Preparation and installation of absorbing material
Lightweight: AL-4607 Series
High Accuracy: AL-4608 Series

Field Probes
Lightweight Aperture Field Probe AL-4607 Series
The AL-4607-1 lightweight aperture field probe has two linear travel ranges: 54" or 108". The
model with 54" linear travel can be mounted on an AL-560-1P polarization positioner for a
maximum load of 20 lbs, or on an AL-760-1P for a maximum load of 50 lbs.
The model with 108" linear travel is mounted on the AL-760-1P for a maximum load of 20 lbs.
EN001 Replace synchro readout with rotary incremental encoder for all axes. Required
when ordering with AL-160-1
PRB Probe holder
RFC RF cable installation through Field Probe
RJ12L Coaxial single-channel Rotary Joints, DC-12.4 GHz (including precision RF path, N-
type connector and mounting flange), for same or lower axis.
RJ18L Coaxial single-channel rotary joints, DC-18 GHz (including precision RF path, SMA-
type connector and mounting flange) for same or lower axis.
RJ40L Coaxial single-channel rotary joints, DC-40 GHz (including precision path, K-type
connector and mounting flange), for same or lower axis.
RJ12U Coaxial single-channel rotary joints, DC-12.4 GHz (including precision RF path, N-
type connector and mounting flange), for upper Azimuth positioners.
RJ18U Coaxial single-channel rotary joints, DC-18 GHz (including precision RF path, SMA
connector and mounting flange), for upper Azimuth positioners.
RJ40U Coaxial single-channel rotary joints, DC-40 GHz (including precision RF path, K-type
connector and mounting flange), for upper Azimuth positioners.
AL-4607 Series
Al-4607-1 Lightweight Field Probe
Ordering Information
Supplied Accessories

Field Probes
Lightweight Aperture Field Probe AL-4607 Series (Cont’d)
AL-4607-1-560-54 AL-4607-1-760-54 AL-4607-1-760-108 AL-4607-1-1260-108
Polarization Positioner AL-560-1P AL-760-1P AL-760-1P AL-1260-1P
Max. Load
Carriage Bending Moment
Max. Carriage Speed
Carriage Motor hp 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16
Carriage Weight
Data Take-off Accuracy
Deflection at max. Load
Probe Positioner 1 AL-160-1 1 AL-160-1P AL-160-1 1 AL-160-1 AL-260-1P 1
mm ±1,371.6 ±1,371.6 ±2,743,2 ±2,743,2
in ±54 ±54 ±108 ±108
kg 9 23 9 9
lbs 20 50 20 20
m-kg 5.5 8.3 5.5 5.5
ft-lbs 40 60 40 40
m/min 5 5 5 5
ft/min 15 15 15 15
mm 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
in 0.0016 0.0016 0.0016 0.0016
kg 96 96 125 125
lbs 210 210 275 275
mm ±0.5 ±0.5 ±1.0 ±1.0
in ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.04 ±0.04
mm ±1.5 ±1.5 ±3.0 ±3.0
in ±0.06 ±0.06 ±0.12 ±0.12
mm ±1.5 ±1.5 ±3.0 ±3.0
in ±0.06 ±0.06 ±0.12 ±0.12
mm ±0.25 ±0.25 ±0.5 ±0.5
in ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.02
AL-4607 Series
AL-4607-1-560-54 AL-4607-1-760-54 AL-4607-1-760-108 AL-4607-1-1260-108
Outline Dimensions Drawing Number 11-2450 11-2450 11-2449 11-2449
A Length
B Radius
C Travel
D 1 Thickness
E Width
mm 3,600 3,600 6,400 6,400
in 141.7 141.7 252 252
mm 1,800 1,800 3,200 3,200
in 70.87 70.87 126 126
mm 1,372 1,372 2,743 2,743
in 54 54 108 108
mm 113 1 113 113 1 113 1
in 4.4 1 4.4 4.4 1 4.4 1
mm 160 160 160 160
in 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3