Diagonal Horns
Typical 3D radiation pattern
• Xxxxxxxxxxx
Measurement Probes
• Illumination of anechoic chambers
• Wideband probe for far-field test ranges
• Quasi-monostatic radar cross section (RCS)
Main features
Technical Performance
• Equalized beamwidths in the principal planes
• Extremely low side-lobes
• High cross-polar discrimination
• 2.5:1 bandwidth or more
• Smooth radiation pattern over the operational bandwidth
• Lightweight for easy handling
Surface treatment
• Alodine 1200 according to MIL-C 5541E class 3
• Blue paint
• Stiff and robust mechanical design
• Standard circular interface for precision centering
• Precision pin for accurate polarization alignment
• Precision machined product
• High reliability coaxial connector
Delivered documents
• Typical performance data (TYMEDATM)
• Measured return loss data
Product configuration
■ Mounting flange
■ Integrated coaxial transition with high precision
Calibration and maintenance
Included Optional

The low sidelobe level of the diagonal horn results in extremely low specular reflections from chamber
walls, thus providing substantially improved quiet zone performance and greater measurement accuracy.
Electrical characteristics
PART NUMBER DH 1000 DH 3000 DH 6500 DH 6500-MG DH 18000
Type of antenna Diagonal Horn Diagonal Horn Diagonal Horn Medium Gain Diagonal Horn
Frequency range [GHz] 1 – 3 3 – 6.5 6.5 – 18 6.5 – 18 18 - 40
Average Gain 15 – 22 14 – 21 21 – 26 18 - 25 17 - 22
Average Sidelobe Level < -20 dB < -20 dB < -20 dB < -20 dB < -20 dB
VSWR < 1.9 < 1.9 < 1.9 < 1.9 < 1.9
Return loss < -10 dB < -10 dB < -10 dB < -10 dB < -10 dB
Isolation between adjacent horns (*) < - 60 dB < - 60 dB < - 60 dB < - 60 dB < - 60 dB
Polarization Single Linear Single Linear Single Linear Single Linear Single Linear
Impedance 50 Ohms 50 Ohms 50 Ohms 50 Ohms 50 Ohms
(*) Relative to two co-polarized adjacent horns, separated by 20 mm spacing between aperture corners, aligned along the H-plane
Boresight Realized Gain
DH 3000
DH 1000
DH 6500