Heavy Duty Walkway Absorbers -
AEWW HD Series
Heavy Duty Walkway
> Applications:
• In-chamber access to devices and antennas under
test and support equipment
• High-traffi c areas that are subject to heavier wear
due to equipment loading and unloading
> Key features:
• Excellent high load bearing and wear characteristics
> Shape:
• Flat
• Step
> Frequency band:
• From 250 MHz to 30 GHz
> Standard base size:
• 2’ x 2’ (60.96 cm x 60.96 cm)
> Height:
• Absorber: 4’’ to 24’’ (10.2 cm to 61 cm)
> Operating conditions:
• Temperature: 70º F +/- 10º (21º C +/- 3º)
Relative humidity: 55 % RH +/-15 %
> Indoor/outdoor:
• Indoor
> Related certifi cations:
• NRL 8093 – 1, 2, 3
> Ordering code:
• AEWM-XX-Y, where XX designates internal absorber
height in inches and Y designates panel width in feet
Adapted Absorbers

1/ Description
The Heavy Duty Walkway Absorber provides a path to transmit and receive areas that will support heavier loads by
incorporating a high strength, load bearing grid into the walkway. This grid enables the walkway to support much
heavier loads than standard walkway. Custom sizes and shapes can also be provided, including much larger sizes
than standard walkway.
2/ Specifi cations
Height in 4 8 12 18 24
cm 10.2 20.3 30.5 45.7 61
Size in 24 x 24 x 5.5 24 x 24 x 9.5 24 x 24 x 14.5 24 x 24 x 21.5 24 x 24 x 29.5
cm 61 x 61 x 14 61 x 61 x 24.1 61 x 61 x 36.8 61 x 61 x 54.6 61 x 61 x 74.9
@ 250 MHz dB 20
@ 500 MHz dB 20 25
@ 1.0 GHz dB 20 20 25 30
@ 3.0 GHz dB 20 27 30 30 35
@ 6.0 GHz dB 25 35 35 35 40
@ 10.0 GHz dB 30 40 40 40 40
@ 15.0 GHz dB 35 40 40 40 40
@ 30.0 GHz dB 40 40 40 40 40
Absorption @ Normal Incidence
Power Watt/in
Watt/m2 775 775 775 775 775
Approx. Weight lbs/pc. 7.5 11 15 24 30
kg/pc. 3.4 5 6.8 10.9 13.6
Load capacity lbs 600 600 600 800 800
kg 272.2 272.2 272.2 362.9 362.9
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
AEWW-24-HD mechanical drawing