Orbit Baby Generation-one Car Seat Base User Manual

Base Manual
Table of Contents
Before You Begin
Your Child’s Safety Depends on You 5 Expiration Date 8 Registering Your Orbit Base 9
Welcome to the Orbit Baby family!
Congratulations on the purchase of your Orbit Base.
Please take the time to read through this instruction manual carefully and make sure anyone else using the Orbit Base reads it carefully as well.
Usage Recommendations
Some Important Warnings 13 Seat Positions & Vehicle Restraint Options 16 Need Help Securing Your Orbit Base? 27
Installing Your Orbit Base
Terms You Need to Know 29 Installing the Base: with LATCH System 30 Installing the Base: with Vehicle Seat Belts 35 Removing the Base 41
Maintaining Your Orbit Infant System
Cleaning 43 Limited Customer Warranty 44
Before You Begin
Your Child’s Safety Depends on You
Before You Begin
Your Child’s Safety Depends on You 5 Expiration Date 8 Registering Your Orbit Base 9
Not all photos in this manual include the most up-to-date product specifi cations.
No child restraint system can guarantee protection from injury in every situation. However, proper use of the Orbit Base and the applicable Orbit carseat reduces the risk of serious injury or death to your child. Your child’s safety depends on you installing and using this child restraint system correctly every time. This instruction manual guides you in detail through the following eight steps:
1. Register Your Orbit Base and take note of the Expiration Date.
Orbit Baby will help you keep track of safety updates and product recalls when you register with us.
Important Notice: The Orbit Base has been updated to
extend its usage for the Toddler Car Seat (see pages 10-11). You can only use your Orbit Base with your Toddler Car Seat if it has the Green Circular Seal shown to the right. To update your Orbit Base(s) for Toddler Car Seat use, contact Orbit Baby or visit www.orbitbaby.com/support/upgrade.
All Orbit Bases can be used with the Infant Car Seat without being upgraded.
Before You Begin
Your Child’s Safety Depends on You cont’d
Before You Begin
2. Select a seating location in your car. An important overview of vehicle
seating locations is in the “Usage Recommendations” sections of this manual. There you can  nd information about air bags and different types of vehicle seatbelts.
Note: According to accident statistics, children have less chance of injury
when properly restrained in rear vehicle seats.
3. Proper Installation. Properly secure the Orbit Base in the vehicle using the
attached LATCH Belt or by using a vehicle seat belt designed to secure a child restraint system. Instructions can be found in the blue “Installing Your Orbit Base” section. Have the manual handy when using your Orbit carseat (either the Orbit Infant Car Seat or the Orbit Toddler Car Seat).
4. Ensure the Orbit Base is level. Level indicators show whether the Orbit
Base is properly leveled. The Orbit Base should not move more than 1 inch (1”) in any direction once installed.
5. Properly dock your Orbit carseat into the Base. Follow the instruction
manual provided with your Orbit carseat (either the Orbit Infant Car Seat or the Orbit Toddler Car Seat) for instructions on this step. Ensure that the carseat is properly locked and facing in the correct direction.
Note: Safety technicians recommend keeping children Rear-Facing for as
long as possible. The switch to Forward-Facing will depend on your child’s age and size. Consult your Orbit carseat manual.
6. Secure your child. Consult the Orbit carseat manual to  nd instructions
about adjusting the restraint harness to  t your child and securing your child into the carseat.
7. Check the security of the Orbit carseat. After your Orbit carseat is docked
on the Base, it should not move more than one inch (1”) in any direction once installed.
8. Maintenance and Cleaning. The last section of this manual provides
instructions on how to clean your Orbit Base, as well as the limited customer warranty.
CLICK AND CHECK: When using the Orbit Base, always pay attention to the CLICK (through sound and feel) that says you’ve successfully completed a step. Then, always immediately follow up with a CHECK by tugging or pulling what you just clicked into place.
Before You Begin
Expiration Date
Registering Your Orbit Base
Before You Begin
DO NOT use the Orbit Base after the Expiration Date, which can be found on the Product Information Label located at the back of the Orbit Base.
The Product Information Labels on the Infant Car Seat and Toddler Car Seat also show their speci c serial numbers and model numbers.
Orbit Base - ORB 802000
Serial Number:
Manufacture Date:
Expiration Date:
Label located on the back of the Base
For your convenience, you can copy this information in the boxes above.
Child restraints could be recalled for safety reasons. You must register this restraint to be reached in a recall.
You can  nd the serial number and model information on the Product Information Label (see page 8) on your Orbit Base.
Send your name, address, and the model number and manufacturing date to Orbit Baby by
logging onto: www.orbitbaby.com/register
emailing: support@orbitbaby.com
calling: 1-877-ORB-BABY (672-2229)
mailing the attached registration card to: Orbit Baby, Inc. 8445 Central Ave. Newark, CA 94560
For recall information, call the U.S. Government’s Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1–888–327–4236 (TTY: 1–800–424– 9153), visit the National Highway Traf c Safety Administration’s website at www.NHTSA.gov, or contact Orbit Baby.
Before You Begin
Important Notice: Orbit Base Upgrade for Toddler Car Seat Use
Before You Begin
The Orbit Base has been updated to extend its use for the Toddler Car Seat. If your Orbit Base is manufactured before 02/2008 you must upgrade it
before using it with your Toddler Car Seat. Note: The Toddler Car Seat can also be used without the Orbit Base; consult your Toddler Car Seat manual. ALL
Orbit Bases can be used with the Infant Car Seat without being upgraded.
If your Orbit Base does NOT have the Green Circular Seal shown below, you must upgrade it before you use it with the Orbit Toddler Car Seat.
Green Circular Seal:
can be used with
• Infant Car Seat
• Toddler Car Seat
You can upgrade any Orbit Base(s) manufactured before 02/2008 free of charge, by doing one of the following:
• visit www.orbitbaby.com/support/upgrade
•  ll out the Base Update Request Form tethered to a new Toddler Car Seat
• contact Orbit Baby at support@orbitbaby.com or 877-ORB-BABY
No Green Circular Seal:
can be used with
• Infant Car Seat
Before You Begin
Usage Recommendations
Some Important Warnings
Some Important Warnings 13 Seat Positions & Vehicle Restraint Options 16 Need Help Securing Your Orbit Base? 27
Usage Recommendations
Important Product Notice: The Orbit Base has been upgraded to extend its
usage for the Toddler Car Seat. To make sure your Base(s) are upgraded before
using them with the Toddler Car Seat, see pages 10-11.
Death or Serious Injury Can Occur
To avoid serious injury or death, proper use is required. DO NOT let others install or use the Orbit Base without reading all the instructions fi rst.
Keep this instruction manual for future use. If the instruction manual is missing, visit www.orbitbaby.com, email support@orbitbaby.com, or call Orbit Baby at 1-877-ORB-BABY (1-877-672-2229) for a replacement manual.
Your child can be injured in a vehicle even if you are not in a crash. Sudden braking and sharp turns can injure your child if the Orbit Base is not properly installed or if your child is not properly secured in the child restraint.
Usage Recommendations
Some Important Warnings cont’d
hit the child restraint with great force and cause serious injury or death to your child. Also refer to your vehicle owner’s manual about locations for child restraints if there are side air bags.
Secure the Orbit Base with either the vehicle’s LATCH system or vehicle seat belt, as shown in this manual. Not all vehicle seat belts
can be used with child restraints. Always check the security of your installation by pulling side to side. The Orbit Base should not move more than 1 inch in any direction.
Usage Recommendations
Never leave an Orbit carseat or Orbit Base unsecured in your
vehicle. The LATCH Belt or vehicle seat belt must stay tightly adjusted around the child restraint system at all times, even when not occupied. Unsecured items can cause injury in a sharp turn, sudden stop or crash.
When installing the Orbit Base, check the level of the Base. The Orbit Base must be properly angled. Avoid loosening the installed Base unintentionally.
Death or Serious Injury Can Occur
Never leave the Orbit Base unsecured in your vehicle. The LATCH Belt or vehicle seat belt must stay tightly adjusted around the child restraint system at all times, even when not occupied. Unsecured items can cause injury in a sharp turn, sudden stop or crash.
Do not modify your Orbit Base. Only use products and accessories approved by Orbit Baby. Follow the accompanying instruction manuals for these products and accessories carefully.
Do not allow any re-use of the Orbit Base after a motor vehicle collision of any kind. A collision can cause damage to the Orbit Base that
you cannot see.
Do not use the Orbit Base if any component is damaged, broken, or missing parts. Do not use any straps or belts if they are cut or fraying.
Do not secure any Orbit carseat on the Orbit Base Forward Facing.
Do not secure any child restraint, besides either the Orbit Infant Car Seat or the Orbit Todder Car Seat, on the Orbit Base.
Death or Serious Injury Can Occur
Usage Recommendations
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