Orban 2200 User Manual

Section 2
page contents
2-2 Installation of 2200
2-7 Figure 2-1: AC Line Cord Wire Standard 2-9 Figure 2-2: Wiring the 25-pin Remote Control Connector
2-27 System Setup Controls
2-27 I/O CALIB (I/O Calibrat ion ) 2-32 Stereo Encoder (and processing Pre-Emphasis) 2-34 Remote Interface 2-35 TEST Mode
The installation and servicing instructions in this manual are for use by qualified personnel only. To avoid electric shock, do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the Operating Instructions unless you are qualified to do so. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
Installation of 2200
Allow about 2 hours for installation. Installation co nsists of: (1) unpacking and insp ecting the 2200, (2) optional rese tting of
jumpers for 2200 op tions (compos ite output impedance , input termination, inp ut sensitiv­ity), (3) checking the line voltage setting, fuses and power cord, (4) mounting the 2200 in a rack, (5) connecting inputs, outputs and power, (6) setting the optional connecting of remote control leads.
When you have finished installing the 2200, proceed to “System Setup,” on page 2-16.
1. Unpack and inspect.
A If you note obvious phys ical damage, contact the carrier immediate ly to make a
damage claim. Packed with the 2200 are:
1 Operating Manual 1 Quick Setup Guide 1Line Cord 2
⁄2A Replacement Fuses for “U” and “J” V ersions
2 250mA Replacement Fuses for “E” Version 1 Orban green screwdriver (Xcelite R3323) 1 Booklet: Audio Quality in the FM Plant
GROUND LIFT switch, (7 ) and
B Save all packing materials! If you should ever have to ship the 2200 (e.g., for
servicing), it is best to ship it in the original carton with its packing materials because both the carton and packing material have been carefully designed to protect the unit.
C Complete the Regi str ati on Car d and return it to Or ban. (please)
The Registration Card enables us to inform you of new applications, performance improve ments, and service aids tha t may be develo ped, and it helps us respond promptly to cla ims unde r warr anty with out our hav ing to request a copy of your bill of sale or other proof of purchase . Please f ill in the Registration Card and send it to us today. (The Registration Card is located aft er the cover page).
We do not sell or give away our customer’s names to anyone.
2. Change standard factor y configuration, if required.
[Skip this step if your installation does not have any special requirements.]
The 2200 is s upplied from the f ac tory with its jumpe rs set to th e con figur ation c orre ct for most installations.
Stereo Encoder Composite Output Impedance 0 Input Impedance 10k Input Sensitivity 10dBu or greater (+5dBu to +27dBu peak)
A To change any jumpers you must remove the top cover of the 2200 to access the main
circuit board. (Make sure p ower is not con nected. ) Remove all scr ews ho lding the cover in place, then lift it off. (B e careful not to strip thre ads when opening the cover.)
B Refer to Figure 2-1 to find the jumpers on the main circuit board and to position them
according to your application.
The following inf ormation is provided to explain each jumper and its settings in detail.
Stereo encoder composite output impedance.
[Do not change the default 0 jumper setting unless your installation needs 75 source impedance.]
The stereo encoder is shipp ed from the facto ry with 0Ω source imp edan ce. This is correct for virtually all installations. However, the 2200 stereo encoder can be changed to 75 source impedance if desired.
The frequencies in the stereo baseband are low by comparison to RF or video, and the ch aracteristic imped ance of coaxial cab le is not 75 at lower frequencies, so the transmission system will ha ve more accu rate amplitud e and phase response (and thus, better stereo separ ation) if the cab le is driven by a very low source impedance (0Ω) and is terminated with greater than 1k at the exciter.
However, a few broadcast organizations require that FM composite be transmitted in impedan ce-matche d coaxial ca ble with 75 sourc e and load impedances.
To change the source impedance of one or both of the composite outputs:
To change the sou rc e imp ed ance of comp osite ou tpu t #1, move jum per JA to the “75” position (Fig 2-1). To change the source impedance of composite output #2, move jumpe r JB to the “7 5” po sition (Fig 2-1).
Analog left/right input termination.
[Do not change the default setting unless your installation requires 600 termination on the analog left/right inputs.]
The analog left/right inputs are shipped from the factory with balanced bridging (1 0k) input impe dance. Howev er, the 2200 a nalog inputs ca n be changed to 600 input impedance.
To change the input impedance of the analog left /rig ht inputs:
Move jumpers J301 and J305 according to Figure 2-1. Jumper J301 sets the left channel and jumper J305 sets the right channel .
Set analog left/right input sensitivity.
[Skip this step if your installation will supply the 22 00 with nominal input level of 10dBu or greater (+5dBu to +27 dBu peak).]
The analog left/right inputs are shipped from the factory with input sensi­tivity to accommodate inputs whose absolute maximum peak level is between +5dBu and +27dBu.
If VU meters are used, +5dBu to +27dBu absolute peak corresponds to a 0VU level of approximate ly 9dBu to +13dBu.
If PPMs are used, +5dBu to +27dBu absolute peak corresponds to a PPM level of approximate ly 2dBu to +20dBu.
However, in unusual circumstances where the input level is very low, the 2200 analog inputs can be changed for greater sensitivity. This usually occurs only when the stu dio-to-transmitter link i s a long telephone or po st line with a passive equalize r at the re ceive end a nd no amplifier to make u p the loss of the line and the equalizer .
To increase the input sensitivity of the analog input to accommodate absolute peak levels of 17dBu to +5dBu (nominal levels down to
Move jumpers J302, J303, J306, J307 and J308 according to Figure 2-1. Jumpers J30 2 and J303 set the lef t channel and jumpers J306 and J307 set the right channel. Jumper J308 sets the co ntrol cir cuit to r ecogniz e the n ew input sensitivity.
C Replace the 2200 top cover.
Replace all screws snugly. (Be ca re ful not to strip thr ea ds by fa stenin g the screws too tightly.)
2200 Rear Panel
Voltage Selector (for Model Numbers 2200/U, 2200-D/U, 2200/E and 2200-D/E) can be set to 115V (for 100-132V operation) or 230V (for 200-264V operation); (for Model 2200/J and 2200-D/J) set to 115V (for 89-120V operation).
Fuse values can be changed to support 115V or 230V operation. Fuse must be 3AG Slow-Blow,
Power Cord is detachabl e and is termina ted in a “U- ground ” plug (USA st andard), or CEE7/7 plug (Continental Europe), as appropriate to your 2200’s Model Number.
GND LIFT (Ground Lift) Switch can be set to ground to its chassis) , or to driving its composite output into an unbalanced exciter input).
Remote Cont rol In terf ace is pr ov ided to conn ect the 2200 to a re mote contr ol. Th e 2200 remote control accepts a DB-25 connector and supports user-programmable selection of up to eight inputs fo r any one of the fo llowing para meters: u ser presets , factory presets, bypass, tone, exit test, stereo, mono left, mono right, mono sum, analog input, digital inp ut (Model 2200-D only), digital input + J.17 pre-emphas is (Model 2200-D only).
COMPOSITE 1 OUTPUT and COMPO SITE 2 OUTPUT are provided, each with independent output level control (via front panel Comp 1 and Comp 2 controls). Each output uses a BNC connector.
⁄2-amp for 115V, or 1⁄4-amp (250mA) “T ” type for 230V.
GND ( to connect the 2 200’s circuit
LIFT (if you a re using the 2200 ’s ster eo enc oder, an d are
A valid signal is a momentary tr ansition from no-c urrent to cu rrent flowing through the particular remote signal pins. Current must flow for at least 50ms for the signal to be interpreted as valid. It is acceptable to apply current continuously to an input, DC or AC. Do not exceed 9 volts unless you use an external current-limiting resistor that limits curr ent to 10mA.
ANALOG INPUT and ANALOG OUTPUT provided to support left and right audio signals through XLR-type connectors.
Digital AES/EBU INPUT and AES/EBU OUTPUT (Model 2200-D only) are provided to support two-channel AES/EBU-standard digital audio signals through XLR-type connectors.
3. Check the line voltage, fuse and power cord.
A DO NOT connect power to the unit yet! B Check the voltage selector. This is on the rear panel.
Refer to the unit’s re ar panel fo r your Model Numb er and the in side o f th e front cover of this manual for your Model Number’s line volta ge settin g.
Model Numbers 2200/U, 2200-D/U, 2200/E and 2200-D/E are shipped configured for either 100-132V or 200-264V, 50Hz or 60Hz operation, as indicated on the rear pane l. To change the opera ting voltage, set the voltag e selector to 115V (for 100-132V) or 230V (f or 200 -264 V) as appro pr iate .
Model Number 2200/J and 2200-D/J are shipped for 89-120V, 50/60Hz operation. The voltage selecto r shou ld be set to 115V (f or 89-12 0V) .
C Check the value of the fuse and change the fuse if the value is incorrect.
For safety, the fuse must be Slow-Blow 1⁄2-amp for 115V, or 250mA
⁄4-amp) “T” type fo r 23 0V.
(3 x .82 mm2)
115 VAC
TYPE H05VV - F - 0.75
Figure 2-1: AC Line Cord Wire Standar d
D Check po wer cor d.
AC power passes through an IEC-standard mains connector and an RF filter designed to meet the standa rd s of all inter na tion al sa fe ty au tho ritie s.
The power cord is terminated in a “U-ground” plug (USA standard), or CEE7/7 plug (Continental Europe), as appropriate to your 2200’s Model Number. The green/yellow wire is connected directly to the 2200 chassis.
If you need to change the plug to meet your country’s standard and you are qualified to do so, see Figure 2-2. Otherwise, purchase a new mains cord with the correct line plug attache d.
230 VAC
4. Set Ground Lift switch.
GND LIFT switch is located on the rear panel.
GND LIFT switch is shipped fr om the fac tory set to ground (to co nnect the 2200’s
The circuit ground to its chassis ground). If you are using the 2200’s stereo encoder, and are driving its composite outp ut into an unbalanced exciter input, set the to
GND LIFT switch
This will break a ground loop that could otherwise occur. Unbalanced exciter inputs can cause hum and noise because it is difficult to control the
system ground ing. If hum or n oise appears that cannot be c ured by rese tting the
switch, we suggest that y ou ins tall the optional Orban CIT25 Composite Iso lation
Transformer at the exciter’s input to balance it. If you use the CIT25, set the 2200’s
switch to GND.
If you are not using the 2200’s stereo encoder, set the GND LIFT switch to ground.
5. Mount the 2200 in a r ack.
The 2200 requires one standard rack unit (1
⁄4 inches/4.4 cm).
There shou ld be a good gr ound connec tion betwee n the rack a nd the 2200 ch assis — check this with an ohmmeter to verify that the resistance is less than 0.5Ω.
Mounting the unit o ver large heat-producing devic es (such as a vacuum- tube power amplifier) may sh or ten c omp on en t lif e an d is no t recommended. Ambie nt temperature should not exceed 113°F/45°C when equipment is powered.
Equipment life will be exten de d if the unit is mou nte d away from sou rc es of vibration, such as large blowers.
The shorter the baseband cable run from the 2200 to exciter, the less like ly that ground loops or other nois e problems will occur in the insta llation. If you require a lo ng c ab le run, it is usually best to mount the RF exciter close to the 2200 , and to make the long cable carry the RF output from the exciter to the transmitter’s RF power amplifiers.
6. Connect remote control. (optional)
The 2200 has extensive remote control provisions, which are described on page 2-34. Optically-isolated remote control connections are terminated in a type DB-25 male
connector located on the rear panel. It is wired according to Fig. 2-2. T o select the desired function, apply a 5-12V A C or DC pulse be tween the a ppropriate The () terminals can be conne cted togethe r and then c onnected to gr ound at pin 1 to create a composition resistor in series with the current limiting. A current-limited +9VDC source is available on pin 25.
REMOTE COMMON. If you use 48V, connect a 3.6K 10%, 1-watt carbon
REMOTE COMMON or the (+) terminal to provide
In a high-RF environment, these wires should be short and should be run through foil-shielded cable, with the shield connected to the connector shell at both ends.
REMOTE terminals.
Figure 2-2: Wiring the 25-pin Remote Control Connector
7. Connect inputs and outputs.
See the hook-up and grounding information on the following pages. Audio Input and Audio Output Connections Page 2-10
Composite Output Page 2-12 AES/EBU Digital Input and Output (2200-D only) Page 2-11 Grounding Page 2-12
Audio Input and Output Connections
We recommend usin g two-conductor foil-shielded cable (such as Belden 8451 or equivalent), because signal current flows through the two conductors only. The shield does not carry signal, and is used only for shielding.
Input and output connectors are XLR-type connectors.
In the XLR-type c onne ctors, pin 1 is CHASSIS GROUND, while pin 2 and pin 3 are a balanced, floating pair. This wiring scheme is compatible with any studio wiring standard: If one pin is considered automatically
Analog Audio Input
LOW, the other pin is
Nominal input level between −30dBu and +8dBu will result in normal oper ation
of the 2200. (See step 2 on page 2-3 for a full discussion).
(0dBu = 0.775Vrms. For this application, the dBm @600 scale on voltmeters can be read as if it were ca libr ate d in dBu. )
The peak input level that causes overload is dependent on the setting of the AI
CLIP control. It is adjustable from −17dBu to +27dBu in two ranges.
The electronically -bal anced i nput uses an ultra low noise and distortion differ-
ential amplifier for best common mode rejection, and is co mpatible with most professional and semi-professional audio equipment, balanced or unbalanced, having a source impedance of 600 or less. The input is EMI suppressed.
Input connec tion s a re th e sa me w he the r the d riv ing sou rc e is balanced or unbal-
Connect the red (or white) wire to the pin on the XLR-type connec tor (#2 or #3)
that is considered wire to the pin on the XLR - typ e c on ne cto r (# 3 or #2) th at is considered the standards of your organization. (Note: International Standard is pin 2
*In low RF fields (like a studio site), do not connect the cable shield at the 2200
input — it should be con ne cte d at the sou rc e en d on ly. In h igh RF fields (like a transmitter site), also connect the shield to pin 1 of the male XLR-type connector at the 2200 input.
HIGH by the standards of your organization. Connect the black
LOW by
If the output of the driving unit is unbalanced and does not have separate CHASSIS
GROUND and (−) (or LO) output terminals, con nect both the shield an d the black
wire to the common () or ground terminal of the driving unit.
Analog Audio Output
Electronically-balanced and floating outputs simulate a true transfo rme r out-
put. The source impedance is 30. The output is capable of driving loads of 600 or higher; maximum output level is +20dBu. The outpu t s ar e EM I su pp re ss ed .
If an unbalanced output is required (to drive unbalanced inputs of other equip-
ment), it should be taken between pin 2 and pin 3 of the XLR-type connector. Connect the organization ’s standards) to circu it ground, and take the remaining pin. No special pr ecaution s are re quired eve n though one side of the output is grounded.
Use two-conductor foil-shielded cable (Belden 8451, or equivalent).
At the 2200’s output (and at the output of other equipment in the system), connect
the cable’s shie ld to the connector. Connect the red (or white) wire to the pin on the XLR-type connector (#2 or #3) th at is co nside red the black wire to the p in on the XLR-type conn ector (#3 o r #2) tha t is c onsidered
LOW by the standards of your organization.
LOW pin of the XLR-type c onnector ( #3 or #2 , depending o n your
HIGH output from th e
CHASSIS GROUND terminal (pin 1) on the XLR- type
HIGH by the standards of your organization. Connect
AES/EBU Digital Input and Output (2200-D Only)
Model 2200-D includes an AES/EBU digital input/output connector. These follow the AES/EBU standa rd.
Use 110 shielded twisted-pair cable (Belden 1800A, or equivalent). The length
of cable, cable characteristics, and quality of termination become extremely important because AES/EBU signals have a spectrum with significant energy to 6MHz. Do not use standard au di o cab le fo r AES/E BU a pplica tion s.
Impedance mismatch ing and noise are the most common causes of trouble with AES/EBU signals, usually manifestin g as pops or clicks in the o utput audio, or total loss of synchronization lock. Impedance mismatching can be caused by use of an inappropriate cable type, poor cable termination technique, or improper termination of the transmission line either in the source, or receiver equipment. Induced noise may prevent the AES/EBU receiver from locking to the incoming data stream. For this reason, cable length is generally rec ommended to be less tha n 100 meters (a pprox. 328’).
Each digital input or output line carries both the left and right stereo channels. The digital input clip level is fixed at 0dB relative to the maxi­mum digital word (0dBFS). Sin ce the inp ut meter s mo nitor clip le vel s, th e maximum digital input will make the meters display 0dB. The reference level is adjustable using either the reference level determines the amount of gain reduction. The output level is adjustable using the to full scale, and is adjustable from 0.0dBFS to 20dBFS.
DO 100% control. This control is in dB, referenced
DI REF VU or DI REF PPM contro ls. The
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