Oracle H09993100 User Manual

P/N: DH09993100
Hyperion Security Administration Guide, 9.3.1
Copyright © 2005-2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Authors: James Chacko
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Chapter 1. About Hyperion Security ..................................................... 11
Security Components .................................................. 11
User Authentication ................................................... 11
Authentication Components .......................................... 11
Security API ................................................... 12
Native Directory ................................................ 12
User Directories ................................................ 12
User Authentication Scenarios ......................................... 12
Single Sign-on Directly to Hyperion Products ........................... 12
Single Sign-on from External Systems ................................ 13
Provisioning (Role-Based Authorization) .................................... 14
Roles ........................................................... 15
Global Roles ................................................... 16
Predefined Roles ................................................ 17
Aggregated Roles ............................................... 17
Users ........................................................... 17
Groups .......................................................... 17
Chapter 2. Setting Up Authentication .................................................... 19
Setting Up Direct Authentication to Hyperion Products ......................... 19
Creating Users on the User Directory .................................... 19
Creating Groups ................................................... 20
Migrating Users and Groups to Shared Services Security ...................... 20
Installing and Deploying Shared Services ................................. 20
Identifying User Directories to Shared Services ............................. 20
Setting Up SSO with SAP Enterprise Portal ................................... 21
Nested SAP Groups ................................................. 22
Inheritance Policy for Nested Groups .................................... 23
Deployment Locations .............................................. 23
Prerequisites ...................................................... 23
Setting Up SSO from SiteMinder .......................................... 25
Special Considerations .............................................. 26
Configuring the SiteMinder Policy Server ................................. 27
Configuring the SiteMinder Web Agent .................................. 27
Enabling SiteMinder Authentication in Shared Services ....................... 27
Other Procedures .................................................. 28
Using NTLM to Support SSO ............................................ 28
NTLM with UNIX Application Environments ............................. 29
Support for Multiple NTLM Domains ................................... 29
Chapter 3. User Management Console ................................................... 33
Launching User Management Console ...................................... 33
Overview of User Management Console ..................................... 34
Navigating in User Management Console .................................... 34
Searching for Users, Groups, Roles, and Delegated Lists .......................... 34
Chapter 4. Configuring User Directories .................................................. 37
Operations Related to User Directory Configuration ............................ 37
Using the Unique Identity Attribute to Handle Inter-OU Moves in LDAP-Enabled User
Directories .......................................................... 38
Planning the Migration to the Unique Identity Attribute ...................... 38
Back Up Native Directory and Hyperion Product Repositories ............... 39
Migration Sequence ............................................. 39
Behavior During Migration ........................................ 39
Important Considerations When Using the Unique Identity Attribute ......... 39
Configuring Oracle Internet Directory, MSAD, and Other LDAP-Enabled User
Directories .......................................................... 40
Configuring an SAP Provider ............................................. 46
Configuring an NTLM User Directory ...................................... 49
Configuring Relational Databases as User Directories ........................... 50
Testing User Directory Connections ........................................ 53
Editing User Directory Settings ........................................... 53
Deleting User Directory Configurations ..................................... 54
Managing User Directory Search Order ..................................... 54
Adding a User Directory to the Search Order .............................. 55
Changing the Search Order ........................................... 56
Removing a Search Order Assignment ................................... 56
Setting Global Parameters ............................................... 57
Overriding Cache Refresh Interval for MSAD and other LDAP-Enabled User
Directories .......................................................... 58
Setting Timeout to Resolve SAP Keystore File ................................. 59
Connection Pooling ................................................... 59
Using Special Characters ................................................ 61
Chapter 5. Working with Applications and Projects ........................................... 65
Overview ........................................................... 65
Working with Projects .................................................. 65
Creating Projects .................................................. 66
Modifying Project Properties .......................................... 67
Deleting Projects .................................................. 67
Managing Applications ................................................. 67
Assigning Access Permissions to Applications ............................. 68
Moving Applications ............................................... 69
Copying Provisioning Information Across Applications ...................... 69
Deleting an Application .............................................. 69
Chapter 6. Delegated User Management .................................................. 71
About Delegated User Management ........................................ 71
Hierarchy of Administrators ............................................. 71
Shared Services Administrators ........................................ 71
Delegated Administrators ............................................ 72
Enabling Delegated User Management Mode ................................. 72
Creating Delegated Administrators ........................................ 72
Planning Steps .................................................... 73
User Accounts for Delegated Administrators ........................... 73
Create a Delegation Plan .......................................... 73
Provisioning Delegated Administrators .................................. 73
Creating Delegated Lists ............................................. 73
Modifying Delegated Lists ............................................ 75
Deleting Delegated Lists ............................................. 77
Viewing Delegated Reports ........................................... 77
Chapter 7. Managing Native Directory .................................................... 79
About Native Directory ................................................. 79
Installation Location ................................................ 79
Default Users and Groups ............................................ 80
Starting Native Directory ............................................. 80
Starting Native Directory in Normal Mode ............................. 80
Starting Native Directory in Debug Mode .............................. 80
Stopping Native Directory ......................................... 81
Managing Native Directory Users ......................................... 81
Creating Users .................................................... 81
Modifying User Accounts ............................................ 82
Deactivating User Accounts ........................................... 83
Activating Inactive User Accounts ...................................... 84
Deleting User Accounts ............................................. 84
Managing Native Directory Groups ........................................ 84
Creating Groups ................................................... 85
Modifying Groups ................................................. 86
Deleting Groups ................................................... 88
Managing Roles ...................................................... 88
Creating Aggregated Roles ............................................ 89
Modifying Aggregated Roles .......................................... 90
Deleting Aggregated Roles ............................................ 90
Changing Native Directory root User Password ............................... 91
Backing Up the Native Directory Database ................................... 91
Best Practices ..................................................... 91
Hot Backup ...................................................... 92
Cold Backup ...................................................... 92
Synchronizing Native Directory Database with the Shared Services Repository ......... 93
Recovering Native Directory Data ......................................... 93
Setting Up Native Directory for High Availability and Failover ..................... 94
Out of the Box Deployment ........................................... 94
Cold Standby Deployment ............................................ 96
Hot Standby Deployment ............................................ 98
Migrating Native Directory .............................................. 99
Chapter 8. Managing Provisioning ..................................................... 101
Provisioning Users and Groups .......................................... 101
Deprovisioning Users and Groups ........................................ 102
Generating Provisioning Reports ......................................... 102
Importing and Exporting Native Directory Data .............................. 103
Overview ....................................................... 104
Use Scenarios .................................................... 105
Move Provisioning Data Across Environments ......................... 105
Manage Users and Groups in Native Directory ......................... 105
Bulk Provision Users and Groups ................................... 105
Installing the Import/Export Utility .................................... 106
Before Starting Import/Export Operations ............................... 106
Sample File ................................... 106
Sequence of Operations ............................................. 107
Preparing the Property File .......................................... 107
Product Codes ................................................... 111
Considerations for Setting Filters ...................................... 112
Prerequisites for Running Import/Export Utility from a Remote Host ........... 113
Running the Utility ................................................ 113
Import File format ................................................ 114
XML File Format .............................................. 114
CSV File Format ............................................... 118
Chapter 9. Using the Update Native Directory Utility to Clean Stale Native Directory Data ............... 125
About the Update Native Directory Utility .................................. 125
Installing the Update Native Directory Utility ................................ 126
Running the Update Native Directory Utility ................................ 126
Update Native Directory Utility Options ................................ 127
Update Native Directory Utility Log Files ................................ 128
Product-Specific Updates .............................................. 128
Essbase ......................................................... 129
Planning ....................................................... 129
Financial Management ............................................. 130
Reporting and Analysis ............................................. 131
Strategic Finance ................................................. 132
Chapter 10. Troubleshooting ......................................................... 133
Shared Services Log Files ............................................... 133
User Directory Error Codes ............................................. 134
Troubleshooting Tools and Utilities ....................................... 134
CSSSpy ........................................................ 134
WebDAV Browser ................................................ 134
Appendix A. Hyperion Product Roles .................................................... 135
Shared Services Roles ................................................. 135
Essbase Roles ....................................................... 137
Reporting and Analysis Roles ............................................ 137
Financial Management Roles ............................................ 139
Planning Roles ...................................................... 141
Business Rules Roles .................................................. 142
Business Modeling Roles ............................................... 143
Strategic Finance Roles ................................................ 143
Transaction Manager Roles ............................................. 144
Performance Scorecard Roles ............................................ 144
Strategic Finance Roles ................................................ 144
Data Integration Management Roles ...................................... 145
Essbase Provider Services Roles .......................................... 145
Appendix B. Shared Services Roles and Permitted Tasks ...................................... 147
Appendix C. Essbase User Provisioning .................................................. 149
Launching User Management Console from Essbase ........................... 149
Essbase Projects, Applications, and Databases in Shared Services .................. 150
Essbase Users and Groups in Shared Services ................................ 151
Assigning Database Calculation and Filter Access ............................. 151
Setting Application Access Type .......................................... 153
Synchronizing Security Information Between Shared Services and Essbase ........... 154
Migrating Essbase Users to Shared Services Security ........................... 155
Backing Up Security Information ......................................... 155
Appendix D. Reporting and Analysis User Provisioning ....................................... 157
Launching User Management Console from Workspace ........................ 157
Reporting and Analysis Roles ............................................ 157
Reporting and Analysis Role Hierarchy .................................... 157
Content Manager Branch ........................................... 158
Scheduler Manager Branch .......................................... 158
Sample Role Combinations ............................................. 159
Appendix E. Financial Management User Provisioning ........................................ 161
Assigning Users and Groups to Financial Management Applications ............... 161
Assigning User Access to Security Classes ................................... 162
Setting Up E-mail Alerting ............................................. 163
Process Management Alerting ........................................ 164
Intercompany Transaction Alerting .................................... 165
Running Security Reports for Financial Management Applications ................. 165
Migrating Financial Management Users to Shared Services Security ................ 166
Appendix F. Planning User Provisioning .................................................. 167
Launching User Management Console From Planning ......................... 167
Returning to Planning From User Management Console ........................ 167
Updating Users and Groups in Planning .................................... 168
Migrating User and Group Identities ................................... 168
Deprovisioning or Deleting Users and Groups ............................ 168
Updating Users With a Utility ........................................ 169
Roles in Planning .................................................... 170
Write Access to Data in Essbase ....................................... 170
Roles Between Planning and Business Rules .............................. 170
Access Permissions Between Planning and Essbase ......................... 170
About Connection Types and Planning .................................... 171
Migrating Users to Shared Services ........................................ 171
Appendix G. Business Rules User Provisioning ............................................. 173
About Business Rules Security ........................................... 173
Launching User Management Console ..................................... 174
Business Rules User Roles .............................................. 174
Migrating Business Rules Users to Shared Services Security ...................... 175
Appendix H. Performance Scorecard User Provisioning ....................................... 177
Launching User Management Console from Performance Scorecard ............... 177
Managing Permissions in Performance Scorecard .......................... 178
Creating and Provisioning Users and Groups over Shared Services ................. 178
Access Permissions ................................................ 179
Before You Begin ................................................. 179
Creating a New User or Group Using Shared Services ....................... 179
Assign Performance Scorecard Properties Individually ...................... 180
Assign Bulk Properties in Performance Scorecard .......................... 181
Migrating Performance Scorecard Users and Groups to Shared Services Security ...... 182
Appendix I. Business Modeling Roles and Tasks ............................................ 189
Administrator ....................................................... 189
Builder ............................................................ 190
End User .......................................................... 190
Appendix J. Essbase Provider Services User Provisioning ...................................... 191
Provisioning the Administrator Role in Shared Services ......................... 191
Migrating Analytic Provider Services Users to Shared Services .................... 192
Appendix K. Data Integration Management User Provisioning .................................. 193
Authentication Methods ............................................... 193
Data Integration Management User Roles ................................... 194
Glossary ........................................................... 195
Index ............................................................. 199
In This Chapter
Security Components..............................................................................................................11
User Authentication................................................................................................................11
Provisioning (Role-Based Authorization).........................................................................................14

Security Components

Hyperion application security comprises two distinct and complementary layers that control user access and permissions:
“User Authentication” on page 11
“Provisioning (Role-Based Authorization)” on page 14

About Hyperion Security

User Authentication

User authentication enables single sign-on functionality across Hyperion products by validating the login information of each user to determine authenticated users. User authentication, along with product-specific authorization, grants the user access to Hyperion products. Authorization is granted through provisioning.
Single sign-on (SSO) is a session and user authentication process that permits a Hyperion product user to enter credentials only once at the beginning of a session to access multiple Hyperion products. SSO, which is requested at session initiation, eliminates the need to log in separately to each Hyperion product to which the user has access.

Authentication Components

These components are used to support SSO:
“Security API” on page 12
“Native Directory” on page 12
“User Directories” on page 12
Security Components
Security API
The Security Application Programming Interface (Security API) is the main interface to validate users and interpret user access to Hyperion products. It is a Java API that enables Hyperion products to authenticate users against user directories configured in Oracle's Hyperion® Shared Services. It also allows integration with a security agents such as Netegrity SiteMinder, and retrieval of users and groups based on names and identities. Each Hyperion application implements the Security API to support user authentication.
Native Directory
Native Directory (OpenLDAP), an open source Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)­enabled user directory, is bundled and configured with Shared Services.
Native Directory functions:
Used to maintain and manage the default Shared Services user accounts required by
Hyperion products
Is the central storage for all Hyperion provisioning information because it stores the
relationships between users, groups, and roles.
Native Directory is accessed and managed using the User Management Console. Refer toChapter 7, “Managing Native Directory” for more information on provisioning users.
User Directories
User directories refer to any corporate user and identity management system compatible with Shared Services. Hyperion products are supported on a large number of user directories. These include LDAP-enabled user directories, such as Sun Java System Directory Server (formerly SunONE Directory Server) and Microsoft Active Directory, Windows NT LAN Manager (NTLM); SAP Provider; and custom-built user directories that support LDAP version 3.
In addition to Native Directory, which is automatically configured for your environment, one or more user directories can be configured as the user information provider for Hyperion products.
User directories used with Hyperion products must contain an account for each user who accesses Hyperion products. These users may be assigned to groups to facilitate provisioning.

User Authentication Scenarios

“Single Sign-on Directly to Hyperion Products” on page 12
“Single Sign-on from External Systems” on page 13
Single Sign-on Directly to Hyperion Products
About Hyperion Security
Direct authentication connects Hyperion products to available user directories to verify the user name and password (credentials) entered on the Login screen.
1. Using a browser, users access the Hyperion product login screen. They enter user names
and passwords.
The Security API implemented on the Hyperion product queries the configured user
directories (including Native Directory) to verify user credentials. A search order is used to
establish the search sequence. On finding a matching user account in a user directory, the
search is terminated and the user's information is returned to the Hyperion product.
Access to Hyperion product is denied if a user account is not found in any of the user
2. Using the retrieved user information, the Hyperion product queries Shared Services to
obtain provisioning details for the user. Provisioning details are stored in Native Directory.
On receiving provisioning information from Shared Services, the appropriate Hyperion product is made available to the user. At this point, SSO is enabled for all Hyperion products for which that user is provisioned. Access permissions within Hyperion products are determined by the provisioning information.
Single Sign-on from External Systems
Hyperion products can be configured to accept pre-authenticated users from external sources, such as Netegrity SiteMinder and SAP Enterprise Portal, to enable SSO. In this scenario, Hyperion products use the user information provided by a trusted external source to determine access permissions of users.
SSO with SAP is supported by accepting an SAP logon ticket. In this scenario, users defined in an SAP user directory can navigate between the SAP Portal and Hyperion products. If an SAP provider is configured, users can also directly log on to Hyperion products using the user ID and password stored in the SAP system. The SAP provider creates the SAP logon ticket to enable SSO with SAP systems.
User Authentication
1. Using a browser, users access the login screen of a web identity management solution (for example, SiteMinder) or SAP Enterprise Portal. They enter user names and passwords, which are validated against configured user directories to verify user authenticity. Hyperion products are also configured to work with these user directories.
When users navigate to a Hyperion product, information about the authenticated user is passed to Hyperion product, which accepts the information as valid.
If the user logged on to SAP Portal, an SAP logon ticket is passed to Hyperion product. The Security API implemented on Hyperion product decrypts the SAP logon ticket using a specified SAP certificate.
If the user logged on to a web identity management solution, a custom header is passed to Hyperion product.
2. To verify user credentials, Hyperion product tries to locate the user in one of the user directories based on the search order. If a matching user account is found, user information is returned to Hyperion product.
3. Using the retrieved user information, Hyperion product queries Shared Services to obtain provisioning details for the user.
On receiving user provisioning information from Shared Services, the Hyperion product is made available to the user. SSO is then enabled for all Hyperion products for which that user is provisioned.

Provisioning (Role-Based Authorization)

Hyperion application security determines user access to products using the concept of roles. A role is a set of permissions that determines user access to product functions.
Each Hyperion product provides several default roles tailored to suit various business needs. Predefined roles from each Hyperion application registered with Shared Services are available from User Management Console. These roles are used for provisioning. You may also create additional roles that aggregate the default roles to suit specific requirements. The process of
About Hyperion Security
granting users and groups specific access permissions to Hyperion resources is called provisioning.
Native Directory and configured user directories are sources for user and group information for the provisioning (authorization) process. You can browse and provision users and groups from all configured user directories from User Management Console. Provisioning data is stored in Native Directory. You can also use application-specific aggregated roles created in Native Directory in the provisioning process.
This illustration depicts a broad overview of the authorization process:
1. After a user is authenticated, Hyperion product queries the user directories to determine
the user's groups.
2. Hyperion product uses the group and user information to retrieve the user's provisioning
data from Shared Services. The product uses this data to determine resources that a user can access.
Product-specific provisioning tasks, such as setting product-specific access control, are completed from each product. This data is combined with provisioning data to determine the product access for users.
Role-based provisioning of Hyperion products uses these concepts.


A role is a construct (similar to access control list) that defines the access permissions granted to users and groups to perform functions on Hyperion resources. It is a combination of resource or resource types (what users can access; for example, a report) and actions that users can perform on the resource (for example, view and edit).
Access to Hyperion application resources is restricted; users can access them only after a role that provides access is assigned to the user or to the group to which the user belongs. Access restrictions based on roles enable administrators to control and manage application access.
Provisioning (Role-Based Authorization)
Global Roles
Global roles are Shared Services roles that enable users to perform certain tasks within the User Management Console. See Appendix B, “Shared Services Roles and Permitted Tasks” for a complete list of Shared Services global roles.
The Administrator role provides control over all products that integrate with Shared Services. It enables more control over security than any other Hyperion product roles and should therefore be assigned sparingly. Administrators can perform all administrative tasks in User Management Console and can provision themselves.
This role grants broad access to all applications registered with Shared Services. The Administrator role is, by default, assigned to the admin Native Directory user, which is the only user available after you deploy Shared Services. This user account is initially used to create accounts for other administrators. For example, the Shared Services Administrator assigns other administrative users either the Directory Manager or Provisioning Manager role (a product­specific role assigned for individual applications). In turn, these users manage general user access to applications.
Directory Manager
Users who are assigned the Directory Manager role can create and manage users and groups within Native Directory.
Do not assign to Directory Managers the Provisioning Manager role because combining these roles allows Directory Managers to provision themselves. If a user is assigned the Provisioning Manager role for an Oracle's Hyperion® Essbase® – System 9 application as well as the Directory Manager role, this user can create a new user, assign the user any role within the Essbase application, and log in as the new user, thereby granting personal access to the Essbase application.
The recommended practice is to grant one user the Directory Manager role and another user the Provisioning Manager role.
Project Manager
Users who are assigned the Project Manager role can create and manage projects within Shared Services.
LCM Manager
Users who are assigned the LCM Manager role can execute the Artifact Life Cycle Management Utility to promote artifacts and data across product environments and operating systems.
About Hyperion Security
Predefined Roles
Predefined roles are built-in roles in Hyperion products. You cannot delete these roles from the product. Predefined roles are registered with Shared Services during the application registration process.
Aggregated Roles
Aggregated roles are custom roles that aggregate multiple product roles within a Hyperion product. An aggregated role consists of multiple roles, including other aggregated roles. For example, a Shared Services Administrator or Provisioning Manager can create a role for Planning that combines the Planner and View User roles into an aggregated role. Aggregating roles can simplify the administration of products that have a large number of granular roles.
You cannot create an aggregated role that spans products, and you cannot include global Shared Services roles in aggregated roles. Aggregated roles are also known as custom roles.


User directories store information about the users who can access Hyperion products. Both the authentication and the authorization processes utilize user information. You can only create and manage Native Directory users from User Management Console.
Users from all configured user directories are visible from User Management Console. These users can be individually provisioned to grant access rights on the Hyperion products registered with Shared Services. Hyperion does not recommend the provisioning of individual users.


Groups are containers for users or other groups. You can create and manage Native Directory groups from User Management Console. Groups from all configured user directories are displayed in User Management Console. You can provision these groups to grant permissions for Hyperion products registered with Shared Services.
Provisioning (Role-Based Authorization)
About Hyperion Security

Setting Up Authentication

In This Chapter
Setting Up Direct Authentication to Hyperion Products ........................................................................19
Setting Up SSO with SAP Enterprise Portal......................................................................................21
Setting Up SSO from SiteMinder .................................................................................................25
Using NTLM to Support SSO ......................................................................................................28

Setting Up Direct Authentication to Hyperion Products

The security environment of Hyperion products comprises two complementary layers: authentication and authorization.
Setting up Hyperion security to authenticate users directly involves several broad procedures. See details in later sections.
“Creating Users on the User Directory” on page 19
“Creating Groups” on page 20
“Migrating Users and Groups to Shared Services Security” on page 20
“Installing and Deploying Shared Services” on page 20
“Identifying User Directories to Shared Services” on page 20

Creating Users on the User Directory

The security environment of Hyperion products requires that user credentials be checked against a user directory as a part of the authentication process. This requirement mandates that each Hyperion application user have an account on the user directory. A unique user identifier (typically the user name) defined on the user directory is the foundation on which Hyperion application security is built.
In most deployment scenarios, existing user directories (with user accounts) are used to support user authentication. For information on creating user accounts, see vendor documentation. See
“Creating Users” on page 81 for information on creating Native Directory users.
Setting Up Direct Authentication to Hyperion Products

Creating Groups

User accounts on user directories can be granted membership to groups based on common characteristics such as the user function and geographical location. For example, users can be categorized into groups such as Staff, Managers, Sales, and Western_Sales based on their function within the organization. A user can belong to one or more groups on the user directory, which is an important consideration in facilitating the provisioning process.
The procedures to create groups and assign group membership vary depending on the user directory being used. For information on creating groups and assigning group membership, see vendor documentation. See “Managing Native Directory Groups” on page 84 for information on creating Native Directory groups.

Migrating Users and Groups to Shared Services Security

If you are upgrading Hyperion products from a release that did not support provisioning, you must migrate users and groups from the products to Shared Services. You can migrate users who were authenticated through native product security or through an external directory in that release. Each product has a migration tool that enables you to migrate user, group, and role information from Hyperion products to Shared Services. For migration information, see the appropriate product appendix at the end of this guide.
After migrating users, you can provision users or groups as needed. See Chapter 8, “Managing
Provisioning” for details.

Installing and Deploying Shared Services

See Hyperion Shared Services Installation Guide for information about installing Shared Services and deploying it to an appropriate application server.

Identifying User Directories to Shared Services

The Shared Services installation and deployment process sets up and configures Native Directory as the default user directory for Hyperion products. Each additional user directory that you use to support user authentication and SSO must be configured separately using User Management Console.
During the user directory configuration process, you assign the search order for each user directory. This order determines the sequence in which the authentication process searches within configured user directories to locate the user account that matches the user login credentials. By default, Hyperion application security is configured to terminate the search process when a matching user account is found. If you are using multiple user directories, Hyperion recommends that user accounts be normalized across user directories.
Setting Up Authentication
Information on configuring user directories:
“Configuring Oracle Internet Directory, MSAD, and Other LDAP-Enabled User
Directories” on page 40
“Configuring an SAP Provider” on page 46
“Configuring an NTLM User Directory” on page 49

Setting Up SSO with SAP Enterprise Portal

Hyperion products handle SSO to SAP Enterprise Portal by issuing an SAP logon ticket. This action enables users who log in to Hyperion products to navigate seamlessly to SAP applications. The illustrated concept:
1. When a user logs in to Hyperion products, the Security API implemented on the product
authenticates the user against configured user directories, including Native Directory.
Hyperion pr oduct iss ues a Hype rion logon token, w hich enable s SSO to Hy perion pro ducts. The Hyperion logon token contains an SAP logon ticket.
For SSO with SAP to work, you must configure SAP as valid provider on Shared Services.
2. When the user subsequently navigates to the SAP system or uses an SAP data source, the
SAP logon ticket contained in the Hyperion token is passed to SAP to enable SSO. At this point, the SAP system assumes the responsibility to validate the credentials in the SAP logon ticket.
Hyperion products handle SSO from SAP Enterprise Portal by accepting an SAP logon ticket. This action enables users who log in to SAP Enterprise Portal to navigate seamlessly between SAP and Hyperion products. The illustrated concept:
Setting Up SSO with SAP Enterprise Portal
1. When a user logs in to SAP Enterprise Portal, SAP authenticates the user against the SAP provider and issues an SAP logon ticket. SSO to SAP is enabled at this time.
2. The user navigates to a Hyperion product. The SAP logon ticket is passed to the Hyperion product, which decrypts the SAP logon ticket using a SAP certificate stored on the Shared Services server machine to retrieve the user name.
3. Accepting the user name, retrieved from the SAP ticket, as a valid, the Hyperion product queries user directories to determine the user's groups. The SAP provider must be configured as a user directory in Shared Services for this process to work.
4. Using the group information, Hyperion product gets the provisioning information for the user from Shared Services.
Assumptions in both scenarios:
If using a non-SAP corporate directory, the corporate user directory used by SAP Enterprise
Portal is supported by Shared Services. See Hyperion Installation Start Here for a list of supported user directories.
Users accounts and groups are already defined on the corporate user directory.
The corporate user directories are configured to work with Shared Services.
Users and groups are provisioned to access Hyperion products.
Setting Up Authentication

Nested SAP Groups

After configuring an SAP user directory, available SAP users and groups are displayed in User Management Console. Shared Services considers the SAP roles to be the equivalents of groups created by any corporate directory server. Each role from the SAP user directory is displayed as a distinct group in User Management Console. Shared Services, however, does not retrieve the relationships that exist between simple and composite roles within the SAP user directory. If needed, nested groups can be created in Native Directory to mimic the relationship that existed between the simple and composite roles in the SAP user directory.

Inheritance Policy for Nested Groups

If you use nested groups from Native Directory to mimic nested SAP groups for provisioning, the component groups inherit the roles assigned to the nested group. The illustrated concept:
In addition to the roles assigned directly to it, each component role (for example, Group2) inherits all the roles assigned to the nested group (Role8 and Role9 in the illustration). For example, the role assi gnment of Grou p1 in the ill ustratio n is Role1, Role 8, and Role9. T he nested group does not inherit the groups assigned to component groups.

Deployment Locations

Deployment location conventions:
> denotes the root directory where Hyperion products are installed. The
location of this directory is specified during the installation process. For example:
C:\Hyperion (Windows)
/vol1/Hyperion (UNIX)
> denotes the Shared Services root directory. For example:
>\SharedServices9 (Windows)
>/SharedServices9 (UNIX)


All SAP systems within the SAP landscape must be set up for single sign-on with the SAP
login ticket. User names must be normalized across the SAP landscape so that a user name in one SAP system refers to the same user across all SAP systems. See the SAP documentation for more information.
Copy or download the SAP JCo binaries (.dll files for Windows and shared libraries for
UNIX) into
/common/SAP/bin directory. For example:
C:\Hyperion\common\SAP\bin (Windows).
These binaries are available in your SAP distribution. Registered SAP users may also download them from the SAP Web site
Setting Up SSO with SAP Enterprise Portal
Copy or download the SAP JCo archives (.jar files) into
directory. For example:
/vol1/Hyperion/common/SAP/lib (UNIX)
C:\Hyperion\common\SAP\lib (Windows)
These binaries are available in your SAP distribution. Registered SAP users may also download them from the SAP Web site
Copy or download the following SAP libraries into
directory. For example,
/vol1/Hyperion/common/SAP/lib (UNIX)
C:\Hyperion\common\SAP\lib (Windows)
These libraries are required to verify the SAP SSO logon ticket provided to Hyperion products. You can extract these libraries from the file system of any SAP J2EE Engine 6.30 or later release. Or extract them from Enterprise Portal EP60 SP2 or later by searching through the SDA files containing libraries. This step is required only if Hyperion products are plugged into SAP Enterprise Portal.
iaik_jce_export.jar (if using the export version of the IAIK-JCE libraries)
Expand the contents of each of the SAP jar files by running the explodejar.bat
(Windows) or (UNIX) file available in the
Setting Up Authentication
Using User Management Console, configure the SAP provider for Shared Services. See
“Configuring an SAP Provider” on page 46 for detailed information.
If you are providing SSO to Hyperion products from SAP Enterprise Portal, install the SAP
Digital Certificate (SAP X509 certificate) in a convenient location. Hyperion recommends that this certificate be installed in the following directory where the
<HSS_Home>/config. For Example:
C:\Hyperion\deployments\WebLogic9\SharedServices9\config (Windows)
/vol1/Hyperion/deployments/WebLogic9/SharedServices9/config (UNIX)
Using User Management Console, provision SAP users and groups to provide them
CSS.xml file is stored:
appropriate access rights to Hyperion products. See Chapter 8, “Managing Provisioning” for detailed information.

Setting Up SSO from SiteMinder

Hyperion products can be integrated with Web access management solutions such as Netegrity SiteMinder to provide SSO to Hyperion products. Where SSO from SiteMinder is accepted, Hyperion products trust the authentication information sent by SiteMinder regarding the protected resources on the user directory. The illustrated concept:
1. When a user logs in to SiteMinder to access Hyperion products, SiteMinder presents a login
screen. SiteMinder forwards the user credentials to the SiteMinder Policy Server, which authenticates users against configured user directories.
2. If the user is authenticated, the SiteMinder Policy Server grants access to Hyperion products
and passes a SiteMinder token that has
HYPLOGIN is configured to SM_USERLOGINNAME parameter in SiteMinder.
In SiteMinder Version 6, configure HYPLOGIN to use SMUSER parameter. HYPLOGIN is a header that you must create to support SiteMinder integration with Hyperion products. See SiteMinder documentation for information on configuring carry the user name of the authenticated user.
3. The Security API implemented on the Hyperion product parses the
and validates the user against the user directories configured on Shared Services.
4. Hyperion product checks Shared Services for the user's provisioning information. Based on
the provisioning information, the Hyperion product provides access to the user.
To enable SSO, SiteMinder and Shared Services must be configured to use the same set of user directories. Also, the user directories configured in Shared Services must be set up to support security agent for single sign on. See “Setting Global Parameters” on page 57 for details.
The SiteMinder–enabled SSO, general overview:
HYPLOGIN HTTP header appended to it.
Setting Up SSO from SiteMinder
The following SiteMinder security agents are tested and supported for SSO with Hyperion products:
SiteMinder Policy Server 5.5 SP 2
SiteMinder Web Agent 5.5 SP 2
The corporate user directories configured with Shared Services must be trusted when SSO from SiteMinder is enabled. This is because Shared Services does not store a password in the token when a security agent is used.

Special Considerations

SiteMinder is a Web only solution. Desktop applications and their addins (for example, Microsoft Excel and Report Designer) cannot use authentication through SiteMinder.
Hyperion products are supported only on NTLM and LDAP-enabled user directories (including MSAD).
Setting Up Authentication

Configuring the SiteMinder Policy Server

A SiteMinder administrator must configure the policy server to enable SSO to Hyperion products.
The configuration process:
Setting up protection for the Web resources of Hyperion products.
Configuring a response that adds a custom HTTP header to make the user login name
available to Hyperion applications. The header must include the parameter
must contain the login name of the authenticated user.
See the “Responses and Response Groups” topic in the Netegrity Policy Design Guide for detailed information. For example, if you use attribute in the configuration file, the
cn from an LDAP–enabled user directory as the login name
HYPLOGIN parameter should carry the value of the cn
attribute, which is the login name of the authenticated user. SiteMinder administrators can also configure the header to
SM_USERLOGINNAME (SMUSER for SiteMinder version 6), the user name
specified by the user during logon.

Configuring the SiteMinder Web Agent

The Web agent is installed on a Web server that intercepts requests for Hyperion application Web resources, such as JSPs, ASPs, and HTML files on the application server. If these Web resources are protected, the Web agent issues a challenge to unauthenticated users. When a user is authenticated, the policy server adds authenticated user. Thereafter, the HTTP request is passed on to the Web resources of the Hyperion application, and the login name is extracted from headers.
HYPLOGIN, which carries the login name of the
SiteMinder supports SSO across Hyperion products running on heterogeneous Web server platforms. If Hyperion products use different Web servers, you must ensure that the SiteMinder cookie can be passed among Web servers within the same domain. You do this by specifying the appropriate Hyperion application domain as the value of the
WebAgent.conf file of each Web server.
Cookiedomain property in the
See the “Configuring Web Agents” chapter in the Netegrity SiteMinder Agent Guide.
Because Shared Services uses basic authentication to protect its content, the Web server that intercepts requests to Shared Services should enable basic authentication to support SSO with SiteMinder.

Enabling SiteMinder Authentication in Shared Services

Integration with SiteMinder requires that you enable SiteMinder Authentication in Shared Services. This can be done from User Management Console or by editing the
file is located in
C:\Hyperion\deployments\WebLogic9\SharedServices9\config (Windows)
>/config. For example:
CSS.xml file. This
Setting Up SSO from SiteMinder
/vol1/Hyperion/deployments/WebLogic9/SharedServices9/config (UNIX)
To enable SiteMinder authentication:
1 In Shared Services, configure the user directories that SiteMinder use to authenticate users. See the following
“Configuring Oracle Internet Directory, MSAD, and Other LDAP-Enabled User
Directories” on page 40
“Configuring an NTLM User Directory” on page 49
2 Select the Support for Security Agent for Single Sign-oncheck box to specify that the user directories are
used to support SSO from security agents such as SiteMinder. See “Setting Global Parameters” on page

Other Procedures

You must perform these tasks, if not already completed:
Using User Management Console, configure the corporate directories used by SiteMinder.
See Chapter 4, “Configuring User Directories.”
Using User Management Console, provision the users and groups to grant appropriate
access to Hyperion products. See Chapter 8, “Managing Provisioning.”

Using NTLM to Support SSO

Shared Services allows you to configure Windows NT LAN Manager (NTLM) as a user directory to support SSO. Refer to “Configuring an NTLM User Directory” on page 49 for information on configuring the NTLM user directory.
Under these conditions, you must perform prerequisite steps to support SSO using NTLM:
NTLM user directory is to be used to authenticate and provision users where Shared Services
and Hyperion products are running in a UNIX environment. In this scenario, Hyperion Remote Authentication Module must be deployed on the Windows domain that contains the user accounts.
Shared Services and Hyperion products are running in a Windows environment, but users
are in Windows NTLM domains that are not trusted on the domain where the Shared Services host machine is installed. The prerequisite for this scenario is that you deploy Hyperion Remote Authentication Module on each domain that is not trusted by the domain where Shared Services host machine is installed.
Do not implement Hyperion Remote Authentication Module if all users belong to the NTLM domain where the Shared Services host machine is installed or if a trust relationship is established between the domain where the Shared Services host machine is installed and the NTLM domains to which users belong.
Setting Up Authentication

NTLM with UNIX Application Environments

The following illustration depicts how the Hyperion Remote Authentication Module enables communication between NTLM and Shared Services running in a UNIX environment.
The Shared Services configuration file (CSS.xml) resides on the application server, as do the Hyperion application binaries. For NTLM connectivity, you also need NTLM support library
css-9_3_0.dll) on the machine that hosts Hyperion Remote Authentication Module in
file ( the NTLM domain.
The NTLM Primary Domain Controller and the Hyperion Remote Authentication Module can be on a Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 server. Hyperion does not recommend, however, that you combine the Hyperion Remote Authentication Module with the NTLM Primary Domain Controller on the same server. The Hyperion Remote Authentication Module host machine needs to be in the same domain as the NTLM Primary Domain Controller.

Support for Multiple NTLM Domains

Hyperion Remote Authentication Module enables a Hyperion product to authenticate users belonging to other NTLM domains that are not trusted by the domain on which Shared Services is installed.
The following illustration depicts how users spread across multiple NTLM domains can be given access to Hyperion products deployed in a Windows environment:
Using NTLM to Support SSO
Without the Hyperion Remote Authentication Module, the only way to use multiple NTLM domains for Hyperion products is to establish trust relationships between the Shared Services host machine's domain and the NTLM domains where user accounts are available.
Setting Up Authentication
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