Contributors: Anand Agrawal, Tammy Bednar, George Claborn, Michael Chamberlain, Sumit Chougule,
Donna Cooksey, Rhonda Day, Senad Dizdar, Tony Dziedzic, Judy Ferstenberg Panock, Steven Fried, Geoff
Hickey, Ashok Joshi, Cris Pedregal-Martin, Chris Plakyda, George Stabler, Radhika Vullikanti, Joe Wadleigh,
Steve Wertheimer
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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. ix
Audience....................................................................................................................................................... ix
Documentation Accessibility..................................................................................................................... ix
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................... x
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................. x
1 Introduction to Oracle Secure Backup
What Is Oracle Secure Backup? ............................................................................................................. 1-1
Web Tool Configure Page................................................................................................................. 4-7
Web Tool Manage Page..................................................................................................................... 4-8
Web Tool Backup Page................................................................................................................... 4-10
Web Tool Restore Page................................................................................................................... 4-10
Using obtool ........................................................................................................................................... 4-11
Displaying Help for Invoking obtool........................................................................................... 4-11
Starting obtool in Interactive Mode.............................................................................................. 4-11
Running obtool Commands in Interactive Mode....................................................................... 4-12
Redirecting obtool Input from Text Files ............................................................................ 4-12
Executing obtool Commands in Noninteractive Mode............................................................. 4-12
Running Multiple Commands in Noninteractive Mode.................................................... 4-12
Redirecting Input in Noninteractive Mode.......................................................................... 4-12
Ending an obtool Session............................................................................................................... 4-13
Starting obtool as a Specific User.................................................................................................. 4-13
5 Configuring and Managing the Administrative Domain
Pinging a Host .................................................................................................................................... 5-9
Viewing or Editing Host Properties ................................................................................................ 5-9
Updating a Host ................................................................................................................................. 5-9
Removing a Host............................................................................................................................. 5-10
Adding Tape Devices to an Administrative Domain..................................................................... 5-10
start daemons at boot.............................................................................................................................. B-2
default UNIX user ................................................................................................................................... B-3
default UNIX group ................................................................................................................................ B-3
linux ob dir and solaris64 ob dir .......................................................................................................... B-3
linux db dir and solaris64 db dir.......................................................................................................... B-4
linux temp dir and solaris64 temp dir................................................................................................. B-4
linux links and solaris64 links.............................................................................................................. B-4
ask about ob dir ...................................................................................................................................... B-5
run obopenssl........................................................................................................................................... B-6
C Determining Linux SCSI Parameters
Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Linux............................................................................... C-1
DOracle Secure Backup and ACSLS
About ACSLS ........................................................................................................................................... D-1
ACSLS and Oracle Secure Backup....................................................................................................... D-2
Communicating with ACSLS................................................................................................................ D-3
Drive Association .................................................................................................................................... D-3
Volume Loading and Unloading .......................................................................................................... D-3
Imports and Exports................................................................................................................................ D-3
Installation and Configuration............................................................................................................. D-5
This Preface contains these topics:
■Documentation Accessibility
■Related Documents
This guide is intended for system administrators and database administrators who
install the Oracle Secure Backup software. These administrators might also perform
backup and restore operations. To use this document, you must be familiar with the
operating system environment on which you plan to use Oracle Secure Backup. To
perform Oracle database backup and restore operations, you should also be familiar
with Recovery Manager concepts.
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive
technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to
facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to
evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading
technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be
accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program Web site at
Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation
Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The
conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an
otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text
that consists solely of a bracket or brace.
Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation
This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or
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any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit or visit if you are hearing
Related Documents
For more information about backing up and restoring file systems with Oracle Secure
Backup, see the following Oracle resources:
■Oracle Secure Backup Migration Guide
This book explains how to migrate from Reliaty Backup to Oracle Secure Backup.
■Oracle Secure Backup Reference
This manual contains information about the command-line interface for Oracle
Secure Backup.
■Oracle Secure Backup Administrator's Guide
This book describes how to use Oracle Secure Backup to perform backup and
restore operations. The book is oriented to the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool,
which is a Web-based GUI interface.
For more information about database backup and recovery, including the Recovery
Manager (RMAN) utility, see the following Oracle resources:
■Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide
This book provides an overview of backup and recovery and discusses backup
and recovery strategies. It provides instructions for basic backup and recovery of
your database using Recovery Manager (RMAN).
The Oracle Secure Backup product site is located at the following URL:
The Oracle Secure Backup download site is located at the following URL:
The following text conventions are used in this document:
boldfaceBoldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italicItalic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospaceMonospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
Introduction to Oracle Secure Backup
This chapter provides an introduction to Oracle Secure Backup and includes advice on
planning and configuring your administrative domain.
This chapter contains these sections:
■What Is Oracle Secure Backup?
■Oracle Secure Backup Concepts
■Oracle Secure Backup Interfaces
■System Requirements for Oracle Secure Backup
■Acquiring Oracle Secure Backup Installation Media
■Installation and Configuration Overview
■About Upgrade Installations
See Also: Oracle Secure Backup Administrator's Guide for conceptual
information about Oracle Secure Backup
What Is Oracle Secure Backup?
Oracle Secure Backup enables reliable data protection through file-system backup to
tape. It supports every major tape drive and tape library in SAN, Gigabit Ethernet
(GbE), and SCSI environments using standard tape formats.
Oracle Secure Backup supports Internet Protocol v4 (IPv4), Internet Protocol v6 (IPv6),
and mixed IPv4/IPv6 environments on all platforms that support IPv6.
Using Oracle Secure Backup on your network enables you to take data from a
networked host running Oracle Secure Backup or a NAS device that support NDMP,
and back up that data on a tape device on the network. That data can include ordinary
file-system files and databases backed up with Recovery Manager (RMAN).
As part of the Oracle storage solution, Oracle Secure Backup provides scalable
distributed backup and recovery capabilities. It reduces complexity of your backup
solution, by:
■Integrating with the Oracle stack for maximum ease of use in a single Oracle
solution to back up your data from disk to tape
■Employing single-vendor technical support for database and file-system backup
and recovery to tape
■Using existing or new hardware, with broad tape device support in SCSI, GbE,
and SAN environments with dynamic tape drive sharing for maximum tape drive
Introduction to Oracle Secure Backup 1-1
Oracle Secure Backup Concepts
Oracle Secure Backup eliminates integration challenges with ready-to-use tape
management software that provides single-vendor support. Oracle Secure Backup also
reduces your costs. When using Oracle Secure Backup with RMAN to back up and
recover databases and files to and from tape, no third-party tape management
software is required. Oracle Secure Backup provides the media management layer
needed to use tape storage with RMAN.
Centralized administration, heterogeneous network support, and flexible scheduling
simplify and automate protection of the entire Oracle environment, including database
data and file-system data such as the contents of the Oracle home.
Oracle Secure Backup Concepts
This section discusses Oracle Secure Backup concepts that enable you to better
understand the installation process.
This section contains these topics:
■Oracle Secure Backup Administrative Domains and Hosts
Oracle Secure Backup Administrative Domains and Hosts
Oracle Secure Backup organizes hosts and tape devices into an administrative domain,
representing the network of hosts containing data to be backed up, hosts with attached
tape devices on which backups are stored, and each tape device with its attachment to
the hosts. A host can belong to only one administrative domain.
Host Roles in an Administrative Domain
Each host in an administrative domain must be assigned one or more of the following
Oracle Secure Backup roles:
■Administrative server
Each administrative domain must have exactly one administrative server. During
postinstallation configuration, the administrative server must be configured with
complete data regarding the other hosts in the administrative domain, their roles,
and their attached tape devices. This configuration information is maintained in a
set of configuration files stored on the administrative server.
The administrative server runs the scheduler, which starts and monitors each
backup job. The scheduler also keeps a backup catalog with metadata for all
backup and restore operations performed in the administrative domain.
■Media server
A media server is a host with at least one tape device attached to it. A media
server transfers data to or from a volume loaded on one of these tape devices. A
media server has at least one attachment to a tape drive or library. It might have
attachments to multiple tape libraries.
You specify the attachments between media servers and tape devices during
postinstallation configuration of Oracle Secure Backup.
The client role is assigned to any host that has access to file-system or database
data that can be backed up or restored by Oracle Secure Backup. Any host where
1-2 Oracle Secure Backup Installation and Configuration Guide
Oracle Secure Backup Concepts
Oracle Secure Backup is installed can be a client, including hosts that are also
media servers or the administrative server. A network-attached storage device
that Oracle Secure Backup accesses through NDMP can also serve the client role.
Note: A host can be assigned multiple roles in an administrative
domain. For example, a host with a tape drive attached could be both
the administrative server and media server for a network that
includes several other clients. For more examples of administrative
domains, see "Oracle Secure Backup Administrative Domain:
Examples" on page 1-4.
See Also: "Choosing Secure Hosts for the Administrative and Media
Servers" on page 6-6
Host Naming in an Administrative Domain
You must assign each host in an administrative domain a unique name to be used in
Oracle Secure Backup operations. Typically, the host name in your DNS for this host is
a good choice for the Oracle Secure Backup host name. However, you can assign a
different name to a host.
Oracle Secure Backup Host Access Modes
Communication among hosts in an administrative domain is always based on NDMP,
but implementations and versions of NDMP vary. Oracle Secure Backup supports two
host access modes: primary access mode and NDMP access mode.
Primary access mode is used among hosts on which Oracle Secure Backup is installed.
Oracle Secure Backup daemons run in the background on the host, communicate with
the administrative server using the Oracle Secure Backup implementation of NDMP,
and perform backup and restore tasks. Hosts on which databases reside are typically
accessed using primary access mode.
Note: In Oracle Enterprise Manager, primary access mode is referred
to as native access mode. In the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool and
the output of some obtool commands such as lshost, primary
mode is referred to as OB access mode.
NDMP access mode is used to communicate with devices such as storage appliances
that do not run Oracle Secure Backup natively. For example, devices from third-party
vendors such as Network Appliance and EMC are supported only in NDMP access
mode. Each NDMP host uses a vendor-specific implementation of the NDMP protocol
to back up and restore file systems. Some devices support older versions of the NDMP
protocol. When adding such devices to the administrative domain, extra parameters
might be required.
Oracle Secure Backup supports NDMP versions 3 and 4, and various extensions to
version 4. It automatically negotiates with other, non-Oracle NDMP components to
select a mutually supported protocol version. Between its own components, Oracle
Secure Backup uses NDMP version 4. When communicating with hosts that are not
running Oracle Secure Backup, Oracle Secure Backup usually chooses the protocol
version proposed by that host when the connection is established. You can change the
NDMP protocol version with which Oracle Secure Backup communicates to a specific
host. You might want to do this when testing or troubleshooting.
Figure 1–1 shows a minimal administrative domain, in which a single host is
administrative server, media server, and client. An Oracle database also runs on the
same host.
Figure 1–1 Administrative Domain with One Host
Administrative Server,
Media Server, and Client
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Figure 1–2 shows a possible Oracle Secure Backup administrative domain that
includes three client hosts, one administrative server, and one media server. A NAS
appliance contains ordinary file data. One client based on UNIX and another based on
Windows contain databases and other file data. Oracle Secure Backup can back up to
tape the non-database files on file systems accessible on client hosts. RMAN can back
up to tape database files through the Oracle Secure Backup SBT interface.
1-4 Oracle Secure Backup Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 1–2 Oracle Secure Backup Administrative Domain with Multiple Hosts
Oracle Secure Backup Concepts
Oracle Secure
Backup Clients
Control Flow
Data Flow
Secure Backup
Media Server
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Tape Devices
Oracle Secure Backup maintains information about each tape library and tape drive so
that you can use them for local and network backup and restore operations. You can
configure tape devices during installation or add a new tape device to an existing
administrative domain. When configuring tape devices, the basic task is to inform
Oracle Secure Backup about the existence of a tape device and then specify which
media server can communicate with this tape device.
This section contains these topics:
■Tape Dr ives
■Tape Libraries
■Device Names and Attachments
Tape Dr i v es
A tape drive is a tape device that uses precisely controlled motors to wind a tape from
one reel to another. The tape passes a read/write head as it winds. Most magnetic tape
systems use small reels fixed inside a cartridge to protect the tape and make handling
of the tape easier.
Introduction to Oracle Secure Backup 1-5
Oracle Secure Backup Concepts
A magnetic cassette or tape is sequential-access storage. It has a beginning and an end,
which means that to access data in the middle of the tape, a tape device must read
through the beginning part of the tape until it locates the desired data.
In a typical format, a tape drive writes data to a tape in blocks. The tape drive writes
each block in a single operation, leaving gaps between the blocks. The tape runs
continuously during the write operation.
The block size of a block of data is the size of the block in bytes as it was written to
tape. All blocks read or written during a given backup or restore operation have the
same block size. The blocking factor of a block of data expresses the number of
512-byte records contained in the block. For example, the Oracle Secure Backup
default blocking factor (128) results in a tape block size of 128*512 bytes or 64 KB.
The maximum blocking factor is an upper limit on the blocking factor that Oracle
Secure Backup uses. This limit comes into play particularly during restores, when
Oracle Secure Backup must pick an initial block size to use without knowing the actual
block size on the tape. The maximum blocking factor limits this initial block size to a
value that is acceptable to both the tape device and the underlying operating system.
When Oracle Secure Backup starts a backup, it decides what block size to use based on
several factors. Listed in order of precedence, these factors are:
■Blocking factor specified using the obtar -b option
This option can also be specified as part of the operations/backupoptions
policy. If this option is specified, then it overrides all other factors.
See Also: Oracle Secure Backup Reference for more information on the
obtar-b option and the operations/backupoptions policy
■Configuration of the tape drive to be used
You can specify what blocking factor, maximum blocking factor, or both that
Oracle Secure Backup should use for a particular tape drive when you configure
that drive. You might want to do this if you have tape drives with very different
block size limits.
See Also: "Configuring a Tape Drive" on page 5-17
■Domain-wide blocking factors or maximum blocking factors set with the
media/blockingfactor and media/maxblockingfactor policies.
See Also: Oracle Secure Backup Reference for more information on the
media/blockingfactor and media/maxblockingfactor
■The default blocking factor (128) and maximum blocking factor (128), resulting in
a block size of 64K
When a blocking factor has been nominated by one or another of these factors, it must
pass the following tests:
■The block size must be less than or equal to the maximum block size (blocking
factor) put in effect by whatever policies or tape drive configuration attributes are
in force.
■The block size must be supported by the tape drive and attach point in question.
Sometimes a tape drive, device driver, or kernel operating system has a limitation
that supersedes all other considerations.
1-6 Oracle Secure Backup Installation and Configuration Guide
Oracle Secure Backup Concepts
When Oracle Secure Backup begins a restore operation, it does not know what block
size was used to write a given tape. Because issuing a read for a too-small block would
result in an error condition and a tape reposition, Oracle Secure Backup always starts a
restore operation by reading the largest possible block size. This is either the current
setting of the media/maxblockingfactor policy or the tape drive configuration
attribute. The maximum blocking factor, therefore, must always be greater than or
equal to the largest block size you ever want to restore.
After the first read from the backup image, Oracle Secure Backup compares the
amount of data requested to the actual size of the block and adjusts the size of
subsequent reads to match what is on the tape.
Each tape drive supports a specific tape format. Typical tape formats include:
■4mm, or Digital Audio Tape (DAT)
■Advanced Intelligent Tape (AIT)
■Digital Data Storage (DDS)
■Digital Linear Tape (DLT) and Super DLT (SDLT)
■Linear Tape-Open (LTO), an open alternative to the proprietary DLT format
Information about the tape formats of tape devices supported by Oracle Secure
Backup is available at the following URL:
A tape library is a robotic tape device that accepts SCSI commands to move a volume
between a storage element and a tape drive. A tape library is often referred to as a
robotic tape device, autochanger, or medium changer.
A tape library contains one or more tape drives, slots to hold tape cartridges, and an
automated method for loading tapes. Figure 1–3 illustrates a tape library that contains
four tape drives.
Introduction to Oracle Secure Backup 1-7
Oracle Secure Backup Concepts
Figure 1–3 Tape Library
Tape Library
Robotic Control
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Storage elements (se)
house tapes
Device connectivity
varies by device:
SCSI, Fibre, and
Library robotics (mte)
move tape to and from
drives to slots
Type drive (dte)
writes data to and
reads data from
tape volumes
Oracle Secure Backup automates the management of tape libraries, thereby enabling
efficient and reliable use of their capabilities. Oracle Secure Backup controls the tape
library robotics so that tapes can be managed easily.
Oracle Secure Backup supports the following features of tape libraries:
■Automatic loading and unloading of volumes
When you add a tape library to your administrative domain, it is configured in
automount mode by default. In this mode, Oracle Secure Backup sends commands
to the robotic arm of the tape library to mount tapes for backup and restore
operations. When a new volume is needed, Oracle Secure Backup scans the tape
library until it finds a suitable volume. If sufficient eligible tapes are contained in
the tape library storage elements, then no operator intervention is required to load
the volumes needed to store the complete backup image.
■Barcode readers
A barcode is a symbol code that is physically applied to volumes for identification
purposes. Some tape libraries have an automated barcode reader. Oracle Secure
Backup can use barcodes to identify tapes in a tape library.
■Automatic tape drive cleaning
Oracle Secure Backup checks for cleaning requirements when a tape is loaded into
or unloaded from a tape drive. If cleaning is required, then Oracle Secure Backup
loads a cleaning cartridge, waits for the cleaning cycle to complete, replaces the
cleaning cartridge in its original storage element, and continues with the requested
load or unload. You can also schedule a cleaning interval.
As shown in Figure 1–3, a tape library has a set of addressable elements, each of which
can contain or move a tape. Libraries can contain the following types of elements:
■Storage element (se)
1-8 Oracle Secure Backup Installation and Configuration Guide
Oracle Secure Backup Concepts
This element is an internal slot in a tape library where a tape cartridge can reside.
■Data transfer element (dte)
This element represents a tape device capable of reading or writing the physical
volume. Typically, a data transfer element (DTE) is a tape drive used to back up
or restore data on a tape.
■Medium transport element (mte)
This element represents the robotics mechanism used to move tapes between other
elements in the tape library. Typically, a medium transport element is a robot arm
that moves tape cartridges from tape library slots to tape drives.
■Import/export element (iee)
This is an element by which media can be imported to and exported from the tape
library. Typically, an import/export element is a door-like mechanism that an
operator uses to transfer tapes into and out of the library. After the door is closed,
the robotic arm transfers cartridges to internal slots in the library. Because the
library itself is not opened during this procedure, no re-inventory is required.
Many of the Oracle Secure Backup tape library commands require you to specify one
or more tape library elements, in particular, storage elements and import/export
elements. Except in the inventory display, media transport elements are never
referenced. Data transfer elements are referenced only in the inventory display and
indirectly by the tape drive (if any) that you select for an operation.
Oracle Secure Backup refers to elements by their abbreviation (mte, se, iee, or dte)
followed by the number of the element, for example, se5, iee2, dte1. When multiple
elements of a type exist, element numbering starts at 1. When only one element of a
type exists, the number can be omitted. Thus, iee1 and iee both refer to the first and
only import/export element. If the abbreviation is omitted, then a storage element is
assumed. For example, se4 and 4 both refer to the fourth storage element. For some
commands, you can specify a range of storage elements, for example, 1-5.
Oracle Secure Backup supports several tape library operations. The following
operations are the most basic:
■Inserting and extracting volumes
■Loading and unloading volumes
■Moving volumes
■Importing and exporting volumes
See Also:
■Oracle Secure Backup Reference for a description of the tape library
commands that you can run in obtool
Virtual Tape Libraries
A virtual tape library is one or more large-capacity disk drives partitioned into virtual
physical tape volumes. To Oracle Secure Backup the virtual tape library appears to be
a physical tape library with at least one volume and at least one tape drive. The
volumes and tape drives in the virtual tape library can be configured to match
common physical tapes and tape drives.
Backup operations performed to a virtual tape library complete faster than backup
operations to actual tape drives, because the underlying storage device is direct access
media. But a virtual tape library is not suitable for long time storage, because it has
Introduction to Oracle Secure Backup 1-9
Oracle Secure Backup Interfaces
limited storage capacity. If you back up to a virtual tape library, then you can take
advantage of its faster backup and then use the volume migration feature of Oracle
Secure Backup to migrate the data to tapes at a later point of time.
Device Names and Attachments
Because Oracle Secure Backup manages tape drive operations, it must be able to
identify the tape drive and determine whether the tape drive is housed in a tape
library. Oracle Secure Backup must further determine if a storage element is available
for storing a volume while not in use by the tape drive. Thus, each tape device must be
uniquely identified within Oracle Secure Backup by a user-defined name.
Oracle Secure Backup distinguishes a tape device and the means by which the tape
device connects to a host. To be usable by Oracle Secure Backup, each tape device
must have at least one attachment, which describes a data path between a host and the
tape device. An attachment usually includes the identity of a host plus a attach point
name in Linux or UNIX, a device name in Windows, or a NAS device name. In rare
cases, additional information is needed for the attachment definition.
See Also:
■"Adding Tape Devices to an Administrative Domain" on
page 5-10 to learn how to configure a tape device
■Oracle Secure Backup Reference for a description of the mkdev
command aspec placeholder, which describes the syntax and
naming conventions for device attachments
Oracle Secure Backup Interfaces
There are four different interfaces for accessing different elements of Oracle Secure
■The obtool command line utility provides the fundamental interface for Oracle
Secure Backup functions, including configuration, media handling, and backup
and restore of file-system files.
■Oracle Enterprise Manager offers access to most Oracle Secure Backup functions
available through obtool as part of its Database Control and Grid Control
■Oracle Secure Backup includes its own Web-based interface, called the Oracle
Secure Backup Web t o ol, which exposes all functions of obtool. The Oracle
Secure Backup Web tool is primarily intended for use in situations where Oracle
Secure Backup is being used independently of an Oracle Database instance. It does
not provide access to database backup and recovery functions.
The Oracle Secure Backup Web tool supports Internet Protocol v4 (IPv4), Internet
Protocol v6 (IPv6), and mixed IPv4/IPv6 environments on all platforms that
support IPv6.
■Backup and restore operations for Oracle Database instances and configuration of
the Oracle Secure Backup media management layer are performed through the
RMAN command-line client or through Oracle Enterprise Manager.
Note: Oracle Secure Backup documentation focuses on the use of
Enterprise Manager wherever possible, and describes the Oracle
Secure Backup Web Tool only when there is no equivalent
functionality in Enterprise Manager, as in a file-system backup.
1-10 Oracle Secure Backup Installation and Configuration Guide
System Requirements for Oracle Secure Backup
See also:
■Chapter 4, "Oracle Secure Backup User Interfaces" for details on
using the different Oracle Secure Backup interfaces.
■Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide for
details on using Recovery Manager (RMAN) for Oracle database
System Requirements for Oracle Secure Backup
For the list of operating systems, web browsers and Network Attached Storage (NAS)
devices supported by Oracle Secure Backup, see Certify on My Oracle Support at the
following URL:
Information about every tape device supported by Oracle Secure Backup is available
at the following URL:
■Other System Requirements for Oracle Secure Backup
■Linux Media Server System Requirement: SCSI Generic Driver
Disk Space Requirements for Oracle Secure Backup
When you install Oracle Secure Backup on Linux or UNIX, you load an install package
for a particular operating system and perform the installation with the install package.
Tab le 1– 1 describes approximate disk space requirements.
Table 1–1Disk Space Requirements for Oracle Secure Backup on Linux and UNIX
Oracle Secure Backup Installation Disk Space
Linux75 MB
Solaris130 MB
Tab le 1– 2 describes approximate disk space required for an installation of Oracle
Secure Backup on Windows with and without the administrative server.
Table 1–2Disk Space Requirements for Oracle Secure Backup on Windows
Oracle Secure Backup InstallationDisk Space
Administrative server (can include the media server, client, or both)48 MB
Media server, client, or both (no administrative server)31 MB
The disk space required for the
Oracle Secure Backup catalog depends on many
factors. But as a general rule, plan for catalog space equal to 250% of your largest index
created after a backup.
Introduction to Oracle Secure Backup 1-11
Acquiring Oracle Secure Backup Installation Media
See Also: Oracle Secure Backup Administrator's Guide for guidelines
on the growth of the Oracle Secure Backup catalog over time
Other System Requirements for Oracle Secure Backup
Each host that participates in a Oracle Secure Backup administrative domain must run
TCP/IP. Oracle Secure Backup uses this protocol for all communication within each of
its components and between its components and other system components.
Each appliance that employs a closed operating system, such as Network Attached
Storage (NAS) and tape servers, must support a version of Network Data
Management Protocol (NDMP) described in "Oracle Secure Backup Host Access
Modes" on page 1-3.
Each host that participates in an Oracle Secure Backup administrative domain must
also have some preconfigured way to resolve a host name to an IP address. Most
systems use DNS, NIS, WINS, or a local hosts file to do this. Oracle Secure Backup
does not require a specific mechanism. Oracle Secure Backup only requires that, upon
presenting the underlying system software with an IP address you have configured, it
obtains an IP address corresponding to that name.
The use of DHCP to assign IP addresses is not supported for hosts that participate in
an Oracle Secure Backup administrative domain. Static IP addresses should be
assigned to all hosts. If you cannot use static IP addresses, then you must ensure that
the DHCP server guarantees that a given host is always assigned the same IP address.
Note: You can change the static IP of a host from one address to
another, but you must restart the Oracle Secure Backup
administrative server for the change to take effect.
On Oracle Secure Backup network installations, it is important that there be no
duplicate host names. Index catalog data is stored in a directory based on the name of
the client host. Duplicate host names would result in information related to backups
from multiple clients being combined in a manner that could prevent successful
restore operations from backup files.
You can configure Oracle Secure Backup to use WINS, the Microsoft Windows name
resolution protocol, from UNIX hosts. Although this configuration is atypical, WINS
name resolution from UNIX hosts can be a practical solution.
Linux Media Server System Requirement: SCSI Generic Driver
Configuring a Linux host for the Oracle Secure Backup media server role requires that
the SCSI Generic driver be installed on that host. This driver is required for Oracle
Secure Backup to interact with a tape device. The host must also be configured to
automatically reload the driver after a restart.
See Also: "Prerequisites for Installation on Linux" on page 2-2
Acquiring Oracle Secure Backup Installation Media
Oracle Secure Backup installation media for each supported platform is available as a
CD-ROM or as a ZIP file downloaded from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN)
Web site for Oracle Secure Backup:
1-12 Oracle Secure Backup Installation and Configuration Guide
The contents of the CD-ROM and download archive are identical.
If you download the software from OTN, then you must store the downloaded file in a
temporary directory and extract the contents of the installation file.
Note: If you are installing Oracle Secure Backup on multiple
platforms, then you must download the ZIP file or acquire the
CD-ROM for each platform.
Installation and Configuration Overview
You must install Oracle Secure Backup on your administrative server and on each
media server and client host in your administrative domain. During installation, the
installation software asks you to specify the roles played by each host. An
administrative domain typically includes an administrative server, one or more media
servers, and one or more client hosts.
The following steps provide an overview of Oracle Secure Backup installation and
1.Create an Oracle Secure Backup administrative server.
a.Select a host to be the administrative server. This is the host you use to initiate
and manage backup and restore jobs.
Installation and Configuration Overview
b. Verify that this host meets the physical and network security requirements
discussed in "Choosing Secure Hosts for the Administrative and Media
Servers" on page 6-6
c.Verify that this host meets the system requirements discussed in "Disk Space
Requirements for Oracle Secure Backup" on page 1-11.
d. Install Oracle Secure Backup software on this host.
When this step is complete, the administrative domain is initialized. But the only
host included in the administrative domain at this point is the administrative
2.Create Oracle Secure Backup media servers.
a.Select one or more hosts to be media servers. These hosts must have a tape
device or other secondary storage device attached.
b. Verify that this host meets the physical and network security requirements
discussed in "Choosing Secure Hosts for the Administrative and Media
Servers" on page 6-6
c.Verify that this host meets the system requirements discussed in "Disk Space
Requirements for Oracle Secure Backup" on page 1-11.
d. Install Oracle Secure Backup software, including the Oracle Secure Backup
device driver, on each of these hosts.
On UNIX and Linux platforms you are prompted during this step for Small
Computer System Interface (SCSI) device information. You obtain this
information using operating system-specific utilities, as described in
Appendix C, "Determining Linux SCSI Parameters".
3.Create Oracle Secure Backup clients.
Install Oracle Secure Backup software on each host with data to be backed up.
4.Configure the Oracle Secure Backup administrative domain.
Introduction to Oracle Secure Backup 1-13
About Upgrade Installations
The administrative server requires complete information about:
■Each media server
■Each tape device
■Each attachment that associates a tape device with a media server
■Client hosts, including any Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP)
clients such as Network Attached Storage (NAS) appliances
This step is documented in Chapter 5, "Configuring and Managing the
Administrative Domain". When this step is complete, Oracle Secure Backup is
ready to back up any data stored on clients in the administrative domain.
About Upgrade Installations
If you are upgrading an existing Oracle Secure Backup release 10.1 installation to
release 10.3.0.x, then you must upgrade every host in the Oracle Secure Backup
administrative domain to the same version. Oracle Secure Backup release 10.3 is
incompatible with Oracle Secure Backup release 10.1.
If you are upgrading an existing Oracle Secure Backup release 10.2 installation to
Oracle Secure Backup release 10.3.0.x, you must upgrade every host in your
administrative domain to Oracle Secure Backup release 10.3.0.x. For example, you can
upgrade your administrative server to Oracle Secure Backup and upgrade
your media servers and clients to Oracle Secure Backup
In an upgrade installation, the Oracle Secure Backup catalogs (contained in the admin
directory) are preserved, retaining configuration information and backup metadata for
your administrative domain. This state information for your administrative domain,
such as the backup catalog, host, user and device configuration information, and any
scheduled backup jobs, is stored in the admin directory under the Oracle Secure
Backup home on your administrative server.
Note: Oracle recommends backing up the administrative server
before upgrading.
Before upgrading an existing administrative domain to Oracle Secure Backup release
10.3, you must shut down drivers and background processes related to Oracle Secure
Backup on all hosts. Upgrade the administrative server host first, and then the other
hosts in the domain.
Brief instructions on each step are described in the following sections.
Preparing Administrative Domain Hosts for Upgrade to Release 10.3
Before performing an upgrade installation, you must stop the daemons and services
related to Oracle Secure Backup on all hosts in your administrative domain. The
preferred commands for stopping the Oracle Secure Backup daemons on Linux and
UNIX are described in Oracle Secure Backup Reference.
On both Linux and Solaris administrative servers, it is also necessary to stop the
Oracle Secure Backup Web tool processes and Oracle Secure Backup httpd daemon
processes. Use the ps command to confirm that all the Oracle Secure Backup processes
are stopped:
# /bin/ps -ef | grep ob
1-14 Oracle Secure Backup Installation and Configuration Guide
About Upgrade Installations
Use the kill -9 command to stop each process.
On Windows hosts, you must stop the Oracle Secure Backup service:
1.Open the Services applet.
2.Right-click the Oracle Secure Backup Services service.
3.Select Stop.
Introduction to Oracle Secure Backup 1-15
About Upgrade Installations
1-16 Oracle Secure Backup Installation and Configuration Guide
Installing Oracle Secure Backup on Linux or
This chapter explains how to install Oracle Secure Backup on hosts running Linux or
This chapter contains the following sections:
■Overview of Oracle Secure Backup Linux and UNIX Installation
■Prerequisites for Installing Oracle Secure Backup on Linux and UNIX
■Extracting Oracle Secure Backup from OTN Download on Linux or UNIX
■Preparing to Install Oracle Secure Backup on Linux and UNIX
■Creating the Oracle Secure Backup Home
■Loading Oracle Secure Backup Software on Linux or UNIX Using setup Script
■Configuring Installation Parameters in the obparameters File
■Installing Oracle Secure Backup on Linux or UNIX with installob
■Installing or Uninstalling Oracle Secure Backup on AIX
■Installing or Uninstalling Oracle Secure Backup on HP-UX
■Creating Attach Points with makedev
■Performing an Upgrade Installation on Linux or UNIX
■Uninstalling Oracle Secure Backup on Linux or UNIX
Overview of Oracle Secure Backup Linux and UNIX Installation
There are three steps to installing Oracle Secure Backup on a Linux or UNIX host:
Files required for installing Oracle Secure Backup are staged on the administrative
server, in a directory called the Oracle Secure Backup home. This step is
performed by a script named setup.
Oracle Secure Backup executables are deployed correctly for use on the host. This
step is performed by a script named installob.
Installing Oracle Secure Backup on Linux or UNIX 2-1
Prerequisites for Installing Oracle Secure Backup on Linux and UNIX
Note: On a Solaris media server, installob also performs some
tape device configuration tasks, including installation of a required
device driver, and, optionally, attach point creation required for
Oracle Secure Backup to access tape devices.
Creating attach points on each media server
This step is required for the Oracle Secure Backup device driver to access tape
devices. You need the SCSI device parameters to perform this task.
Note: If you are installing Oracle Secure Backup in an Oracle Real
Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environment, then you must install
Oracle Secure Backup on each node in the cluster.
Prerequisites for Installing Oracle Secure Backup on Linux and UNIX
The prerequisites for installing Oracle Secure Backup on Linux and UNIX operating
systems are:
■Each host must have a network connection with a static IP address and run
■The uncompress utility must be installed on your system.
Note: If the uncompress utility is not installed on your system, then
you can create an uncompress symbolic link pointing to the gunzip
utility with the following command:
ln -s /bin/gunzip uncompress
■You must have the SCSI parameters for each tape drive and tape library attached
to your Linux or UNIX media server. You can find them using the procedures in
Appendix C, "Determining Linux SCSI Parameters". You need this information
when creating an attach point for each tape device.
■On a Redhat Linux system, ensure that you install the sg3_utils and the
sg3_utils-libs RPM packages. These packages are required for successfully running the sg_map command.
■You must be able to log in to each host with root privileges to perform the
Prerequisites for Installation on Linux
For each Linux media server, ensure that the SCSI Generic (SG) driver is installed. This
driver is required for Oracle Secure Backup to interact with a tape device.
Kernel modules are usually loaded directly by the facility that requires them, if the
correct settings are present in the /etc/modprobe.conf file. However, it is
sometimes necessary to explicitly force the loading of a module at start time.
For example, on RedHat Enterprise Linux, the module for the SCSI Generic driver is
named sg. Red Hat Enterprise Linux checks at start time for the existence of the
/etc/rc.modules file, which contains various commands to load modules.
2-2 Oracle Secure Backup Installation and Configuration Guide
Prerequisites for Installing Oracle Secure Backup on Linux and UNIX
Note: The rc.modules file is necessary, and not rc.local,
because rc.modules runs earlier in the start process.
On RedHat Enterprise Linux, you can use the following commands to add the sg
module to the list of modules configured to load as root at start time:
An Oracle Secure Backup user must be mapped to a Linux or UNIX user that has
read/write permissions to the /dev/sg devices. One way to accomplish this goal is to
set the permissions to 666 for the /dev/sg devices.
Required SCSI Tape Device Parameters on Linux and UNIX
Oracle Secure Backup supports both SCSI and Fibre Channel devices for Linux and
UNIX. To configure a media server to communicate with its attached tape devices, you
must have the SCSI parameters for each tape device.
Tab le 2– 1 lists the required SCSI parameters for each platform.
Table 2–1Required SCSI Parameters
Host bus adapterxx
SCSI bus address
SCSI bus name-instancexxx
Target I Dxxx
In Linux, SCSI bus addresses are referred to as channels.
You must also assign each tape drive and tape library an Oracle Secure Backup
logical unit number, as described in "Assigning Oracle Secure Backup Logical Unit
Numbers to Devices" on page 2-3.
Note: Do not confuse the SCSI LUN with the Oracle Secure Backup
LUN. The SCSI LUN is part of the hardware address of the tape
device, while the Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number is part of
the device special filename.
Assigning Oracle Secure Backup Logical Unit Numbers to Devices
Each tape drive and tape library must be assigned an Oracle Secure Backup LUN
during the configuration process. This number is used to generate unique device
names during device configuration. Oracle Secure Backup logical unit numbers are
assigned as needed automatically on Windows. For each UNIX or Linux media server,
however, you must select Oracle Secure Backup logical unit numbers for each device
as part of planning your administrative domain.
There is no required order for assigning Oracle Secure Backup logical unit numbers.
They are typically assigned sequentially, starting at 0, for each tape device of a given
type, whether tape library or tape drive. That is, tape libraries are typically numbered
Installing Oracle Secure Backup on Linux or UNIX 2-3
Extracting Oracle Secure Backup from OTN Download on Linux or UNIX
0, 1, 2 and so on, and tape drives are also numbered 0, 1, 2 and so on. The maximum
value for an Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number is 31.
On Linux or UNIX, the resulting device special file names for tape libraries are
/dev/obl1, /dev/obl2, /dev/obl3 and so on, and the names for tape drives are
/dev/obt1, /dev/obt2, /dev/obt3 and so on. On Windows, the resulting tape
library names are //./obl1, //./obl2, //./obl3 and so on, and the names for
tape drives are //./obt1, //./obt2, //./obt3 and so on, where these names are
assigned automatically during the installation of Oracle Secure Backup on Windows.
See Also: "Identifying and Configuring Linux Attach Points" on
page 2-18
Note: The Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number should not be
confused with the SCSI LUN. The latter is part of the hardware
address of the tape device, while the Oracle Secure Backup logical unit
number is part of the device special filename.
Extracting Oracle Secure Backup from OTN Download on Linux or UNIX
This section explains how to download the Oracle Secure Backup software.
To download and extract the Oracle Secure Backup installation software:
1.Log in to your host as a user with root privileges.
2.Create a directory called osbdownload on a file system with enough free space to
hold the downloaded installation file:
mkdir /tmp/osbdownload
3.Open a Web browser and go to the Oracle Secure Backup Web site on Oracle