Contributing Author: Christopher Jones, Simon Law, Glenn Stokol, Simon Watt.
The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they
are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected
by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly,
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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in
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Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these
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The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently
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Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Retek are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
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The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third
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Alpha and Beta Draft documentation are considered to be in prerelease status. This documentation is
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Preface................................................................................................................................................................ v
Audience....................................................................................................................................................... v
Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... v
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................... vi
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Introducing PHP with Oracle Database XE
Zend Core for Oracle ............................................................................................................................... 1-1
What You Need ........................................................................................................................................ 2-1
Encoding HTML Pages............................................................................................................................ 8-4
Specifying the Page Encoding for HTML Pages ........................................................................... 8-4
Specifying the Page Encoding in PHP ............................................................................................ 8-4
Organizing the Content of HTML Pages for Translation ................................................................ 8-5
Strings in PHP .................................................................................................................................... 8-5
The Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide introduces
developers to the use of PHP to access Oracle Database Express Edition.
This preface contains these topics:
QDocumentation Accessibility
QRelated Documents
The Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide is intended as an
introduction to application development using Zend Core for Oracle and Oracle
Database Express Edition.
This document assumes a basic understanding of the SQL, PL/SQL and PHP.
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive
technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to
facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to
evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading
technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be
accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program Web site at
Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation
Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The
conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an
otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text
that consists solely of a bracket or brace.
Beta Draft v
Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation
This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or
organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes
any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.
Related Documents
For more information, see these Oracle resources:
QOracle Database Express Edition Installation and Licensing Guide for Linux
QOracle Database Express Edition 2 Day DBA Guide
QOracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Developer Guide
QOracle HTML DB User's Guide
QOracle HTML DB 2 Day Developer
QOracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus Java Developer Guide
QOracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide
The examples in this book use the HR sample schema, which is installed by default.
See Oracle Database Sample Schemas for information about this schema.
The following text conventions are used in this document:
boldfaceBoldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italicItalic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospaceMonospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
vi Beta Draft
Introducing PHP with Oracle Database XE
Oracle® Database Express Edition (Oracle Database XE) is a relational database that
you can use to store, use, and modify data. Zend Core for Oracle enables application
development using PHP.
This chapter has the following topics:
QZend Core for Oracle
QOverview of the Sample Application
Zend Core for Oracle
Zend Core for Oracle, developed in partnership with Zend Technologies provides a
seamless out-of-the-box experience delivering a stable, high performance,
easy-to-install and supported PHP development and production environment fully
integrated with Oracle Database Express Edition.
This guide is a tutorial that shows you how to use Zend Core for Oracle to connect to
Oracle Database XE, and demonstrates how to use PHP to access and modify data.
Overview of the Sample Application
This document guides you through the development of a simple Human Resources
(HR) application for a fictitious company ""AnyCo Corp".
The application manages departmental and employee information stored in the
DEPARTMENTS and EMPLOYEES tables in the HR schema provided with Oracle
Database XE.
The complete sample application:
1.Establishes a connection to the database using PHP's OCI8 extension
2.Queries the database for department and employee data
3.Displays and navigates through the data
4.Shows how to insert, update, anddelete employee records
5.Handles data exceptions
Beta Draft Introducing PHP with Oracle Database XE 1-1
Overview of the Sample Application
Uploads and displays employee photographs
Figure 1-1 shows the relationship between the files developed for this application:
Figure 1–1 Functionality in the Sample PHP Application
The sample application files are:
This file has the main logic for the AnyCo application. It contains control logic to
decide which page is displayed. It manages session data for navigation. The
functionality in, , and is used by it.
This file contains the functions used for presentation of data and forms in a HTML
This file contains definitions for database connection information: the database
username, password, and database connect identifier.
This file contains database logic to create connections, execute queries, and execute
data manipulation statements.
This file contains logic to retrieve an image from a database column and send it to a
browser for display as a JPEG image.
This file contains Cascading Style Sheet definitions for various HTML tags generated
by the application. It manages the look and feel of the application.
Files with the suffix .inc are PHP code files included in other PHP files.
Files with the suffix .php can be loaded in a browser.
You can create and edit the PHP application source files in a text editor or any tool that
supports PHP development.
1-2 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide Beta Draft
The code for each chapter builds on the files completed in the previous chapter.
This tutorial creates files in your $HOME/public_html directory. This is the default
location for web access if the Apache web server configuration has the UserDir
directive enabled. If you create files in a different location, you need to change the
steps for file editing and execution to match your working directory name and URL.
QOracle Database Express Edition Developer Center on the Oracle Technology
Network at:
QPHP Developer Center on the Oracle Technology Network at:
Beta Draft Introducing PHP with Oracle Database XE 1-3
1-4 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide Beta Draft
This chapter explains how to install and test your Oracle Database Express Edition
(Oracle Database XE) and PHP environment. It has the following topics:
Terminate the SQL*Plus session by entering the exit command at the SQL
SQL> exit
2-2 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide Beta Draft
See also: For further information about unlocking an Oracle
Database account, see Chapter 6, "Managing Users and Security", in
the Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day DBA guide.
Testing the Apache Installation
1.Start your web browser and enter the following URL:
Your browser should display a page similar to:
Testing the Apache Installation
2.In the default Apache Web server configuration file set up a public virtual
directory as public_html for accessing your PHP files. By using your preferred
editor open the Apache configuration file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and
remove the "#" character at the start of the line with the following directive:
#UserDir public_html
This enables a browser to make a HTTP request using a registered user on the
system and to serve files from the users $HOME/public_html directory. For
For example: your Apache httpd.conf file should contain the following lines:
<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
# UserDir is disabled by default since it can confirm the presence
# of a username on the system (depending on home directory
# permissions).
#UserDir disable
# To enable requests to /~user/ to serve the user's public_html
# directory, remove the "UserDir disable" line above, and uncomment
Beta Draft Getting Started 2-3
Setting Up Zend Core for Oracle
# the following line instead:
UserDir public_html
3.In a command window, to use the new Apache configuration file restart Apache
by entering the following commands:
Password: <enter your su (root) password>
apachectl restart
4.In the command window, login as a normal (non-root) user and create a
public_html sub-directory in the users $HOME directory, by using the following
su - gstokol
Password for gstokol: <enter the password>
mkdir $HOME/public_html
5.If Apache is not running and you get an error page or do not get the expected
results. In a command window, start the Apache Web server on your machine
using the following commands:
Password: <enter your su (root) password>
apachectl start
If the Apache Web server does not start you may need to check the error log files
to determine the cause. It may be a configuration error.
Setting Up Zend Core for Oracle
This tutorial is specific to PHP in Zend Core for Oracle.
For detailed setup information for Zend Core for Oracle, see the Installation Guide
under Product Information on the Zend Core for Oracle web page at
2-4 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide Beta Draft
Installing Zend Core for Oracle on Linux
1.To extract the contents of the downloaded Zend Core for Oracle software as a root
user, which is required to install the software. In a command window enter:
su Password: <enter the root password>
cd /tmp
tar -zxf ZendCoreForOracle-v1.2.1-Linux-x86.tar.gz
By default, unless specified otherwise, files are extracted to a sub-directory called
2.To start the Zend Core for Oracle installation process, enter the following
Setting Up Zend Core for Oracle
cd ZendCoreForOracle-v1.2.1-Linux-x86
The install command must be executed with root user privileges. After the
./install command is entered the installation process begins as documented in
subsequent steps.
3.In the initial "Zend Core for Oracle Installation" page, click OK.
4.In the "Zend Core for Oracle V.1" page, read the license agreement. To continue
with the installation, click Exit.
5.When prompted to accept the terms of the license, click Ye s.
6.When prompted to specify the location for installing Zend Core for Oracle, accept
the default (or enter your preferred location), and click OK.
The installer begins extracting the files required for the installation.
7.When the progress window indicates all the software has been installed you are
prompted to "Please enter the GUI password". In the "Password" field, enter your
password, for example oracle, and click OK.
The password specified here allows you to log into the Zend Core for Oracle
administration Web pages to enable configuration of Zend Core for Oracle engine
directives or property values.
Beta Draft Getting Started 2-5
Setting Up Zend Core for Oracle
When prompted to "Verify the password", enter the same password as specified in
the previous step and click OK.
9.In the Zend Core support page, you may optionally enter a Zend network user ID
and password. In this case, the assumption is that you have already registered a
Zend network user ID and password when you downloaded the software, and
therefore click No.
If you have not registered, you may still click No, and register at a later time using
the Zend Core Web page
10. The next page prompts you to select the web server for Zend Core installation.
Select the first entry Apache 2.0.52 (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf), the default
Apache installed with Linux. Click OK.
If you desire, you may continue to install Zend Core with other supported Web
servers installed on your system.
11. In the page confirming your Web server selection, at the "Do you wish to
proceed?" prompt, click Yes.
12. In the next installation page, you are prompted to "Please select an installation
method for Apache 2.0.52". Select the first entry Apache module as the method,
and click OK.
13. In the next installation page, prompting "Please select a virtual server for the Zend
Core GUI", select the first entry Main Server, click OK.
14. In the next installation page, after selecting the virtual server, at the "Would you
like to restart the Web Server" prompt, click Yes.
15. When prompted "Would you like to configure another Web Server to use Zend
Core", click No.
16. In the final installation page containing "Thank you for installing Zend Core for
Oracle" lists useful configuration commands and Web page for administration of
the Zend Core engine. Take note of the information and click EXIT.
17. When the Zend Core installation pages are terminated, a message is displayed in
your command window.
The Zend Core for Oracle installation is now complete.
Configuring Zend Core for Oracle
In this section, you configure environment variables, and Zend Core directives that
control default error reporting in web pages.
1.In a web browser, enter the following URL to access the Zend Core administration
The Zend Core for Oracle welcome page is displayed.
2.In the Zend Core for Oracle Welcome page in the Password field, enter the GUI
password, which you provided during Zend Core for Oracle installation. Click the
login >>> icon.
3.In the Zend Core for Oracle administration GUI page, the main "Control Center"
tab page is displayed with the "System Overview" tab page selected. To display the
configuration options, click the Configuration tab.
2-6 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide Beta Draft
Testing the Zend Core for Oracle Installation
In the PHP tab page, which is selected by default, expand the Error Handling and
Logging configuration entry by clicking the + icon.
5.In the PHP Configuration page, to enable the display of errors in the HTML script
output, set the display_errors directive On.
The GUI application is aware that you have unsaved changes. Under the PHP
Configuration page header notice the "Unsaved configuration" message.
6.In the PHP Configuration page, to save the configuration change, click the Save
Settings link.
Saving configuration changes typically requires the Apache server to be restarted.
Under the PHP Configuration page header notice the "Please Restart Apache"
7.In the PHP Configuration page, to restart the Apache server click the Restart
Server link.
The PHP Configuration page is refreshed when the Apache server has been
8.In the Zend Core for Oracle administration page, to exit the GUI page click the
Logout link.
Now that the basic configuration changes have been made, you may now proceed
to the next section to test the Zend Core for Oracle installation.
Testing the Zend Core for Oracle Installation
1.To get started, create a directory called chap2 as a child of your
$HOME/public_html directory and change directory to
$HOME/public_html/chap2 by entering the following commands:
mkdir $HOME/public_html/chap2
cd $HOME/public_html/chap2
2.To check that PHP works, with your preferred editor, create a file called
hello.php which contains the following HTML text:
echo "Hello, world!";
3.Open a web browser and enter the following URL:
The result in the browser is:
Beta Draft Getting Started 2-7
Testing the Zend Core for Oracle Installation
2-8 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide Beta Draft
Getting Connected
In this chapter you create HR application files which implement PHP functions to
connect and disconnect with the Oracle Database. You also develop a PHP function
which enables you to execute a query to validate that a database connection has been
successfully established.
It guides you through the creation and modification of PHP files that call a function to
produce the header and footer for the HR application report pages, where the footer
section of the page includes a date and time.
This chapter has the following topics:
QBuilding the Departments Page
QConnecting to the Database
QDisconnecting from the Database
Note: For simplicity, the username and password are written into
this sample application code. For applications that will be deployed,
coding the username and password strings directly into your
application source code is not recommended. Some other technique,
such as implementing a dialog that prompts the end user for the
username and password is recommended.
See the Oracle Database Security Guide and documentation for your
development environment for details on security features and
Building the Departments Page
1.To create a directory for the application files, in a command window enter the
following command:
mkdir $HOME/public_html/chap3
cd $HOME/public_html/chap3
2.To start creating the PHP application user interface framework create a file called that contains the two functions ui_print_header() and
ui_print_footer() with their parameters to enable web pages with consistent
header and footer sections:
function ui_print_header($title)
Beta Draft Getting Connected 3-1
Building the Departments Page
$title = htmlentities($title);
echo <<<END
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<title>Any Co.: $title</title>
QThe design of this application makes use of PHP function definitions to enable
modular reusable code.
QThe PHP functions defined in the file contain parts of the
original HTML contents from the first anyco.php you created.
QThe functions in, make use of a PHP language construct
called a "here document". This enables you to place any amount of HTML
formatted text between the following two lines:
echo <<<END
The END; line must not be prefixed with leading spaces otherwise the rest of
the document is treated as part of the text to be printed. Any PHP parameters
appearing inside the body of a "here document" are replaced with their values,
for example the $title or $date parameters.
QThe PHP function htmlentities() is used to prevent user-supplied text
from containing HTML markup.
3.The PHP file makes use of a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file called style.css to
specify presentation style in HTML in the browser.
Use your editor to create style.css in the chap3 directory with the following
CSS text:
{ background: #CCCCFF;
color: #000000;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }
3-2 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide Beta Draft
The anyco.php file uses PHP functions to produce HTML content. The
require() PHP function is used to include the code in, such
that the functions defined in it can be called to produce the desired result. If the
required file cannot be found, PHP will generate an error and stop running the
5.To t e st anyco.php, enter the following URL in your browser:
The resulting Web page produced is:
The date and time appear in the page footer section.
Beta Draft Getting Connected 3-3
Connecting to the Database
Connecting to the Database
1.To form a database connection in your PHP application, you use the
oci_connect() function with three string parameters:
$conn = oci_connect($username, $password, $db)
The first and second parameters are the database username and password,
respectively. The third parameter is the database connection identifier. The
oci_connect() function returns a connection resource needed for other OCI8
calls, otherwise it returns FALSE if an error occurs. The connection identifier
return is stored in a variable called $conn.
To validate that the oci_connect() call returns a usable database connection,
write a do_query() function that accepts two parameters: the database
connection identifier, obtained from the call to oci_connect(), and a query
string to select all the rows from the DEPARTMENTS table.
Edit anyco.php to form a database connection with the following parameter
QUsername is hr.
QPassword for this example is hr. Remember to use the actual password of
your HR user.
QOracle connect identifier is //localhost/XE.
The file becomes:
<?php // File: anyco.php
// Create a database connection
$conn = oci_connect('hr', 'hr', '//localhost/XE');
do_query($conn, 'SELECT * FROM DEPARTMENTS');
ui_print_footer(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
// Execute query and display results
function do_query($conn, $query)
$stid = oci_parse($conn, $query);
$r = oci_execute($stid, OCI_DEFAULT);
3-4 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide Beta Draft
Connecting to the Database
The oci_parse() function prepares the query for execution, and is supplied the
connection identifier and query string as the first and second parameters,
respectively. The oci_parse() function returns a statement identifier needed to
execute the query and fetch the resulting data rows, otherwise it returns FALSE on
The oci_execute() function executes the statement associated with the
statement identifier provided in the first parameter. The second parameter
specifies the execution mode. OCI_DEFAULT is used to indicate you do not want
to statements to be committed automatically. The default execution mode is
OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS. The oci_execute() function returns TRUE on
success, otherwise it returns FALSE.
A while loop is used to fetch all the rows for the query executed. The
oci_fetch_array() returns the next row from the result data, otherwise it
returns FALSE if there are no more rows. The second parameter to oci_fetch_array() of OCI_RETURN_NULLS indicates that NULL database
fields will be returned as PHP NULL values.
Each row of data is return as an associative or numeric array of column values.
The code uses a PHP foreach construct to loop through the array and print each
column value in a HTML table cell, inside a table row element. If the item value is
NULL then a non-breaking space is printed, otherwise the item value is printed.
2.To test the changes made to $HOME/public_html/chap3/anyco.php, save the
modified anyco.php file and in a browser window enter the following URL:
The page returned in the browser window should resemble the following page:
If you wanted to query the EMPLOYEES data you could change the query in the
do_query() function call to:
do_query($conn, 'SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES');
Other Ways to Connect
In some applications using a persistent connection improves performance by
removing the need to reconnect each time the script is called. Depending on your
Apache configuration, this may cause a number of database connections to remain
Beta Draft Getting Connected 3-5
Disconnecting from the Database
open simultaneously. The connection performance benefits need to be balanced with
the overhead on the database server.
Persistent connections are made with the OCI8 oci_pconnect() function. The
lifetime of persistent connections can be controlled by several settings in the PHP
initialization file. Some the settings include:
oci8.max_persistent - controls the number of persistent connections per process.
oci8.persistent_timeout - specifies the time (in seconds) that a process maintains an
idle persistent connection.
oci8.ping_interval - specifies the time (in seconds) that must pass before a persistent
connection is "pinged" to check its validity.
See the PHP reference manual
for more information.
Disconnecting from the Database
The PHP engine will automatically close the database connection at the end of the
script unless a persistent connection was made. To explicitly close a database
connection you may call the oci_close() OCI function with the connection
identifier returned by the oci_connect() call. For example:
3-6 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide Beta Draft
In this chapter you extend the Anyco HR application from chapter 3 by adding
additional information to the departments form. You also implement the functionality
to query, insert, update, and delete employees in a specific department.
This chapter has the following topics:
QCentralizing the Database Application Logic
QWriting Queries with Bind Variables
QNavigating Through Database Records
QExtending the Basic Departments Form
QBuilding the Basic Employee Form
Centralizing the Database Application Logic
Modify your application code by moving the database access logic into separate files
for inclusion in the PHP application. Create new files in the
$HOME/public_html/chap4 directory.
Querying Data
1.Copy the files completed in chapter 3, to a new chap4 directory:
mkdir $HOME/public_html/chap4
cp $HOME/public_html/chap3/* $HOME/public_html/chap4
cd $HOME/public_html/chap4
2.Using your preferred editor, create a file called, which defines
named constants for the database connection information. This file enables to
change connection information in one place.
3.Create a file called that declares functions for creating a database
connection, executing a query, and disconnecting from the database. Use the
following logic, which includes some error handling that is managed by calling an
additional function called db_error ():
<?php // File:
Beta Draft Querying Data 4-1
Centralizing the Database Application Logic
function db_connect()
// use constants defined in
$conn = oci_connect(ORA_CON_UN, ORA_CON_PW, ORA_CON_DB);
if (!$conn) {
db_error(null, __FILE__, __LINE__);
function db_do_query($conn, $statement)
$stid = oci_parse($conn, $statement);
if (!$stid) {
db_error($conn, __FILE__, __LINE__);
// $r is the resource containing the error.
// Pass no argument or false for connection errors
function db_error($r = false, $file, $line)
$err = $r ? oci_error($r) : oci_error();
if (isset($err['message'])) {
$m = htmlentities($err['message']);
else {
$m = 'Unknown DB error';
echo '<p><b>Error</b>: at line '.$line.' of '.$file.'</p>';
echo '<pre>'.$m.'</pre>';
The db_do_query() has been written to use the oci_fetch_all() OCI8
function, instead of oci_fetch_array(). The oci_fetch_all() function
accepts five parameters.
Q$stid, the statement identifier for the statement executed
Q$results, the output array variable containing the data returned for the
QThe null in the third parameter for the number of initial rows to skip is
4-2 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide Beta Draft
Centralizing the Database Application Logic
QThe null in the fourth parameter for the maximum number of rows to fetch is
ignored. In this case, all the rows for the query are returned. For this example
where the result set is not large, it is acceptable.
QThe last parameter flag OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW indicates that the
data in the $results array is organized by row, where each row contains an
array of column values. A value of OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_COLUMN
causes the results array to be organized by column, where each column
entry contains an array of column values for each row. Your choice of value for
this flag depends on how you intend to process the data in your logic.
To examine the structure of the result array use the PHP var_dump() function
after the query has been executed. This is useful for debugging. For example:
The db_error() function, accepts three arguments. The $r parameter can be
false or null for obtaining connection errors, or a connection resource or statement
resource to obtain an error for those contexts. The $file and $line values are
populated by using __FILE__ and __LINE__ respectively as the actual
parameters to enable the error message to display the source file and line from
which the database error is reported. This enables you to easily track the possible
cause of errors.
The db_ error() function calls the oci_error() function to obtain database
error messages.
The db_error() function calls isset() function checks if the message
component of the database error structure is set before printing the message, or
indicating that the error is unknown.
4.Edit To format the results of single row from the
DEPARTMENTS table query in a HTML table format, insert the following
6.To test the resulting changes to the application, in a browser window enter the
following URL:
The page returned in the browser window should resemble the following page:
Writing Queries with Bind Variables
Using queries with hard coded values in the WHERE clause may be useful for some
situations. However, if the query conditional values need to change it is not
appropriate to encode a value into the query. Oracle recommends you use bind
variables in the query as a placeholder replacing literal values in the query conditions.
A bind variable is a symbolic name preceded by a colon in the query that acts as a
placeholder for literal values in the WHERE clause. For example, the query string
created in the anyco.php file could be rewritten with the bind variable ":did":
4-4 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus PHP Developer Guide Beta Draft
Writing Queries with Bind Variables
FROM departments
WHERE department_id = :did';
By using bind variables to parameterize SQL statements:
QThe statement is reusable with different input values without needing to change
the code.
QThe query performance is improved through a reduction of the query parse time
in the server, since the Oracle database can reuse parse information from the
previous invocations of the identical query string.
QThere is protection against "SQL Injection" security problems.
QThere is no need to specially handle quotes in user input.
When a query uses a bind variable the PHP code must associate an actual value with
each bind variable (placeholder) used in the query before it is execute. This process is
known as run-time binding.
To enable you PHP application to use bind variables in the query perform the
following changes to your PHP application code:
1.Edit anyco.php. Modify the query to use a bind variable, create an array to store
the value to be associated with the bind variable, and pass $bindargs to
<?php // File: anyco.php
$query =
'SELECT department_id, department_name, manager_id, location_id
FROM departments
WHERE department_id = :did';
$bindargs = array();
// In the $bindargs array add an array containing
// the bind variable name used in the query, its value, a length
array_push($bindargs, array('DID', 80, -1));
In this example, the bind variable, called DID, is an input argument in the
parameterized query, and it is associated with the value 80. Later the value of the
bind variable will be dynamically determined. In addition, the length component
is passed as -1 as the OCI8 layer can determine the length. This is not the case for
bind variables accepting output results from a query.
2.Edit Modify the db_do_query() function to accept a
$bindvars array variable as a third parameter. Call the oci_bind_by_name()
OCI8 call to associate the PHP values supplied in $bindvars parameter with
bind variables in the query: