Opticom SAE J1455, MIL-STD-810F User Manual

Opticom Technologies Inc.
SAE J1455 and MIL-STD-810F
Vibration Testing of
Model CC-02-4.3
CCTV Camera
Prepared by: Weir-Jones Engineering Consultants Ltd.
2040 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.
Tel: 604 732-8821
Fax: 604 732-4801
E-mail: wjgroup@weir-jones.com
Web: www.weir-jones.com
ISO 9001:2000 Registered
June 17 , 2005
The work described in this report was authorized by David Boyd of Opticom Technologies
Inc. on June10 , 2005. The report was prepared by Paul Chong, P.Eng.
Paul Chong, P.Eng. Project Engineer
Dated at Vancouver, June 17 , 2005.
Weir-Jones Engineering Consultants Ltd. 30144-REP-001-0.wp9
1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................1
2.0 VIBRATION PROFILES .................................................1
3.0 VIBRATION TEST EQUIPMENT ..........................................3
4 . 0 R E S UL T S .............................................................5
4.1 Sinusoidal Vibration Test ...........................................5
4.2 Random Vibration Test .............................................5
APPENDIX 1: Calibration Certificates ............................................7
APPENDIX 2: Sinusoidal Test Results ...........................................12
APPENDIX 3: Random Test Results .............................................14
Weir-Jones Engineering Consultants Ltd. 30144-REP-001-0.wp9
On June 10 , 2005 Weir-Jones Engineering Consultants Ltd. (WJEC) was retained by
Opticom Technologies Inc. to perform a set of vibration tests on its Model CC-02-4.3 CCTV camera. The primary objective in testing the camera was to verify its structural integrity. This was done by subjecting the unit to the worst-case vibrational stresses expected in its application environment.
The testing consisted of vibrating the Model CC-02-4.3 CCTV camera in the two mutually
perpendicular axes in accordance with the profiles defined in Sections 4.9 of the SAE J1455 (August
1994) Standard and Method 514.5 of the MIL-STD-810F (January 2000) Standard. The testing of the camera was performed on June 14 and 15 , 2005.
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The vibration testing of the Model CC-02-4.3 CCTV camera comprised of subjecting the unit to the Sinusoidal profile as defined in Section 4.9 of the SAE J1455 (August 1994) Standard and to the Random profile as defined in Method 514.5 of the MIL-STD-810F (January 2000) Standard. The parameters of the Sinusoidal and Random profiles are summarized below with the graphical representation of the Sinusoidal profile shown in Figure 1 and that of the Random profile shown in Figure 2.
Sinusoidal (truck chassis-mounted)
Amplitude* - 2 G’s from 10 to 12 Hz
2.5 G’s from 12 to 14 Hz 3 G’s from 14 to 16 Hz
3.5 G’s from 16 to 18 Hz
4 G’s from 18 to 2,000 Hz Sweep rate - 0.5 octave per minute Duration - 180 minutes per axis for each axis. Unit to be operational as
intended during testing. * the step function is intended to simulate the ramp-up from 10 to 20 Hz.
Random (Basic Transportation for U.S. Highway Truck)
Breakpoints - as per Figure 514.5C-1
10 Hz ÿ 0.015 G /Hz
40 Hz ÿ 0.015 G /Hz
500 Hz ÿ 0.00015 G /Hz
Overall G level of 1.04
Duration - 60 minutes is equivalent to 1,000 miles of travel. Unit is
recommended to be operational as intended during testing.
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Blue - Vibration profile Red - Upper and lower limits of frequency and acceleration (equivalent to ±3dB)
Figure 1: Graphical plot of the SAE J1455 Sinusoidal vibration profile intended for equipment
to be mounted on truck chassis.
Blue - Vibration profile Red - Upper and lower limits of frequency and amplitude (equivalent to ±6dB)
Figure 2: Graphical plot of the MIL-STD-801F Random vibration profile (U.S. Highway
Truck). It should be noted that the amplitude shown in the plot has been reduced by
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The equipment required for the vibration tests was a shaker, a vibration controller and two
feedback accelerometers (see Figure 3). The specifications of the equipment used are as follows.
Shaker: Manufacturer: Ling Dynamic Systems (LDS)
Model: V722 Rated Force: 750 lbf. rms (Random) Frequency: 5 Hz - 4000 Hz Maximum Displacement: 1 inch peak-to-peak Maximum Velocity: 40 inch/sec peak Maximum Acceleration: 50g rms (Random) Maximum Payload: 220 lbs (total weight) Driven by: LDS PA2000 2kW power amplifier Controlled by: LDS DVC 4000 Mk3
Accelerometer: Manufacturer: PCB
Model: J357B01 (charge capacitance type) Serial: 8968, 8969 Range: ±1800 g
The vibration controller and feedback accelerometers were calibrated on March 21 , 2005 by
Ralco Inc. in North Haven, Connecticut, in compliance with ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 and traceable to NIST. The calibration certificates of the controller and accelerometers are provided in Appendix 1.
Power amplifier
Vibration controller
Vibration shaker
Figure 3: Weir-Jones Engineering Consultants Ltd. vibration testing equipment. Note that the
direction of shaker movement is vertical.
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