OpenOffice 3.2 Writer Guide

Writer Guide
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Word Processing with
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March 2010
Updated for V3.2
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Jean Hollis Weber Michele Zarri Magnus Adielsson Agnes Belzunce Ken Byars Bruce Byfield Daniel Carrera Dick Detwiler Laurent Duperval Martin Fox Katharina Greif Tara Hess Peter Hillier-Brook Lou Iorio John Kane Stefan A. Keel Michael Kotsarinis Sigrid Kronenberger Peter Kupfer Ian Laurenson Alan Madden Paul Miller Vincenzo Ponzi Scott Rhoades Carol Roberts Iain Roberts Gary Schnabl Robert Scott Janet M. Swisher Barbara M. Tobias Catherine Waterman Bob Wickham Claire Wood Linda Worthington
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Second edition. Published 25 March 2010. Based on
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Chapter 1
Introducing Writer...................................................................10
What is Writer?.................................................................................11
Starting Writer.................................................................................. 11
The Writer interface..........................................................................15
Changing document views................................................................23
Using the Navigator.......................................................................... 23
Starting a new document..................................................................28
Opening an existing document..........................................................30
Saving a document............................................................................ 31
Getting help......................................................................................33
Undoing and redoing changes..........................................................34
Closing a document..........................................................................34
Closing Writer................................................................................... 35
Chapter 2
Setting up Writer......................................................................36
Choosing options that affect all of OOo............................................37
Choosing options for loading and saving documents........................50
Choosing options for Writer..............................................................56
Choosing options for HTML documents............................................66
Choosing language settings..............................................................66
Controlling Writer’s AutoCorrect functions......................................69
Chapter 3
Working with Text.....................................................................70
Selecting text.................................................................................... 71
Cutting, copying, and pasting text....................................................73
Finding and replacing text................................................................74
Inserting special characters..............................................................78
Formatting paragraphs.....................................................................80
Formatting characters......................................................................84 3.x Writer Guide 3
Autoformatting.................................................................................. 84
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Creating numbered or bulleted lists.................................................86
Using footnotes and endnotes...........................................................89
Checking spelling and grammar.......................................................91
Using built-in language tools............................................................93
Using the thesaurus.......................................................................... 95
Hyphenating words...........................................................................95
Using AutoCorrect............................................................................ 98
Using word completion..................................................................... 99
Using AutoText................................................................................ 100
Line numbering............................................................................... 100
Tracking changes to a document....................................................101
Adding other comments..................................................................105
Linking to another part of a document...........................................107
Switching between insert and overwrite mode...............................112
Counting the words in a selection...................................................112
Chapter 4
Formatting Pages.....................................................................113
Introduction.................................................................................... 114
Choosing a layout method...............................................................114
Setting up basic page layout using styles.......................................116
Changing page margins..................................................................121
Using columns to define the page layout........................................122
Using frames for page layout..........................................................126
Using tables for page layout...........................................................133
Using sections for page layout........................................................136
Updating links................................................................................. 144
Creating headers and footers..........................................................146
Numbering pages............................................................................ 150
Defining borders and backgrounds.................................................161
4 3.x Writer Guide
Chapter 5
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Printing, Exporting, Faxing, and E-Mailing...........................165
Introduction.................................................................................... 166
Quick printing................................................................................. 166
Controlling printing........................................................................166
Printing a brochure......................................................................... 170
Printing envelopes..........................................................................171
Printing labels.................................................................................174
Sending a fax.................................................................................. 176
Exporting to PDF............................................................................176
Exporting to XHTML.......................................................................183
E-mailing Writer documents...........................................................183
Digital signing of documents..........................................................187
Chapter 6
Introduction to Styles.............................................................188
What are styles?.............................................................................. 189
The Styles and Formatting window.................................................190
Applying styles................................................................................ 195
Modifying styles.............................................................................. 203
Creating custom paragraph styles: examples.................................208
Copying and moving styles.............................................................212
Deleting styles................................................................................214
Assigning styles to shortcut keys....................................................215
Defining a hierarchy of headings....................................................215
Chapter 7
Working with Styles..................................................................224
Introduction.................................................................................... 225
Creating custom (new) styles..........................................................225
Working with paragraph styles.......................................................229
Working with conditional paragraph styles.....................................241
Working with character styles........................................................243
Working with frame styles..............................................................246
Working with page styles................................................................249 3.x Writer Guide 5
Working with list styles...................................................................259
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Chapter 8
Working with Graphics...........................................................268
Graphics (images) in Writer............................................................269
Creating and editing images...........................................................269
Adding images to a document.........................................................271
Modifying an image........................................................................276
Using Writer’s drawing tools..........................................................283
Positioning graphics within the text................................................286
Adding captions to graphics............................................................296
Creating an image map...................................................................300
Adding an image to the Gallery.......................................................302
Chapter 9
Working with Tables...............................................................304
Introduction.................................................................................... 305
Creating a table..............................................................................305
Formatting the table layout............................................................309
Formatting the table text................................................................319
Data entry and manipulation in tables............................................322
Additional table operations.............................................................325
The Table menu and toolbar...........................................................332
Chapter 10
Working with Templates.........................................................335
Introduction.................................................................................... 336
Using a template to create a document..........................................336
Creating a template........................................................................ 337
Editing a template........................................................................... 339
Adding templates with Extension Manager....................................341
Setting a default template..............................................................342
Associating a document with a different template..........................343
Organizing templates...................................................................... 345
6 3.x Writer Guide
Chapter 11
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Using Mail Merge...................................................................348
What is mail merge?.......................................................................349
Creating the data source................................................................349
Registering a data source...............................................................350
Creating a form letter..................................................................... 353
Printing mailing labels....................................................................358
Printing envelopes..........................................................................363
Using the Mail Merge Wizard to create a form letter.....................368
Chapter 12
Tables of Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies...................380
Introduction.................................................................................... 381
Tables of contents...........................................................................381
Alphabetic indexes.......................................................................... 393
Other types of indexes....................................................................403
Bibliographies................................................................................. 405
Tools for working with bibliographies.............................................417
Chapter 13
Working with Master Documents...........................................418
Why use a master document?.........................................................419
Styles and master documents.........................................................419
Using the Navigator........................................................................ 420
Creating a master document........................................................... 421
Recommended method for creating master documents..................423
Editing a master document.............................................................432
Cross-referencing between subdocuments.....................................433
Creating one file from a master document and its subdocuments. .437
Problem solving..............................................................................439
Chapter 14
Working with Fields...............................................................444
Introduction to fields......................................................................445
Quick and easy field entry..............................................................445
Using document properties to hold information that changes........446 3.x Writer Guide 7
Using other fields to hold information that changes.......................447
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Using AutoText to insert often-used fields......................................449
Defining your own numbering sequences.......................................450
Using automatic cross-references...................................................452
Using fields in headers and footers.................................................456
Using fields instead of outline numbering for appendix numbering
........................................................................................................ 458
Tricks for working with fields.........................................................459
Developing conditional content.......................................................460
Using placeholder fields.................................................................468
Using input fields and input lists....................................................469
Chapter 15
Using Forms in Writer............................................................473
Introduction to forms...................................................................... 474
When to use forms..........................................................................474
Creating a simple form...................................................................475
Form controls reference.................................................................478
Example: a simple form..................................................................484
Accessing data sources...................................................................490
Advanced form customization.........................................................497
XForms............................................................................................ 500
Chapter 16
Math Objects..........................................................................501
What is Math?................................................................................. 502
Chapter 17
Customizing Writer................................................................503
Introduction.................................................................................... 504
Customizing menu content.............................................................504
Customizing toolbars......................................................................508
Assigning shortcut keys..................................................................512
Assigning macros to events.............................................................517
Adding functionality with extensions..............................................518
8 3.x Writer Guide
Appendix A
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Keyboard Shortcuts................................................................521
Introduction.................................................................................... 522
Function keys for Writer.................................................................523
Shortcut keys for Writer.................................................................524
Shortcut keys for tables in Writer...................................................526
Shortcut keys for paragraphs and heading levels...........................527
Shortcut keys for moving and resizing frames, graphics and objects
........................................................................................................ 528
Index.........................................................................................529 3.x Writer Guide 9
Chapter 1
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Introducing Writer

What is Writer?

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Writer is the word processor component of (OOo). In addition to the usual features of a word processor (spelling check, thesaurus, hyphenation, autocorrect, find and replace, automatic generation of tables of contents and indexes, mail merge, and others), Writer provides these important features:
Templates and styles
Page-layout methods, including frames, columns, and tables
Embedding or linking of graphics, spreadsheets, and other
Built-in drawing tools
Master documentsto group a collection of documents into a
single document
Change tracking during revisions
Database integration, including a bibliography database
Export to PDF, including bookmarks
And many more
Styles are central to using Writer. Using styles, you can easily format your document consistently and change the format with minimal effort. A style is a named set of formatting options. Writer defines several types of styles, for different types of elements: characters, paragraphs, pages, frames, and lists. Often, you are using styles whether you realize it or not. The use of styles is described in more detail in Chapter 6 (Introduction to Styles) and Chapter 7 (Working with Styles).
The other features of Writer listed above are also covered in detail in other chapters of this guide.

Starting Writer

If you are reading this document in, you already know how to start Writer. However, if this is a printed version or a PDF version, you may not know how to start Writer. So let’s look at three ways to do that:
From the system menu
From an existing document
From the command line
Chapter 1 Introducing Writer 11

Starting from the system menu

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The most common way to start Writer is by using the system menu, the standard menu from which most applications are started. On Windows, it is called the Start menu. On GNOME, it is called the Applications menu. On KDE, it is identified by the KDE logo. On Mac OS X, it is the Applications menu.
When was installed on your computer, in most cases a menu entry for each component was added to your system menu. (If you are using a Mac, see note below.) The exact name and location of these menu entries depends on the operating system and graphical environment.
Note for Mac users
You should see the icon in the Applications folder. When you double-click this icon, a text document opens in Writer. To open the other components (Draw, Calc, Impress, Base), go to the File menu of the Writer window and select the component you want.
OOo does not automatically put a shortcut icon on the desktop, but you can add one if you wish. If you don’t know how to add shortcut icons for launching programs, please consult the help for your operating system.

Starting from an existing document

All Writer documents are associated with the Writer application. This means that you can start automatically, simply by double-clicking a Writer document in a file manager such as Windows Explorer.
You can spot an Writer document by its icon: .
Note for Windows users
If you have associated Microsoft Office file types with OOo, then when you double-click on a *.doc (Word) file, it opens in OOo Writer.
If you did not associate the file types, then when you double-click on a Microsoft Word document, it opens in Microsoft Word (if Word is installed on your computer).
You can use another method to open *.doc files in OOo and save in the *.doc format from OOo. See “Opening an existing document” on page 30 for more information.
12 3.x Writer Guide

Using the Quickstarter under Windows

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The Quickstarter is an icon that is placed in the Windows system tray during system startup. It indicates that has been loaded and is ready to use. (The Quickstarter loads library *.DLL files required by OOo, thus shortening the startup time for OOo components by about half.) If the Quickstarter is disabled, see “Reactivating the Quickstarter” on page 14 if you want to enable it.
Using the Quickstarter icon
Right-click the Quickstarter icon in the system tray to open a pop-up menu from which you can open a new document, open the Templates and Documents dialog box, or choose an existing document to open. You can also double-click the Quickstarter icon to display the Templates and Documents dialog box.
Figure 1: Quickstarter pop-up menu
Disabling the Quickstarter
To close the Quickstarter, right-click on the icon in the system tray and then click Exit Quickstarter on the pop-up menu. The next time the computer is restarted, the Quickstarter will be loaded again.
To prevent from loading during system startup, deselect the Load During System Start-Up item on the pop-up menu. You might want to do this if your computer has insufficient memory, for example.
Chapter 1 Introducing Writer 13
Reactivating the Quickstarter
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If the Quickstarter has been disabled, you can reactivate it by selecting the Load during system start-up option in Tools > Options > > Memory.

Using the Quickstarter under Linux

Some installations of under Linux have a Quickstarter that looks and acts like the one described above for Windows (the option on the Memory page is labeled Enable systray quickstarter).

Preloading OOo under Linux/KDE

In Linux/KDE, you can use KDocker to have OOo loaded and ready for use at startup. KDocker is not part of OOo; it is a generic “systray app docker” that is helpful if you open OOo often.

Starting from the command line

You may want to start Writer from the command line (using the keyboard instead of the mouse). Why? Well, by using the command line, you have more control over what happens when Writer is started. For example, using the command line, you can tell Writer to load a document and print it immediately, or to start without showing the splash screen.
There is more than one way to start Writer from the command line, depending on whether you have installed a customized version or the standard download from the OOo web site.
If you installed using the download on the OOo web site, you can start Writer by typing at the command line:
soffice -writer
Most users will never need to do this.
Writer will start and create a new document.
To see a list of options you can use when starting Writer at the command line, type:
soffice -?
Below is a list of some of the more popular options.
14 3.x Writer Guide
Option Description
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-show <odp-file>
-view <documents ...>
If you have a customized version of OOo (such as the one provided by Linux Mandrake or Gentoo), you can start Writer by typing at the command line:
Get a complete list of options.
Do not show the startup screen.
Start presentation immediately.
Open documents in viewer (read-only) mode.
Start OOo minimized.
Suppress restart/restore after fatal errors.
No startup screen, no default document and no UI. This is useful for third-party applications that use functionality provided by OOo.
Although the command syntax differs, the effect is identical: it starts OOo with an empty Writer document.

The Writer interface

The main Writer workspace is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The main Writer workspace in Print Layout view
Chapter 1 Introducing Writer 15


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The Menu bar is located across the top of the Writer window, just below the Title bar. When you choose one of the menus listed below, a submenu drops down to show commands.
File contains commands that apply to the entire document such
as Open..., Save, and Export as PDF....
Edit contains commands for editing the document such as Undo:
xxx (where xxx is the command to undo) and Find &
Replace.... It also contains commands to cut, copy, and paste
selected parts of your document.
View contains commands for controlling the display of the
document such as Zoom... and Web Layout.
Insert contains commands for inserting elements into your
document such as headers, footers, and pictures.
Format contains commands for formatting the layout of your
document, such as Styles and Formatting, Paragraph, and Bullets and Numbering.
Table shows all commands to insert and edit a table in a text
Tools contains functions such as Spelling and Grammar,
Customize..., and Options....
Window contains commands for the display window.
Help contains links to the Help file, What’s This?,
and information about the program. See “Getting help” on page


Writer has several types of toolbars: docked, floating, and tear-off. Docked toolbars can be moved to different locations or made to float, and floating toolbars can be docked.
The top docked toolbar (default position) is called the Standard toolbar. The Standard toolbar is consistent across the applications (Writer, Calc, Draw, Impress, Base).
The second toolbar across the top (default location) is the Formatting toolbar. It is a context-sensitive bar that shows the relevant tools in response to the cursor’s current position or selection. For example, when the cursor is on a graphic, the Formatting bar provides tools for formatting graphics; when the cursor is in text, the tools are for formatting text.
16 3.x Writer Guide
Displaying or hiding toolbars
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To display or hide toolbars, choose View > Toolbars, then click on the name of a toolbar in the list. An active toolbar shows a check mark beside its name. Tear-off toolbars are not listed in the View menu.
Submenus and tear-off toolbars
Toolbar icons with a small triangle to the right will display submenus, tear-off toolbars, and other ways of selecting things, depending on the
icon. Figure 3 shows a tear-off toolbar from the Drawing toolbar.
Tear-off toolbars can be floating or docked along an edge of the screen or in one of the existing toolbar areas. To move a floating tear-off toolbar, drag it by the title bar. See “Moving toolbars” below.
Click here and drag Toolbar tears off and floats
Figure 3: Example of a tear-off toolbar
Moving toolbars
To move a docked toolbar, place the mouse pointer over the toolbar handle, hold down the left mouse button, drag the toolbar to the new location, and then release the mouse button (Figure 4).
To move a floating toolbar, click on its title bar and drag it to a new location (Figure 5).
Chapter 1 Introducing Writer 17
Figure 4: Moving a docked toolbar
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Figure 5: Moving a floating toolbar
Floating toolbars
Writer includes several additional context-sensitive toolbars, whose defaults appear as floating toolbars in response to the cursor’s current position or selection. For example, when the cursor is in a table, a floating Table toolbar appears, and when the cursor is in a numbered or bullet list, the Bullets and Numbering toolbar appears. You can dock these toolbars to the top, bottom, or side of the window, if you wish (see “Moving toolbars” on page 17).
Docking/floating windows and toolbars
Toolbars and some windows, such as the Navigator and the Styles and Formatting window, are dockable. You can move, resize, or dock them to an edge.
18 3.x Writer Guide
To dock a window, do one of the
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Click on the title bar of the
floating window and drag it to the side until you see the outline of a box appear in the main window (see Figure 6) and then release the window. This method depends on your system’s window manager settings, so it may not work for you.
Hold down the Control key and
double-click on a vacant part of the floating window to dock it in its last position. If that does not work, try double-clicking without using the Control key.
To undock a window, hold down the Control key and double-click on a vacant part of the docked window.
Figure 6: Docking a window
The Styles and Formatting window can also be docked or
undocked by using Control+double-click on the gray area next to the icons at the top of the window.
Customizing toolbars
You can customize toolbars in several ways, including choosing which icons are visible and locking the position of a docked toolbar. You can also add icons and create new toolbars, as described in Appendix B.
To access a toolbar’s customization options, use the down-arrow at the end of the toolbar or on its title bar (see Figure 7).
Figure 7: Customizing toolbars
To show or hide icons defined for the selected toolbar, choose Visible Buttons from the drop-down menu. Visible icons have a checkmark
next to them. Click on icons to select or deselect them.
Chapter 1 Introducing Writer 19

Right-click (context) menus

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You can quickly access many menu functions by right-clicking on a paragraph, graphic, or other object. A context menu will pop up. Often the context menu is the fastest and easiest way to reach a function. If you’re not sure where in the menus or toolbars a function is located, you can often find it by right-clicking.


To show or hide rulers, choose View > Ruler. To enable the vertical ruler, choose Tools > Options > Writer > View and select Vertical ruler.
Figure 8. Turning on the vertical ruler

Status bar

The Writer status bar provides information about the document and convenient ways to quickly change some document features. From left to right, the fields are as follows.
Figure 9: Left end of status bar
Page number
Shows the current page number, the sequence number of the current page (if different), and the total number of pages in the document. For example, if you restarted page numbering at 1 on the third page, its page number is 1 and its sequence number is 3.
20 3.x Writer Guide
If any bookmarks have been defined in the document, a right-click
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on this field pops up a list of bookmarks; click on the required one. To jump to a specific page in the document, double-click on this
field. The Navigator opens (see page 23). Click in the Page Number field and type the sequence number of the required page. After a brief delay, the display jumps to the selected page.
Page style
Shows the style of the current page. To change the page style, right­click on this field. A list of page styles pops up; choose a different style by clicking on it.
To edit the current page style, double-click on this field. The Page Style dialog box opens.
Shows the language for the selected text.
Click to open a menu where you can choose another language for the selected text or for the paragraph where the cursor is located. You can also choose None (Do not check spelling) to exclude the text from a spelling check or choose More... to open the Character dialog box.
Insert mode
Click to toggle between Insert and Overwrite modes when typing.
Selection mode
Click to toggle between STD (Standard), EXT (Extend), ADD (Add) and BLK (Block) selection. EXT is an alternative to Shift+click when selecting text. See Chapter 3 (Working with Text) for more information about ADD and BLK.
Unsaved changes
An asterisk (*) appears here if changes to the document have not been saved.
Figure 10: Right end of status bar
Chapter 1 Introducing Writer 21
Digital signature
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If the document has been digitally signed, an icon shows here. You can double-click the icon to view the certificate.
Section or object information
When the cursor is on a section, heading, or list item, or when an object (such as a picture or table) is selected, information about that item appears in this field. Double-clicking in this area opens a relevant dialog box.
Object Information shown Dialog box opened
Picture Size and position Format Picture List item Level and list style Bullets and Numbering Heading Outline numbering level Bullets and Numbering Table Name or number and cell
reference of cursor Section Name of section Edit Sections Other (Blank) Fields (Cross References page)
Table Format
View layout
Click an icon to change between single page, side-by-side, and book layout views (Figure 11). You can edit the document in any view.
Figure 11. View layouts: single, side-by-side, book
To change the view magnification, drag the Zoom slider, or click on the + and – signs, or right-click on the zoom level percent to pop up a list of magnification values from which to choose. Zoom interacts
1 If a list style was used with a list item or heading, no dialog box appears.
22 3.x Writer Guide
with the selected view layout to determine how many pages are
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visible in the document window.

Changing document views

Writer has several ways to view a document: Print Layout, Web Layout, and Full Screen. To access these and other choices, go to the View menu and click on the required view. (When in Full Screen view, press the Esc key to return to either Print or Web Layout view.)
When in Print Layout, you can use both the Zoom slider and the View Layout icons on the Status bar. In Web Layout, you can use the Zoom slider.
You can also choose View > Zoom from the menu bar to display the Zoom & View Layout dialog box (see Figure 12), where you can set the same options as on the Status bar. In Web Layout view, most of the choices are not available.
Figure 12. Choosing Zoom and View Layout options

Using the Navigator

In addition to the Page Number field on the Status bar (described on page 20), Writer provides other ways to move quickly through a document and find specific items by using the many features of the Navigator, the Navigation toolbar, and related icons.
The Navigator lists all of the headings, tables, text frames, graphics, bookmarks, and other objects contained in a document.
Chapter 1 Introducing Writer 23
To open the Navigator, click its icon on the Standard toolbar, or
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press F5, or choose View > Navigator on the menu bar, or double­click on the Page number field on the status bar. You can dock the Navigator to either side of the main Writer window or leave it floating (see “Docking/floating windows and toolbars” on page 18).
To hide the list of categories and show only the icons at the top, click
the List Box On/Off icon . Click this icon again to show the list. Click the + sign by any of the lists to display the contents of the list.
Table 1 summarizes the functions of the icons at the top of the Navigator.
The Navigator has different functions in a master document. See Chapter 13 (Working with Master Documents).
Figure 13. The Navigator
24 3.x Writer Guide
Table 1: Function of icons in the Navigator
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Not active in ordinary documents. In a master document, switches between the master document file and its subdocuments.
Opens the Navigation toolbar (see page 26).
Jumps to the previous or next item in the document. To select the category of items, see “Using the Navigation toolbar“ on page 26.
Jumps to the page number in the box. Type the page number or select it using the up and down arrows.
Drag Mode. Select hyperlink, link, or copy. See “Choosing drag mode” on page 28 for details.
List Box On/Off. Shows or hides the list of categories.
Content View. Switches between showing all categories and showing only the selected category.
Inserts a reminder (see page 27).
Jumps between the text area and the header or footer area (if the page has them).
Jumps between a footnote anchor and the corresponding footnote text.
Choose the number of heading levels to be shown.

Moving quickly through a document

The Navigator provides several convenient ways to move around a document and find items in it:
To jump to a specific page in the document, type its sequence
number in the box at the top of the Navigator.
When a category is showing the list of objects in it, double-click
on an object to jump directly to that object’s location in the document.
To see the content in only one category, highlight that category and click the Content View icon. Click the icon again to display all the categories. You can also change the number of heading levels shown when viewing Headings.
Use the Previous and Next icons to jump to other objects of the
type selected in the Navigation toolbar. (See below for details.)
Chapter 1 Introducing Writer 25
Objects are much easier to find if you have given them names
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when creating them, instead of keeping OOo’s default names of graphics1, graphics2, Table1, Table2, and so on—which may not correspond to the position of the object in the document.
A hidden section (or other hidden object) in a document appears gray in the Navigator, and displays the word “hidden” as a tooltip.

Using the Navigation toolbar

To display the Navigation toolbar, click the Navigation icon (second icon from the left at the top of the Navigator. Figure 13) or the small Navigation icon near the lower right-hand corner of the window below the vertical scroll bar (Figure 14).
Figure 14: Previous, Navigation, and Next icons
Figure 15: Navigation toolbar
The Navigation toolbar (Figure 15) shows icons for all the object types shown in the Navigator, plus some extras (for example, the results of a Find command).
Click an icon to select that object type. Now all the Previous and Next icons (in the Navigator itself, in the Navigation Toolbar, and on the scroll bar) will jump to the next object of the selected type. This is particularly helpful for finding items like index entries, which can be difficult to see in the text. The names of the icons (shown in the tooltips) change to match the selected category; for example, Next Graphic or Next Bookmark.
26 3.x Writer Guide

Rearranging chapters using the Navigator

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You can arrange chapters and move headings in the document by using the Navigator.
1) Click the Content View icon to expand the headings, if necessary.
2) (Optional) If you have several subheading levels, you can more easily find the headings you want, by changing the Heading Levels Shown selection to show only 1 or 2 levels of headings.
3) Click on the heading of the block of text that you want to move and drag the heading to a new location on the Navigator, or click the heading in the Navigator list, and then click either the Promote Chapter or Demote Chapter icon. All of the text and subsections under the selected heading move with it.
To move only the selected heading and not the text associated with the heading, hold down Control, and then click the icon.
The tooltips (Promote Chapter and Demote Chapter) are
misleading; all headings defined in Tools > Outline Numbering can be rearranged using this function.
4) To quickly change the outline level of a heading and its associated subheadings, select the heading in the Navigator, and then click either the Promote Level or Demote Level icon. This action does not change the location of the heading, only its level.
To increase the outline level of only the selected heading, but not its associated subheadings, hold down Control, and then click the icon.
Figure 16. Reorganizing with the Navigator
Users of MS Office Word will note the similarity between this functionality and Word's Outline View.

Setting reminders

One of the little known features of Writer which you may find quite useful is the possibility of jumping between reminders. Reminders let you mark places in your document that you want to return to later on,
Chapter 1 Introducing Writer 27
to add or correct information, make some other change, or simply
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mark where you finished editing. The possible uses of reminders are limited only by your imagination.
To set a reminder at the cursor's current location, click on the icon in the Navigator. You can set up to 5 reminders in a document (setting another causes the first to be deleted).
Reminders are not highlighted in any way in the document, so you cannot see where they are, except when you jump from one to the next —the location of the cursor then shows the location of the reminder.
To jump between reminders, first select the Reminder icon on the Navigation toolbar. Then click the Previous and Next icons.

Choosing drag mode

Sets the drag and drop options for inserting items into a document using the Navigator.
Insert As Hyperlink
Creates a hyperlink when you drag and drop an item into the current document.
Insert As Link
Inserts the selected item as a link where you drag and drop in the current document. Text is inserted as protected sections. However, you cannot create links for graphics, OLE objects, references, or indexes using this method.
Insert As Copy
Inserts a copy of the selected item where you drag and drop in the current document. You cannot drag and drop copies of graphics, OLE objects, or indexes.

Starting a new document

Creating a blank document

You can create a new, blank document in Writer in several ways.
When OOo is open but no document is open (for example, if you close all the open documents but leave the program running), a Welcome screen is shown. Click one of the icons to open a new document of that
28 3.x Writer Guide
type, or click the Templates icon to start a new document using a
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You can also start a new document in one of the following ways. If a document is already open in OOo, the new document opens in a new window.
Press the Control+N keys. A new empty document opens. If you
already have a document open, the new document appears in a new window.
Use File > New > Text Document. The result is the same as
pressing the Control+N keys.
Click the New button on the main toolbar .

Creating a document from a template

You can use templates to create new documents in Writer. Templates serve as the foundation of a set of documents, to make sure they all have a similar layout. For example, all the documents of the Writer Guide are based on the same template. As a result, all the documents look alike; they have the same headers and footers, use the same fonts, and so on.
A new installation does not contain many templates. It is possible for you to add new templates to your installation and use them for new documents. This is explained in Chapter 10 (Working with Templates). Many more templates can be downloaded from and other websites.
Once you do have templates on your system, you can create new documents based on them by using File > New > Templates and Documents. This opens a window where you can choose the template you want to use for your document.
The example shown in Figure 17 uses a template called “Book” in the My Templates folder. Select it, then click the Open button. A new document is created based on the formats defined in the template.
Chapter 1 Introducing Writer 29
Figure 17. Creating a document from a template
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Opening an existing document

When no document is open, the Welcome screen provides an icon for opening an existing document.
You can also open an existing document in one of the following ways. If a document is already open in OOo, the second document opens in a new window.
Click File > Open....
Click the Open button on the main toolbar.
Press Control+O on the keyboard.
In each case, the Open dialog box appears. Select the file you want, and then click Open.
In the Open dialog box, you can reduce the list of files by selecting the type of file you are looking for. For example, if you choose Text documents as the file type, you will only see documents Writer can open (including *.odt, *.doc, *.txt). This method opens Word (*.doc) files, as well as OOo files and other formats.
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