Pin No. DescriptionTypeI/OPin Name
16 TXD/PRES Out D, 5V Safe Output of transmitted data (TXD) or PRE_SLOT signal
17 XIN In A Xtal input (can be driven by an internal clock)
18 XOUT Out A Xtal output (output floating when XIN driven by external
19 VDD1V8 P 1V8 regulator output. Foresee a decoupling capacitor
20 VSS P Digital ground
21 VDD P 3.3V digital supply
22 TXD Out D, 5V Safe SCI transmit output (open drain)
24 RXD In D, 5V Safe SCI receive input (Schmitt trigger output)
25 SCK Out D SPI interface external Flash
26 SDI In D SPI interface external Flash
27 SDO Out D SPI interface external Flash
28 CSB In D SPI interface external Flash
29 T_REQ In D, 5V Safe Transmit Request input
30 SEN In D Boot option
31 BR1 In D, 5V Safe SCI baud rate selection
32 BR0 In D, 5V Safe SCI baud rate selection
33 CRC Out D, 5V Safe Correct frame CRC indication (open drain output)
35 RESB In D, 5V Safe Master reset bar (Schmitt trigger input, active low)
36 TEST In D Hardware Test enable (internal pull down)
37 TX_ENB Out D, 5V Safe TX enable bar (open drain)
42 TX_OUT Out A Transmitter output
43 ALC_IN In A Automatic level control input
46 VDDA P 3.3V analog supply
47 VSSA P Analog ground
48 RX_OUT Out A Output of receiver low noise operational amplifier
49 RX_IN In A Positive input of receiver low noise operational amplifier
51 REF_OUT Out A Reference output for stabilization
2, 38..41, 44,
45,50, 52
NC Pins 2, 38..41, 44, 45, 50, 52 are not connected. These
pins need to be left open or connected to the GND plane.
P: Power pin 5V Safe: IO that support the presence of 5V on bus line
A: Analog pin Out: Output signal
D: Digital pin In: Input signal
Detailed Pin Description
VDDA is the positive analog supply pin. Nominal voltage
is 3.3 V. A ceramic decoupling capacitor C
= 100 nF must
be placed between this pin and the VSSA. Connection path
of this capacitance to the VSSA on the PCB should be kept
as short as possible in order to minimize the serial resistance.
REF_OUT is the analog output pin which provides the
voltage reference used by the A/D converter. This pin must
be decoupled to the analog ground by a 1 mF ceramic
capacitance C
. The connection path of this capacitor to