Omron R88D-KN04H-ECT-L, R88D-KN01H-ECT-L, R88D-KN08H-ECT-L, R88D-KN10H-ECT-L, R88D-KN06F-ECT-L User Manual

EtherCAT® COMMUNICATIONS Linear Motor Type
User’s Manual
© OMRON, 2011
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.


Thank you for purchasing a G5-series Servo Drive. This manual explains how to install and wire the Servo Drive, set parameters needed to operate the Servo Drive, an d remedies to be taken and inspection methods to be used in case that problems occur.
Intended Readers
This manual is intended for the following individuals.
Those who have electrical knowledge (certified electricians or individuals who have equivalent knowledge) and also are qualified for one of the following:
Introducing FA equipment
Designing FA systems
Managing FA sites
This manual contains information you need to know to correctly use the Servo Drive and peripheral equipment.
Before using the Servo Drive, read this manual and gain a full understanding of the information provided herein.
After you finished reading this manual, keep it in a convenient place so that it can be referenced at any time.
Make sure this manual is delivered to the end user.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications

Manual Configuration

Manual Configuration
This manual consists of the following sections.
Section 1 Features and
System Configuration
Section 2 Models and
External Dimensions
Section 3 Specifications This section provides the general specifications, characteristics,
Section 4 System Design This section explains the installation conditions, wiring methods which
Section 5 EtherCAT
Section 6 Basic Control
Section 7 Applied Functions This section outlines the applied functions such as the electronic gear
Section 8 Safety Function This function stops the motor based on a signal from a safety controller
Section 9 Servo Parameter
Section 10 Operation This section explains the operating procedures and how to operate in
Section 11 Adjustment
Section 12 Troubleshooting
and Maintenance
Appendices The appendices provide the explanation for the profile that is used to
This section explains the features of the Servo Drive and name of each part.
This section explains the models of Servo Drive, Linear Motors, and peripheral devices, and provides the external dime nsions and mounting dimensions.
connector specifications, I/O circuits of the Servo Drives and Linear Motors, as well as specifications of other peripheral devices.
include wiring conforming to EMC directives, and regenerative energy calculation methods for the Servo Drive and Linear Motor, and also describes the performance of External Regeneration Resistors.
This section describes EtherCAT communications under the assumption that the G5-series Servo Drive is connected to the Machine Automation Controller NJ-series (Model: NJ301­(Model: CJ1W-NC281/NC481/NC881/NCF81/NC482/NC882/NCF82).
This section outlines basic control functions, and explains the settings.
and gain switching, and explains the settings.
or safety sensor. An outline of the function is given together with operation and connection examples.
This section explains the settings of each object.
each mode. This section explains the functions, setting methods, and items to note
regarding various gain adjustments. This section describes the items to check when problems occur,
troubleshooting using the error displays, troubleshooting based on the operating conditions, and periodic maintenance.
control the Servo Drive, lists of objects, Sysmac error status codes, and other information.
) or Position Control Unit
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications

Manual Structure

11 Adjustment Functions
11-8 Disturbance Observer Function
You can use the disturbance force value estimated with the disturbance observer to lower the effect of the disturbance force and reduce vibration.
The disturbance observer function can be used in the following situations.
Precautions for Correct UsePrecautions for Correct Use
The disturbance observer function may not work properly under the c onditions described in the following table.
11-8-1 Operating Conditions
Operating mode Position control Mode, speed control
Others When Servo is ON.
When elements other than control parameters, such as the force limit, are set correctly and there is no trouble with the motor's normal (The setting of 3002 hex is “0”.).
When realtime a utotuning function is disabled operation.
When instantaneous speed observer function is disabled (The setting of 361 0 he x bi t 0 is “0”.).
Dis turbance obse rver operation is disabled wh en magnetic pole position estimation is in
Conditions under which the adaptive filter does not operate properly
Load condition If there is a resonance point below the cut-off frequency estimated by the distur-
bance observer
If a large amount of high-frequency elements is found in the disturbance force
If the the external encoder resolution is low
Load model
+ −
Disturbance observer
Add to the direction that negates the disturbance
Setting with 3623 hex
Set with 3624 hex
Disturbance force Estimation value
Disturbance force
Force command
Internal force command
Motor Speed
G5 Series AC ServoDrives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications, Linear Motor Type
11 Adjustment Functions
revresbO ecnabrutsiD 8-11
sgnitteS gniriuqeR stcejbO
Set the Function Expansion Setting (3610 hex). Set whether to enable or disable the disturbance observer in bit 1.
0: Disabled 1: Enabled
Set the operating conditions for enabling the function in bit 2.
0: Enabled at all time 1: Enabled only when gain 1 is selected
Set the Disturbance Observer Filter Setting (3624 hex). Set a small value for the Disturbance Force Compensation Gain (3623 hex). Change the value
in the Disturbance Observer Filter Setting (3624 hex) from a large value gradually to a smaller one. The smaller the value set in the Disturbance Observer Filter Setting (3624 he x) , t he l e s s the lag you will have during disturbance force estimation. This has advantages in effectively controlling the influence of disturbance, but results in a large operation noise. Consider the balance between the advantage and disadvantage when setting this value.
Set the Disturbance Torque Compensation Gain (3623 hex). After you set the Disturbance Observer Filter Setting (3624 hex), increase the value of the
Disturbance Force Compensation Gain (3623 hex) from a small value to a large value. The larger the value set on the Disturbance Torque Compensation Gain (3623 hex) is, the more effective control over the disturbance influence can be obtained. But the larger the value is, the larger the operation noise will be. Set this object in combination with the Disturbance Observer Filter Setting (3624 hex) to achieve balanced settings.
11-8-2 Objects Requiring Settings
Index Name Description Reference
3610 hex Function Expansion Settings Set the bits related to the disturbance observer. page 9-44 3623 hex Disturbance Force Compensation
Set the compensation gain for disturbance force. page 9-46
3624 hex Disturbance Observer Filter Setting Set the filter time constant for disturbance force
page 9-46
11-8-3 Operating Procedure
G5 Series AC ServoDrives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications, Linear Motor Type
Level 2 heading
Level 3 heading
Level 1 heading
Manual Name
Level 2 heading
Section Number of Level 1 heading
Level 3 heading
Shows which section the content of the current page belongs to.
Shows which sub-section the content of the current page belongs to.
Shows which paragraph the content of the current page belongs to.
Note, Supplementary Information, Reference Target
A note, supplementary information, reference target, etc. are provided with difference icons.
Operation Steps
Describes the operation steps.
Page Structure and Symbol Icons
The following page structure and symbol icons are used in this manual.
Manual Structure
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Note The above page is only a sample for illustrative purposes. It is not the actual content of the manual.
Manual Structure
Precautions for Safe Use
Precautions for Correct UsePrecautions for Correct Use
Additional Information
Special Information
Special information in this manual is classified as follows:
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure safe usage of the product.
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation an d performance.
Additional information to read as required. This information is provided to increase understanding or make operation easier.
Terms and Expressions Used for the Linear Motor
In this manual, the term “Linear Motor” is defined as an OMRON product that consists of a Motor Coil Unit (the coil on the primary side) and a Magnet Track (the magnets on the secondary side).
In addition to these components, constr u ctin g a Lin ea r Mot or syste m also requires the following parts, which are built into a component called the “Linear Slider.”
Motor Coil Unit (the coil on the primary side)
Magnet Track (the magnets on the secondary side)
External encoder
Linear guide
*1 Not available from OMRON.
Because a Linear Motor provides a linear movement, terms or expressions different from rotary motors are used.
Rotary Linear
Torque [N·m] Force [N]
Rotation speed [r/min] Speed [mm/s]
Inertia [kg·m
] Mass [kg]
However, for object names with respect to the CiA 402 Drive Profile and the terms used for the Safe Torque OFF (STO) function, the manual uses the word “torque” for conformance with the relevant standards.
Read “torque” as “force” when using these object names.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Features and System Configuration
Models and External Dimensions
Adjustment Functions
Troubleshooting and Maintenance
System Design Appendices
EtherCAT Communications
Basic Control Functions
Applied Functions
Safety Function
Servo Parameter Objects

Sections in this Manual

Sections in this Manual
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications


Introduction ...............................................................................................................1
Manual Configuration ...............................................................................................2
Manual Structure.......................................................................................................3
Sections in this Manual ............................................................................................5
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................6
Terms and Conditions Agreement.........................................................................12
Safety Precautions..................................................................................................14
Regulations and Standards....................................................................................24
Items to Check after Unpacking.............................................................................27
Revision History......................................................................................................30
Section 1 Features and System Configuration
1-1 Outline......................................................................................................................................1-2
1-1-1 Features of G5-series Servo Drives............................................................................................1-2
1-1-2 What is EtherCAT?.....................................................................................................................1-3
1-1-3 Object Dictionary.........................................................................................................................1-3
1-2 System Configuration............. .... ... ... ....................................... ... ............................................ 1-4
1-3 Names and Functions............................................................................................................. 1-6
1-3-1 Servo Drive Part Names ...................................................................... .......................................1-6
1-3-2 Servo Drive Functions......................................................... ... ..................................... ... .............1-7
1-4 System Block Diagram................................ ... ... ....................................... ... ............................ 1-8
1-5 Unit Versions .........................................................................................................................1-12
1-5-1 Confirmation Method.................................................................................................................1-12
1-5-2 Unit Versions........................................................................................... ... ... ............................1-12
Section 2 Models and External Dimensions
2-1 Servo System Configuration..................................................................................................2-2
2-2 How to Read Model Numbers................................................................................................. 2-4
2-2-1 Servo Drive ..................................................................................................... ... .........................2-4
2-2-2 Linear Motor..................................................... ... .. ..................................... ... ..............................2-5
2-3 Model Tables............................................................................................................................ 2-7
2-3-1 Servo Drive Model Table.............................................................................................................2-7
2-3-2 Linear Motor Model Table...........................................................................................................2-7
2-3-3 Servo Drive and Linear Motor Combination Tables....................................................................2-8
2-3-4 Cable and Peripheral Device Model Tables..............................................................................2-10
2-4 External and Mounting Dimensions..................................................................................... 2-12
2-4-1 Servo Drive Dimensions.................................................................. .. ........................................2-12
2-4-2 Linear Motor Dimensions............................................... .................................... ... ... .................2-20
2-4-3 External Regeneration Resistor Dimensions ............................................................................2-27
2-4-4 Reactor Dimensions........................................................................................... ... ... .................2-28
2-4-5 Mounting Bracket Dimensions ..................................................................................................2-31
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Section 3 Specifications
3-1 Servo Drive Specifications.....................................................................................................3-2
3-1-1 General Specifications................................................................................................................ 3-2
3-1-2 Characteristics............................................................................................................................ 3-3
3-1-3 EtherCAT Communications Specifications................................................................................. 3-5
3-1-4 EtherCAT Communications Connector Specifications (RJ45).................................................... 3-5
3-1-5 Control I/O Specifications (CN1).................................................................................................3-6
3-1-6 Control Input Circuits..................................................................................................................3-8
3-1-7 Control Input Details...................................................................... ... .......................................... 3-9
3-1-8 Control Output Circuits............................................................. ... .. ........................................... 3-11
3-1-9 Control Output Details ..............................................................................................................3-12
3-1-10 External Encoder Specifications...............................................................................................3-16
3-1-11 External Encoder Connector Specifications (CN4)...................................................................3-17
3-1-12 Analog Monitor Connector Specifications (CN5) ................................................................... ...3-21
3-1-13 USB Connector Specifications (CN7).......................................................................................3-22
3-1-14 Safety Connector Specifications (CN8)....................................................................................3-22
3-2 Overload Characteristics (Electronic Thermal Function).................................................. 3-25
3-3 Linear Motor Specifications ................................................................................................. 3-28
3-3-1 General Specifications of Iron-core Linear Motors ................................................................... 3-28
3-3-2 Performance Specifications of Iron-core Linear Motors............................................................3-29
3-3-3 Iron-core Linear Motor Speed - Force Characteristics.............................................................. 3-32
3-3-4 Temperature Sensor Specifications of Iron-core Linear Motors............................................... 3-35
3-3-5 General Specifications of Ironless Linear Motors..................................................................... 3-36
3-3-6 Performance Specifications of Ironless Linear Motors ............................................................. 3-36
3-3-7 Ironless Linear Motor Speed - Force Characteristics ............................................................... 3-39
3-3-8 Temperature Sensor Specifications of Ironless Linear Motors.................................................3-44
3-3-9 Cable Specifications................................................................................................................. 3-45
3-4 Cable and Connector Specifications................................................................................... 3-46
3-4-1 Resistance to Bending of Robot Cable........................................ ............................... .. ............ 3-46
3-4-2 External Encoder Cable Specifications..................................................................................... 3-47
3-4-3 Connector Specifications..........................................................................................................3-48
3-4-4 EtherCAT Communications Cable Specifications..................................................................... 3-49
3-4-5 Analog Monitor Cable Specifications........................................................................................3-52
3-4-6 Control Cable Specifications............................ .................................... ... .................................. 3-53
3-5 External Regeneration Resistor Specifications.................................................................. 3-58
3-6 Reactor Specifications.......................................................................................................... 3-59
Section 4 System Design
4-1 Installation Conditions............................................................................................................ 4-2
4-1-1 Installation Conditions.................................................................................................................4-2
4-1-2 Iron-core Linear Motor Installation Conditions............................................................................ 4-4
4-1-3 Ironless Linear Motor Installation Conditions............................................................................ 4-10
4-2 Wiring ..................................................................................................................................... 4-14
4-2-1 Peripheral Equipment Connection Examples ........................................................................... 4-14
4-2-2 Main Circuit and Linear Motor Connections........................... ..................................... .. ............ 4-18
4-2-3 Terminal Block Wire Sizes........................................................................................................ 4-22
4-2-4 Terminal Block Wiring Procedure.............................................................................................4-24
4-3 Wiring Conforming to EMC Directives ................................................................................ 4-26
4-3-1 100-VAC and 200-VAC Input Servo Drive Models...................................................................4-26
4-3-2 400-VAC Input Servo Drive Models..........................................................................................4-27
4-4 Noise Reduction.................................................................................................................... 4-29
4-4-1 Wiring Method........................................................................................................................... 4-29
4-4-2 Selecting Connection Components ..........................................................................................4-33
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
4-5 Regenerative Energy Absorption......................................................................................... 4-47
4-5-1 Calculating the Regenerative Energy........................................................................................4-47
4-5-2 Servo Drive Regeneration Absorption Capacity........................................................................4-49
4-5-3 Regenerative Energy Absorption with an External Regeneration Resistor ...............................4-50
4-5-4 Connecting an External Regeneration Resistor........................................................................4-51
Section 5 EtherCAT Communications
5-1 Display Area and Settings......................................................................................................5-2
5-1-1 Node Address Setting.................................................................................................................5-2
5-1-2 Status Indicators .........................................................................................................................5-3
5-2 Structure of the CAN Application Protocol over EtherCAT................................................. 5-4
5-3 EtherCAT State Machine......................................................................................................... 5-5
5-4 Process Data Objects (PDOs) ................................................................................................ 5-6
5-4-1 PDO Mapping Settings................................................................................................................5-6
5-4-2 Sync Manager PDO Assignment Settings ..................................................................................5-7
5-4-3 Fixed PDO Mapping.......................................................... .. ..................................... ... ... .............5-7
5-4-4 Variable PDO Mapping ..................................................................... ..........................................5-9
5-4-5 Multiple PDO Mapping..............................................................................................................5-10
5-5 Service Data Objects (SDOs)................................................................................................ 5-12
5-6 Synchronization with Distributed Clocks............................................................................ 5-13
5-7 Emergency Messages...........................................................................................................5-14
5-8 Sysmac Device Features ...................................................................................................... 5-15
Section 6 Basic Control Functions
6-1 Cyclic Synchronous Position Mode.......................................................................................6-2
6-1-1 Related Objects...........................................................................................................................6-3
6-1-2 Block Diagram for Position Control Mode...................................................................................6-4
6-2 Cyclic Synchronous Velocity Mode.......................................................................................6-5
6-2-1 Related Objects...........................................................................................................................6-6
6-2-2 Objects Requiring Settings..........................................................................................................6-6
6-2-3 Related Functions.......................................................................................................................6-6
6-2-4 Block Diagram for Speed Control Mode...................................................................................... 6-7
6-3 Cyclic Synchronous Torque Mode......................................................................................... 6-8
6-3-1 Related Objects...........................................................................................................................6-9
6-3-2 Objects Requiring Settings..........................................................................................................6-9
6-3-3 Related Functions.....................................................................................................................6-10
6-3-4 Block Diagram for Force Control Mode.....................................................................................6-10
6-4 Profile Position Mode . .... ...................................... .... ...................................... .... ... ................6-11
6-4-1 Related Objects.........................................................................................................................6-12
6-4-2 Description of Function.............................................................................................................6-13
6-4-3 Controlword (6040 hex) in Profile Position Mode................................................................ ... ...6-14
6-4-4 Statusword (6041 hex) in Profile Position Mode.......................................................................6-14
6-5 Homing Mode.........................................................................................................................6-15
6-6 Connecting with OMRON Controllers.................................................................................. 6-16
Section 7 Applied Functions
7-1 Sequence I/O Signals.............................................................................................................. 7-2
7-1-1 Input Signals ...............................................................................................................................7-2
7-1-2 Output Signals.............................................................................................................................7-5
7-2 Positive and Negative Drive Prohibition Functions....... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ....... ... .. 7-8
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
7-3 Overrun Protection................................................................................................................ 7-11
7-3-1 Operating Conditions................................................................................................................ 7-11
7-3-2 Objects Requiring Settings....................................................................................................... 7-11
7-3-3 Operation Example............................................... ... .................................... ... .......................... 7-12
7-4 Backlash Compensation....................................................................................................... 7-13
7-5 Brake Interlock....................................................................................................................... 7-15
7-5-1 Objects Requiring Settings....................................................................................................... 7-15
7-5-2 Operation Timing.......................................... .................................... ... ... ..................................7-16
7-6 Electronic Gear Function...................................................................................................... 7-20
7-6-1 Objects Requiring Settings....................................................................................................... 7-20
7-6-2 Operation Example............................................... ... .................................... ... .......................... 7-21
7-7 Force Limit Switching........................................................................................................... 7-22
7-7-1 Operating Conditions................................................................................................................ 7-22
7-7-2 Objects Requiring Settings....................................................................................................... 7-22
7-8 Soft Start ............................................... .... ... ... ... ....................................... ... .......................... 7-24
7-8-1 Objects Requiring Settings....................................................................................................... 7-24
7-8-2 Soft Start Acceleration or Deceleration Time.......................................... ... .. .............................7-24
7-8-3 S-curve Acceleration or Deceleration Time .............................................................................. 7-25
7-9 Gain Switching Function ......................................................................................................7-26
7-9-1 Objects Requiring Settings....................................................................................................... 7-26
7-9-2 Gain Switching Based on the Control Mode.............................................................................7-28
7-9-3 Diagrams of Gain Switching Setting. ........................................................................................7-31
7-9-4 Position Gain Switching Time (3119 hex).................................................................................7-36
7-10 Gain Switching 3 Function ...................................................................................................7-37
7-10-1 Operating Conditions................................................................................................................ 7-37
7-10-2 Objects Requiring Settings....................................................................................................... 7-37
7-10-3 Operation Example.................................................. .................................... ... .......................... 7-37
7-11 Touch Probe Function (Latch Function) ....................................................... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... 7-39
7-11-1 Objects Requiring Settings....................................................................................................... 7-39
7-11-2 Trigger Signal Settings.............................................................................................................7-39
7-11-3 Operation Sequences............................................................................................................... 7-40
Section 8 Safety Function
8-1 Safe Torque OFF Function ................................................................................ ... ... ...............8-2
8-1-1 Safety Input Signals......................................................... ... ..................................... ... ................ 8-3
8-1-2 External Device Monitor (EDM) Output Signal ...........................................................................8-4
8-1-3 Relationship Between Safety Input Signals and EDM Output Signal......................................... 8-4
8-2 Operation Example......... ... ... ....................................... ... ....................................... ... ... ............ 8-5
8-3 Connection Example............................................................................................................... 8-7
Section 9 Servo Parameter Objects
9-1 Basic Settings.......................................................................................................................... 9-2
9-2 Gain Settings ........................................................................................................................... 9-7
9-3 Vibration Suppression Settings........................................................................................... 9-18
9-4 Analog Control Objects ........................................................................................................9-25
9-5 Interface Monitor Settings.................................................................................................... 9-30
9-6 Extended Objects..................... ... ... ... ....................................... ... .......................................... 9-41
9-7 Special Objects...................................................................................................................... 9-47
9-8 Linear Motor Objects............................................................................. ... ............................. 9-61
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Section 10 Operation
10-1 Operational Procedure.......................................................................................................... 10-2
10-2 Preparing for Operation........................................................................................................10-4
10-2-1 Items to Check Before Turning ON the Power Supply..............................................................10-4
10-2-2 Turning ON the Power Supply..................................................................................................10-6
10-2-3 Checking the Displays................................ ..................................... .. ........................................10-6
10-2-4 Preparing the Linear Motor for Operation .................................................................................10-8
10-3 Linear Motor Setup.............................................................................................................. 10-13
10-3-1 Outline of Linear Motor Setup.................................................................................................10-14
10-3-2 Operation from the CX-Drive...................................................................................................10-14
10-3-3 Connection from the CX-Drive via Network ............................................................................10-23
10-3-4 Connection from the Sysmac Studio via Network...................................................................10-25
10-4 Trial Operation..................................................................................................................... 10-27
10-4-1 Preparations for Trial Operation..............................................................................................10-27
10-4-2 Trial Operation via USB Communications from the CX-Drive.................................................10-28
10-4-3 Setup via Network............................................... .. ..................................... ... ............... ...........10-28
Section 11 Adjustment Functions
11-1 Analog Monitor .................................. ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ...................................... .... ...................11-2
11-2 Gain Adjustment.................................................................................................................... 11-5
11-2-1 Purpose of the Gain Adjustment...............................................................................................11-5
11-2-2 Gain Adjustment Methods.........................................................................................................11-5
11-2-3 Gain Adjustment Procedure.............................................. .................................... ... ... ..............11-6
11-3 Realtime Autotuning .............................................................................................................11-7
11-3-1 Operating Conditions ................................................................................................................11-8
11-3-2 Objects Requiring Settings........................................................................................................11-8
11-3-3 Setting Realtime Autotuning......................................................................................................11-9
11-3-4 Setting Machine Rigidity..........................................................................................................11-10
11-3-5 Objects to Be Updated................................................ ... .................................... ... ... ...............11-12
11-4 Manual Tuning .....................................................................................................................11-15
11-4-1 Preparation for Manual Tuning................................................................................................11-15
11-4-2 Position Control Mode Adjustment..........................................................................................11-16
11-5 Damping Control ............ ..................................................................................................... 11-17
11-5-1 Operating Conditions ..............................................................................................................11-17
11-5-2 Objects Requiring Settings......................................................................................................11-18
11-5-3 Operating Procedure...............................................................................................................11-19
11-6 Adaptive Filter .... ... ....................................... ... ....................................... ... ... ........................ 11-21
11-6-1 Operating Conditions ..............................................................................................................11-22
11-6-2 Objects Requiring Settings......................................................................................................11-22
11-6-3 Objects to Be Set Automatically..............................................................................................11-23
11-6-4 Operating Procedure...............................................................................................................11-23
11-7 Notch Filters......................................................................................................................... 11-24
11-7-1 Objects Requiring Settings......................................................................................................11-25
11-7-2 Notch Filter Width and Depth............................................ .. ..................................... ... ............11-26
11-8 Disturbance Observer Function......................................................................................... 11-28
11-8-1 Operating Conditions ..............................................................................................................11-28
11-8-2 Objects Requiring Settings......................................................................................................11-29
11-8-3 Operating Procedure...............................................................................................................11-29
11-9 Friction Force Compensation Function.............................................................................11-30
11-9-1 Operating Conditions ..............................................................................................................11-30
11-9-2 Objects Requiring Settings......................................................................................................11-30
11-9-3 Operating Procedure...............................................................................................................11-31
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
11-10Feed-forward Function...................... ... .... ... ... ... .... ...... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... . ... 11-32
11-10-1 Objects Requiring Settings ..................................................................................................... 11-32
11-10-2 Operating Procedure .............................. ... .................................... ... ...................................... 11-33
11-11Instantaneous Speed Observer Function ......................................................................... 11-35
11-11-1 Operating Conditions..............................................................................................................11-35
11-11-2 Objects Requiring Settings ..................................................................................................... 11-36
11-11-3 Operating Procedure .............................. ... .................................... ... ...................................... 11-36
Section 12 Troubleshooting and Maintenance
12-1 Actions for Problems .................................................. ... .... ... ... ....................................... ...... 12-2
12-1-1 Preliminary Checks When a Problem Occurs...........................................................................12-2
12-1-2 Precautions When a Problem Occurs.......................................................................................12-3
12-1-3 Replacing the Linear Motor or Servo Drive...............................................................................12-3
12-2 Warnings ................................................................................................................................ 12-5
12-2-1 Related Objects........................................................................................................................ 12-5
12-2-2 Warning List............................................................................................... .. ............................. 12-6
12-3 Errors...................................................................................................................................... 12-9
12-3-1 Error List................................................................................................................................... 12-9
12-3-2 Immediate Stop Operation at Errors.......................................................................................12-11
12-4 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................. 12-13
12-4-1 Troubleshooting with Error Displays.......................................................................................12-13
12-4-2 Troubleshooting with the AL Status Code.............................................................................. 12-27
12-4-3 Troubleshooting Using the Operation State............................................................................ 12-28
12-5 Periodic Maintenance.......................................................................................................... 12-35
12-5-1 Linear Slider Life Expectancy................................................................................................. 12-35
12-5-2 Servo Drive Life Expectancy................................................................................................... 12-36
A-1 CiA402 Drive Profile ................................................. ... ... .... ... ... ... ............................................A-2
A-1-1 Controlling the State Machine of the Servo Drive.......................................................................A-2
A-1-2 Modes of Operation..................................................................... .. .............................................A-4
A-1-3 Communications Cycles and Corresponding Modes of Operation........................................ ... ..A-5
A-1-4 Modes of Operation and Applied Functions................................................................................A-6
A-1-5 Changing the Mode of Operation................................................................................................A-7
A-1-6 Homing Mode Specifications....................................................................................................A-15
A-1-7 Object Dictionary......................................................................................................................A-22
A-1-8 Communication Objects............................................................................................................A-25
A-1-9 PDO Mapping Objects..............................................................................................................A-31
A-1-10 Sync Manager Communication Objects ...................................................................................A-44
A-1-11 Manufacturer Specific Objects..................................................................................................A-49
A-1-12 Servo Drive Profile Objects.......................................................................................................A-55
A-2 Object List..............................................................................................................................A-77
A-3 Sysmac Error Status Codes .................................................................................................A-95
A-3-1 Error Table................................................................................................................................A-95
A-3-2 Error Description.....................................................................................................................A-109
A-4 Response Time in EtherCAT Process Data Communications ........................................A-167
A-4-1 Input Response Time..............................................................................................................A-167
A-4-2 Output Response Time............................................ ... ... .................................... ... ..................A-168
A-5 EtherCAT Terminology .......................................................................................................A-169
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Terms and Conditions Agreement
Warranty, Limitations of Liability
z Exclusive Warranty
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.
z Limitations
Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right.
z Buyer Remedy
Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s electi on, to (i) replace (in the form origin ally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-complying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses rega rding the Products unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.
See or contact your Omron representative for published information.
Limitation on Liability; Etc
Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Application Considerations
Suitability of Use
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases.
Terms and Conditions Agreement
Programmable Products
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or any consequence thereof.
Performance Data
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.
Change in Specifications
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time b ased on improve ments and other reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.
Errors and Omissions
Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications

Safety Precautions

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury, or property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
Safety Precautions
To ensure that the G5-series Servo Drive and Servomotor as well as peripheral equipment are used safely and correctly, be sure to read this Safety Precautions section and the main text before using the product.
Learn all items you should know before use, regarding the equipment as well as the required safety information and precautions.
Make an arrangement so that this manual also gets to the end user of this product. After reading this manual, keep it in a convenient place so that it can be referenced at any time.
Definition of Precautionary Information
The following notation is used in this manual to provide precautions required to ensure safe usage of G5-series Servo Drives and Servomotors.
The safety precautions that are provided are extremely important to safety. Always read and heed the information provided in all safety precautions.
The display of precautions used in this manual and their meanings are explained below.
Explanation of Symbols
This symbol indicates a prohibited item. The specific instruction is indicated using an illustration inside and text. The symbol shown to the left indicates “disassembly prohibited.”
This symbol indicates a compulsory item.
The specific instruction is indicated using an illustration inside and text. The symbol shown to the left indicates “grounding required.”
This symbol indicates danger and caution.
The specific instruction is indicated using an illustration inside and text. The symbol shown to the left indicates “beware of electric shock.”
This symbol indicates danger and caution.
The specific instruction is indicated using an illustration inside The symbol shown to the left indicates the “risk of hot surface.”
This symbol indicates danger and caution.
The specific instruction is indicated using an illustration inside and text. The symbol shown to the left indicates the “risk of fire.”
This symbol indicates danger and caution.
The specific instruction is indicated using an illustration inside The symbol shown to the left indicates a “general precaution.”
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
and text.
and text.
Precautions for Safe Use of This Product
Illustrations contained in this manual sometimes depict conditions without covers and safety shields for the purpose of showing the details. When using this product, be sure to install the covers and shields as specified and use the product according to this manual.
If the product has been stored for an extended period of time, contact your OMRON sales representative.
Be sure to ground the frame ground terminals and ground wires for the Servo Drive and Motor with 100 VAC or 200 VAC to 100 Ω or less, and for the Servo Drive and Motor with 400 VAC to 10 Ω or less.
Electric shock may result. Never touch the parts inside the Servo Drive or the cable ends of the Motor Coil Unit.
Electric shock may result.
Safety Precautions
Do not remove the front cover, terminal covers, cables, or optional items while the power is being supplied.
Doing so may result in electric shock. Installation, operation and maintenance or inspection by unauthorized personnel is
prohibited. Electric shock or injury may result. Before carrying out wiring or inspection, turn OFF the main circuit power and wait for at
least 15 minutes. Electric shock may result.
Install the Servo Drive and Motor before wiring. Improper grounding may result in electrical shock.
Do not damage, pull, or put excessive stress or heavy objects on the cables. Doing so may cause electric shock, malfunction, or burning.
Do not use the cable when it is laying in oil or water. Electric shock, injury, or fire may result.
Do not perform wiring or any operation with wet hands. Electric shock, injury, or fire may result.
Do not touch the Servo Drive radiator, Regeneration Resistor, or Motor while the power is supplied or for a while after the power is turned OFF becuse they get hot. Fire or a burn injury may result.
Use the Motor and Servo Drive in a specified combination. Fire or equipment damage may result.
Never connect a power supply directly to the Motor. Fire or failure may result.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Safety Precautions
Do not enter the operating area during operation. Injury may result.
Never modify the Servo Drive. Injury or equipment damage may result.
Install a stopping device on the machine to ensure safety. * The holding brake is not a stopping device to ensure safety. Injury may result. Install an immediate stop device externally to the machine so that the operation can be
stopped and the power supply is cut off immediately. Injury may result.
When the power is restored after a momentary power interruption, the machine may restart suddenly. Never come close to the machine when restoring power.
* Implement measures to ensure safety of people nearby even when the machine is
Injury may result. After an earthquake, be sure to conduct safety checks. Electric shock, injury, or fire may result.
Never drive the Motor using an external drive source. Fire may result.
Do not place flammable materials near the Motor, Servo Drive, or Regeneration Resistor. Fire may result.
Install the Motor, Servo Drive, and Regeneration Resistor on non-flammable materials such as metals.
Fire may result. When constructing a system that includes safety functions, be sure you understand the
relevant safety standards and all related information in user documentation, and design the system to comply with the standards.
Not doing so may result in injury or equipment damage. If the motor is not controlled, it may not be possible to maintain the stop.
To ensure safety, install a stop device. Risk of equipment damage and human injury.
Do not handle objects made of magnetic materials ne ar the Linear Motor. Use nonmagnetic tools when performing installation or other work on the Linear Moto r.
The objects may be attracted by the magnetic field of the Linear Motor and you may be caught between the motor parts, resulting in injury.
People using a pacemaker or other electronic medical device must stay away from the linear motor.
A powerful magnetic field is generated by the stator and powered needle. This may cause malfunctioning of electronic devices. When shipping or transporting the Magnet Track, be sure to display that the content is a
strong magnetic product. Medical electronics such as cardiac pacemakers may malfunction or injury may result.
Do not put the product into the fire. Burst or gas may occur and injury may result.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Safety Precautions
Do not store or install the Servo Drive in the following locations:
Location subject to direct sunlight
Location where the ambient temperature exceeds the specified level
Location where the relative humidity exceeds the specified level
Location subject to condensation due to rapid temperature changes
Location subject to corrosive or flammable gases
Location subject to high levels of dust, salt content, or iron dust
Location subject to splashes of water, oil, chemicals, etc.
Location where the Servo Drive may receive vib ration or impact directly
Installing or storing the Servo Drive in these locations may result in fire, electric shock, or equipment damage.
The magnetic attraction force always affects between the Motor Coil Unit and Magnet Track even when the power supply is turned OFF. Design a machine which supports the magnetic attraction force and provides enough rigidity to maintain the accuracy.
Malfunction or failure may result. Design a machine with consideration of the magnetic attraction force.
Malfunction or failure may result.
Do not hit the Motor Coil Unit against the stopper. Design the configuration so that the table mounted on the Motor Coil Unit hits against the stopper.
Equipment damage may result. Do not apply strong impact on the product. Failure may result.
Prevent adhesion of foreign objects to the product. Malfunction may result.
You cannot use the Linear Motor because its magnetic pole cannot be detected in an unbalanced load such as vertical axis.
If the magnetic pole cannot be detected, an error may occur and the Linear Motor may be in the free-run status.
Injury or equipment damage may result. The protective structure of the Linear Motor is IP00. Take necessary measures to prevent
dust, oil, etc. Failure may result. Ensure that the Linear Slider has a sufficient rigidity. Equipment damage or malfunction may result.
Provide appropriate safety measures to prevent crashes, etc. if you design a system which cooperates multiple motor coil units such as multi-head or tandem.
Equipment damage may result. Do not bring electronic devices, magnetic recording media, or other articles that may be
affected by magnetism (clocks, computers, measuring instruments, magnetic cards, IC cards, etc.) near the linear motor.
This may cause malfunctioning or equipment damage.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Safety Precautions
Storage and Transportation
When transporting the Motor Coil Unit, do not hold the cable. Injury or equipment damage may result.
When transporting the Magnet Track, do not hold the cover to protect the magnet. Injury or equipment damage may result.
Do not overload the product. (Follow the instructions on the product label.) Injury or failure may result.
Be sure to store the product as packed in the same packing as delivered. Injury or equipment damage may result.
When transporting or storing the magnet track, pack the product in the same condition as delivered or cover the magnetic side by 30 mm or more thick material such as high density plastics. (Be sure to provide more than 60 mm of thickness.)
Equipment damage may result. The magnetic body (Motor Coil Unit, other Magnet Track or tools) generates attractive force
by Magnet Track. Be careful about the ambient environment when and after disassembling the Linear Motor, and handling the Magnet Track.
Injury such as getting one’s hand caught in the Linear Motor or equipment damage may result.
When lifting a 15 kW or higher Servo Drive du ring moving or installation, always have two people lift the product by grasping a metal part.
Do not grasp a plastic part. Injury or failure may result.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Installation and Wiring
Provide the specified clearance between the Servo Drive and the inner surface of the control panel or other equipment.
Fire or failure may result. Use crimp terminals to wire screw type terminal blocks. Do not connect bare stranded wires
directly to terminals blocks. Fire may result.
Provide safety measures, such as a breaker, to protect against short circuiting of external wiring.
Fire may result. Do not step on the Servo Drive or place heavy articles on it.
Injury may result.
Safety Precautions
Be sure to observe the mounting direction. Failure may result.
Wire the cables correctly and securely. Runaway motor, injury, or failure may result.
Tighten the mounting screws, terminal block screws, and cable screws for the product to the specified torque.
Failure may result. Use non-magnetic mounting screws. Note also that the depth of any mounted screw is less
than the effective thread depth. Equipment damage may result.
Be sure to wire the motor coil unit cable fixedly. Equipment damage may result.
For wiring between the Motor Coil Unit cable and the Servo Drive, use a robot cable. Equipment damage may result.
Be sure to securely fix the Linear Motor to the machine. The Linear Motor may come off during operation and equipment damage may result.
When installing the Linear Motor, match the center of gravity of the motor coil unit and load. Malfunction or equipment damage may result by the increase of the running loa d.
Install linear guides with great caution to comply with the gap specification of the motor coil unit and magnet track. (If the gap is small, the running load by the friction will increase in proportion to the magnetic attraction force.)
Malfunction may result. Do not allow foreign objects to enter between the Motor Coil Unit and Magnet Track. Equipment damage or malfunction may result.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Safety Precautions
Set a parameter to operate the Motor and external encoder in the same direction. Malfunction or equipment damage may result.
When installing more than one Magnet Track, set the mounting screw accumulative pitch tolerance within ± 0.2 mm.
Malfunction may result. Use the specified screws for the tap holes of Motor Coil Unit. The tap holes are used to
install the Motor Coil Unit. Equipment damage may result.
Use all tap holes of Motor Coil Unit and threaded holes of Magnet Track to install the Linear Motor.
Equipment damage may result. Always use the power supply voltage specified in the User’s Manual.
An incorrect voltage may result in malfunction or burning.
Take appropriate measures to ensure that the specified power with the rated voltage is supplied.
Be particularly careful in locations where the power supply is unstable. An incorrect power supply may result in failure. Connect the Servo Drive to the Motor without a contactor, etc. Malfunction or equipment damage may result.
Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures to provide shielding when installing systems in the following locations.
Not doing so may result in failure.
Locati ons subject to static electricity or other forms of noise.
Locati ons subject to strong electromagnetic fields and magnetic fields.
Locati ons subject to possible exposure to radioactivity.
Locati ons close to power supplies.
Do not use the Linear Motor in the location sub j ect to magnetic powders such as iron filings.
They may adhere to the Linear Motor and failure may result. Connect an emergency stop (immediate stop) relay in series with the brake control relay.
Injury or failure may result.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Operation and Adjustment
If the Servo Drive fails, cut off the power supply to the Servo Drive. Fire may result.
Do not block the intake or exhaust openings. Do not allow foreign objects to enter the Servo Drive. Fire may result.
Conduct a test operation after confirming that the equipment is not affected. Equipment damage may result.
Check any newly set parameters and software switch settings for proper execution before actually using them.
Not doing so may result in equipment damage. Never adjust or set parameters to extreme values, because it will make the operation
unstable. Injury may result.
Separate the Motor from the mechanical system and check its operation before installing the Motor to the machine.
Injury may result. If the magnetic body is near the Linear Motor, the cogging will occur and affect the
performance. Malfunction or equipment damage may result. If an error occurs, remove the cause of the error and ensure safety, and then reset the
alarm and restart the operation. Injury may result.
Do not operate the Motor connected to an excessive load mass. Failure may result.
Safety Precautions
Do not turn ON and OFF the main Servo Drive power supply frequently. Failure may result.
Install equipment to prevent crash and reduce shock. Crash against the stroke edge may occur depending on stopping distance and equipment
damage may result. If a problem occurs in serial communications during a test operation, you have no means to
stop the Motor. Install external hardware to ensure that the Motor can be stopped at any time.
Before transferring parameters or data from the CX-Drive and Sysmac Studio to any other node, check the safety around the target node.
Injury may result. Check the axis (shaft) number before operating with the CX-Drive and Sysmac Studio.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Safety Precautions
Maintenance and Inspection
Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify the Servomotor or Servo Drive. Any attempt to do so may result in electric shock or other injury.
After replacing the Servo Drive, transfer to the new Servo Drive all data needed to resume operation, before restarting operation.
Equipment damage may result. Turn OFF the power supply when not using the Servomotor or Servo Drive for a long period
of time. Not doing so may result in injury or malfunction.
Design the system to stop for at least ten minutes after the dynamic brake operates. If it is used under more conditions, the dynamic brake may break and the brake may not
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Safety Precautions
100~120V 1Ø 3Ø
2.6A 50/60Hz
OMRON Corporation
Location of Warning Label
Location of Warning Label
The Servo Drive bears a warning label at the following location to provide handling warnings. When handling the Servo Drive, be sure to observe the instructions provided on this label.
Instructions on Warning Label
Dispose of the Servo Drive as industrial waste.
When disposing of the battery, insulate it using tape and dispose of it by following the applicable
ordinance of your local government.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications

Regulations and Standards

Regulations and Standards
Overseas Use
To export (or provide to nonresident aliens) any part of this product that falls under the category of goods (or technologies) for which an export certifica te or license is ma ndato ry accordi ng to the For eign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan, an export certificate or license (or service transaction approval) according to this law is required.
Conformance to EC Directives
For the G5-series Servo Drive which is an EC-compliant product, it is the user’s responsibility to check and ensure the compliance of the equipment and the entire system with the applicable EC Directives.
EC Directive Product Applicable standards
Low Voltage Directive AC Servo Drives EN61800-5-1
Linear Motor EN60034-1
EMC Directive AC Servo Drives EN55011 classA group1
EN61000-6-2 EN61800-3
Machinery Directives AC Servo Drives EN954-1 Cat.3
EN ISO13849-1 PL c, PL d EN61508 (Part 1, 2, 4) SIL2 EN62061 SIL2 EN61800-5-2 (STO) IEC61326-3-1
Note To conform to EMC Directives, the Servo Drive must be installed under the conditions described in 4-3
Wiring Conforming to EMC Directives on page 4-26.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Precautions for Correct UsePrecautions for Correct Use
UL and cUL Standards
Standard Product Applicable standards File number
UL standards AC Servo Drives UL 508C CSA standards AC Servo Drives CSA C22.2 No. 14 E179149
*1 The R88D-KT20 and lower capacity Servo Drives are UL-listed .
The R88D-KT30 and higher capacity Servo Drives are UL-recognized.
This product complies with the UL 508C standard (file No. E179149) only when the following two installation conditions are met.
Use the Servo Drive in an environment rated as Pollution Degree 2 or Pollution Degree 1 defined in
IEC60664-1. For example, the product meets this requirement when installed inside an IP54 control panel.
Be sure to connect between the power supply and the no ise filter a circuit breaker or fuse that bears the mark (which means a UL-listed product).
Refer to the following table for the rated current of the circuit breaker/fuse. For wiring, use a copper conductor wire with a temperature rating of 75 ºC or higher.
Regulations and Standards
Servo Drive model Circuit breaker rated current [A]
R88D-KN01L-ECT-L 10 R88D-KN02L-ECT-L R88D-KN04L-ECT-L R88D-KN01H-ECT-L R88D-KN02H-ECT-L R88D-KN04H-ECT-L R88D-KN08H-ECT-L 15 R88D-KN10H-ECT-L R88D-KN15H-ECT-L 20 R88D-KN06F-ECT-L 15 R88D-KN10F-ECT-L R88D-KN15F-ECT-L R88D-KN20F-ECT-L 20 R88D-KN30F-ECT-L 30
Korean Radio Regulations (KC)
The G5-series Servo Drives comply with the Korean Radio Regulations (KC).
The G5-series Servomotors and Linear Motors are exempt from the Korean Radio Regulations (KC).
Servo Drives conform to the SEMI F47 standard for momentary power interruptions (voltage sag
immunity) for no-load or light-load operation.
This standard applies to semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
It does not apply to Servo Drives with single-phase 100-V specifications or with 24 VDC
specifications for the control power input.
Always perform evaluation testing for SEMI F47 compliance in the actual system.
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Regulations and Standards
Sysmac and SYSMAC are trademarks or registered trademarks of OMRON Corporation in Japan
and other countries for OMRON factory automation products.
EtherCAT GmbH, Germany.
Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or reg istered trademarks of their respective companies.
® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications

Items to Check after Unpacking

100~120V 1Ø 3Ø
2.6A 50/60Hz
OMRON Corporation
Warning label display location
Items to Check after Unpacking
After unpacking, check the following items.
Is this the model you ordered?
Was there any damage sustained during shipment?
Servo Drive
Location of Servo Drive Rating Label
Servo Drive Rating Label
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Items to Check after Unpacking
Location of Rating Label
Servo Drive Accessories
Safety Precautions document × 1 copy
Connectors, mounting screws, mounting brackets, and other accessories other than those in the table below are not supplied. They must be prepared by the customer.
The safety bypass connector is required if the safety function is not used. To use the safety function, provide a separate safety I/O signal connector.
If any item is missing or a problem is found such as Servo Drive damage, contact the OMRON dealer or sales office where you purchased your product.
Connector for main
circuit power supply
100 VAC
200 VAC
400 VAC
*1 Provide a safety connector separately to use the safety function.
100 W Included 200 W 400 W 200 W 400 W 750 W
1 kW
1.5 kW 600 W
1 kW
1.5 kW
2 kW Included Included 3 kW
terminals and control
circuit power supply
Connector for External
Regeneration Resistor
connection terminals
and motor connection
Location of Iron-core Linear Motor Coil Unit Rating Label
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
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