All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because
OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is
subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages
resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.
• Sysmac and SYSMAC are trademarks or registered trademarks of OMRON Corporation in Japan and other
countries for OMRON factory automation products.
• EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
• Safety over EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH,
• ODVA, CIP, CompoNet, DeviceNet, and EtherNet/IP are trademarks of ODVA.
Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies.
Thank you for purchasing a 1S-series Servo Drive. This User’s Manual describes the installation and
wiring methods of the 1S-series Servo Drives and parameter setting method which is required for the
operation, as well as troubleshooting and inspection methods.
Intended Audience
This User’s Manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have electrical knowledge
(certified electricians or individuals who have equivalent knowledge).
• Personnel in charge of introducing the FA equipment
• Personnel in charge of designing the FA systems
• Personnel in charge of installing and connecting the FA equipment
• Personnel in charge of managing the FA systems and facilities
This User’s Manual contains information you need to know to correctly use the 1S-series Servo Drives
and peripheral equipment.
Before using the Servo Drive, read this User’s Manual and gain a full understanding of the information
provided herein.
After you finished reading this User’s Manual, keep it in a convenient place so that it can be referenced
at any time.
Make sure this User’s Manual is delivered to the end user.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Manual Structure
7 Applied Functions
7 - 30
1S-series AC Servomotors and Servo Drives User’s Manual (with Built-in EtherCAT Communications)
7-9Soft Start Function
This function sets the acceleration and deceleration against the velocity command input inside the
Servo Drive and uses these values for speed control.
With this function, soft starts are possible when the step rotation velocity commands are input. To
reduce any impacts made by acceleration changes, you can also use the velocity command filter
(first-order lag).
For a step velocity command input, set the time until the velocity command reaches 1,000 r/min in
Acceleration Time.
Similarly, set the time until the velocity command slows from 1,000 r/min down to 0 r/min in Deceleration Time.
Acceleration Time (ms) = Vc/1,000 r/min × Acceleration Time × 0.1 ms
Deceleration Time (ms) = Vc/1,000 r/min × Deceleration Time × 0.1 ms
7-9-1 Objects Requiring Settings
Velocity Command Filter
P. 9 -1 9
01 Acceleration TimeSets the acceleration time during accelera-
P. 9 -1 9
02 Deceleration TimeSets the deceleration time during decelera-
P. 9 -1 9
03 IIR Filter EnableSelects whether to enable or disable the
IIR filter in the velocity command filter.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
P. 9 -2 0
04 Filter Cutoff FrequencySets the cutoff frequency for the IIR filter. P. 9-20
7-9-2 Soft Start Acceleration/Deceleration Time
Velocity command [r/min]
Acceleration Time × 0.1 ms Deceleration Time × 0.1 ms
1,000 [r/min]
Velocity command before
acceleration control
(step type command)
Velocity command after
acceleration control
(trapezoidal type command)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Manual name
Manual Structure
This section explains the page structure and symbol icons.
Page Structure
The following page structure is used in this manual.
Note The above page is only a sample for illustrative purposes. It is not the actual content of this User’s Manual.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Precautions for Safe Use
Precautions for Correct Use
Additional Information
Version Information
7 - 31
7 Applied Functions
1S-series AC Servomotors and Servo Drives User’s Manual (with Built-in EtherCAT Communications)
7-9 Soft Start Function
7-9-3 Velocity Command Filter (First-order Lag)
Precautions for Correct Use
Do not set the Acceleration Time and the Deceleration Time when the position loop structure
with a host controller is used.
The velocity command filter (first-order lag) is an IIR filter used for speed commands.
7-9-3 Velocity Command Filter (First-order Lag)
Vc × 0.632
Vc × 0.368
Velocity command [r/min]
Target velocity
Target velocity
Target velocity
Velocity command
before filter process
Velocity command
after filter process
1/(2π × Filter Cutoff Frequency)
Icons indicate precautions,
additional information, or
reference information.
Special information
Level 2 heading
Gives the current heading.
Page tab
Gives the number of
the main section.
Level 3 heading
Gives the current heading.
Manual Structure
Note This illustration is provided only as a sample. It may not literally appear in this manual.
Special Information
Special information in this manual is classified as follows:
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure safe usage of the product.
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and performance.
Additional information to read as required.
This information is provided to increase understanding or make operation easier.
Information on differences in specifications and functionality for Servo Drives with different unit
versions and for different versions of the Sysmac Studio is given.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Manual Configuration
Manual Configuration
This User’s Manual consists of the following sections.
Read the necessary section or sections by reference to the following table.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3Specifications
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7Applied Functions
Section 8Safety Function
Section 9
Section 10Operation
Section 11
Section 12Troubleshooting
Section 13
Features and System Configuration
Models and External Dimensions
Configuration and
EtherCAT Communications
Basic Control
Details on Servo
Adjustment Functions
Maintenance and
This section explains the features of the Servo Drive and name of each part.
This section explains the models of Servo Drives, Servomotors, Decelerators, and peripheral devices, and provides the external dimensions and
mounting dimensions.
This section provides the general specifications, characteristics, connector
specifications, and I/O circuits of the Servo Drives as well as the general
specifications, characteristics, encoder specifications of the Servomotors
and other peripheral devices.
This section explains the conditions for installing Servo Drives, Servomotors,
and Decelerators, the wiring methods including wiring conforming to EMC
Directives, the regenerative energy calculation methods, as well as the performance of External Regeneration Resistors.
This section explains EtherCAT communications under the assumption that
the Servo Drive is connected to a Machine Automation Controller
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or Position Control Unit (Model: CJ1W-NC8)
This section explains the outline and settings of basic control functions.
This section provides the outline and settings of the applied functions such
as electronic gear and gain switching.
This function stops the motor based on a signal from a safety controller.
This section provides the outline of the function and examples of operation
and connection.
This section explains the details on each servo parameter, including the set
values, settings, and the display.
This section provides the operational procedure and explains how to operate
in each mode.
This section explains the functions, setting methods, and items to note
regarding adjustments.
This section explains the items to check when problems occur, and troubleshooting by the use of error displays or operation state.
This section explains maintenance and inspection of the Servomotors and
Servo Drives.
The appendices provide explanation for the profile that is used to control the
Servo Drive, lists of objects, and Sysmac error status codes.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Features and System
Models and External
Adjustment Functions
Configuration and
Maintenance and
Applied Functions
Basic Control
Safety Function
Details on Servo Parameters
Sections in this Manual
Sections in this Manual
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
A-6-1Relationship between Unit Versions and Sysmac Studio Versions.......................................A-172
A-6-2Functions That Were Added or Changed for Each Unit Version...........................................A-173
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Terms and Conditions Agreement
Terms and Conditions Agreement
Warranty, Limitations of Liability
z Exclusive Warranty
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in
writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.
z Limitations
Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based
on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right.
z Buyer Remedy
Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally
shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-complying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal
to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be
responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products
unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and
maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of
any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies
shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in
writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.
See or contact your Omron representative for published information.
Limitation on Liability; Etc
Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on
which liability is asserted.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Application Considerations
Suitability of Use
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations
which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At
Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings
and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of
the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases.
Terms and Conditions Agreement
Programmable Products
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or
any consequence thereof.
Performance Data
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for
the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of
Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.
Change in Specifications
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other
reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or
when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be
changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish
key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to
confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.
Errors and Omissions
Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Safety Precautions
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, is likely to result in serious injury or may
result in death. Additionally there may be severe
property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in minor or moderate injury, or may
result in serious injury or death. Additionally there may
be significant property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate
injury or in property damage.
Safety Precautions
• To ensure that the 1S-series Servomotor/Servo Drive as well as peripheral equipment are used
safely and correctly, be sure to read this Safety Precautions section and the main text before using
the product. Learn all items you should know before use, regarding the equipment as well as the
required safety information and precautions.
• Make an arrangement so that this User’s Manual also gets to the end user of this product.
• After reading this User’s Manual, keep it in a convenient place so that it can be referenced at any
Explanation of Displays
• The precautions indicated here provide important information for safety. Be sure to heed the information provided with the precautions.
• The following signal words are used to indicate and classify precautions in this User’s Manual.
Even those items denoted by the caution symbol may lead to a serious outcome depending on the situation. Accordingly, be sure to observe all safety precautions.
Explanation of Symbols
This User’s Manual uses the following symbols.
The circle and slash symbol indicates operations that you must not do.
The specific operation is shown in the circle and explained in text.
This example indicates prohibiting disassembly.
The triangle symbol indicates precautions and warnings.
The specific operation is shown in the triangle and explained in text.
This example indicates a precaution for electric shock.
The triangle symbol indicates precautions and warnings.
The specific operation is shown in the triangle and explained in text.
This example indicates a general precaution.
The filled circle symbol indicates operations that you must do.
The specific operation is shown in the circle and explained in text.
This example indicates a requirement for the ground.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Precautionary Information
• Illustrations contained in this manual sometimes depict conditions without covers and safety shields
for the purpose of showing the details. When you use this product, be sure to install the covers and
shields as specified and use the product according to this manual.
• If the product has been stored for an extended period of time, contact your OMRON sales representative.
Handling of Safety Products
If the functions of safety products cannot attain their full potential, it will result in minor or moderate
injury, or may result in serious injury or death. When building the system, observe the following warnings and optimize safety product selection for your equipment and devices to ensure the integrity of the
safety-related components.
Safety Precautions
z Setting Up a Risk Assessment System
The process of selecting these products should include the development and execution of a risk
assessment system early in the design development stage to help identify potential dangers in your
equipment and optimize safety product selection.
The following is an example of related international standards.
• ISO12100 General Principles for Design - Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction
z Protective Measure
When developing a safety system for the equipment and devices that use safety products, make
every effort to understand and conform to the entire series of international and industry standards
available, such as the examples given below.
The following are examples of related international standards.
• ISO12100 General Principles for Design - Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction
• IEC60204-1 Electrical Equipment of Machines - Part 1: General Requirements
• ISO13849-1, -2 Safety-related Parts of Control Systems
• ISO14119 Interlocking Devices Associated with Guards - Principles for Design and Selection
• IEC/TS 62046 Application of Protective Equipment to Detect the Presence of Persons
z Role of Safety Products
Safety products incorporate standardized safety functions and mechanisms, but the benefits of
these functions and mechanisms are designed to attain their full potential only within properly
designed safety-related systems. Make sure you fully understand all functions and mechanisms,
and use that understanding to develop systems that will ensure optimal usage.
The following are examples of related international standards.
• ISO14119 Interlocking Devices Associated with Guards - Principles for Design and Selection
• ISO13857 Safety Distances to Prevent Hazard Zones being Reached by Upper and Lower Limbs
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Safety Precautions
z Installing Safety Products
Qualified engineers must develop your safety-related system and install safety products in devices
and equipment. Prior to machine commissioning, verify through testing that the safety products work
as expected.
The following are examples of related international standards.
• ISO12100 General Principles for Design - Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction
• IEC60204-1 Electrical Equipment of Machines - Part 1: General Requirements
• ISO13849-1, -2 Safety-related Parts of Control Systems
• ISO14119 Interlocking Devices Associated with Guards - Principles for Design and Selection
z Observing Laws and Regulations
Safety products must conform to pertinent laws, regulations, and standards. Make sure that they are
installed and used in accordance with the laws, regulations, and standards of the country where the
devices and equipment incorporating these products are distributed.
z Observing Usage Precautions
Carefully read the specifications and precautions as well as all items in the Instruction Manual for
your safety product to learn appropriate usage procedures. Any deviation from instructions will lead
to unexpected device or equipment failure not anticipated by the safety-related system.
z Transferring Devices and Equipment
When you transfer devices and equipment, be sure to retain one copy of the Instruction Manual for
safety devices and the User’s Manual, and supply another copy with the device or equipment so the
person receiving it will have no problems with operation and maintenance.
The following are examples of related international standards.
• ISO12100 General Principles for Design - Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction
• IEC60204-1 Electrical Equipment of Machines - Part 1: General Requirements
• ISO13849-1, -2 Safety-related Parts of Control Systems
• IEC62061 Functional Safety of Safety-related Electrical, Electronic and Programmable Electronic
Control Systems
• IEC61508 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems
Transporting and Unpacking
Do not damage, pull, or put excessive stress or heavy objects on the cables.
Doing so may cause electric shock, malfunction, or burning.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Safety Precautions
Installation, Wiring and Maintenance
Install the Servo Drive, Servomotor, and peripheral equipment before wiring.
Not doing so may cause electric shock.
Be sure to ground the 100-VAC or 200-VAC input model Servo Drive and Servomotor to
100 Ω or less, and the 400-VAC input model to 10 Ω or less.
Not doing so may cause electric shock.
Do not remove the front cover, terminal covers, cables, or peripheral equipment while the
power is supplied.
Doing so may cause electric shock.
Before carrying out wiring or inspection, turn OFF the main circuit power and wait for at
least the following specific time.
Not doing so may cause electric shock or burning.
10 minutes: R88D-1SN06F-ECT, R88D-1SN10F-ECT, R88D-1SN15F-ECT,
Do not damage, pull, or put excessive stress or heavy objects on the cables.
Doing so may cause electric shock, malfunction, or burning.
Use appropriate tools to wire terminals and connectors. Check that there is no short-circuit
before use.
Not doing so may cause electric shock.
Connect the frame ground wire in the motor cable securely to the or FG of the Servo
Not doing so may cause electric shock.
Operation Check
Use the Servomotor and Servo Drive in a specified combination.
Not doing so may cause fire or equipment damage.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Safety Precautions
Do not enter the operating area during operation.
Doing so may cause injury.
Do not touch the Servo Drive radiator, Regeneration Resistor, or Servomotor while the
power is supplied or for a while after the power is turned OFF because they get hot.
Doing so may cause fire or a burn injury.
Take appropriate measures to ensure that the specified power with the rated voltage is sup-
plied. Be particularly careful in locations where the power supply is unstable.
Not doing so may cause failure.
When the power is restored after a momentary power interruption, the machine may restart
suddenly. Do not come close to the machine when restoring power.
Implement measures to ensure safety of people nearby even when the machine is
Doing so may cause injury.
Use appropriate tools to wire terminals and connectors. Check that there is no short-circuit
before use.
Not doing so may cause electric shock.
Be sure to observe the radiator plate installation conditions that are specified in the manual.
Not doing so may cause the Servo Drive or Servomotor to burn.
If the load that exceeds the allowable range is installed, it may cause the dynamic brake to
be damaged. Be sure to use the appropriate load. For the selection of the appropriate load,
refer to 4-5 Adjustment for Large Load Inertia on page 4-51.
Not doing so may cause the Servo Drive to be damaged.
The dynamic brake is intended for the stop at the time of an error and therefore it has a
short-time rating.
If the dynamic brake is activated, provide an interval of 3 minutes or more before the next
activation to prevent a circuit failure and burning of the Dynamic Brake Resistor.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Safety Precautions
Transporting and Unpacking
When transporting the Servo Drive, do not hold it by the cables or motor shaft.
Injury or failure may result.
Do not step on the Servo Drive or place heavy articles on it.
Injury may result.
Do not overload the product. (Follow the instructions on the product label.)
Injury or failure may result.
Be sure to observe the specified amount when piling up products.
Injury or failure may result.
The allowable number of piled-up products Servo Drive, Servomotor, Reactor:
Follow the instructions on the individual package.
External Regeneration Resistor: 12
External Regeneration Resistance Unit: 4
Noise Filter: 15
Be careful about sharp parts such as the corner of the equipment when handling the Servo
Drive and Servomotor.
Injury may result.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Safety Precautions
Precautions for Safe Use
General Precaution
• Do not store or install the Servo Drive in the following locations. Doing so may result in electric shock,
fire, equipment damage, or malfunction.
Locations subject to direct sunlight
Locations subject to temperatures outside the range specified in the specifications
Locations subject to humidity outside the range specified in the specifications
Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in temperature
Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases
Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salts
Locations subject to exposure to water, oil, or chemicals
Locations subject to shock or vibration
• Medical electronics such as cardiac pacemakers may malfunction or injury may result.
• Provide safety measures, such as a fuse, to protect against short circuiting of external wiring and failure of the Servo Drive. Fire may result.
• If an error occurs, remove the cause of the error and ensure safety, and then perform the error reset
and restart the operation. Injury, equipment damage, or burning may result.
• Use a robot cable for the wiring to separately install the Servo Drive and Servomotor to moving and
fixed parts of the equipment. Equipment damage may result.
• Connect the Servo Drive to the Servomotor without a contactor, etc. Malfunction or equipment damage may result.
Precautions for Correct Use
General Precaution
• Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures to provide shielding when installing systems in the
following locations. Not doing so may result in failure.
Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise
Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields
Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity
Locations close to power lines
• When lifting a 20-kg or more Servo Drive during moving or installation, always have two people lift
the product by grasping a metal part other than the shaft.
Do not grasp a plastic part. Injury or failure may result.
Relevant model: R88M-1M2K010T0-B, R88M-1M3K010T-, R88M-1M2K010C-B,and
Transporting and Unpacking
• Check that the eye bolts are not loose after replacing them.
If they are loose, the screws can come off and the Servomotor may fall during the transportation by
the use of eye bolts.
Do not put the human body under the Servomotor during the transportation.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Safety Precautions
• Be sure to observe the mounting direction. Failure may result.
• Provide the specified clearance between the Servo Drive and the inner surface of the control panel or
other equipment. Fire or failure may result.
• Install the Servomotor, Servo Drive, and Regeneration Resistor on non-flammable materials such as
metals. Fire may result.
• Do not apply strong impact on the motor shaft or Servo Drive. Failure may result.
• Do not touch the key grooves with bare hands if the Servomotor with shaft-end key grooves is used.
Injury may result.
• Use non-magnetic mounting screws. Note also that the depth of any mounted screw does not reach
the effective thread length. Equipment damage may result.
• Be sure to observe the allowable axial load for the Servomotor. Equipment damage may result.
• Install equipment to prevent crash and reduce shock.
Do not run the Servomotor outside the operable range by the use of the drive prohibition function
such as overtravel.
Crash against the stroke edge may occur depending on stopping distance and equipment damage
may result.
• Do not block the intake or exhaust openings. Do not allow foreign objects to enter the Servo Drive.
Fire may result.
• Use the attached exclusive screws when you mount the Servo Drive to the Footprint-type Noise Filter. Electric shock or failure may result.
• Wire the cables correctly and securely. Runaway motor, injury, or failure may result.
• Tighten the mounting screws, terminal block screws, and cable screws for the Servo Drive, Servomotor, and peripheral equipment to the specified torque. Failure may result.
• Use crimp terminals to wire screw type terminal blocks. Do not connect bare stranded wires directly
to terminals blocks. Fire may result.
• Always use the power supply voltage specified in this document. Burning may result.
• Do not apply a commercial power supply directly to the Servomotor. Fire or failure may result.
• When constructing a system that includes safety functions, be sure you understand the relevant
safety standards and all related information in user documentation, and design the system to comply
with the standards. Injury or equipment damage may result.
• Disconnect all connections to the Servo Drive and Servomotor before attempting a megger test (insulation resistance measurement) on the Servo Drive or Servomotor. Not doing so may result in Servo
Drive or Servomotor failure. Do not perform a dielectric strength test on the Servo Drive or Servomotor. Doing so may result in damage of the internal elements.
• Keep conductive or flammable foreign objects such as screws, metal pieces, and oil out of the Servo
Drive and connectors. Pay particular attention to the connector on the top part of Servo Drive. Fire or
electric shock may result.
• Carefully perform the wiring and assembling. Injury may result.
• Wear the protective equipment when installing or removing the main circuit connector, main circuit
connector A, main circuit connector B, control power supply connector, or motor connector. Do not
apply a force after the protrusion of the connector opener reaches the bottom dead center. (As a
guide, do not apply a force of 100 N or more.)
• Design the configuration to cut off the main circuit power supply when the ERR signal (normally close
contact) of the control output function is output (open).
• Do not block the intake or exhaust openings. Do not allow foreign objects to enter the Servo Drive.
Fire may result.
• Do not apply excessive force to wire terminals and connectors. Injury or failure may result.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Safety Precautions
• Install an immediate stop device externally to the machine so that the operation can be stopped and
the power supply is cut off immediately. Injury may result.
• Do not adjust or set parameters to extreme values, because it will make the operation unstable. Injury
may result.
• Ensure that the Servomotor has a sufficient rigidity. Equipment damage or malfunction may result.
• If a problem occurs in serial communications or the computer during a test operation, you have no
means to stop the Servomotor.
Connect an externally installed emergency stop switch, etc. to the Error Stop Input of the general-purpose input so that the Servomotor can be stopped without fail.
• When using the Servomotor with key, run the Servomotor in a state in which the key cannot jump out
of the shaft.
Not doing so may result in hurting people around the equipment due to the jumping key.
Operation Check
• Before operating the Servo Drive in an actual environment, check if it operates correctly based on the
newly set parameters. Equipment damage may result.
• Do not adjust or set parameters to extreme values, because it will make the operation unstable. Injury
may result.
• Do not drive the Servomotor by the use of an external drive source. Fire may result.
• Check the newly set parameters for proper execution before actually using them.
• Tighten the mounting screws, terminal block screws, and cable screws for the Servo Drive, Servomotor, and peripheral equipment to the specified torque. Failure may result.
• Install a stopping device on the machine to ensure safety.
The holding brake is not a stopping device to ensure safety. Injury may result.
• Install an immediate stop device externally to the machine so that the operation can be stopped and
the power supply is cut off immediately. Injury may result.
• Conduct a test operation after confirming that the equipment is not affected. Equipment damage may
• Do not use the built-in brake of the Servomotor for normal braking operation. Failure may result.
• After an earthquake, be sure to conduct safety checks. Electric shock, injury, or fire may result.
• Do not place flammable materials near the Servomotor, Servo Drive, or peripheral equipment. Fire
may result.
• Connect an emergency stop (immediate stop) relay in series with the brake interlock output. Injury or
failure may result.
• Do not use the cable when it is laying in oil or water. Electric shock, injury, or fire may result.
• Install safety devices to prevent idling or locking of the electromagnetic brake or the gear head, or
leakage of grease from the gear head. Injury, damage, or taint damage result.
• If the Servo Drive fails, cut off the power supply to the Servo Drive at the power supply. Fire may
• Be sure to turn OFF the power supply when not using the Servo Drive for a prolonged period of time.
Not doing so may result in injury or malfunction.
• When constructing a system that includes safety functions, be sure you understand the relevant
safety standards and all related information in user documentation, and design the system to comply
with the standards. Injury or equipment damage may result.
• If the Servomotor is not controlled, it may not be possible to maintain the stop. To ensure safety,
install a stop device. Equipment damage or injury may result.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Safety Precautions
Location of warning
• Periodically run the Servomotor approximately one rotation when the oscillation operation continues
at a small angle of 45° or smaller. Servomotor failure may result.
• Immediately stop the operation and cut off the power supply when unusual smell, noise, smoking,
abnormal heat generation, or vibration occurs. Not doing so may result in Servo Drive or Servomotor
damage or burning.
• Use an appropriate External Regeneration Resistor. Install an external protective device such as
temperature sensor to ensure safety when using the External Regeneration Resistor.
• After replacing the Servo Drive, transfer to the new Servo Drive all data needed to resume operation,
before restarting operation. Equipment damage may result.
• Do not repair the Servo Drive by disassembling it. Electric shock or injury may result.
Location of Warning Display
The Servo Drive bears a warning label at the following location to provide handling warnings.
When you handle the Servo Drive, be sure to observe the instructions provided on this label.
Instructions on Warning Display
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
Note The above is an example of warning display.
Safety Precautions
Dispose of the Servo Drive as industrial waste.
AC Servomotors/Servo Drives 1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT® Communications User’s Manual (I586)
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