Omron I537-E2-01 User Manual

General Precauti ons

General Precautions
Observe th e following Precautions when using the SYSDRIVE Inv erters and peripheral devices. This manual may include illustrations of the product with protecti ve covers removed in order to describe the components of the product in detail. Make sure that these protective covers are on the product before use.
Consult your OMRON representative when using the pro du ct af ter a long period of storage.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury, or property damage.
Do not touch the inside of the Inverter. Doing so may result in electric shock or injury.
Wiring or inspection must be performed only after turning OFF the power sup­ply, confirming that the CHARGE indicator (or status indicator) is OFF and after waiting for the time specified on the front cover. Not doing so may result in electrical shock.
Do not damage, pull on, apply stress to, place heavy objects on or pinch the cables. Doing so may result in electrical shock.
Do not touch the rotating parts of the motor under operation. Doing so may result in injury.
Do not modify the product. Doing so may result in injury or damage to the product.
Do not store, install or operate the product in the following places. Doing so may result in electrical shock, fire or damage to the product.
Locations subject to direct sunlight.
Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range
specified in the specifications. Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in
temperature. Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gasses.
Locations very close to combustable materials.
Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salts.
Locations subject to exposure to water, oil or chemicals.
Locations subject to shock or vibrations.
Do not touch the Inverters cooling fins, regenerative resistor or the motor while the power is being supplied or soon after the power is turned OFF. Doing so may result in a skinburn due to the hot surface.
Do not conduct a dielectric stregth test on any part of the Inverter. Doing so may result in damage to the product or malfunction.
Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures when installing systems in the following locations. Not doing so may result in equipment damage.
Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise.
Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields and magnetic fields.
Locations subject to possible exposure to radio activity.
Locations close to power supplies.

Transportation Precautions

Transportation Precautions
Do not hold by front cover or panel. Instead hold by the cooling fins (heat sink) while transporting the product. Doing so may result in injury.
Do not pull on the cables. Doing so may result in damge to the product or mal­function.
Use the eyebolts only for transport of the Inverter. Using them to transport the Inverter and attached equipment may result in injury or malfunction.

Installation Precautions

Provide an appropriate stopping device on the machine side to secure safety. (
A holding brake is not a stopping device for securing safety) Not doing so may result in injury.
Provide an external emergency stopping device that allows an instantaneous stop of operation and power interruption. Not doing so may result in injury.
Be sure to install the product in the correct direction and provide specified clearances between the Inverter and control panel or with other devices to allow for proper cooling. Not doing so may result in fire or malfunction.
Do not allow foreign objects to enter inside the product. Doing so may result in fire and malfunction.
Do not apply any strong imact. Doing so may result in damage to the product or malfunction.

Wiring Precautions

Wiring must be performed only after turning OFF the power supply. Not doing so may result in electrical shock.
Wirin g must be pe rform ed by auth orized pe rsonne l. Not do ing so may re sult in electrical shock.
Be sur to confirm operation only after wiring the emergency stop circuit. Not doing so may result in injury.
Always connect the ground terminals to a ground of 100 Ohm or less for 200­V AC class or 10 Ohm or less for the 400-V class. Not connecting to a proper ground may result in electrical shock or fire.
Install external circuit breakers and take other safety measures against shortcir­cuiting in external wiring. Not doing so may result in fire.
Confirm that the rated input voltage of the Inverter is the same as the AC power supply voltage. An incorrect power supply may result in fire, injury or malfunction.
Connect the Braking Resistor or Braking Resistor Unit as specified in th e man­ual. Not doing so may result in fire.
Be sure to wire correctly and securely. Not doing so may result in injury or damage to the product .
Be sure to firmly tighten the screws on the terminal block. Not doing so may result in fire, injury or damage to the product.
Do not conne c t a n A C pow e r s our c e to the U,V,W output. Doi n g so may result in damage to the product or malfunction.
Do not connect a load to the machine during auto-tuning. Not doing so may result in equipment damage.

Operation and Adjustment Precautions

Operation and Adjustment Precautions
Turn ON the input power supply only after mounting the front cover, terminal
covers, bottom cover, Operator and optional items. Not doing so may result in electrical shock.
Do not remove the front cover, terminal covers, bottom cover, Operator or optional items while the power is being supplied. Doing so may result in elec­trical shock or damage to the product
Do not operate the Operator or switches with wet hands. Doing so may result in electrical shock.
Do not touch the Inverter terminals while the power is being supplied. Doing so may result in electrical shock.
Do not come close to the machine when using the error retry function because the machine may abrupt ly star t when stopped by an al arm. Doin g so m ay result in injury.
Do not come close to the machine immediately after resetting momentary power interruption to avoid an unexpected restart (if operation is set to be con­tinued in the processing selection function after momentary power is reset). Doing so may result in injury.
Provide a separate em ergency stop switc h b eca u se the ST O P K ey on t h e Ope r ­ator is valid only when function settings are performed. Not doing so may result in injury.
Be sure to confirm that the RUN signal is turned OFF before tuning ON the power supply, resetting the alarm or switching the LOCAL/REMOTE selector. Doing so while the RUN signal is turned ON my result in injury.
Be sure to confirm permissible ranges of motors and machines before opera­tion because the Inverter speed can be easily changed from low to high. Not doing so may result in damage to the product.
Provide a separate holding brake when neccessary. Not doing so may result in injury.
Do not perform a signal check during operation. Doing so may result in injury or damage to the product.
Do not carelessly change settings. Doing so may result in injury or damage to the product.

Maintenance and Inspection Precautions

Do not touch the Inverter terminals while the power is being supplied. Doing so may result in electrical shock.
Maintenance or inspection must be performed only after turning OFF the power supply, confirming that the CHARGE indicator (or status indicator) is OFF and after waiting for the time specified on the front cover. Not doing so may result in electrical shock.
Maintenance, inspection or parts replacement must be performed by autho­rized personnel. Not doing so may result in electrical shock or injury.
Do not attempt to disassemble or repair the product. Doing so may result in electrical shock or injury.
Carefully handle the Inverter because it uses semiconductor elements. Careless handling may result in malfunction.
Do not exchange, wiring, the Operator, optional cover, disconnect connectors or replace fans while power is being supplied. Doing so may result in injury, damage to the product or malfunction.

Warning Information and Position

Warning Information and Position
There is warning information on the Inverter in the positon shown in the following illustration. Aways read the warnings.
Warning information position
Warning information position
Illustration shows the 3G3PV-A2004-E
Warning information
Illustration shows the 3G3PV-B2220-E
Risk of electric shock.
• Read manual before installing.
• Wait 5 minutes for capacitor discharge after disconnecting powe r supply.
Risque de décharge électrique.
• Lire le manual avant l’installation.
• Attendre 5 minutes aprés la coupure de l’allmentation. Pour permettre la décharge des condensateurs.
Registered Trademarks
The following registered trademarks are used in this manual.
DeviceNet is a registered trademark o f the ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendors Association,
Inc.). MODBUS is a trademark of the AEG Schneider Automation, Inc.


1 Handling Inverters......................... ............................ ............. 1-1
SYSDRIVE PV Introduction..........................................................................1-2
SYSDRIVE PV Applications ...........................................................................................1-2
SYSDRIVE PV Models...................................................................................................1-2
Confirmations upon Delivery ........................................................................1-4
Nameplate Information............................. .... ............................ ..... ........................... ..... .1-4
Component Names.........................................................................................................1-6
Exterior and Mounting Dimensions...............................................................1-8
Open Chassis Inverters (IP00)................................... ............................ .... ....................1-8
Enclosed Wall-mounted Inverters (NEMA 1)..................................................................1-8
Checking and Controlling the Installation Site............................................1-10
Installation Site.............................................................................................................1-10
Controlling the Ambient Temperature...........................................................................1-10
Protecting the Inverter from Foreign Matter..................................................................1-10
Installation Orientation and Space..............................................................1-11
Inverter Installation Orientation and Space...................................................................1-11
Removing and Attaching the Terminal Cover .............................................1-12
Removing the Terminal Cover ......................................................................................1-12
Attaching the Terminal Cover........................................................................................1-12
Removing/Attaching the Digital Operator and Front Cover........................1-13
Inverters of 18.5 kW or Less.........................................................................................1-13
Inverters of 22 kW or More...........................................................................................1-16
2 Wiring....................................................................................... 2-1
Wiring ...........................................................................................................2-2
Connections to Peripheral Devices ..............................................................2-3
Connection Diagrams...................................................................................2-4
Circuit descriptions.........................................................................................................2-5
Terminal Block Configuration........................................................................2-6
Wiring Main Circuit T erminals.......................................................................2-7
Applicable Wire Sizes and Closed-loop Connectors......................................................2-7
Main Circuit Terminal functions ....................................................................................2-12
Main Circuit configurations ...........................................................................................2-13
Standard Connection Diagrams....................................................................................2-14
Wiring the Main Circuits................................................................................................2-15
Wiring Control Circuit Terminals.................................................................2-22
Wire Sizes ....................................... ..... .... ............................ .... ..... ............................ ..2-22
Control Circuit Terminal Functions...............................................................................2-24
Control Circuit Terminal Connections...........................................................................2-27
Control Circuit Wiring Precautions ...............................................................................2-28
Wiring Check..............................................................................................2-29
Checks .........................................................................................................................2-29
Installing and Wiring Option Cards.............................................................2-30
Option Card Models and Specifications.......................................................................2-30
3 Digital Operator and Modes....................................................3-1
Digital Operator............................................................................................3-2
Digital Operator Keys.....................................................................................................3-3
Modes ..........................................................................................................3-5
Inverter Modes .......................................... ..... ........................... ..... ..... ...........................3-5
Switching Modes............................................................................................................3-6
Drive Mode.....................................................................................................................3-7
Quick Programming Mode..............................................................................................3-8
Advanced Programming Mode.......................................................................................3-9
Verify Mode.................................................................................................................. 3-11
Autotuning Mode......................... ..... ..... ........................... ..... ........................... ..... .......3-12
4 Trial Operation.........................................................................4-1
Cautions and Warnings................................................................................4-2
Trial Operation Flowchart.............................................................................4-3
Trial Operation Procedures ..........................................................................4-4
Application Confirmation................................................................................................4-4
Setting the Power Supply Voltage Jumper (400-V Class Inverters of 75 kW or Higher) 4-4
Power ON.......................................................................................................................4-4
Checking the Display Status ..........................................................................................4-5
Basic Settings.................................................................................................................4-6
Selecting the V/f pattern.................................................................................................4-7
Application Settings......................................................................................................4-10
No-load Operation..................................... ............................ .... ............................ ..... ..4-10
Loaded Operation......................................................................................................... 4-11
Adjustment Suggestions ............................................................................4-13
5 Parameters...............................................................................5-1
Parameter Descriptions................................................................................5-2
Description of Parameter Tables ....................................................................................5-2
Digital Operator Display Functions and Levels ............................................5-3
Parameters Settable in Quick Programming Mode........................................................5-4
Parameter Tables .........................................................................................5-7
A: Setup Settings............................................................................................................5-7
Application Parameters: b........... ..... .... ............................ .... ............................ ..... .... ......5-8
Tuning Parameters: C...................................................................................................5-13
Reference Parameters: d..............................................................................................5-16
Motor Constant Parameters: E.....................................................................................5-18
Option Parameters: F...................................................................................................5-19
Terminal Function Parameters: H.................................................................................5-20
Protection Function Parameters: L...............................................................................5-26
N: Special Adjustments.................................................................................................5-32
Digital Operator Parameters: o.....................................................................................5-33
T: Motor Autotuning......................................................................................................5-36
U: Monitor Parameters.................................................................................................. 5-37
Factory Settings that Change with the Inverter Capacity (o2-04).................................5-44
6 Parameter Settings by Function............................................ 6-1
Application and Overload Selections............................................................6-2
Select the Overload to Suit the Application....................................................................6-2
Frequency Reference...................................................................................6-4
Selecting the Frequency Reference Source...................................................................6-4
Using Multi-Step Speed Operation......................................................... .... ....................6-6
Run Command .............................................................................................6-8
Selecting the Run Command Source ............................................................................. 6 -8
Stopping Methods..... ................................. ..... ...... ................................ ......6-10
Selecting the Stopping Method when a Stop command is Input..................................6-10
Using the DC Injection Brake........................................................................................6-13
Using Highslip Braking........... ..... ............................ .... ............................ .... ..................6-14
Using an Emergency Stop............................................................................................6-16
Acceleration and Deceleration Characteristics...........................................6-17
Setting Acceleration and Deceleration Times...............................................................6-17
Preventing the Motor from Stalling During Acceleration
(Stall Prevention During Acceleration Function)...........................................................6-19
Preventing Overvoltage During Decelera tion
(Stall Prevention During Deceleration Function)...........................................................6-21
Adjusting Frequency References ...............................................................6-22
Adjusting Analog Frequen cy Refer en ces........................ .... ..... ............................ ........6-22
Operation Avoiding Resonance (Jump Frequency Function).......................................6-24
Speed Limit (Frequency Reference Limit Function)...................................6-26
Limiting Maximum Output Frequency...........................................................................6-26
Limiting Minimum Frequency........................................................................................6-26
Improved Operating Efficiency ...................................................................6-27
Field-weakening option........................ ............................ .... ............................ ..... ........6-28
Hunting-prevention Function.........................................................................................6-29
Machine Protection ....................................................................................6-30
Preventing Motor Stalling During Operation.................................................................6-30
Detecting Motor Torque................................................................................................6-30
Motor Overload Protection ...........................................................................................6-33
Motor Overheating Protectio n Using PT C Therm is tor Input s.......................................6-35
Continuing Operation .................................................................................6-37
Restarting Automatically After Power Is Restored .................... ..... ............................ ..6-37
Speed Search...............................................................................................................6-38
Continuing Operation at Con sta nt Sp ee d When Fre qu en cy Reference Is Lost...........6-43
Restarting Operation After Transient Fault (Auto Restart Function) ............................6-43
Inverter Protection......................................................................................6-45
Reducing Inverter Overheating Pre-Alarm Warning Levels .........................................6-45
Input Terminal Functions............................................................................6-46
Temporarily Switching Operation between Digital Operator
and Control Circuit Terminals.......................................................................................6-46
Blocking Inverter Outputs (Baseblock Commands)......................................................6-46
Hold Analog Frequency Using User-set Timing...........................................................6-47
Switching Operations between a Communications Option Card
and Control Circuit Terminals.......................................................................................6-48
Jog Frequency Operation wit hout Forward and Reverse Commands
(FJOG/RJOG) ..............................................................................................................6-48
Stopping the Inverter by Notifying Programming Device Errors to the Inverter
(External Error Function)..............................................................................................6-49
Monitor Parameters....................................................................................6-50
Using the Analog Monitor Parameters .........................................................................6-50
Individual Functions ...................................................................................6-52
Using PI Control...........................................................................................................6-65
Setting Motor Constant Parameters.............................................................................6-73
Setting the V/f Pattern..................................................................................................6-74
Digital Operator Functions .........................................................................6-80
Setting Digital Operator Functions ...............................................................................6-80
Copying Parameters.....................................................................................................6-82
Prohibiting Writing Parameters from the Digital Operator............................................6-86
Setting a Password ......................................................................................................6-86
7 Troubleshooting......................................................................7-1
Protective and Diagnostic Functions............................................................7-2
Fault Detection........................ .... ..... ............................ .... ............................ .... ..... .........7-2
Alarm Detection..............................................................................................................7-7
Operation Errors.............................................................................................................7-9
Errors During Autotuning.............................................................................................7-10
Errors when Using the Digital Operator Copy Function ...............................................7-11
If Parameters Cannot Be Set........................................................................................7-12
If the Motor Does Not Operate......................................................................................7-13
If the Direction of the Motor Rotation is Reversed........................................................7-14
If the Motor Does Not Put Out Torque or If Acceleration Is Slow..................................7-15
If the Motor Operates Higher Than the Reference .......................................................7-15
If Motor Deceleration Is Slow........................................................................................7-15
If the Motor Overheats..................................................................................................7-16
If peripheral devices are influenced by starting the Inverter......................................... 7-16
If the Ground Fault Interrupter Operates When the Inverter Is Run.............................7-17
If There Is Mechanical Oscillation.................................................................................7-17
If the Motor Rotates Even When Inverter Output Is Stopped.......................................7-17
If 0 V Is Detected When the Fan Is Started, or the Fan Stalls......................................7-18
If Output Frequency Does Not Rise to Frequency Reference......................................7-18
8 Maintenance and Inspection.................................................. 8-1
Maintenance and Inspection.........................................................................8-2
Daily Inspection..............................................................................................................8-2
Periodic Inspection................................... .... ..... ............................ .... ............................ .8-2
Periodic Maintenance of Parts........................................................................................8-3
Cooling Fan Replacement Outline..................................................................................8-4
Removing and Mounting the Control Circuit Terminal Card...........................................8-6
9 Specifications ......................................................................... 9-1
Standard Inverter Specifications...................................................................9-2
Specifications by Model............................ ........................... ..... ............................ .... ..... .9-2
Common Specifications..................................................................................................9-5
Specifications of Options and Peripheral Devices........................................9-6
Options and Peripheral Devices...................................................................9-7
Special Mounted Options................................................................................................9-9
Separately Installed Options.........................................................................................9-10
10 Inverter application Precautionspendix ............................. 10-1
Motor Application Precautions......................................................... ..... ......10-5
Using the Inverter for an Existing Standard Motor........................................................10-5
Using the Inverter for Special Motors...........................................................................10-6
Power Transmission Mechanism (Speed Reducers, Belts, and Chains)......................10-6
Wiring Examples.........................................................................................10-7
Using a Braking Resistor Unit.......................................................................................10-7
Using a Braking Unit and Braking Resistor Unit...........................................................10-7
Using a Braking Unit and Three Braking Resistor Units in Parallel..............................10-9
Using an Analog Operator..........................................................................................10-10
Parameters............................................................................................... 10-11
Revision History ................. ................................. ...... ..... ..........................10-14
Chapter 1
Handling Inverters
This chapter describes the checks required upon receiving or installing an Inverter.
SYSDRIVE PV Introduction..................................................1-2
Confirmations upon Delivery.................................................1-4
Exterior and Mounting Dimensions.......................................1-8
Checking and Controlling the Instal lat io n Site....................1-11
Installation Orientation and Space.......................................1-12
Removing and Attaching the Terminal Cover......................1-13
Removing/Attaching the Digital Oper ator
and Front Cover....................................................................1-14

SYSDRIVE PV Introduction

SYSDRIVE PV Applications

The SYSDRIVE PV is ideal for the following applications.
Fan, blower and pump applications
Settings must be adjusted to the application for optimum operation. Refer to Chapter 4 Trial Operation.


The SYSDRIVE PV Series of Inverters inclu des two kinds of Inverters in two voltage classes: 200 V and 400 V. Maximum motor capacities vary from 0.4 to 160 kW.
Table 1.1 SYSDRIVE PV Models
Protective Structure Maximum Motor Capa city Basic Model Number
NEMA 1 type
(200 V class)
Open Chassis type
(200 V class)
7.5 11 15
18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90
22 30 37 45 55 75 90
kW kW kW kW kW kW
kW kW
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
3G3PV-A2004-E 3G3PV-A2007-E 3G3PV-A2015-E 3G3PV-A2022-E 3G3PV-A2037-E 3G3PV-A2055-E 3G3PV-A2075-E 3G3PV-A2110-E 3G3PV-A2150-E 3G3PV-A2185-E 3G3PV-A2220-E 3G3PV-A2300-E 3G3PV-A2370-E 3G3PV-A2450-E 3G3PV-A2550-E 3G3PV-A2750-E 3G3PV-A2900-E
3G3PV-B2220-E 3G3PV-B2300-E 3G3PV-B2370-E 3G3PV-B2450-E 3G3PV-B2550-E 3G3PV-B2750-E 3G3PV-B2900-E 3G3PV-B211K-E
SYSDRIVE PV Introduction
Protective Structure Maximum Mo to r Capacity Basic Model Number
0.4 kW 3G3PV-A4004-E
0.75 kW 3G3PV-A4007-E
1.5 kW 3G3PV-A4015-E
2.2 kW 3G3PV-A4022-E
3.7 kW 3G3PV-A4037-E
4.0 kW 3G3PV-A4040-E
5.5 kW 3G3PV-A4055-E
7.5 kW 3G3PV-A4075-E
NEMA 1 type
400 V class
11 kW 3G3PV-A4110-E 15 kW 3G3PV-A4150-E
18.5 kW 3G3PV-A4185-E 22 kW 3G3PV-A4220-E 30 kW 3G3PV-A4300-E 37 kW 3G3PV-A4370-E 45 kW 3G3PV-A4450-E 55 kW 3G3PV-A4550-E 75 kW 3G3PV-A4750-E 90 kW 3G3PV-A4900-E
110 kW 3G3PV-A411K-E 132 kW 3G3PV-A413K-E 160 kW 3G3PV-A416K-E
Open Chassis type
(400 V class)
22 kW 3G3PV-B4220-E 30 kW 3G3PV-B4300-E 37 kW 3G3PV-B4370-E 45 kW 3G3PV-B4450-E 55 kW 3G3PV-B4550-E 75 kW 3G3PV-B4750-E 90 kW 3G3PV-B4900-E
110 kW 3G3PV-B411K-E 132 kW 3G3PV-B413K-E 160 kW 3G3PV-B416K-E

Confirmations upon Delivery


Check the following items as soon as the Inverter is delivered.
Table 1.2 Checks
Item Method
Has the correct model of Inverter been delivered?
Is the Inverter damaged in any way?
Are any screws or other compone nts loose?
If you find any irregularities in the above items, contact the agency from which you purchased the In verter or your OMRON representative immediately.

Nameplate Information

Check the model number on the nameplate on t he side of the I nverter.
Inspect the entire exterior of the Inverter to see if there are any scratches or other damage resulting from shipping.
Use a screwdriver or other tools to check for tightness.
There is a nameplate attached to the side of each Inverter. The nameplate shows the model n umber, specifica­tions, lot number, serial number and other information on the Inverter.
Example Nameplate
The following nameplate is an example for an European Inverter: 3-phase, 200 VAC, 37 kW, IEC IP00
Inverter model
Input specification Output specification Lot number Serial number
Fig 1.1 Namepla te
Confirmations upon Delivery
Inverter Model Numbers
The model number of the Inverte r on the nameplate indicates the specification, vo ltage class and maximum motor capacity of the Inverter in alphanumeric codes.
G3PV -A 2 037 -E
Specifications -E (European Model)
Maximum Applicable Motor Capacity 004 0.4 kW 055 5.5 kW 220 22 kW 750 75 kW 007 0.75 kW 075 7.5 kW 300 30 kW 900 90 kW 015 1.5 kW 110 11 kW 370 37 kW 11K 110 kW 022 2.2 kW 150 15 kW 450 45 kW 13K 130 kW 037 3.7 kW 185 18.5 kW 550 55 kW 16K 160 kW
040 4.0 kW
Voltage Class
2 AC-input, 3-phase, 200 V (200-V Class) 4 AC-input, 3-phase, 400 V (400-V Class)
Installation type A Panel mounting or closed wall-mounting (IEC IP20, NEMA 1) B Open Chassis (IEC IP00)
Series Name 3G3PV Series
Fig 1.2 Inverter Model Numbers
Open Chassis Type (IEC IP00)
Protected so that parts of the human b ody cannot reach electrically charged pa rts from the front when the Inverter is mounted in a control panel.
Enclosed Wall-mounted Type (IEC IP20, NEMA Type 1)
The Inverter is structured so that the Inverter is shielded from the exterior and can t hus be mounted to the interior wall of a standard building (not necessarily enclosed in a control panel). The protective structure con­forms to the standards of NEMA 1 in the USA. Top protective cover (Fig. 1.3) has to be installed to conform with IEC IP20 and NEMA Type 1 requirements.

Component Names

Inverter Appearance
The external appearance and component names of the Inverter are shown in Fig 1.3. The Inverter with the ter­minal cover removed is shown in Fig 1.4.
Top protective cover (Part of Enclosed Wall-
mounted Type (IEC IP20, NEMA Type 1)
Front cover
Digital Operator
Terminal cover
Mounting hole
Diecast case
Bottom protective cover
Fig 1.3 Inverter Appeara nce (18.5 kW or Less)
Control circuit terminals
Main circuit termina l s
Charge indicator
Ground terminal
Fig 1.4 Terminal Arra ngement (18. 5 kW or Less)
Confirmations upon Delivery
Inverters of 22 kW or More
The external appearance and component names of the Inverter are shown in Fig 1.5. The Inverter with the ter­minal cover removed is shown in Fig 1.6.
Mounting holes
Inverter cover
Front cover
Digital Operator
Cooling fan
Terminal cover
Fig 1.5 Inverter Appearanc e (22 kW or More)
Charge indicator
Ground terminal
Fig 1.6 Terminal Arrangement (22 kW or More )

Exterior and Mounting Dimensions

Open Chassis Inverters (IP00)

Exterior diagrams of the Open Chassis Inverters are shown below.
200 V Class Inverters of 22 or 30 kW 400 V Class Inverters of 22 to 55 kW
Fig 1.7 Exterior Diagrams of Open Chassis Inverters

Enclosed Wall-mounted Inverters (NEMA1)

Exterior diagrams of the Enclosed Wall-mounted Inverters (NEMA1) are shown below.
200 V Class Inverters of 37 to 110 kW 400 V Class Inverters of 75 to 160 kW
200 V/400 V Class Inverters of 0.4 to 18.5 kW
Fig 1.8 Exterior Diagrams of Enclosed Wall-mounted Inverters
200 V Class Inverters of 22 to 90 kW 400 V Class Inverters of 22 to 160 kW
Table 1.3 Inverter Dimensions (mm) and Masses (kg)
W0 W H D W1 H1 H2 D1 t1
0.75 27 42 69
1.5 50 50 100
2.2 70 59 129
5.5 164 84 248
7.5 11 7 310 10 7 374 170 544
18.5 380 30 501 211 712
200 V
22 345 254 400 30 370 279 450 220 435 24 370 280 615 220 450 435 165 27 865 352 1217 37
470 379 600
45 328 55
545 454 725 348 325 700
75 87 95 2019 838 997 90 615 505 850 358 370 820
110 690 579 885 378 445 855 140 150 Not available. Use IP00 type.- 2733 1242 3975
0.75 17 41 58
1.5 36 48 84
3.7 80 68 148
4.0 70 91 161
5.5 127 82 209
7.5 11 252 158 410 15
400 V
18.5 426 208 634 22
370 280 450 258 220 435 100 21 370 280 535 258 220 450 435
30 678 317 995 37
420 329 550 283 260 535 105 36 420 329
45 55 1203 495 1698 75
545 454 725 348 325 700 13
90 89 97 1614 671 2285
615 505 850 358 370 820
132 120 130 2388 1002 3390 160 689 579 916 378 445 855 140 160 689 579 1325 378 445 916 855 400 140 170 2791 1147 3938
* Same for Open Chassis and Enclosed Wall-mounted Inverters.
Open Chassis (IP00) Enclosed Wall-moun ted (NEMA1, IP20)
140 280
126 266 7
177 59 4 177 59 4
200 300 197 186 285
240 350 207 216 335 78 11 240
195 385
250 575
15 4.5
140 280
126 266 7
177 59 4 177 59 4
200 300 197 186 285
240 350 207 216 335 78 10 240 350 207 216 350 335 78 10
15 4.5
Exterior and Mounting Dimensions
Dimensions (mm)
W0 W H D W1 H0 H1 H2 H3 D1 t1
140 280
21 345 255 535
470 380 809
63 330
3.2 86
545 455 1027 350 325 725 700 305
108 615 504 1243 360 370 828 820 7.8 408 130 4.5 114
140 280
6 200 300 197 186 300 285
545 454 1100 348 325 725 700 13 305
615 505 1245 358 370 850 820
126 280 266 7
197 186 300 285
207 216 350 335
195 400 385 135
250 600 575
126 280 266 7
7.5 100 24
283 260 550 535 105 40
715 165
78 11
prox. Mass
20 39 59
112 74 186
219 113 332
429 183 612
24 586 274 860
1015 411 1426
68 1266 505 1771
94 1588 619 2207
2437 997 3434
14 39 53
59 56 115
193 114 307
326 172 498
466 259 725
784 360 1144 901 415 1316
1399 575 1974
2097 853 2950
Tot a l Heat Gen-

Checking and Controlling the Installation Site

Install the Inverter in the installation site described below and maintain optimum conditions.

Installation Site

Install the Inverter under the following conditions in a pollution degree 2 environment.
Table 1.4 Installation Site
Type Ambient Operating Temperature Humidity
Enclosed wall-mounte d -10 to + 40 °C 95% RH or less (no condensation) Open chassis -10 to + 45 °C 95% RH or less (no condensation)
Protection covers are attached to the top and bo ttom of the Inverter. Be sure to remove the protection covers before installing a 200 or 400 V Class Inverter with an output of 18.5 kW or less in a panel.
Observe the following precautions when mounting the Inverter.
Install the Inverter in a clean location which is free from oil mist and dust. It can be installed in a totally enclosed panel that is completely shielded from floating dust.
When installing or operating the Inverter, always take special care so that metal powder, oil, water or other foreign matter does not get into the Inverter.
Do not install the Inverter on combustible material, such as wood.
Install the Inverter in a location free from radioactive materials and combustible materials.
Install the Inverter in a location free from harmful gasses and liquids.
Install the Inverter in a location without excessive oscillation.
Install the Inverter in a location free from chlorides.
Install the Inverter in a location not in direct sunlight.

Controlling the Ambient Temperature

To enhance the reliability of operation, the Inverter should be installed in an environment free from extreme temperature increases. If the Inverter is installed in an enclosed environment, such as a box, use a cooling fan or air conditioner to maintain the internal air temperature below 45×C.

Protecting the Inverter from Foreign Matte r

Place a cover over the Inverter during installation to shield it from metal power produced by drilling. Always remove the cover from the Inverter after completing installation. Otherwise, ventilation will be
reduced, causing the Inverter to overheat.

Installation Orientation and Space

Provide an appropriate stopping device on the machine side to secure safety. (
A holding brake is not a stopping device for securing safety) Not doing so may result in injury.
Installation Orientation and Space

Inverter Installation Orientation and Space

Install the Inverter vertically so as not to r educe the cooling effect. When installing the In verter, always provide the following installation space to allow normal heat dissipation.
50 mm min.
Provide an external emergency stopping device that allows an instantaneous stop of operation and power interruption. Not doing so may result in injury.
Be sure to install the product in the correct direction and provide specified clearances between the Inverter and control panel or with other devices to allow for proper cooling. Not doing so may result in fire or malfunction.
Do not allow foreign objects to enter inside the product. Doing so may result in fire and malfunction.
Do not apply any strong imact. Doing so may result in damage to the product or malfunction.
120 mm min.
50 mm min.
30 mm min.
1. The same space is required horizontally and v ertically for both Open Chas sis (IP00) and Enclos ed Wall-
2. Always re move the protection covers before installing a 200 or 400 V Class Inverter with an outpu t of
30 mm min.
Fig 1.9 Inverter Installation Orientation and Space
mounted ( I P20, NEMA 1) Invert ers.
18.5 kW or less in a panel. Always provide enough space for suspension eye bolts and the main circuit lines when installing a 200 or 400 V Class Inverter with an output of 22 kW or more in a panel.
120 mm min.
Vertical SpaceHorizontal Space

Removing and Attaching the Terminal Cover

Remove the terminal cover to wire cables to the control circuit and main circuit terminals.

Removing the Terminal Cover

Inverters of 18.5 kW or Less
Loosen the screw at the bottom of the terminal cover, press in on the sides of the terminal cover in the direc ­tions of arrows 1 and then lift up on the terminal in the direction of arrow 2.
Fig 1.10 Removing the Terminal Cover (Model 3G3PV-A2055-E Shown Above)
Inverters of 22 kW or More
Loosen the screws on the left and right at the top of the terminal cover, pull out the terminal cover in the direc­tion of arrow 1 and then lift up on the terminal in the direction of arrow 2.
Fig 1.11 Removing the Terminal Cover (Model 3G3PV-B2220-E Shown Above)

Attaching the Terminal Cover

When wiring the terminal block has been completed, attach the terminal cover by reversing the removal proce­dure.
For Inverters with an output of 18.5 kW or less, insert the tab on the top of the terminal cover into the groove on the Inverter and press in on the bottom of the terminal cover until it clicks into place.

Removing/Attaching the Digital Operator and Front Cover

Removing/Attaching the Digital Operator and Front Cover

Inverters of 18.5 kW or Less

To attach optional cards or change the terminal card connector, remove the Digital Operator and front cover in addition to the terminal cover. Always remove the Digital Operator from the front cover before removing the terminal cover.
The removal and attachment procedures are given below.
Removing the Digit al Operator
Press the lever on the side of the Digital Operator in the direction of arrow 1 to unlock the Digital Operator and lift the Digital Operator in the direction of arrow 2 to remove the Digital Operator as shown in the follow­ing illustration.
Fig 1.12 Removing the Digital Operator (Model 3G3PV-A4055-E Shown Above)
Removing the Front Cove r
Press the left and right sides of the front cover in the directions of arrows 1 and lift the bottom of the cover in the direction of arrow 2 to remove the front cover as shown in the following illustration.
Fig 1.13 Removing the Front Cover (Model 3G3PV-A4055-E Shown Above)
Mounting the Front Cover
After wiring the terminals, mount the fron t cover to the Inverter b y performing the steps to rem ove the front cover in reverse order.
1. Do not mount the front cover with the Digital Operator attached to the front cover; otherwise, Digital Operator may malfunction due to imperfect contact.
2. Insert the tab of the upper part of the front cover into the groo ve of th e Inverter and press the lower part of the front cover onto the Inverter until the front cover snaps shut.
Mounting the Digital O perator
After attaching the terminal cover, mount the Digital Operator onto the Inverter using the following proce­dure.
1. Hook the Digital Operator at A (two locations) on the front cover in the direction of arrow 1 as shown in the following illustration.
2. Press the Digital Operator in the direction of arrow 2 until it snaps in place at B (two locations).
Removing/Attaching the Digital Operator and Front Cover
Fig 1.14 Mounting the Digital Operator
1. Do not remo ve or attach the Digital O perator or mount or remove the front cover using method s other than those described above, otherwise the Inverter may break or malfunction due to imperfect contact.
2. Never attach the front cover to the Inverter with the Digital Operator attached to the front cover. Imperfect contact can result. Always attach the front cover to the Inverter by itself first and then attach the Digital Operator to the front cover.

Inverters of 22 kW or More

For Inverters with an output of 22 kW or mor e, remove the terminal cover and then use the following proce­dures to remove the Digital Operator and main cover.
Removing the Digital Operator
Use the same procedure as for Inverters wi th an output of 18.5 kW or less .
Removing the Front Cove r
Lift up at the location label 1 at the top of the control circuit terminal card in the direction of arrow 2.
Fig 1.15 Removing the Front Cover (Model 3G3PV-B2220-E Shown Above)
Attaching the Front Cover
After completing required work, such as mounting an optional card or setting the terminal card, attach the front cover by reversing the procedure to remove it.
1. Confirm that the Digital Operator is not mounted on the front cover. Contact faults can occur if the cover is attached while the Digital Operator is mounted to it.
2. Insert the tab on the top of the front cover into the slot on the Inverter and pr ess in on the cover until it clicks into place on the Inverter.
Attaching the Digital Operator
Use the same procedure as for Inverters wi th an output of 18.5 kW or less .
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