OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator
and only for the purposes described in this manual.
The following conventions are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. Always heed
the information provided in them. Failure to heed precautions can result in injury to people or
damage to the product.
DANGER! Indicates information that, if not heeded, is likely to result in loss of life or
serious injury.
WARNING Indicates information that, if not heeded, could possibly result in loss of
life or serious injury.
Caution Indicates information that, if not heeded, could result in relatively serious
or minor injury, damage to the product, or faulty operation.
OMRON Product References
All OMRON products are capitalised in this manual. The word “Unit” is also capitalised when it
refers to an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the
The abbreviation “PLC” means Programmable Logic Controller and is not used as an abbreviation
for anything else.
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OMRON CX-Supervisor – User Manual
Visual Aids
The following headings appear in the left column of the manual to help you locate different types of
1, 2, 3…
OMRON, 2007
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of OMRON.
All copyright and trademarks acknowledged.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover,
because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information
contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the
preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.
Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in
this publication.
Indicates information of particular interest for efficient and convenient
operation of the product.
Indicates lists of one sort or another, such as procedures, checklists etc.
Represents a shortcut on the Toolbar to one of the options available on the
menu of the same window.
Indicates a program must be started, usually by clicking the appropriate
option under the standard Windows ‘Start’ button.
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OMRON CX-Supervisor – User Manual
About this Manual
This manual describes the CX-Supervisor application and its ability to create, modify and run
SCADA applications.
This manual contains the following:
Chapter 1 - Graphics Editor. This chapter describes the Graphics Editor and its various tools and
Chapter 2 - Pages. This chapter describes the procedures involved in the creation and amendment of
Chapter 3 - Points. This chapter describes the procedures involved in the creation, amendment and
removal of points. The use of PLCs with points is also described.
Chapter 4 - Objects. This chapter describes procedures involved in the creation, amendment and
removal of objects.
Chapter 5 - ActiveX Objects. This chapter provides an overview of using ActiveX objects in CX-
Chapter 6 - Projects. This chapter describes procedures involved in the creation, amendment and
removal of projects.
Chapter 7 - Graphics Library. This chapter describes the library of graphic objects and how to
create and amend new libraries.
Chapter 8 - Alarms. This chapter describes the procedures involved in the creation and amendment
of alarms.
Chapter 9 - Animation. This chapter describes the use of animations and how they can be applied to
a CX-Supervisor project.
Chapter 10 - Recipes. This chapter describes the creation of recipes, and how they can be used.
Chapter 11 - Data Logging. This chapter describes the data logging facilities, including setting up,
viewing and exporting
Chapter 12 - Databases. This chapter describes the Database facilities, including connections reading
and writing data.
Chapter 13 - Multilingual Features. This chapter describes the Multilingual features, including
creation of dynamically switching applications.
Chapter 14 - OPC Client. This chapter introduces OPC Server to a new user, and explains how to use
CX-Supervisor as an OPC Client
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Chapter 15 - Connecting to a Remote CX-Supervisor application. This chapter explains how to
create a distributed solution by connecting together CX-Supervisor applications on networked
Chapter 16 - Connecting to Omron Industrial Components. This chapter details connecting CX-
Supervisor to Omron's Industrial Components.
Chapter 17 – Best Practices. This chapter details the best practices to get the most from CX-
Supervisor including how to plan and design your application.
Appendix A – Configuring a PC for remote connection. The appendix explains how to configure a
PC for remote connection.
Appendix B – Frequently asked questions. The appendix list some FAQs, and of course their
Appendix C – Troubleshooting. The appendix is a guide to troubleshooting and resolving problems.
Appendix D – CX-Server error codes. The appendix lists the error codes from the communication
software, CX-Server, and their meanings.
Appendix E – Using with the Omron DyaloX. The appendix lists information when using with the
Omron’s DyaloX Industrial PC.
Appendix F – Obsolete Features. The appendix details obsolete features for backwards
This chapter describes the Graphics Editor and the various tools and controls available. It also
provides instructions for using these tools and controls and is supported with suitable screen displays.
About the Graphics Editor
The Graphics Editor enables a variety of objects to be created on a page. Supported objects are:
♦ Graphical objects.
♦ Control objects.
♦ ActiveX objects.
Graphical objects are geometric shapes, for example ellipses and polygons, but also include Text
objects. Control objects allow information to be displayed and entered in clear way through the use
of Wizards. Examples of control objects include Pushbuttons and Trend Graphs. ActiveX objects or
controls are from sources external to CX-Supervisor.
Refer to chapter 4, Objects for further information regarding control objects and bitmap objects.
Refer to chapter 5 for further information on ActiveX Objects.
The tools are contained on a Control Bar, and within palettes. The palettes allow all similar types of
tool to be kept together, and are contained within a free floating window. The various tools and
palettes are discussed in the following chapters. Status and help information is presented in a Status
Bar located at the bottom of the main CX-Supervisor window.
The Palette is always displayed on top of any pages created within CX-Supervisor. If no pages are
open, the Palette is not displayed, and if there are no currently active pages, the Palette is rendered
inactive. An example of the Palette illustrating the position of various palettes and controls is shown
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CHAPTER 1 – Graphics Editor OMRON
The Palette can be removed or re-displayed at any time by selecting Palette from the View menu.
A tick next to the name indicates the Palette is currently displayed. CX-Supervisor saves the settings
when it is exited and restores them when it is next run.
Each of the palettes and controls is discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs.
Colour Palette
To create an object in a particular colour: before selecting the object’s tool from the Graphic Object
bar, first select the colour by clicking in the appropriate square in the Colour Palette.
Note:It is not strictly necessary to select a colour for an object before creating it, however
To apply a colour to a previously created object, select the object on the page and click with the left
mouse button in the appropriate square in the Colour Palette.
Note: Colour may only be applied to some graphic objects. It cannot be applied to
Line Style Palette
The Line Style Palette is located in the Palette just below the Colour Palette.
To create an object with a particular line style: before selecting the object from the Tool Palette, first
select the line style by clicking on the appropriate line in the Line Style Palette.
Note: It is not strictly necessary to select a line style for an object before creating it,
To apply a line style to a previously created object, select the object on the page and click on the
appropriate line in the Line Style Palette.
Note: Line styles may only be applied to some graphic objects. They cannot be applied to
if no colour selection is made, the object retains the same colour as the last object.
embedded objects or bitmap graphics.
however if no line style selection is made, the object retains the default style of thin
text, embedded objects, controls or bitmap graphics.
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OMRON CHAPTER 1 – Graphics Editor
Fill Pattern Palette
The Fill Pattern Palette is located at the bottom of the Palette.
To create an object with a particular fill pattern: before selecting the object’s tool from the Tool
Palette, first select the fill pattern by clicking in the appropriate square in the Fill Pattern Palette.
Note: It is not strictly necessary to select a fill pattern for an object before creating it,
however if no fill pattern selection is made, the object retains the default of no
To apply a fill pattern to a previously created object, select the object on the page and click in the
appropriate square in the Fill Pattern Palette. With a fill pattern applied to an object, clicking in the
Colour Palette with the left mouse button allows the foreground colour of the chosen fill pattern to be
changed. Clicking in the Colour Palette with the right mouse button allows the background colour of
the chosen fill pattern to be changed.
Note: Fill patterns may only be applied to solid graphic objects. They cannot be applied
to unfilled graphic objects, text objects, embedded objects, controls or bitmap
Extended Colour, Line Style and Fill Pattern Palette
Each of the Colour, Line Style and Fill Pattern Palettes may be extended to allow access to more
choices. Only one palette may be extended at any one time. The Extended Selection tools are
located at the top of the Palette and are illustrated as follows:
The left hand square controls the extension of the Colour Palette; the line between the two squares
controls the Line Style Palette extension, and the right hand square control the Fill Pattern Palette
An example of the Extended Colour, Line Style, and Fill Pattern Palettes is shown below:
The operation of each of the extended palettes is identical to that of the non-extended palettes.
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CHAPTER 1 – Graphics Editor OMRON
Graphic Object bar
The Graphic Object bar contains the tools to create the graphic objects which can be placed on pages
within CX-Supervisor.
In general terms, the operation of the Graphic Object bar is simple. With a page active the Graphic
Object bar is active, and operation involves merely clicking on the desired tool to select it, and then
clicking and dragging to the appropriate point in the page. This is not the case with the text, polygon
or polyline tools, however the operation of these tools is fully discussed in chapter 4, Objects.
Moving the mouse pointer over any of the tools causes CX-Supervisor to display a tooltip to describe
the tool.
By default, the cursor returns to Selection mode (an arrow) after drawing an object. If you would
prefer it to remain in its current state, clear the Return to select mode checkbox in the Editing
Preferences dialog, which is found on the CX-Supervisor file menu.
For further details concerning the tools contained within the Graphic Object bar refer to chapter 4,
Control Bar
CX-Supervisor provides a Control Bar containing formatting and object manipulation tools. The
Control Bar can be activated or de-activated from the View menu. To activate the Control Bar, select
Control Bar from the View menu; CX-Supervisor places a check mark next to it signifying its active
status. To de-activate it, repeat the procedure (the check mark is removed), and the Control Bar is no
longer displayed. The various tools on the control bar allow the properties of objects to be modified.
A control may be activated with more than one object selected to change a particular attribute of all
of the selected objects, e.g. when all graphical objects on a page are selected and the Rotate button is
pushed in and the desired angle specified, all selected objects are rotated.
An illustration of the Control Bar is as follows:
The Control Bar may vary slightly from this according to the display resolution currently in use - the
number of buttons displayed depends on the available space - at higher resolutions more buttons are
The Control Bar can be removed from the display at any time by selecting Control Bar from the View
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OMRON CHAPTER 1 – Graphics Editor
A tick next to the name indicates that it is currently displayed. CX-Supervisor saves the settings
when it is exited and restores them when it is next run.
The specific operation of the controls on the Control Bar is described in the following paragraphs.
Object Identification
When an object is created, CX-Supervisor gives it a unique identifier. This identifier consists of the
object type and a sequential number (starting at 1). For example, a text object could have an
identifier of TEXT_1; a polygon object could have an identifier of POLYGON_3 etc. The Object Identification field displays a list of all current objects on a page.
The identification of an object can be changed by clicking on the entry in the Object Identification
control, typing over the entry and pressing <Return>. A confirmation box is provided to double
check the operation, click the OK pushbutton to proceed with the name change or the Cancel
pushbutton to abort the operation.
It can at times be difficult to select a particular object if it is mostly obscured by other graphic
objects. The Object Identification control allows an object to be selected by simply selecting its
name from the presented list. Click on the arrow button to display the list and select the desired
object. On selection the object is highlighted.
The following illustration shows the Object Identification control in de-selected state:
The following illustration shows the Object Identification control in selected state:
Raise Up One
The Raise Up One button allows an object which forms part of an overlapping group of
objects to be moved nearer the top of the group, one layer at a time. With an object selected,
clicking the pushbutton once moves the object up one layer. This continues until the object
is at the top. Clicking the pushbutton with the object at the top of a group has no effect.
The following example illustrates the state of a group of two objects before and after clicking the
Raise Up One button with the black round rectangle selected:
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CHAPTER 1 – Graphics Editor OMRON
Before After
Lower Down One
The Lower Down One button allows an object which forms part of an overlapping group of
objects to be moved nearer the bottom of the group, one layer at a time. With an object
selected, clicking the button once moves the object down one layer. This continues until the
object is at the bottom. Clicking the button with the object at the bottom of a group has no
The following example illustrates the state of a group of two objects before and after clicking the
Lower Down One button with the grey polygon selected:
The Rotate button allows graphical and bitmap objects to be rotated. With an object
selected, clicking the button once opens the Rotate dialog box. Set the desired angle and
click the OK pushbutton to rotate the object.
Before After
The following example illustrates the state of an object before and after clicking the Rotate button
and defining a 10° rotation with the object selected:
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OMRON CHAPTER 1 – Graphics Editor
Horizontal Mirror
The Mirror Horizontal button on the Control Bar allows graphical and bitmap objects to be
mirrored in the horizontal plane. With an object selected, clicking the button once “flips” the
object producing a horizontal mirror image.
The following example illustrates the state of an object before and after clicking the Mirror Horizontal button with the object selected:
Vertical Mirror
The Mirror Vertical button allows graphical and bitmap objects to be mirrored in the
vertical plane. With an object selected, clicking the button once “flips” the object producing
a vertical mirror image.
Before Rotated 10°°°°
Before After
The following example illustrates the state of an object before and after clicking the Mirror Vertical
button with the object selected:
Transparency On/Off
The Transparency button changes an object from solid to outline and from outline to solid.
With an object selected, click the button and the object toggles from solid to outline (or
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Before After
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