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CP1E CPU Unit Hardware
User’s Manual
Revised July 2017
Thank you for purchasing a SYSMAC CP-series CP1E Programmable Controller.
This manual contains information required to use the CP1E. Read this manual completely and be sure
you understand the contents before attempting to use the CP1E.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical systems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of installing FA systems
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities
Applicable Products
CP-series CP1E CPU Units
• Basic Models CP1E-E(S)D-
A basic model of CPU Unit that support basic control applications using instructions such as
basic, movement, arithmetic, and comparison instructions.
• Application Models CP1E-N/NA(S)D-
An application model of CPU Unit that supports connections to Programmable Terminals, inverters, and servo drives.
The CP Series is centered around the CP1H, CP1L, and CP1E CPU Units and is designed with the
same basic architecture as the CS and CJ Series.
Always use CP-series Expansion Units and CP-series Expansion I/O Units when expanding I/O
capacity. I/O words are allocated in the same way as for the CPM1A/CPM2A PLCs, i.e., using fixed
areas for inputs and outputs.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
CP1E CPU Unit Manuals
Information on the CP1E CPU Units is provided in the following manuals.
Refer to the appropriate manual for the information th at is required.
This Manual
Mounting and
Setting Hardware
Online to the PLC
Software Setup
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware
User’s Manual(Cat. No. W479)
· Names and specifications of the parts of all Units
· Basic system configuration for each CPU Unit
· Connection methods for Expansion I/O Units
and Expansion Units
· Wiring methods for the power supply
· Wiring methods between external I/O devices
and Expansion I/O Units or Expansion Units
Connecting Cables for CX-Programmer
Support Software
CP1E CPU Unit Software
User’s Manual(Cat. No. W480)
Procedures for connecting the
CX-Programmer Support Software
Software setting methods for the CPU
Units (PLC Setup)
CP1E CPU Unit Instructions
Reference Manual(Cat. No. W483)
Creating the Program
· Program types and basic information
· CPU Unit operation
· Internal memory
· Built-in CPU functions
· Settings
Checking and
Debugging Operation
· Checking I/O wiring, setting the Auxiliary Area
settings, and performing trial operation
· Monitoring and debugging with the
Maintenance and
Error codes and remedies if a problem occurs
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Detailed information on
programming instructions
Manual Configuration
The CP1E CPU manuals are organized in the sections listed in the followin g tabl es. Refe r to th e ap propriate section in the manuals as required.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W479)
(This Manual)
Section Contents
Section 1 Overview and Specifications
Section 2 Basic System Configuration and Devices
Section 3 Part Names and Functions This section describes the part names and functions of the CPU Unit,
Section 4 Programming DeviceThis section describes the features of the CX-Programmer used for pro-
Section 5 Installation and WiringThis section describes how to install and wire CP1E Units.
Section 6 Troubleshooting This section describes how to troubleshoot problems that may occur
Section 7 Maintenance and Inspection
Section 8 Using Expansion Units
and Expansion I/O Units
AppendicesThe appendices provide information on dimensions, wiring diagrams,
This section gives an overview of the CP1E, describes its features, and
provides its specifications.
This section describes the basic system configuration and unit models
of the CP1E.
Expansion I/O Units, and Expansion Units in a CP1E PLC .
gramming and debugging PLCs, as well as how to connect the PLC
with the Programming Device by USB.
with a CP1E PLC, including the error indications provided by the CP1E
This section describes periodic inspections, the service life of the Battery, and how to replace the Battery.
This section describes application methods for Expansion Units.
and wiring serial communications for the CP1E.
CP1E CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W480)
Section Contents
Section 1 Overview This section gives an overview of the CP1E, describes its application
Section 2 CPU Unit Memory This section describes the types of internal memory in a CP1E CPU
Unit and the data that is stored.
Section 3 CPU Unit OperationThis section describes the operation of a CP1E CPU Unit.
Section 4 Programming Concepts This section provides basic information on designing ladder programs
for a CP1E CPU Unit.
Section 5 I/O MemoryThis section describes the types of I/O memory areas in a CP1E CPU
Unit and the details.
Section 6 I/O Allocation This section describes I/O allocation used to exchange data between
the CP1E CPU Unit and other units.
Section 7 PLC SetupThis section describes the PLC Setup, which are used to perform basic
settings for a CP1E CPU Unit.
Section 8 Overview and Allocation
of Built-in Functions
Section 9 Quick-response Inputs This section describes the quick-response inputs that can be used to
Section 10 Interrupts This section describes the interrupts that can be used with CP1E PLCs,
This section lists the built-in functions and describes the overall application flow and the allocation of the functions.
read signals that are shorter than the cycle time.
including input interrupts and scheduled interrupts.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Section Contents
Section 11 High-speed Counters This section describes the high-speed counter inputs, high-speed
counter interrupts, and the frequency measurement function.
Section 12 Pulse Outputs This section describes positioning functions such as trapezoidal control,
jogging, and origin searches.
Section 13 PWM Outputs This section describes the variable-duty-factor pulse (PWM) outputs.
Section 14 Serial Communications This section describes communications with Programmable Terminals
(PTs) without using communications programming, no-protocol communications with general components, and connections with a ModbusRTU Easy Master, Serial PLC Link, and host computer.
Section 15 Analog I/O FunctionThis section describes the built-in analog function for NA-type CPU
Section 16 Built-in Functions This section describes PID temperature control, clock functions, DM
backup functions, security functions.
Section 17 Ethernet Option BoardThis section gives an overview of the Ethernet Option Board, describes
its setting methods, I/O memory allocations, troubleshooting, how to
connect the CX-Programmer, and how to install an Ethernet network.
Section 18 Analog Option BoardThis section describes an overview of the Analog Option Board,
describes its installation and setting methods, memory allocations, startup operation, refresh time, troubleshooting and how to use the Analog
Option Board.
Section 19 Operating the Programming Device
AppendicesThe appendices provide lists of programming instructions, the Auxiliary
This section describes basic functions of the CX-Programmer, such as
using the CX-Programmer to write ladder programs to control the CP1E
CPU Unit, to transfer the programs to the CP1E CPU Unit, and to debug
the programs.
Area, cycle time response performance, PLC performance at power
CP1E CPU Unit Instructions Reference Manual (Cat. No. W483)
Section Contents
Section 1 Summary of Instructions This section provides a summary of instructions used with a CP1E CPU
Section 2 InstructionThis section describes the functions, operands and sample programs of
the instructions that are supported by a CP1E CPU Unit.
Section 3 Instruction Execution
Times and Number of Steps
Section 4 Monitoring and Computing the Cycle Time
AppendicesThe appendices provide a list of instructions by Mnemonic and ASCII
This section provides the execution times for all instructions used with a
CP1E CPU Unit.
This section describes how to monitor and calculate the cycle time of a
CP1E CPU Unit that can be used in the programs.
code table for the CP1E CPU Unit.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Manual Structure
5 - 3
5 Installation and wiring
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
5-2-1 Installation Location
DIN Track Installation
DIN Track mounting pins
DIN Track
DIN Track mounting pins
Precautions for Correct Use
Tighten terminal block screws and cable screws to the following torques.
M4: 1.2 N·m
M3: 0.5 N·m
Use a screwdriver to pull down the DIN Track mounting pins from the back of the Units to release
them, and mount the Units to the DIN Track.
Fit the back of the Units onto the DIN Track by catching the top of the Units on the Track and then
pressing in at the bottom of the Units, as shown below.
Press in all of the DIN Track mounting pins to securely lock the Units in place.
5-2 Installation
5-2-1 Installation Location
Level 1 heading
Level 2 heading
Level 3 heading
Level 2 heading
Step in a procedure
Manual name
Special Information
(See below.)
Level 3 heading
Page tab
Gives the current
Indicates a step in a
Gives the number
of the section.
This illustration is provided only as a sample and may not literally appear in this manual.
Icons are used to indicate
precautions and
additional information.
Precautions for Safe Use
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure using the product safely.
Precautions for Correct Use
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and performance.
Additional Information
Additional information to increase understanding or make operation easier.
Page Structure and Icons
The following page structure and icons are used in this manual.
Special Information
Special information in this manual is classified as follows:
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Terminology and Notation
E-type CPU UnitA basic model of CPU Unit that support basic control applications using instructions such
as basic, movement, arithmetic, and comparison instructions.
Basic models of CPU Units are called “E(S)-type CPU Units” in this manual.
The models of E(S)-type CPU Units are shown below.
N-type CPU UnitAn application model of CPU Unit that supports connections to Programmable Terminals,
inverters, and servo drives.
Application models of CPU Units are called “N(S)-type CPU Units” in this manual.
The models of N(S)-type CPU Units are shown below.
NA-Type CPU UnitAn application model of CPU Unit that supports built-in analog and connections to Pro-
grammable Terminals, inverters, and servo drives.
Application models of CPU Units with built-in analog are called “NA-type CPU Units” in
this manual.
CX-ProgrammerA programming device that applies for programming and debugging PLCs.
The CX-Programmer includes the Micro PLC Edition CX-Programmer (CX-One Lite), the
CX-Programmer (CX-One) and the CX-Programmer for CP1E.
This manual describes the unique applications and functions of the Micro PLC Edition
CX-Programmer version 9.03 or higher/CX-Programmer for CP1E.
“CX-Programmer” refers to the Micro PLC Edition CX-Programmer version 9.03 or
higher/CX-Programmer for CP1E in this manual.
Note E20/30/40(S) and N20/30/40(S) CPU Units are supported by CX-Programmer
version 8.2 or higher. E10/14(S), N14/60(S) and NA20 CPU Units are supported
by CX-Programmer version 9.03 or higher. E60S CPU Units are supported by CXProgrammer version 9.42 or higher.
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omro n (or such other period expr essed in
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unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and
maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inap propriate modification. Return of
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shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in
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See or contact your Omron representative for published information.
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Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on
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CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Application Considerations
Suitability of Use
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations
which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At
Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings
and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of
the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases.
Programmable Products
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the use r’s p rog rammin g o f a pr ogra mma ble Pr od uct, o r
any consequence thereof.
Performance Data
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for
the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of
Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actu al performance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.
Change in Specifications
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time b ased on improve ments and other
reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or
when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be
changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish
key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to
confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.
Errors and Omissions
Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate
injury, or property damage.
Precautions for Safe Use
Indicates precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure using the product safely.
Precautions for Correct Use
Indicates precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation
and performance.
Safety Precautions
Definition of Precautionary Information
The following notation is used in this manual to provide precautions required to ensure safe usage of a
CP-series PLC. The safety precautions that are provided are extremely important to safety. Always
read and heed the information provided in all safety precautions.
The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including
warnings). The specific operation is shown in the triangle
and explained in text. This example indicates a precaution for electric shock.
The circle and slash symbol indicates operations that you
must not do. The specific operation is shown in the circle
and explained in text.
The filled circle symbol indicates operations that you
must do. The specific operation is shown in the circle and
explained in text. This example shows a general precaution for something that you must do.
The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including
warnings). The specific operation is shown in the triangle
and explained in text. This example indicates a general
The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including
warnings). The specific operation is shown in the triangle
and explained in text. This example indicates a precau-
tion for hot surfaces.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Do not attempt to take any Unit apart while the power is being supplied.
Doing so may result in electric shock.
Do not touch any of the terminals or terminal blocks while the power is being
Doing so may result in electric shock.
Provide safety measures in external circuits (i.e., not in the Programmable Co ntroller), including the following items, to ensure safety in the system if an
abnormality occurs due to malfunction of the PLC or another external factor
affecting the PLC operation.
Not doing so may result in serious accidents.
• Emergency stop circuits, interlock circuits, limit circuits, and similar safety measures must be provided in external control circuits.
• The PLC will turn OFF all outputs when its self-diagnosis function detects any error
or when a severe failure alarm (FALS) instruction is executed. Unexpected operation, however, may still occur for errors in the I/O control section, errors in I/O memory, and errors that cannot be detected by the self-diagnosis function. As a
countermeasure for all these errors, external safety measures must be provided to
ensure safety in the system.
• The PLC outputs may remain ON or OFF due to deposition or burning of the outp ut
relays or destruction of the output transisto rs. As a coun te rme asu r e for such pro b lems, external safety measures must be provided to ensure safety in the system.
• When the 24-VDC output (service power supply to the PLC) is overloaded or shortcircuited, the voltage may drop and result in the outputs being turned OFF. As a
countermeasure for such problems, external safety measures must be provided to
ensure safety in the system.
Fail-safe measures must be taken by the customer to ensur e safety in the event
of incorrect, missing, or abnormal signals caused by broken signal lines,
momentary power interruptions, or other causes.
Serious accidents may result from abnormal operation if proper measures are not
Do not apply the voltage/current outside the specified range to this unit.
It may cause a malfunction or fire.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Be sure to sufficiently confirm the safety at the destination when you transfer
the program or I/O memory or perform procedures to change the I/O memory.
Devices connected to PLC outputs may incorrectly operate regardless of the operating mode of the CPU Unit.
With an E(S)-type CPU Unit or with an N/NA(S)-type CPU Unit without a Battery, the contents of the DM Area (D) * , Holding Area (H), the Counter Present Values (C), the status of Counter Completion Flags (C), and the status of bits in the
Auxiliary Area (A) related to clock functions may be unstable when the power supply
is turned ON.
*This does not apply to areas backed up to EEPROM using the DM backup function.
If the DM backup function is being used, be sure to use one of the following methods
for initialization.
1. Clearing All Areas to All Zeros
Select the Clear Held Memory (HR/DM/CNT) to Zero Check Box in the Startup
Data Read Area in the PLC Setup.
2. Clearing Specific Areas to All Zeros or Initializing to Specific Values
Make the settings from a ladder program.
If the data is not initialized, the unit or device may operate unexpectedly because of
unstable data.
Execute online edit only after confirming that no adverse effects will be ca used
by extending the cycle time.
Otherwise, the input signals may not be readable.
Tighten the screws on the terminal block of the AC power supply section to the
torque specified in the user’s manual.
The loose screws may result in burning or malfunction.
Do not touch the power supply section when power is being supplied or immediately after the power supply is turned OFF.
The power supply section and I/O terminal blocks will be hot and you may be burned.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Pay careful attention to the polarities (+/-) when wiring the DC power supply.
A wrong connection may cause malfunction of the system.
When connecting the PLC to a computer or other peripheral device, either
ground the 0-V side of the external power supply or do not ground the external
power supply at all.
Otherwise the external power supply may be shorted depending on the connection
methods of the peripheral device. DO NOT ground the 24 V-side of the external
power supply, as shown in the following diagram.
Non-insulated DC
power supply
CPU Unit
USB cable or other
Peripheral device
(e.g., personal computer)
The DM Area (D), Holding Area (H), Counter Completion Flags (C), and Counter
Present Values (C) will be held by the Battery if a Battery is mounted in a CP1EN/NA (S)D- CPU Unit. When the battery voltage is low, however, I/O memory areas that are held (including the DM, Holding, and Counter Areas) will be unstable. The unit or device may operate unexpectedly because of unstable data.
Use the Battery Error Flag or other measures to stop outpu t s if ex te rnal out puts are performed from a ladder program based on the contents of the DM
Area or other I/O memory areas.
Sufficiently check safety if I/O bit status or present values are monitored in the
Ladder Section Pane or present values are monitored in the Watch Pane.
If bits are set, reset, force-set, or force-reset by inadvertently pressing a shortcut key,
devices connected to PLC outputs may operate incorrectly regardless of the operating mode.
Program so that the memory area of the start address is not exceeded when
using a word address or symbol for the offset.
For example, write the program so that processing is executed only when the indirect
specification does not cause the final address to exceed the memory area by using
an input comparison instruction or other instruction.
If an indirect specification causes the address to exceed the area of the start address,
the system will access data in other area, and unexpected operation may occur.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Set the temperature range according to the type of temperature sensor connected to the Unit.
Temperature data will not be converted correctly if the temperature range does not
match the sensor.
Do not set the temperature range to any values other than those for which temperature ranges are given in the following table.
An incorrect setting may cause operating errors.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Precautions for Safe Use
Observe the following precautions when using a CP-series PLC.
Power Supply
• Always use the power supply voltages specified in the user’s manuals. An incorrect voltage may
result in malfunction or burning.
• Take appropriate measures to ensure that the specified power with the rated voltage and frequency is supplied. Be particularly careful in places where the power supply is unstable. An incorrect power supply may result in malfunction.
• Double-check all wiring and switch settings before turning ON the power supply. Incorrect wiring
may result in burning.
• Always turn OFF the power supply to the PLC before attem pting any o f the following. Not turning
OFF the power supply may result in malfunction or electric shock.
• Mounting or dismounting Expansion Units or Expansion I/O Units
• Mounting or dismounting Option Boards
• Setting rotary switches
• Connecting cables or wiring the system
• Connecting or disconnecting the connec to rs
• Before touching a Unit, be sure to first touch a grounded metallic object in order to discharge any
static build-up. Not doing so may result in malfunction or damage.
• Install the Unit properly as specified in the operation manual. Improper installation of the Unit may
result in malfunction.
• Be sure that the terminal blocks, connectors, Option Boards, and other items with locking devices
are properly locked into place. Improper locking may result in malfunction.
• Wire correctly according to specified procedures in this manual.
• Keep the wire cuttings out of the Unit when wiring.
• Always use the following size wire when connecting I/O terminals: AWG22 to AWG18 (0.32 to
0.82 mm
• When unpacking the Unit, check carefully for any external scratches or other damages. Also,
shake the Unit gently and check for any abnormal sound.
• Install external breakers and take other safety measures again st short-circuiting in external wiring .
Insufficient safety measures against short-circuiting may result in burning.
• Always connect to a ground of 100 Ω or less when installing the Units. Not connecting to a ground
of 100 Ω or less may result in electric shock.
• Leave the label attached to the top of the Unit when wiring to prevent the entry of foreign matter.
Removing the label may result in malfunction if foreign matter enters the Unit.
• Keep foreign substances, such as wiring chips, from entering into the Units. It may cause a fire,
failure or malfunction. Take protective measures especially at the time of construction.
• Remove the label after the complet ion of wiring to ensure proper heat dissipation. Leaving the
label attached may result in malfunction.
• Use crimp terminals for wiring. Do not connect bare stranded wires directly to terminals. Connection of bare stranded wires may result in burning.
• Do not apply voltages to the inp ut term inals in excess o f the r ated inpu t voltag e. Exces s voltag es
may result in burning.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
• Do not apply voltages or connect loads to the output terminals in excess of the maximum switch-
ing capacity. Excess voltage or loads may result in burning.
• Disconnect the functional grou nd terminal when performing withstan d voltage tests. Not disconnecting the functional ground terminal may result in burning.
• Be sure that all the PLC terminal screws and cable connector screws are tightened to the torque
specified in the relevant manuals. The tightening torque for the terminals on the CP1WCIF11/CIF12 terminal block is 0.28 N·m Incorrect tightening torque may result in malfunction.
• The following devices can be connected to pin 6 (+5V) on the built-in RS-232C port on the CPU
Unit or the RS-232C Option Board (CP1W-CIF01) mounted to the CPU Unit. Do not connect pin 6
to any other device.
• RS-422A CJ1W-CIF11 Conversion Adapter
• RS-232C / RS-422A NT-AL001 Conversion Adapter
• NV3W-M20L Programmable Terminal
• Use the cables that are specified in the manual for each device. External devices or the CPU Unit
may be damaged if a commercially available RS-232C computer cable is used.
• Do not pull on the cables or bend the cables beyond their natural limit. Doing either of these may
break the cables.
• Do not place objects on top of the cables or other wiring lines. Doing so may break the cables.
• To initialize the DM Area, back up the initial contents for the DM Area to backup memory using
one of the following methods.
• Set the number of words of the DM Area to be backed up starting with D0 in the Number of CH
of DM for backup Box in the Startup Data Read Area.
• Include programming to back up specified words in the DM Area to built-in EEPROM by turning
ON A751.15 (DM Backup Save Start Bit).
• Check the ladder program for proper execution before actually running it on the Unit. Not checking
the program may result in an unexpected operation.
• The ladder program and parameter area data in the CP1E CPU Units ar e backe d up in the bu ilt-in
EEPROM backup memory. The BKUP indicator will light on the front of the CPU Unit when the
backup operation is in progress. Do not turn OFF the power supply to the CPU Unit when the
BKUP indicator is lit. The data will not be backed up if power is turned OFF and a memory error
will occur the next time the power supply is turned ON.
• With a CP1E CPU Unit, data memory can be backed up to the built-in EEPROM backup memory.
The BKUP indicator will light on the front of the CPU Unit when backup is in progress. Do not turn
OFF the power supply to the CPU Unit when the BKUP indicator is lit. If the power is turned OFF
during a backup, the data will not be backed up and will not be transferred to the DM Area in RAM
the next time the power supply is turned ON.
• Before replacing the battery, supply powe r to the CPU Unit for at least 30 minutes and then complete battery replacement within 5 minutes. Memory data may be corrupted if this precau tion is
not observed.
• The equipment may operate unexpectedly if inappropriate parameters are set. Even if the appropriate parameters are set, confirm that equipment will not be adversely affected before transferring the parameters to the CPU Unit.
• After replacing the CPU Unit, make sure that the required data for the DM Area, Holding Area,
and other memory areas has been transferred to the new CPU Unit before restarting operation.
• Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify any Units. Any attempt to do so may result in
malfunction, fire, or electric shock.
• Do not drop the Unit or subject the Unit to unusual vibration and shock. Do so may result in failure
or fire.
• Confirm that no adverse effect will occur in the system before attempting any of the following. Not
doing so may result in an unexpected operation.
• Changing the operating mode of the PLC (including the setting of the startup op erating mode).
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
• Force-setting/force-resetting any bit in memory.
• Changing the present value of any word or any set value in memory.
• When replacing parts, be sure to confirm that the rating of a n ew part is co rr ect. No t doin g so ma y
result in malfunction or burning.
• Do not touch the Expansion I/O Unit Connecting Cable while the power is being supplied in order
to prevent malfunction due to static electricity.
• Do not turn OFF the power supply to the Unit while data is being transferred.
• When transporting or storing Units or Board, static electricity can destroy LSIs or ICs. Cover the
PCBs with a conductive material and maintain the specified storage temperature.
• Do not touch circuit boards or the components mounted to them with your bare hands. There are
sharp leads and other parts on the boards that may cause injury if handled improperly.
• Double-check the pin numbers when assembling and wiring the connectors.
• Never short-circuit the positive and negative terminals of a battery or charge, disassemble, heat,
or incinerate the battery. Do not subject the battery to strong shocks or deform the battery by
applying pressure. Doing any of these may result in leakage, rupture, heat generation, or ignition
of the battery. Dispose of any battery that has been dropped on the floor or otherwise subjected to
excessive shock. Batteries that have been subjected to shock may leak if they are used.
• Dispose of the product and batteries according to local ordinances as they apply.
• UL standards require that only an experienced engineer can replace the battery. Make sure that
an experienced engineer is in charg e of battery replacement. Follow the procedure for battery
replacement given in this manual.
• The following precaution must be displayed on all products that contain a lithium primary battery
(containing at least 6 ppb of perchlorate) and that will be exported to or transported through the
State of California in the USA.
Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply. See
A CP1W-BAT01 or CJ1W-BAT01 lithium primary battery (containing at least 6 ppb of perchlor ate)
can be mounted in a CP1E-N/NAD- CPU Unit. Display the precaution given above on
your product’s packaging box or shippi ng box if the product contains a CP1W-BAT01 or CJ1WBAT01 Battery and is exported to or through the State of California in the USA.
• This product is EMC compliant when assembled in a complete PLC system. Refer to the applicable manual for grounding, cable selection, and any other conditions for EMC compliance.
• This is a Class A product for use in industrial environments. In residential environments it may
cause radio interference, in which case the user may be requir ed to take adequate meas ures to
reduce interference.
External Circuits
• Always configure the external circuits to turn ON power to the PLC before turning ON power to the
control system. If the PLC power supply is turned ON after the control power supply, temporary
errors may result in control system signals because the output terminals on DC Output Units and
other Units will momentarily turn ON when power is turned ON to the PLC.
• Fail-safe measures must be taken by the customer to ensure safety in the event that outputs from
output terminals remain ON as a r esult of intern al circuit failures, which can occur in relays, transistors, and other elements.
• If the I/O Hold Bit is turned ON, the outputs from the PLC will not be turned OFF and will maintain
their previous status when the PLC is switched from RUN or MONITOR mode to PROGRAM
mode. Make sure that the external loads will not produce dangerous conditions when this occurs.
(When operation stops for a fa tal error, including those produced with the FALS instruction, all
outputs from PLC will be turned OFF and only the internal output status in the CPU Unit will be
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Operating Environment Precautions
Perform installation following the instructions in this manual
Follow the instructions in this manual to correctly perform installation .
Do not operate the control system in the following locations
• Locations subject to direct sunlight
• Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range specified in the specifications
• Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in temperature
• Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases
• Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salts
• Locations subject to exposure to water, oil, or chemicals
• Locations subject to shock or vibration
• Locations subject to direct rain fall
• Locations subject to direct strong UV
Take countermeasures in the following locations
• Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise
• Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields
• Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity
• Locations close to power supplies
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Regulations and Standards
Conformance to EC Directives
Applicable Directives
• EMC Directives
• Low Voltage Directive
EMC Directives
OMRON devices are electrical components that are designed to be built into equipment and manufacturing systems. OMRON devices that comply with EMC Directives also conform to the related
EMC standards*, so that they can be more easily built into other devices or the overall machine.
Whether the products conform to the standards in the system used by the customer, however, must
be checked by the customer.
EMC-related performance of the OMRON devices that comply with EC Directives will vary depending on the configuration, wiring, and other conditions of the equipment or control panel on which the
OMRON devices are installed. The customer must, therefore, perform the final ch eck to confirm tha t
devices and the overall machine conform to EMC standards.
* The applicable EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) standard is EN61131-2.
Low Voltage Directive
Always ensure that devices operating at voltages of 50 to 1,000 VAC an d 75 to 1,500 VDC meet the
required safety standards for the PLC (EN 61131-2).
Conformance to EC Directives
The CP1E PLCs comply with EC Directives. To ensure that the machine or device in which the
CP1E PLC is used complies with EC Directives, the PLC must be installed as follows:
• The CP-series PLC must be installed within a control panel.
• CP-series PLCs complying with EC Directiv es also conform to EN61131-2. Radiated emission
characteristics (10-m regulations) may vary depending on the configuration of the control panel
used, other devices connected to the control panel, wiring, and other conditions. You must therefore confirm that the overall machine or equipment complies with EC Directives.
• A SYSMAC CP-series PLC is a class A product (for an industrial environment). In residential
areas it may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate
measures to reduce interference.
SYSMAC is a registered trademark for Programmable Controllers made by OMRON Corporation.
CX-One is a registered trademark for Programming Software made by OMRON Corporation.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Other system names and product names in this document are the trademarks or reg iste re d trad ema rks
of their respective companies.
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Related Manuals
The following manuals are related to the CP1E. Use them together with this manual.
Manual nameCat. No. Model numbersApplicationContents
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual
(this manual)
CP1E CPU Unit Software User’s Manual
CP1E CPU Unit Instructions Reference Manual
Communications Commands Reference Manual
Introduction Manual
To learn the hardware specifications
of the CP1E PLCs
Use this manual together with the CP1E CPU Unit Software User’s
Manual (Cat. No. W480) and Instructions Reference Manual (Cat. No.
To learn the software specifications
of the CP1E PLCs
Use this manual together with the CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s
Manual (Cat. No. W479) and Instructions Reference Manual (Cat. No.
To learn programming instructions in
To learn communications commands
for CS/CJ/CP/NSJseries Controllers in
Note This manual describes commands addressed to CPU Units. It
does not cover commands addressed to other Units or ports (e.g.,
serial communications ports on CPU Units, communicati ons por ts
on Serial Communications Units/Boards, and other Communications Units).
To learn the basic
setup methods of the
Operating procedures
for CX-Simulator
Simulation Support
Software for Windows
simulation in the
CX-Programmer with
Describes the following information for CP1E
• Overview and features
• Basic system configuration
• Part names and functions
• Installation and settings
• Troubleshooting
Describes the following information for CP1E
• CPU Unit operation
• Internal memory
• Programming
• Settings
• CPU Unit built-in functions
• Interrupts
• High-speed counter inputs
• Pulse output s
• Serial communications
• Analog I/O function
• Other functions
s each programming instruction in
When programming, use this manual together
with the CP1E CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W480).
1) C-mode commands and
2) FINS commands in detail.
Read this manual for details on C-mode and
FINS commands addressed to CPU Units.
Describes the following information for
• Basic configuration and component names
• Mounting and wiring
ogramming, data transfer, and debugging
• Pr
using the
• Application program examples
Describes the operating procedures for the
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
Overview and Specifications
This section gives an overview of the CP1E, de scribes its features, and provides its
1-4 Difference between E/N/NA-type and E/NS(1)-type. . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
1 Overview and Specifications
1-1CP1E Overview
1-1-1Overview of Features
The SYSMAC CP1E Programmable Controller is a package-type PLC made by OMRON that is designed
for easy application. The CP1E includes E(S)-type CPU Units (basic models) for standard control
operations using basic, movement, arithmetic, and comparison instructions, and N/NA(S)-type CPU
Units (application models) that supports connections to Programmable Terminals, Inverters, and Servo
Basic ModelsCP1E Application Models
E(S)-type CPU UnitsN(S)-type CPU Units
CPU with 10, 14
or 20 I/O Points
CPU Unit with 30, 40 or
60 I/O Points
CPU with 14 or
20 I/O Points
CPU Unit with
30, 40 or 60 I/O
CPU Units
CPU Unit with
20 I/O Points
I/O pointsE10/14/20/30/40
Program capacity2K steps8K steps
DM Area capacity2K words
Of these 1,500 words can be written to the
built-in EEPROM.
Mounting Expansion I/O Units and
Expansion Units
Model with transistor outputs
Pulse outputsNot supported.Supported (Model with transistor outputs only)
Built-in serial communications port
Built-in analogNot available.Not available.Available
Option BoardNot supported.Not supported.N/NA-type: Supported (for one
Connection port for
Programming Device
ClockNot provided.Provided
Using a BatteryCannot be used.Can be used (sold separately).
Backup time of
built-in capacitor
Battery-free opera-
Not possible.3 Units maximumNot possible.3 Units maximum
Available (CPU Unit with 10 I/O points only)Available
Not provided.RS-232C port provided
USB portUSB port
50 hours at 25°C40 hours at 25°C
Always battery-free operation.
Only data in the built-in EEPROM will be retained
if power is interrupted for longer than 50 hours.
NS(1) 30/40/60
8K words
Of these 7,000 words can be written to the built-in
RS-485 port provided (NS1-typ e on l y)
Battery-free operation if no battery is attached. Only
data in the built-in EEPROM will be retained if power is
interrupted for longer than 40 hours.
NS(1)-type: Not Supported
CP1E CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual(W479)
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