Omron CK3W-PD048, CK3M-CPU101, CK3M-CPU121, CK3M-CPU111, CK3W-AX1313N User Manual

Programmable Multi-Axis Controller Hardware
User's Manual
CK3M-CPU1£1 CK3W CK3W-AX1313£/-AX1414£/-AX1515£/-AX2323£ CK3W-MD71£0 CK3W-AD£100 CK3W-EXM01/-EXS02
Programmable Multi-Axis Controller
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Thank you for purchasing a CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller (may be called Motion Controller hereinafter). This manual contains information that is necessary to use the CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller. Please read this manual and make sure you understand the functionality and performance of the product before you attempt to use it in a control system. Keep this manual in a safe place where it will be available for reference during operation.

Intended Audience

This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical sys­tems (electrical engineers or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of introducing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of installing and maintaining FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.

Applicable Products

This manual covers the following products.
• CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller CK3M-CPU1£1 CK3W-PD048 CK3W-AX1313£/-AX1414£/-AX1515£/-AX2323£ CK3W-MD71£0 CK3W-AD£100 CK3W-EXM01/-EXS02
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Installation and Wiring
NJ-series CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (W500)
4-3 Mounting Units
The Units that make up an NJ-series Controller can be connected simply by pressing the Units together and locking the sliders by moving them toward the back of the Units. The End Cover is connected in the same way to the Unit on the far right side of the Controller.
1 Join the Units so that the connectors fit exactly.
2 The yellow sliders at the top and bottom of each Unit lock the Units together. Move the sliders
toward the back of the Units as shown below until they click into place.
Precautions for Correct UsePrecautions for Correct Use
4-3-1 Connecting Controller Components
Hook holes
Move the sliders toward the back until they lock into place.
Level 1 heading Level 2 heading Level 3 heading
Level 2 heading
A step in a procedure
Manual name
Special information
Level 3 heading
Page tab
Gives the current headings.
Indicates a procedure.
Icons indicate precautions, additional information, or reference information.
Gives the number of the main section.
The sliders on the tops and bottoms of the Power Supply Unit, CPU
Unit, I/O Units, Special I/O Units, and CPU Bus Units must be completely locked (until they click into place) after connecting the adjacent Unit connectors.

Manual Structure

Manual Structure

Page Structure

The following page structure is used in this manual.
Note This illustration is provided only as a sample. It may not literally appear in this manual.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)

Special Information

Special information in this manual is classified as follows:
Precautions for Safe Use
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure safe usage of the product.
Precautions for Correct Use
Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure correct operation and performance.
Additional Information
Additional information to read as required. This information is provided to increase understanding and make operation easier
Manual Structure
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Manual Structure
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)

Sections in this Manual

Introduction to Motion Controllers
System Configuration
Configuration Units
Inspection and Maintenance
Sections in this Manual
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)


Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
Intended Audience
Applicable Products ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Manual Structure...................................................................................................... 2
Page Structure.................................................................................................................................................2
Special Information .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Sections in this Manual ........................................................................................... 5
Terms and Conditions Agreement........................................................................ 10
Warranty, Limitations of Liability ....................................................................................................................10
Application Considerations ............................................................................................................................11
Disclaimers ....................................................................................................................................................11
Safety Precautions................................................................................................. 13
Definition of Precautionary Information.......................................................................................................... 13
Symbols ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Precautions for Safe Use ...................................................................................... 17
Precautions for Correct Use ................................................................................. 22
Regulations and Standards .................................................................................. 24
Conformance to EU Directives ......................................................................................................................24
Condition for Compliance with EU Directives ................................................................................................25
Conformance to UL and CSA Standards.......................................................................................................25
Conformance to KC Certification ...................................................................................................................25
Versions.................................................................................................................. 26
Checking Versions.........................................................................................................................................26
Related Manuals..................................................................................................... 27
Terminology............................................................................................................ 28
Revision History..................................................................................................... 29
Section 1 Introduction to Motion Controllers
1-1 Features and System Configuration ....................................................................................1-2
1-1-2 Introduction to the System Configurations ..................................................................................1-2
1-1-3 Support Software ........................................................................................................................1-4
1-2 CK3M-series Operating Procedure ......................................................................................1-5
Motion Controller Features..........................................................................................................1-2
Section 2 System Configuration
2-1 Basic Configuration...............................................................................................................2-2
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
2-1-1 CK3W Unit Configuration ............................................................................................................2-2
EtherCAT Network Configuration................................................................................................2-3
2-2 Connecting to the Power PMAC IDE .................................................................................... 2-5
2-3 Ethernet Network Configuration...........................................................................................2-6
Section 3 Configuration Units
3-1 CPU Unit .................................................................................................................................3-3
3-1-2 Part Names and Functions..........................................................................................................3-5
3-1-3 Operation Status Indicators.........................................................................................................3-6
3-1-4 Watchdog Output Terminal Block................................................................................................3-7
3-1-5 USB Memory Device...................................................................................................................3-8
3-2 Power Supply Unit ...............................................................................................................3-10
3-2-1 Models and Specifications ........................................................................................................3-10
3-2-2 Part Names and Functions........................................................................................................ 3-11
3-3 Axis Interface Unit ...............................................................................................................3-12
3-3-1 Models and Specifications ........................................................................................................3-12
3-3-2 Part Names and Functions........................................................................................................3-14
3-3-3 Operation Status Indicators.......................................................................................................3-15
3-3-4 Address Switch Setting .............................................................................................................3-16
3-3-5 Encoder Connector Specifications ............................................................................................3-16
3-3-6 Encoder Loss Detection ............................................................................................................3-21
3-3-7 Pulse Input Timing Specifications for Digital Quadrature Encoder............................................3-22
3-3-8 Input Specifications for Sinusoidal Encoder..............................................................................3-24
3-3-9 OutFlag Function.......................................................................................................................3-26
3-3-10 Amplifier Connector Specifications ...........................................................................................3-27
3-3-11 DA Output Method ....................................................................................................................3-30
3-3-12 DirectPWM Output Method .......................................................................................................3-31
3-3-13 Flag Connection Terminal Block Specifications ........................................................................3-32
3-3-14 General Digital I/O Connection Terminal Block Specifications..................................................3-36
3-4 Digital I/O Unit ......................................................................................................................3-43
3-4-1 Models and Specifications ........................................................................................................3-43
3-4-2 Part Names and Functions........................................................................................................3-47
3-4-3 Operation Indicators..................................................................................................................3-48
3-4-4 Address Switch Setting .............................................................................................................3-48
3-4-5 Terminal Arrangement...............................................................................................................3-49
3-4-6 I/O Data.....................................................................................................................................3-50
3-5 Analog Input Unit ................................................................................................................. 3-52
3-5-1 Models and Specifications ........................................................................................................3-52
3-5-2 Part Names and Functions........................................................................................................3-53
3-5-3 Operation Indicators..................................................................................................................3-54
3-5-4 Address Switch Setting .............................................................................................................3-54
3-5-5 Terminal Arrangement...............................................................................................................3-55
3-5-6 Analog Input Data .....................................................................................................................3-56
3-5-7 Input Filter .................................................................................................................................3-57
3-6 Expansion Master Unit and Expansion Slave Unit ...........................................................3-59
3-6-1 Models and Specifications ........................................................................................................3-59
3-6-2 Part Names and Functions........................................................................................................3-60
3-6-3 Operation Indicators..................................................................................................................3-60
3-6-4 System Configuration................................................................................................................3-60
Models and Specifications ..........................................................................................................3-3
Section 4 Installation
4-1 Processing at Power ON and Power OFF............................................................................4-2
4-1-2 Power OFF Operation .................................................................................................................4-2
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Power ON Operation...................................................................................................................4-2
4-2 Fail-safe Circuits .................................................................................................................... 4-4
Mounting Units.......................................................................................................................4-5
4-3-1 Installation in a Control Panel .....................................................................................................4-5
4-3-2 Connecting Adjacent Units..........................................................................................................4-9
4-3-3 Mounting to DIN Track ..............................................................................................................4-10
4-3-4 DIN Track and Accessories.......................................................................................................4-12
4-3-5 Assembled Appearance and Dimensions .................................................................................4-13
4-4 Control Panel Installation....................................................................................................4-17
4-4-1 Temperature ..............................................................................................................................4-17
4-4-2 Humidity ....................................................................................................................................4-18
4-4-3 Vibration and Shock ..................................................................................................................4-19
4-4-4 Atmosphere...............................................................................................................................4-19
4-4-5 Electrical Environment ..............................................................................................................4-19
4-4-6 Grounding .................................................................................................................................4-24
Section 5 Wiring
5-1 Power Supply Wiring ............................................................................................................. 5-2
5-1-2 Power Supply Used.....................................................................................................................5-2
5-1-3 Applicable Wires .........................................................................................................................5-2
5-1-4 Grounding ...................................................................................................................................5-3
5-1-5 Required Tools ............................................................................................................................5-4
5-1-6 Connecting Ferrules....................................................................................................................5-4
5-1-7 Connecting Twisted Wires/Solid Wires .......................................................................................5-4
5-1-8 Removing Wires..........................................................................................................................5-5
5-2 CPU Unit Wiring .....................................................................................................................5-7
5-2-1 Laying the EtherCAT Network .....................................................................................................5-7
5-2-2 Laying the Ethernet Network.....................................................................................................5-12
5-2-3 Watchdog Timer Output Wiring .................................................................................................5-15
5-2-4 USB Memory Device Connection..............................................................................................5-17
5-3 Axis Interface Unit Wiring ...................................................................................................5-18
5-3-1 Encoder Connector Wiring ........................................................................................................5-18
5-3-2 Amplifier Connector Wiring .......................................................................................................5-24
5-3-3 Flag Terminal Block/General I/O Terminal Block Wiring............................................................5-26
5-4 Digital I/O Unit Wiring .......................................................................................................... 5-33
5-4-1 Wiring the Terminals..................................................................................................................5-33
5-4-2 Precautions When Connecting a Two-wire DC Sensor.............................................................5-36
5-4-3 Precautions When Connecting to Digital Output.......................................................................5-38
5-5 Analog Input Unit Wiring.....................................................................................................5-40
5-5-1 Wiring the Terminals..................................................................................................................5-40
5-6 Expansion Master Unit and Expansion Slave Unit Wiring ............................................... 5-44
Power Supply Unit CK3W-PD048 ...............................................................................................5-2
Section 6 Troubleshooting
6-1 Types of Errors.......................................................................................................................6-2
Using the Indicators to Check Errors ..................................................................................6-3
6-2-1 Indicator Types............................................................................................................................6-3
6-2-2 Procedure for Identifying Errors ..................................................................................................6-3
6-3 Troubleshooting for Errors ................................................................................................... 6-5
6-3-1 Fatal Errors in the CPU Unit........................................................................................................6-5
6-3-2 Non-fatal errors in the CPU Unit .................................................................................................6-6
6-3-3 Initialization of CPU Unit Using USB Memory.............................................................................6-8
6-4 Sys.Status Register ...............................................................................................................6-9
6-4-1 Sys.Status Register List ..............................................................................................................6-9
6-4-2 Details of Flags ...........................................................................................................................6-9
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Section 7 Inspection and Maintenance
7-1 Cleaning and Maintenance....................................................................................................7-2
7-1-2 Periodic Inspections ....................................................................................................................7-2
7-2 Maintenance Procedures ......................................................................................................7-4
7-2-1 Unit Replacement Precautions....................................................................................................7-4
7-2-2 Backup ........................................................................................................................................7-4
7-2-3 Unit Replacement........................................................................................................................7-4
Cleaning ......................................................................................................................................7-2
A-1 General Specifications ......................................................................................................... A-2
Dimensions............................................................................................................................ A-3
A-2-1 CPU Unit .................................................................................................................................... A-3
A-2-2 Power Supply Unit...................................................................................................................... A-4
A-2-3 Axis Interface Unit ...................................................................................................................... A-4
A-2-4 CK3W-MD and CK3W-AD Units ................................................................................................ A-5
A-2-5 Expansion Master Unit and Expansion Slave Unit..................................................................... A-6
A-2-6 End Cover .................................................................................................................................. A-7
A-3 Restrictions on Using the NX-series EtherCAT Coupler Unit........................................... A-8
A-4 OMRON Servo Drive Connection Example......................................................................... A-9
A-5 Version Information ............................................................................................................ A-10
A-6 How to Read the Lot Number............................................................................................. A-11
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Warranty, Limitations of Liability

Exclusive Warranty
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and work­manship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period ex­pressed in writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.
Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right.
Buyer Remedy
Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-com­plying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be re­sponsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Compa­nies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.
See or contact your Omron representative for published information.
Limitation on Liability; Etc
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted.

Application Considerations

Suitability of Use
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer er’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the par­ticular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application re­sponsibility in all cases.
Terms and Conditions Agreement
’s application or use of the Product. At Buy-
Programmable Products
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or any consequence thereof.


Performance Data
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual per­formance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.
. It may represent the result of
Change in Specifications
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and oth­er reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
, some specifications of the Product may
Terms and Conditions Agreement
be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or estab­lish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’ time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.
Errors and Omissions
Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; how­ever
, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.
s representative at any
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)

Safety Precautions

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury, or property damage.

Definition of Precautionary Information

The following notation is used in this manual to provide precautions required to ensure safe usage of the CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller. The safety precautions that are provided are extremely important for safety. Always read and heed the information provided in all safety precautions. The following notation is used.
Safety Precautions


The circle and slash symbol indicates operations that you must not do. The specific operation is shown in the This example indicates that disassembly is prohibited.
The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including warnings). The specific operation is shown in the This example indicates a precaution for electric shock.
The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including warnings). The specific operation is shown in the This example indicates a general precaution.
The filled circle symbol indicates operations that you must do. The specific operation is shown in the This example shows a general precaution for something that you must do.
circle and explained in text.
triangle and explained in text.
triangle and explained in text.
circle and explained in text.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)


Power Supply Unit
External device
External power supply
Power supply connection terminal block
Non-isolated DC
power supply
CK3W Unit
Safety Precautions
Connect this Controller correctly to the servo amplifier, encoder, and limit sensors ac­cording to the instructions in this manual. Not doing so may cause the motor to run away
, resulting in serious accidents.
For the Power Supply Unit or any other power supply connected to peripheral devices, connect the 0-V side to ground, or do not ground them at all. Depending on how devices connected to the non-insulated circuit are grounded, the power supply may be short-circuited. Never ground the 24-V side of the power supply
, as shown in the following figure.
During Power Supply
Do not attempt to take any Unit apart. In particular
, high-voltage parts are present in the Power Supply Unit while power is supplied or immediately after power is turned OFF. Touching any of these parts may result in electric shock. There are sharp parts inside the Unit that may cause injury.
Fail-safe Measures
Provide safety measures in external circuits to ensure safety in the system if an abnor­mality occurs due to malfunction of the products or due to other external factors af ing operation. Not doing so may result in serious accidents due to incorrect operation.
Emergency stop circuits, interlock circuits, limit circuits, and similar safety measures must be provided in external control circuits.
You must take fail-safe measures to ensure safety in the event of incorrect, missing, or abnormal signals caused by broken signal lines, momentary power interruptions, or other causes.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Safety Precautions
The UPS used enables normal operation to continue for a certain period of time if a momentary power interruption occurs. This means that the CK3M-series Controller may receive incorrect signals from external devices that are also af interruption. Accordingly, take suitable actions, such as establishing external fail-safe measures and interlock conditions, to monitor the power supply voltage of the external device as required.
Unintended outputs may occur if an error occurs in internal data of the Controller. As a countermeasure for these problems, external safety measures must be provided to en­sure safe operation of the system.
The Controller will turn OFF all outputs of output units in the following cases and the slaves will operate according to the settings in the slaves.
If a power supply error occurs
• If the connected power supply is faulty
• If a CPU Unit error (watchdog timer error) or CPU Unit reset occurs
• If a major fault level Controller error occurs
• While the Controller is on standby until RUN mode is entered after the power is turned ON
• If a system initialization error occurs
External safety measures must be provided to ensure safe operation of the system in such cases.
The outputs may remain ON or OFF due to welding or burning of the output relays or destruction of the output transistors. As a countermeasure for these problems, external safety measures must be provided to ensure safe operation of the system.
fected by the power
To ensure safe use of the Controller, correctly make the limit settings for the position, speed, acceleration, jerk, current, and following error tection.
For devices that move in a vertical direction, use a motor brake to prevent them from falling down when the servo control is stopped.
, as well as the encoder loss de-
Always confirm safety at the destination before you transfer a user program, configura­tion data, or setup data from the Power PMAC IDE. The devices or machines may perform unexpected operation regardless of the operat­ing mode of the Controller
After you transfer the user program, the Controller is restarted and communications with the EtherCA cording to the slave specifications. The time that communications are cut off depends on the EtherCAT network configura­tion. Before you transfer the user program, confirm that the system will not be adversely af­fected.
T slaves are cut off. During that period, the slave outputs behave ac-
Test Run
Before you start a Test Run, make sure that the operation parameters are set correctly.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Safety Precautions
Actual Operation
Check the user program, servo algorithm, data, and parameter settings for proper exe­cution before you use them for actual operation.


To control the motor safely and correctly, the servo algorithm design and gain setting work must be performed by engineers who understand control theories and the specifi­cations of this product.
Test Run
When you perform a test run, take fail-safe measures and run the motor at a sufficient­ly low speed to ensure safety
Before you download a project written in C language, execute the re-initialization com­mand ($$$***).
If you download a validated program to a different product, check the operation of the program again on the product because it may have dif
ferent settings.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)

Precautions for Safe Use

• Do not drop any Unit or subject it to abnormal vibration or shock. Doing so may result in Unit mal­function or burning.
• Be sure that the terminal blocks, connectors, and other items with locking devices are correctly locked into place before use.
• When connecting the Power Supply Unit, CPU Unit, and CK3W Unit, connect the Units together, then slide the sliders on the top and bottom until they click into place, and lock securely.
• Always mount an end cover for use. Note that if an end cover is not mounted, the Unit may not func­tion satisfactorily.
• The number of CK3W Units connected to the CPU Unit must be within the specified range.
Precautions for Safe Use
• Always connect to a ground of 100 Ω or less when installing the Units.
• For DIN Track installation, correctly follow the instructions in this manual.
• Follow the instructions in this manual to correctly perform terminal block and connector wiring and insertion. Double-check all wiring and connector insertion before turning ON the power supply.
• If the external power supply to a digital output or a slave has polarity, connect it with the correct po­larity. If the polarity is reversed, current may flow in the reverse direction and damage the connected devi­ces regardless of the operation of the Controller.
• Before you connect a computer to the Controller, disconnect the power supply plug of the computer from the AC outlet. Also, if the computer has an FG terminal, connect it such that the FG terminal has the same electri­cal potential as the FG on the product. A difference in electrical potential between the computer and the Controller may cause a failure or malfunction.
• Do not pull on the cables or bend the cables beyond their natural limit.
• Do not place heavy objects on top of the cables or other wiring lines. Doing so may break the ca­bles.
• Always use power supply wires with sufficient wire diameters to prevent voltage drop and burning. Make sure that the current capacity of the wire is sufficient. Otherwise, excessive heat may be gen­erated.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Precautions for Safe Use
When cross-wiring terminals, the total current for all the terminals will flow in the wire. When wiring cross-overs, make sure that the current capacity of each of the wires is not exceeded.
Do not allow wire clippings, shavings, or other foreign material to enter the Controller. Otherwise, Controller burning, failure, or malfunctions may occur. Cover the Controller or take other suitable countermeasures, in particular when carrying out wiring work.
• To ensure safe use of the functions of the CK3W Units, observe the following points when wiring to avoid the effects of the noise. a) Use twisted-pair shielded wire for the encoder connection lines, amplifier connection lines, and
analog input lines.
b) Wire the encoder connection lines, amplifier connection lines, and analog input lines separately
from the AC power lines, motor power lines, and other power lines, and do not insert into the same duct.
c) If there are noise effects from power supply lines when using the same power supply to power
an electrical welder or an electric discharge machine, or there is a high-frequency source nearby, insert a noise filter into the power supply input section.
Power Supply Design
• In the system, only use a power supply within the rated supply capacity range specified in this man­ual.
Install external breakers and take other safety measures against short-circuiting and overcurrents in external wiring.
• Do not apply voltages to the Input Units in excess of the rated input voltage.
• Do not apply voltages or connect loads to the Output Units in excess of the maximum switching ca­pacity.
Turning ON the Power Supply
• It takes approximately several tens of seconds to enter RUN mode after the power supply is turned ON. During that time, outputs will be OFF or the values will be as according to settings in the Unit or slaves. Also, external communications will not be able to be performed. Implement fail-safe circuits so that external devices do not operate incorrectly
• Surge current occurs when the power supply is turned ON. When selecting fuses or breakers for external circuits, consider the above precaution and allow sufficient margin in shut-off performance. Refer to this user's manual for surge current specifications.
• Configure the external circuits so that the power supply to the digital output turns ON only after the power supply to the Controller has turned ON. If the power supply to the Controller is turned ON after the digital output power supply, the digital output may suddenly malfunction when the power supply is turned ON to the Controller.
Actual Operation
• Build a program such that the Sys.Status flag is constantly monitored and safe operations are taken if any errors occur
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Precautions for Safe Use
Turning OFF the Power Supply
• Do not turn OFF the power supply or remove the USB memory device while the Controller is ac­cessing the USB memory device. Data may become corrupted, and the Controller will not operate correctly if it uses corrupted data.
Always turn OFF the power supply before you attempt any of the following. a) Mounting or removing the Units b) Assembling the Units c) Setting rotary switches d) Connecting cables or wiring the system e) Connecting or disconnecting the terminal blocks or connectors
• Do not disconnect the cable or turn OFF the power supply to the product when downloading data or programs from the Support Software. You may be unable to download the correct data, which could result in malfunctions.
• Do not turn OFF the power supply when performing write processes to the built-in flash memory. Data may be corrupted, which could result in malfunctions.
Confirm that no adverse effects will occur in the system before you attempt any of the following.
Changing the operating mode of the Controller (including changing operation mode setting when power is turned ON)
• Changing the user program or settings
• Changing set values or present values
EtherCAT Communications
• Make sure that the communications distance, number of nodes connected, and method of connec­tion for EtherCA Do not connect EtherCAT communication to EtherNet/IP, a standard in-house LAN, or other net­works. An overload may cause the network to fail or malfunction.
• If the Fail-soft Operation Setting parameter is set to Stop, process data communications will stop for all the slaves when an EtherCAT communications error is detected in a slave. This means that if a Servo Drive is connected, the Servo turns OFF for all the axes. At that time, the Servo Drive will operate according to the Servo Drive specifications. Make sure that the fail-soft operation setting re­sults in safe operation when a device error occurs.
• If noise occurs or an EtherCAT slave is disconnected from the network, any current communications frames may be lost. If frames are lost, slave I/O data is not communicated, and unintended opera­tion may occur. The slave outputs will behave according to the slave specifications. For details, refer to the manual for the slave.
• When an EtherCAT slave is disconnected or disabled, communications will stop and control of the outputs will be lost not only for the disconnected slave, but for all slaves connected after it. Confirm that the system will not be adversely affected before you disconnect or disable a slave.
• You cannot use standard Ethernet hubs or repeater hubs with EtherCAT communications. If you use one of these, a major fault level error or other error may occur.
T are within specifications.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Precautions for Safe Use
• EtherCAT communications are not always established immediately after the power supply is turned ON. Use the system-defined variables and the EtherCA program to confirm that I/O data communications are established before attempting control opera­tions.
• If you need to disconnect the cable from an EtherCAT slave during operation, first reset the Ether­CAT and EtherCAT slaves that are connected after it to the Init state, then disconnect the EtherCAT slave.
• For EtherCAT and EtherNet, use the connection methods and cables that are specified in this man­ual. Otherwise, communications may be faulty.
• Make sure that all of the slaves to be restored are participating in the network before you reset the EtherCAT Master Function Module. If any slave is not participating in the network when any of these errors is reset, the EtherCAT Master Function Module may access a slave with a different node ad­dress than the specified node address, or the error may not be reset correctly.
• There is a time lag between the moment when this Controller sends a command value to the Ether­CAT type Servo Drive and the moment when it receives the feedback value. Perform servo control taking this time lag into consideration.
T Coupler Unit device variables in the user
Motion Control
• The motor is stopped if communications are interrupted between the Power PMAC IDE and the Controller during a T tem will not be adversely affected before you perform a Test Run.
• EtherCAT communications are not always established immediately after the power supply is turned ON. Use the system-defined variables in the user program to confirm that communications are es­tablished before attempting control operations.
• When you create a servo algorithm, take fail-safe measures in the user program which includes the servo algorithm.
est Run. Connect the communications cable securely and confirm that the sys-
Unit Replacement
• Make sure that the required data, including the user program, configurations, settings, and varia­bles, is transferred to the Controller that was replaced and to externally connected devices before restarting operation.
Upgrading the Power PMAC IDE
• After you upgrade a project file created with an older version of the Power PMAC IDE for use with a newer version of Power PMAC IDE, perform a test run before use to check that the project file was upgraded correctly
• Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify the Controller. Doing so may result in a malfunction or fire.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Precautions for Safe Use
• Do not use corrosive chemicals to clean the Controller. Doing so may result in a failure or malfunc­tion of the Controller
• Dispose of the product according to local ordinances as they apply.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)

Precautions for Correct Use

Precautions for Correct Use
Storage and Installation
• Follow the instructions in this manual to correctly perform installation.
• Do not operate or store the Controller in the following locations. Doing so may result in burning, in operation stopping, or in malfunction. a) Locations subject to direct sunlight b) Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range specified in the specifications c) Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in temperature d) Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases e) Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salts f) Locations subject to exposure to water, oil, or chemicals g) Locations subject to shock or vibration
• Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures when installing the Controller in the following loca­tions. a) Locations subject to strong, high-frequency noise b) Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise c) Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields d) Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity e) Locations close to power lines
• Before touching a Unit, be sure to first touch a grounded metallic object in order to discharge any static build-up.
• Install the Controller away from sources of heat and ensure proper ventilation. Not doing so may re­sult in malfunction, in operation stopping, or in burning.
• Use the rated power supply voltage for the products.
Task Settings
• If a Task Period Exceeded error occurs, shorten the programs to fit in the task period or increase the setting of the task period.
During Operation
• Do not disconnect the communications cable while the system is running. Doing so may result in a failure or malfunction of the system.
Motion Control
• Do not download motion control settings during a Test Run.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Precautions for Correct Use
EtherCAT Communications
• Set the Servo Drives to stop operation if an error occurs in EtherCAT communications between the Controller and a Servo Drive.
Always use the specified EtherCAT slave cables. If you use any other cable, the EtherCAT master or the EtherCAT slaves may detect an error and one of the following may occur. a) Continuous refreshing of process data communications will not be possible. b) Continuous refreshing of process data communications will not end during the set cycle
USB Devices
• Always use USB memory devices that comply with the USB standards.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)

Regulations and Standards

Regulations and Standards

Conformance to EU Directives

Applicable Directives
• EMC Directives
EMC Directives
OMRON devices that comply with EU Directives also conform to the related EMC standards so that they can be more easily built into other devices or the overall machine. The actual products have been checked for conformity to EMC standards.*1 Whether the products conform to the standards in the system used by the customer, however, must be checked by the customer. EMC-related performance of the OMRON devices that comply with EU Directives will vary depending on the configuration, wiring, and other conditions of the equip­ment or control panel on which the OMRON devices are installed. The customer must, therefore, perform the final check to confirm that devices and the overall machine conform to EMC standards.
*1. Applicable EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) standards are as follows: EMS (Electromagnetic Suscept-
ibility): EN61326 EMI (Electromagnetic Interference): EN61326 (Radiated emission: 10-m regulations).
Conformance to EU Directives
The CK3M-series Units comply with EU Directives. To ensure that the machine or device in which the CK3M-series Units are used complies with EU Directives, the following precautions must be ob­served.
• The CK3M-series Units must be installed within a control panel.
• You must use double or reinforced insulation power supply for the DC power supplies that are connected as the Unit power supplies for the CK3M-series Units. We recommend that you use the OMRON S8VK-S series DC Power Supplies. EMC standard compliance was confirmed for the recommended Power Supplies.
• The CK3M-series Units that comply with EU Directives also conform to the Common Emission Standard (EN61326). Radiated emission characteristics (10-m regulations) may vary depending on the configuration of the control panel used, other devices connected to the control panel, wir­ing, and other conditions. You must therefore confirm that the overall machine or equipment in which the CK3M-series Units are used complies with EU Directives.
• This is a Class A product (for industrial environments). In a residential environment, it may cause radio interference. If radio interference occurs, the user may be required to take appropriate measures.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)

Condition for Compliance with EU Directives

The immunity test condition for the CK3M-series Analog Input Units is as shown below.
Unit type Overall accuracy
Analog Input Unit +6%/-6%
To connect an Analog Input Unit, use 2-core twisted-pair shielded wire. Note that compliance was con­firmed with the shielded wire grounded at both ends.

Conformance to UL and CSA Standards

The CK3M-series Units comply with UL and CSA standards. For how to make your machine or device compliant with these standards, refer to the INSTRUCTION SHEET The INSTRUCTION SHEET provides usage conditions to make it compliant with the standards.
included with the product.
Regulations and Standards

Conformance to KC Certification

When you use this product in South Korea, observe the following precautions.
This product meets the electromagnetic compatibility requirements for business use. There is a risk of radio interference when this product is used in home.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
Enter “vers”


PMAC firmware revisions are used to manage the motion control firmware in CK3M-series CPU Units. The PMAC firmware revision is updated each time there is a change in motion control firmware. Even when two CPU Units have the same model number, they will have functional or performance differen­ces if they have different PMAC firmware revisions.

Checking Versions

You can check the PMAC firmware revision in Power PMAC IDE.
Checking with Power PMAC IDE
1 Connect the CK3M-series CPU Unit and Power PMAC IDE online.
2 Input vers to the terminal window
The firmware revision is displayed on the command line.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)

Related Manuals

The following manuals are related. Use these manuals for reference. Contact your OMRON represen­tative for information on how to procure these manuals.
Manual name Cat. No. Application Description
CK3M-series Programma­ble Multi-Axis Controller Hardware User
Power PMAC User’s Man­ual
Power PMAC Software Ref­erence Manual
Power PMAC IDE User Manual
Power PMAC-NC-16 Quick Start Manual
Power PMAC-NC16 .ini Configuration Manual
Power PMAC-NC16 Soft­ware User Manual
Power PMAC-NC16 Mill G­Code Manual
’s Manual
O036 Learning the basic
O014 Learning the features
O015 Learning how to pro-
O016 Learning how to oper-
O017 Briefly understanding
O018 Configuring an appli-
O019 Learning about usage
O020 Creating programs for
specifications of the CK3M-series Pro­grammable Multi-Axis Controller, including introductory informa­tion, design, installa­tion, and mainte­nance. Mainly hardware infor­mation is provided.
and usage examples of the
CK3M-series Programmable Multi­Axis Controller.
gram a CK3M-series Programmable Multi­Axis Controller
ate Power PMAC IDE, the integrated devel­opment environment of the Controller.
the basic usage of Power PMAC-NC16.
cation for CNC devi­ces by using Power PMAC-NC16.
and features of Power PMAC-NC16, Support Software required to use the Controller for CNC devices.
CNC devices by using Power PMAC-NC16.
Related Manuals
An introduction to the entire CK3M-series system is provided along with the following information.
Features and system configuration
Part names and functions
General specifications
Installation and wiring
Maintenance and inspection
The following information is provided on the CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller.
Basic functions
Setup examples
Programming examples
The following information is provided on the CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller.
Details of commands
Details of data structure
Describes the operating procedures of Power PMAC IDE, and examples of how to start the sys­tem.
Describes the Quick setup procedure to run Power PMAC-NC16 on a desktop PC by showing some examples.
Describes how to set up PowerPmacNC.ini, the setup data file to be loaded when Power PMAC­NC16 starts.
The following information is provided on Power PMAC-NC16.
How to use the software
Features included in the software
Features that can be customized
Describes the basic G-code set that can be used for Power PMAC-NC16, and relevant instructions.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)


Term Description
PMAC The acronym for Programmable Multi-Axis Controller.
Motion control Motion control can achieve intended operation by providing a target value to the axis to be con-
trolled, or by controlling state transitions.
Axis A functional unit within the Motion Control Function Module. An axis is assigned to the drive
mechanism in an external Servo Drive, etc.
NC The acronym for Computerized Numerical Control.
A method to numerically control machining processes in production by using computers. CNC has been further automatized over conventional numerical control machine tools (NC machine tools).
G-code A type of language used to create NC programs.
CPU Central Processing Unit. Hardware that executes instructions from computer programs.
MODBUS/TCP A protocol used for the Modbus communications on TCP/IP.
EtherCAT The acronym for Ethernet for Control Automation Technology.
ENI file ENI is the acronym for EtherCAT Network Information.
The ENI file contains the network configuration information related to EtherCA
ESI file ESI is the acronym for EtherCAT Slave Information.
The ESI file contains information unique to the EtherCA
PMAC3 Style DSPGate3 IC
Gate3 index IC index for PMAC3 Style DSPGate3 IC.
DirectPWM A Servo Drive interface unique to Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc.
FilteredPWM Method for creating analog output by smoothing the PWM pulse.
TrueDAC Method for creating analog output using a DA converter.
Serial encoder An encoder that uses communications to perform data transfer.
Digital quadrature en­coder
Sinusoidal encoder A type of encoder that outputs SIN/COS waveforms at 1 Vpp.
Encoder loss detec­tion function
Hall sensor A sensor that detects the rotor position of the motor by detecting the magnetic field.
Motion control IC developed by the U.S. company Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc.
Gate3 index is set with the DIP switch of the Unit. If index is i, the CPU Unit accesses the CK3W Unit with Gate3[i] data structure.
A type of encoder that outputs pulse signals.
Function that detects if encoder is not connected.
T is the real-time Ethernet protocol standards.
T slaves.
T slaves in XML format.
CK3M-series Programmable Multi-Axis Controller User's Manual Hardware (O036)
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