CompoNet Master Board
for PCI Bus / CompactPCI Bus
Trademarks and Copyrights
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Visual Basic, and
Visual C++ are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
C++Builder is the registered trademark of the Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
ODVA, CIP, CompoNet, DeviceNet, and EtherNet/IP are trademarks of the Open DeviceNet Vendor
Association, Inc.
Other product names and company names in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.
The copyright of the CompoNet Master Boards for PCI Bus and for CompactPCI Bus, and related
CompoNet Master Board for PCI Bus / CompactPCI Bus
User’s Manual
Revised September 2013
OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator
and only for the purposes described in this manual.
The following conventions are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. Always heed
the information provided with them. Failure to heed precautions can result in injury to people or
damage to property.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury . Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury . Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided , may result in minor or
moderate injury, or property damage.
OMRON Product References
All OMRON products are capita lized in this man ual. T he w ord "Unit" is also capitaliz ed when it r ef ers t o
an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the product.
The abbreviation "Ch," which appears in some parts of this manual and on some displays and on
OMRON products, has two meanings which must be distinguished in context. In one case, it means
"word" as an aggregation of da ta, an d is a b br eviated "Wd". In other case, it refers to a p hysical input or
output channel. In latter case, when a model has two input channels, they are referred to as Input 1
and Input 2.
The abbreviation "PC" refers to personal computers while "PLC" means Programmable Controller.
Visual Aids
The following headings appear in the left column of the manual to help you locate different types of
Precautions for Safe Use
Supplementary c omments on what to do or avoid doing, to use the product
Precautions for Correct Use
Supplementary comm ents on what to do or avoid doing, to prevent failure to
operate, or undesirable eff ect on product performance
Note Notes in the document refer to equivalent content to the Precautions for
Correct Use or to Precautions for Safe Use.
It also indicates information of particular interest for efficient and convenient
operation of the product.
1,2,3...1. Indicates lists of one sort or another , such as procedures, checklists, etc.
OMRON, 2009
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, o
by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission o
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is
constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without
notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility
for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in
this publication.
This manual describes the installation and operation of the 3G8F7-CRM21 CompoNet Master Board
for PCI Bus and the 3G8F8-CRM21 CompoNet Master Board for CompactPCI Bus. The CompoNet
Master Board functions as the CompoNet Master Unit. There are two types: One is compatible with
PCI bus (model # 3G8F7-CRM21), and the othe r is compa tib le with Co mpactPCI b u s (model # 3G8 F8CRM21) .
Please read this manual carefully and be sure you understand the information provided before
attempting to install or operate a CompoNe t Master Board. Be sure to read th e pre caution s pro v ided i n
the following section. Also be sure to read the CompoNet Slave Unit Operation Manual (see following
table) together with this manual.
The manual contains the following sections:
Precautions provide general precautions for using the CompoNet Master Board and related devices.
Section 1 outlines the CompoNet and the CompoNet Master Board. Read this section carefully before
you use the CompoNet Master Board for the first time.
Section 2 outlines the installation and setup. It includes procedures to mount a Board, to install a
driver, and to connect the communications cables.
Section 3 describes the functions of the CompoNet Master Boards. There are basic and special
Section 4 describes the operations by API functions to control the Board in the Windows operation
Section 5 describes the operations by shared memory access to control the Board in operation
systems, other than Windows.
Section 6 describes the troubleshooting. It is recommended to read them first to prevent any errors
from occurring.
Appendix A describes the API functions.
Appendix B describes the shared memory interfaces.
Appendix C explains the communications performance.
Appendix D describes the sample program provided in the product package.
Appendix E describes the construction of a CompoNet Network.
It includes the network specifications, the wiring procedures and the preparation of Flat Connectors.
Related Manuals
Cat No.ModelNameDescription
(this manual)
CompoNet Master Board for
PCI Bus and for CompactPCI
Bus Operation Manual
CR1-series CompoNet
Slave Units and Repeater Unit
Operation Manual
CS/CJ-series CompoNet
Master Units Operation
Provides the specifications of
the CompoNet Master Board
Provides the specifications of
CompoNet Slave Units and
Repeater Units
Provides an overview of
CompoNet Networks,
specifications, wiring
methods, and CompoNet
Master Unit functions
The failure to read and understand the information provided in this manual may result in
personal injury or death, damage to the product or product failure. Please read each
section in its entirety, and be sure you understand the info rmation provided in th e section
and related sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations.
Terms and Conditions Agreement
Read and understand this Manual
Please read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your
OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments.
Warranty, Limitations of Liability
z Exclusive Warranty
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period
expressed in writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.
z Limitations
Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based
on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right.
z Buyer Remedy
Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the
non-complying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an
amount equal to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; pro vided th at in no even t sha ll
Omron be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding
the Products unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored,
installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment.
Omron Companies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use
of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or
information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the
above warranty.
See or contact your Omron representative for published information.
Limitation on Liability; Etc
Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on
which liability is asserted.
Application Considerations
Suitability of Use
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations
which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At
Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings
and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine,
system, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take
application responsibility in all cases.
Programmable Products
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product,
or any consequence thereof.
Performance Data
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for
the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of
Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirement s. Actual performance is subject to the Omron’s Wa rranty and Limitations of Liability.
Change in Specifications
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and
other reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are
changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specification s of the
Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned
to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.
Errors and Omissions
Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.
This section provides general precautions for use of the CompoNet Master Boards.
The information contained in this section is important for the safe, reliable application of the CompoNet Master
Board. You must read this section and understand the information contained before attempting to set up or
operate a CompoNet Network using CompoNet Master Boards.
This manual is intended for the following personnel to read and use. The
personnel must have knowledge of electrical systems and would therefore be
electrical engineers or the equivalent:
• Perso nn e l in char ge of intr o ducin g FA systems
• Perso nn e l in char ge of de sig ning FA systems
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities
2General Precautions
The user must operate the product according to the performance
specifications described in the operation manuals. Before using the product
under conditions that are not described in the manual or when applying the
product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems, aviation systems,
vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines or
safety equipment, or to other systems, machines and equipment that may
have a se rious influen ce on lives and property if used improperly, consul t your
OMRON representative.
Be certain the ratings and performance characteristics of the product are
sufficient for the systems, machines and equipment, and be sure to provide
the systems, machines and equipment with double safety mechanisms.
This manual provides information for programming and operating the Unit. Be
sure to read this manual before attempting to use the Unit, and keep this
manual close at hand for reference during operation.
Be sure this manual is delivered to the persons actually using the CompoNet
Master Boards.
It is extremely important that a PLC and all PLC Units be used for th e specified purpose
and under the specified conditions, especially in ap plications that can directly or indirect ly
affect human life. You must consult with your OMRON representative before applying a
PLC System to the above-mentioned applications.
Safety Precautions3
3Safety Precautions
Do not attempt to take any Unit apart or touch the component inside while the power is
being supplied. Doing so may result in electric shock.
Do not touch any of the terminals or terminal blocks while the power is being supplied.
Doing so may result in electric shock.
Fail-safe measures must be taken by the user to ensure safe ty in the event of inco rrect,
missing or abnormal signals caused by broken signal lines, momentary power
interruptions or other causes. Serious accidents may result from abnormal operation if
proper measures are not provided.
Provide safety measures in external circuits (i.e., not in the personal computers) that
ensure safety of the system in any event of an abnormality due to malfunction of the PC
or another external factor affecting the PC operation. The failure to do so may result in
serious accidents. Emergency stop circuits, interlock circuits, limit circuits and similar
safety measures must be provided in external control circuits.
Confirm safety at the destination Sla ve Unit before changing it or transf erring par ameters
to another node. Changing or transferring any of these without confirming safety may
result in unexpected equipment operation.
A Slave Unit may change the output content if it faces a communications failure. When
you use outputting devices, confirm their operation specification on an event of
communications failure, and take the necessary safety measures.
4Operating Environment Precautions
Do not operate the products in the following locations.
• Locations subject to direct sunlight
• Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range
specified in the specifications
• Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in
• Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases
• Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salts
• Locations subject to exposure to water, oil, or chemicals (including
• Locations subject to shock or vibration
5Application Precautions
Observe the following precautions when using a CompoNet Network.
• When more than one CompoNet system use Flat Cables, always
separate the Flat Cables from each ot her by at least 5 mm regard less of
whether Flat Cable I or II is us ed. Do not b un dle the F lat Cables. This is to
prevent unstable operation of the system due to interference.
Application Precautions5
• Fail-safe measures must be taken by the customer to ensure safety in the
event of incorrect, missing or abnormal signals caused by broken signal
lines, momentary power interruption s or other causes.
• Configure the control circuits so that the power to the PC (near the
CompoNet Master Board) will be on after the power to the I/O Sla v e Units .
If the PC power supply is turned on first, normal operation will not be
ensured, even temporarily.
• Use the Boards within the communications distance and the number of
connectable Units as defined in the specifications.
• Do not attempt to disassemble, repair or modify any Units. Any attempt to
do so may result in a malfunction, fire or el ectric shock.
• When installing the Unit, ground to 100 Ω/min.
• Be certain all screws to fix the Board to the PC, as well as the screws on
connectors, cables and terminal blocks, are tightened to the torque
specified in the corresponding manual s. Incorrect tightening torque may
result in a malfunction.
• Be sure the Board on the PC is securely mounted.
• All installation and wiring must observe the instructions in this manual.
• Use correct wiring tools and components for wiring.
• Confirm the orientation and polarity before connecting the terminal blocks
or connectors.
• Do not supply electricity while a terminal block cover is open.
• Confirm voltage specifications before wiring the communications lines,
the power supplies or the I/O circuits. Incorrect specification may result in
a malfunction.
• Install exter nal breakers and take other safety measures against shortcircuiting in the external wiring. Insufficient safety measures against
short-circuiting may result in burning.
• Use crimp terminals for wiring. Do not connect bare stranded wires
directly to terminals. The connection of bare stranded wires may result in
• Double-check all wiring and switch settings before turning ON the power
supply. Incorrect wiring may result in burning.
• Be sure no waste metal enters the PC during the installation and wiring
• Be certain the terminal blocks, connectors, expansion cables,
communications cables and other items with locking devices are properly
locked in place. Improper locking may result in a malfunction.
• Always use the power-supply voltages specified in the operation manual.
A malfunction or burning may occur as the result of incorrect voltage.
• Take appropriate measures to ensure that the specified power with the
rated voltage and frequency is supplied. Be particularly careful in places
where the power supply is unstable. An incorrect power supply may result
in a malfunction.
• Check the user program fo r proper execution before actually running it on
the Unit. The failure to check the program may result in unexpected
• Always tur n OFF the power supply to the personal computer, the Slave
Units and communications before attempting any of the following. The
failure to turn OFF the power supply ma y result in a malfunction or electric
Application Precautions5
• Mounting or removing a CompoNet Master Board
• Assembling devices
• Setting rotary switches
• Connecting cables or wiring the system
• Connecting or disconnecting the connectors
• Close the PC cover before wiring work. This is used to prevent wire waste
from entering the PC.
• Before touching a CompoNet Master Board, be sure to first touch a
grounded metallic object in order to discharge any static buildup. The
failure to do so may result in a malfunction or damage.
• When replacing parts, be sure to confirm that the rating of the new part is
correct. The failure to do so may result in a malfunction or burning.
• When transporting a CompoNet Master Board, use special packing boxes
and protect it from exposure to excessive vibration or impact during
• Use the Board in the specified ambient operating temperature and
• Store the Board in the specified ambient storage temper ature.
• Circuit boards have sharp edges such as leads of electric components.
Do not touch the parts where such components are mounted or the bac ks
of circuit boards by hand.
• Use only the specified communications cables.
• Do not extend connection distances beyond the ranges given in the
• Observe the given precautions when wiring the communications cable.
• Separa te t he communications cables from the p ower lines or high-tension
• Do not bend th e comm unication s cab le s past their natur al b ending r ad ius .
• Do not pull on the communications cables.
• Do not place heavy objects atop the communications cables.
• Always lay communications cables inside ducts.
• Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures when installing systems
in the following locations:
• Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise
• Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields
• Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity
• Locations close to power supplies
• Do not use the computer’s standby or sleep function while you are using
the CompoNet Master Board. If the computer’s standby or sleep function
is activated during CompoNet Master Board usage, communications may
be broken or other unexpected errors may occur.
• The CompoNet Master Board does not support computer standby or
sleep functions. Do not use the computer’s standby or sleep function
while you are using the CompoNet Master Board.
Conformance with the EC Directives6
6Conformance with the EC Directives
6-1Applicable Directives
•EMC Directives
EMC Directives
The OMRON products are electric components that usually are used after
being built in other machinery or manufacturing equipment. They are
designed to conform to the relevant EMC Directives. This will facilitate the
compliance of the final machinery or apparatus to such directives. However,
the installation and configuration of such machinery and apparatus in which
the OMRON products are mounted and used will differ according to their
characteristics. Thus it is virtually impossible for OMRON to ensure the
conformity of an entire system to the relevant EMC Directives. The users must
conduct the necessary tests and ensure the conformity of the system as a
The relevant EMC Directives are:
EN 61131-2 and EN 61000-6-2 for EMS, i.e., Electromagnetic susceptibility,
EN 61131-2 and EN 61000-6-4 for EMI, i.e., Electromagnetic Interference,
and EN61000-6-4 for Radiated emission, 10-m regulations, among EMC
(Electro-Magnetic Compatibility).
1,2,3...1. The OMRON product must be installed in a control panel.
The OMRON products in this manual comply with the relevant EMC
Directives. To ensure that the machinery or apparatus in which the OMRON
products are used complies with the EC Directiv es , the user m ust follow these
2. DC power supply unit as well as DC power connected to I/O Units must
have reinforced insulation or double insulation.
3. Compliance to the EC Directives means conformity to the Emission
Standards (EN 61000-6-4). Radiated emission characteristics (10-m
regulations) may vary, however, depending on the configuration of the
control panel used, the compatibility with other devices connected to the
control panel, the effects of wiring and other conditions. The user must
confirm that the overall machine or equipment complies with the EC
CompoNet is a field network designed for communications between the input
and output components on the shop floor and a personal computer (or PC) or
a PLC. CompoNet requires less wiring labor but provides high maintainability.
The PC and the CompoNet Slave Unit exchange input and/or output data
cyclically through a CompoNet Master Board.
By using explicit messages, users can read data from the CompoNet Slave
Unit or write data into it.
Communications of
Multiple Nodes
Slave Unit
Slave Unit
CompoNet Master Board
Terminating Resistor
Repeater Unit
Slave Unit
Slave Unit
Here are the main featur es of CompoNet:
CompoNet can provide remote I/O communications for multiple nodes as
many as maximum 2,560 points in a high speed such as 1000 points per
millisecond when the data rate is 4 Mbps*. This allows integration of
conventional system configuration with basic I/O Units into a CompoNet
Greater Flexibility with
Repeater Units
*The data rate of 4 Mbps does not support T-branch connection. Thus any
Slave Unit with pre-attached cables is not usable.
Repeater Units can expand a network installation in the following ways:
• Extending the Communications cable,
• Increasing the number of connected nodes,
• Creating a branch connection from the trunk line, and
• Converting cable types.
Repeater Units can be used to expand the trunk line for up to two layers. The
lines downstream from the Repeater Units are called sub-trunk lines. The
maximum number of connectable Repeater Units is 64 per Master Board and
32 per trunk line.
NoteThe power to the sub-trunk lines must be supplied from the Repeater Units.
Overview of the CompoNet Master BoardSection 1-2
Bit-Level DistributionCompoNet is connectable with industry-standard e-CON connectors and
Slave Units of clamp terminal-block type. They allow bit-level controls of
conveyors or at warehouses where many sensors are placed over a wide
Data Exchange by Explicit
Automatic Baud Rate
Explicit messages are used to access from the PC to the Slave Units and
Repeater Units connected to the CompoNet network. This feature facilitates
the maintenance of the entire networ k.
By setting the baud rate on the CompoNet Master Board, the Slave Units
automatically detect the baud rate of the CompoNet Master Board and follow
it. There is no need to set the rate individually on the Slave Units.
1-2Overview of the CompoNet Master Board
CompoNet Master Board is a board that has a mastering function to control
inputs and outputs for the Slave Units connected to the CompoNet network.
The Board is either compatible with PCI bus (Model # 3G8F7-CRM21) or with
CompactPCI bus (Model # 3G8F8-CRM21).
Here are the main features of the CompoNet Master Board:
Control by API FunctionsIn the Windows operation systems, all functions on the CompoNet Master
Board can be accessed by API functions.
Control by Shared
memory Accesses
In operation systems other than Windows, the CompoNet Master Board is
used via access to shared memory.
Flexible Allocation of the
Number of Connectable
Registration Table
Function to Control
Participating Slave Units
Communications Cycle
Synchronous and
Asynchronous Access to
I/O Data
Other Functions• Communicat ions Stop Due to Communications Error function
The number of connectable nodes can be set differently for each Word Input
Slave Units, Word Output Slave Units, Bit Input Slave Units and Bit Output
Slave Units.
This function is used to pre-register the node addresses and models of Slave
Units that are to participate in the network, and to check whether a Slave Unit
that is actually participating is registered or not. If the Slave Unit is not
registered, it is not allowed to participate. The time can also be set to monitor
duration from power-on until a registered Slave Unit actually participates.
Remote I/O communications can be stopped until all registered Slave Units
participate in the network, but it can be started only with all Slave Units
participating. The latter function is called the All Registered Slave
Participation Standby Mode.
When the Registration Table function is used, the communications cycle is
optimized and fastened in accordance with the information in the table.
Both synchronous and asynchronous types of access are supported.
Synchronous access maintains synchronicity for each node, while
asynchronous access does not do that but instead provides faster access. In
the latter case, I/O data keeps synchronicity only within the same word.
• I/O Communications Manual Startup mode
• IN Data Zero Clear Due to Communications Error function
Component Name and FunctionSection 1-3
1-3Component Name and Function
1-3-13G8F7-CRM21 (for PCI Bus)
LED Indicators (MS and NS)
They indicate the Module Status (MS)
and Network Status (NS) that are
defined in the CompoNet protocol.
Board ID Switch
This is used to set the board ID. It is set as a
decimal number. The number must not
overlap the IDs for other CompoNet Master
Boards mounted on the same personal
Communications power supply connector
This is used to connect a 24-VDC power supply when either
round cable II or Flat Cable I or II is used.
The communications power is supplied through this connector
and the round cable II, Flat Cable I or Flat Cable II to the Slave
Units and Repeater Units on the trunk line.
Note : Do not connect anything to this connector when a round
cable I is used.
Communications connector
This is used to connect to the communications cable.
The terminals BS+ and BS- are for communications power supply. The terminals BDH and BDL are for
communications data.
The BS+ and BS- can be used only for round cable II or Flat Cable I or II. They output the
communications power from the power supply connected to the communications power supply
Note : By attaching an Open Type Connector for Unit connection, the communications connector can be
converted to a terminal-block type.
Component Name and FunctionSection 1-3
1-3-23G8F8-CRM21 (for CompactPCI Bus)
LED Indicators (MS and NS)
They indicate the Module Status (MS)
and Network Status (NS) that are
defined in the CompoNet protocol.
Board ID Switch
This is used to set the board ID. It is set as a
decimal number. The number must not
overlap the IDs for other CompoNet Master
Boards mounted on the same personal
Communications power supply connector
This is used to connect a 24-VDC power supply when either
round cable II or Flat Cable I or II is used.
The communications power is supplied through this connector
and the round cable II, Flat Cable I or Flat Cable II to the Slave
Units and Repeater Units on the trunk line.
Note : Do not connect anything to this connector when a round
cable I is used.
Communications connector
This is used to connect to the communications cable.
The terminals BS+ and BS- are for communications power supply. The terminals BDH and BDL are for
communications data.
The BS+ and BS- can be used only for round cable II or Flat Cable I or II. They output the
communications power from the power supply connected to the communications power supply
Note : By attaching an Open Type Connector for Unit connection, the communications connector can be
converted to a terminal-block type.
LED IndicationSection 1-4
1-4LED Indication
MS (Module Status) : To indicate the node status. (green and red)
NS (Network Status) : To indicate the communications status. (green an d red)
LED NameIndicating stateStatusMeaning
MSGreen lightNormal stateThe Master Board is in normal operation.
Green flashStand-byIt waits for a start-up by the application.
Red lightFatal errorMaster Board hardware error (including Watchdog Timer
(WDT) error)
Red flashNon-fatal errorEEPROM read error or PC WDT error
UnlitPower-off or in
NSGreen lightOnline and in remote I/O
Green flashOnline and in
preparation for remote
I/O communications
Red lightFatal communication
related error
Red flashNon-fatal communication
related error
UnlitPower-off or in
One of the following applies:
Power is off.
The system is resetting or initializing.
All of the followings apply:
⋅ Power is supplied. Remote I/O communications starts up.
⋅ None of the Slave and Repeater Units has
communications error.
⋅ No Registration Table error exists.
⋅ None of the Slave and Repeater Units has node address
It is before the remote I/O communications starts or during
communication. (In any state other than the communication
stop due to a communications error.)
The communications circuit has an error.
One of the following applies:
⋅ One or more Slaves or Repeater Units has a
communications error.
⋅ One or more Slaves or Repeater Units has a Registration
Table error. That means a Slave Unit to participate is not
participating or a non-registered Slave Unit is
⋅ The communications stops due to a communications
⋅ Illegal configuration error (an error of Repeater levels)
⋅ One or more Slaves or Repeater Units had node address
One of the following applies: Power is off. The system is
resetting or initializing.
NoteThe indicators flash in 0.5 second interval, i.e., they light for 0.5 second and
become unlit for another 0.5 second.
Network Construction ProcedureSection 1-5
1-5Network Construction Procedure
The following is the basic flow of a network configuration.
1) Decide the number of I/O points.
Examine the number of inputs and outputs on the entire system.
2) Correspond the I/O points to Slave Units.
Assign each of these inputs and outputs to a Slave Unit.
3) Decide the number of nodes.
Decide the number of connected nodes.
4) Decide the wiring formation and installation.
Decide following:
• Wiring formation: Trunk line - Branch line formation or Unrestricted wiring
• Wiring distance,
• Methods to supply the communications power and the I/O power to the
Slave Units in less wiring effort, and
• Cable type
5) Temporarily decide the number of connectable Slave Units
and the data rate.
Note The data rate of 4 Mbps does not support T-branch. Thus any Slave Unit
with pre-attached cables will not be usable.
See Appendix E:
Construction of a
CompoNet Network
See E.1.3 Maximum
Length and Maximum
Number of Connectable
Slave Units for Each
Type of Cables
6) Decide the communications cycle.
Decide the communications cycle in accordance with the number of
connectable Slave Units and the data rate. Examine if the required I/O
response time is obtained in the data rate.
7) Examine the distribution of CompoNet Master Boards.
If re-examination of the communication mode number, the data rate and the
use of Repeater Units does not ensure the synchronicity of communication
cycle and distance, provide the CompoNet Master Boards in distributed
See Appendix C:
Board Preparation ProcedureSection 1-6
1-6Board Preparation Procedure
The following is the basic flow of a Board preparation.
1) Set the board ID for the CompoNet Master Board.
Select one from 0 to 9.
2) Mount the Board on the PC.
Mount the CompoNet Master Board on the PC.
3) Install the software.
When you use the Board in the Windows operation systems, install the driver.
4) Create a program.
Create a program to configure and control the CompoNet Master Board.
5) Turn on the PC.
6) Start up the created program.
7) The communication starts and the Slave Units participate.
See Section 2:
Installation and
See Section 4:
Operation by API
Section 5:
Operation by
Shared Memory
Access, and
Appendix D:
Sample Program
SpecificationsSection 1-7
1-7-1General Specifications
3G8F7-CRM21 (PCI) 3G8F8-CRM21
Bus specificationPCI bus Rev2.2
5 V
Number of mountable
Compatible OSMicrosoft Windows 2000, Windows XP (32-bit edition),
Weight90 g max.150 g max.
Operation voltage
Consumption currentInternal power supply: 5 VDC and 1.5 A max
Vibration resistance10 to 57 Hz, Amplitude of 0.075 mm, 57 to 150 Hz
Shock resistance
Ambient operating
Ambient operating
Ambient operating
Storage temperature
4 pieces7 pieces
Windows Vista (32-bit edition), or Windows 7 (32-bit
Other OS can be used, when the shared memory interface
is directly accessed.
Internal power supply: 5 VDC
3.3 VDC is not used.
Communications power supply: 24 VDC and 80 mA max
Acceleration 9.8 m/s
Z (8 min of each sweep time × 10 sweeps = total 80 min)
147 m/s2, 3 times each in X, Y and Z directions.
0 to 55°C
0% to 80% RH (with no
No corrosive gas
-20 to +60
, 80 min in each direction of X, Y and
PICMG 2.0 R3.0
5 V
32-Bit 3U
0% to 90% RH (with no
Precautions for Correct Use
The ambient operating temperature means the surrounding temperature
where the CompoNet Master Board for PCI Bus is actually used.
See the PC operation manual for the appropriate ambient operating
temperature for the PC.
1-7-2Development Environment
• Microsoft Visual C++ (Ver 6.0 to Ver 2008)
• Microsoft Visual Basic (Ver 6.0)
• CODEGEAR C++ Builder (Ver 5 to V er 2009)
Precautions for Correct Use
When you use the Board in an OS other than Windows by directly accessing
the shared memory interface, provide the development environment
applicable for the OS.
SpecificationsSection 1-7
3G8F7-CRM21 (PCI)
(unit: mm)
(unit: mm)
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