Function of Each Parameter
Frequency Reference Upper and Lower Limit
Settings (n30 and n31)
Set the upper and lower frequency reference limits in percentage based on the maximum frequency as 100%.
Value Name Setting
Unit of
n30 Frequency Reference
Upper Limit
0 to 110 1% 100
n31 Frequency Reference
Lower Limit
0 to 110 1% 0
Note: If n31 is set to a value less than the minimum output fre-
quency (FMIN) (n14), the Inverter will have no output
when a frequency reference less than the minimum output frequency input is ON.
Rated Motor Current Setting (n32)
Set the rated motor current as the reference value for motor
overload detection (OL1).
Note: 1. Setting 0.0 disables the motor overload detection (OL1) func-
2. The rated motor current value is factory-set for each Inverter
according to the maximum applicable motor capacity.
Value Name Setting range Unit of
n32 Rated Motor Current 0.0% to 120% (A) of
rated output current
of Inverter
0.1 A Varies with
the capacity.
Motor Protection Characteristic Selection (n33)
Set the motor overload detection (OL1) for the electronic thermal
characteristics of the motor.
Value Description
0 Protection characteristics for general-purpose induction motors
1 Protection characteristics for Inverter-dedicated motors
2 No protection
Note: When connecting multiple motors to one Inverter, set 2
(equivalent to n32 = 0.0). In addition, take overload prevention measures by mounting a thermal relay in each
motor, for example.
Motor Protective Time Setting (n34)
Set the electronic thermal characteristics of the motor to be connected in 1-minute increments.
Value Name Setting
Unit of
n34 Motor Protective Time
1 to 60 1 min 8
Note: 1. The default setting does not need any changes in normal op-
2. To set the parameter according to the characteristics of the
motor, confirm the thermal time constant with the motor
manufacturer and set the parameter with some margin. In
other words, set the value a little shorter than the thermal time
3. To detect motor overloading more quickly, reduce the set value, provided that it does not cause any application problems.
Cooling Fan Operation Function Selection (n35)
This parameter is used to operate the cooling fan of the Inverter
while the Inverter is turned on or only while the Inverter is in operation.
Value Description
0 The fan rotates only while the RUN command is input and for 1
minute after the Inverter stops operating.
1 The fan rotates while the Inverter is turned ON.
Note: 1. This parameter is available only if the Inverter incorporates a
cooling fan.
2. If the operation frequency of the Inverter is low, the life of the
fan can be prolonged by setting the parameter to 0.
Multi-function Input Selection (n36 to n39)
Select the functions of multi-function input terminals S2 to S5.
Value Name Setting
Unit of
n36 Multi-function Input 1
2 to 8, 10 to221 2
n37 Multi-function Input 2
0, 2 to 8, 10
to 22
1 5
n38 Multi-function Input 3
2 to 8, 10 to221 3
n39 Multi-function Input 4
2 to 8, 10 to
22, 34
1 6
Value Function Description
0 Forward/Reverse
rotation command
3-wire sequence (to be set in n37 only)
This setting overrides the n36 setting.
S1: RUN input (RUN when ON)
S2: STOP input
(STOP when OFF)
S3: Forward/Reverse rotation
(ON: Reverse)
2 Reverse/Stop Reverse rotation command (2-wire
sequence) (ON: Reverse)
3 External fault (NO) ON: External fault
4 External fault (NC) OFF: External fault
5 Fault reset ON: Fault reset
Note Disabled while RUN command is
6 Multi-step speed
reference 1
Signals to select frequency references 1 to
7 Multi-step speed
reference 2