Economical, laboratory-GradE
bEnchtop mini Wind tunnEl
WTM-1000, shown
smaller than actual size.
Electronic control
box included.
U 10 cm (4") Diameter
Internal Test Chamber
U 4 Selectable Air Speeds:
2.5 m/s (492 fpm)
5.0 m/s (984 fpm)
10 m/s (1969 fpm)
15 m/s (2953 fpm)
U Accuracy of 1% of
Setting or 0.1 m/s,
Whichever is Larger
U Remote Option for
Variable Air Speed
U Accommodates Either
Hot-Wire or Vane-Type
U NIST Calibration
Certificate Supplied
U Operates from
90 to 250 Vac Line Power
HHF11A anemometer
sold separately. Visit
for more details
The new WTM-1000 mini wind
tunnel from OMEGA
uniform flow rate at 4 selectable
fixed air speeds, yet it costs less
than competitive brands. The fixed
air speeds range from 2.5 m/s
(492 fpm) to 15 m/s (2953 fpm).
With the remote option, the user
can control and vary the wind tunnel
air speed externally by connecting
a potentiometer. The internal 10 cm
(4") diameter test chamber is large
enough to accommodate either
hot-wire or vane-type anemometers.
The unit is powered by 90 to
250 Vac. Each WTM-1000 comes
with an NIST calibration certificate
for the 4 fixed air speeds.
gives a highly
Accuracy: ±1% of setting or ±0.1 m/s,
whichever is larger
Test Chamber: 10 cm (4") diameter
Flow Rates: 2.5 m/s (492 fpm),
5.0 m/s (984 fpm), 10 m/s (1969 fpm),
15 m/s (2953 fpm)
Remote Option: Use an external 5K,
10-turn potentiometer to vary air speed
DC Motor: 24 Vdc @ 1.1 A (26 W)
Power: 90 to 250 Vac @ 50/60 Hz
Operating Temperature:
5 to 45°C (41 to 113°F)
Operating Relative Humidity:
80% RH max without condensation
Size: 68.5 L x 20.3 W x 29.2 cm H
(27 x 8 x 11.5")
Weight: 8.2 kg (18 lb)
To Order Visit omega.com/wtm-1000 for Pricing and Details
Model No. Description
WTM-1000 Laboratory-grade mini wind tunnel
Model No. Description
WTM-1000-CAL NIST recalibration
Comes complete with operator’s manual and NIST certificate of calibration.
Ordering Example: WTM-1000, mini wind tunnel, WTM-1000-CAL, laboratory-grade mini
wind tunnel, NIST certificate.