Heavy-Duty Washer Thermocouple
Armored Style
Available in Length,
Dimension and Insulation.
Consult our Custom Design
Department for Details
WT-HD Series
U 1.8 m (6') 304 Stainless Steel
Armor Cable
U Available with Stripped Leads,
OSTW or SMPW Connector
U 6.9 mm (0.275") Flexible Cable OD
U 6.5 mm (0.260") Washer ID
U Grounded Junction
Rugged thermocouple, for surface mount applications,
has a washer mounting surface and an overall
dimension of 17.3 mm (0.680") OD, with a 6.6 mm
(0.260") mounting hole of 304 SS material. Attached
to the mounting surface: 1.8 m (6') of 304 SS flexible
armor cable with stripped wire ends. Armor cable has
6.9 mm (0.275") OD, with 1.78 mm (0.070") washer
thickness. Standard male connectors are available
for cold-end termination. Rated to 480°C (900°F) for
Type K only.
Shown actual
size with OSTW
To Order
Model No. ANSI Color Code Termination
WT(*)-HD-72-S Stripped leads
WT(*)-HD-72-OSTW-M OSTW connector
WT(*)-HD-72-SMPW-M SMPW connector
Specify calibration: J, K, T, N or E. J = Iron-Constantan,
T = Copper-Constantan, K = CHROMEGA®-ALOMEGA®,
E = Chromel-Constantan, N = Nicrosil-Nisil.
For lead wire lengths over 1.8 m (72") there is an additional cost per
300 mm (12"), please modify model number.
Ordering Example: WTK-HD-72-S, heavy-duty washer
thermocouple, Type K, 1.8 m (6') cable.
Visit omega.com/wt-hd for Pricing and Details