All units shown
WMS-16 Series
Starts at
smaller than
actual size.
⻬ Durable Modular Design
⻬ Wind Speed and
⻬ Air Temperature and
Relative Humidity
⻬ Barometric Pressure
and Precipitation
⻬ Datalogging Ability
⻬ Tripod, Mast and Solar
Radiation Shield
The OMEGA®WMS-16 Modular
Weather Station is a computerbased meteorological system
designed as a “user friendly”
solution for data storage and
real-time monitoring of weather
conditions. The standard package
includes: wind speed, wind
direction, air temperature,
relative humidity for temp/
humidity, barometric pressure,
precipitation, data logging, tripod
and mast, solar radiation shield,
cables and mounts. Additional
sensor options include solar
radiation, water or soil temperature,
auxiliary air temperature, or rain
gauge upgrade.
The unique modular system design
provides plug-and-play functionality
for adding or replacing sensors.
The WMS-16 is supplied with an
attractive desktop data acquisition
module with a memory capacity
of 128KB RAM (approximately
45 days at 15 minute intervals
with 6 sensors). The WMS-16D
data acquisition module includes
selectable averaging intervals,
12-bit analog conversion, 0.1% FS
accuracy, 2 alarm outputs, and
optional modem communications.
The standard system includes a
120 Vac power adaptor and RS232
serial port for connection to a
personal computer. For outdoor or
remote applications, a NEMA 4X
enclosure and rechargeable battery
option is offered.
modular weather
station with NEMA
enclosure and solar
power, $3308.
The optional software package
provides a real-time text display,
as well as a real-time graphical
display, or an ASCII row and
column format may be selected.
In addition, the data acquisition
module is compatible with
Windows®HyperTerminal software
and other terminal programs.
Data Acquisition Module
Reporting Units:
English or metric, all measurements
Operating Power: 10 to 16 Vdc
Power Consumption: 60 mA max
Serial Port: 9-pin d-sub connector,
selectable baud rate, flow control
Memory: 128KB RAM, non-volatile
(45 days at 15 minute intervals with
6 sensors)
Operating Temperature
-40 to 60°C (-40 to 140°F)
Data Acquisition Module:
-40 to 60°C (-40 to 140°F)
Timekeeping Format:
Accuracy: ±30 seconds/month
Barometric Pressure
Range: 28.25 to 30.75 inches Hg
Measurement Span:
2.50 inches Hg (85 mbar)
WMS-16NEMA, modular
weather station with
NEMA enclosure, $2794.
Resolution: ±0.01 inch Hg
or ±0.3 mbar
Altitude Offset: 0 to 3048 m
(0 to 10,000'), screwdriver adjustable
Absolute Accuracy: 0.05 inches Hg
Wind Speed
Range: 0 to 125 mph (0-57 m/s)
Resolution: > 0.1 mph
Accuracy: ±3% for sustained
2 second average
Starting Threshold: 0.8 mph
Time Constant: 2 seconds
Wind Direction
Range: 0 to 360°
Resolution: > 1%
Accuracy: ±3%
Starting Threshold:
WMS-16-2E: 1.2 mph
WMS-16-5E: 0.5 mph
Temperature Range: -40 to 60°C
(-40 to 140°F)
Resolution: > 0.1°F
Accuracy: ±1°F
Relative Humidity
Range: 0 to 100% RH
Accuracy: ±3% midscale,
±6% @ 20% & 90% RH
Rain Gauge
Resolution: 0.01"/ tip
Accuracy: ±2% up to 3"/hour
Max Rate: Unlimited
Solar Radiation (Optional)
Sensor: Photodiode detector
Spectral Response: 0.4 to 1.1 microns
Sensitivity: 100 mV/1000 w/m
Accuracy: ±5%

To Order
Model No. Price Description
WMS-16 $2390 Modular weather station, includes desktop data
WMS-16EPA 2485 WMS-16 with high sensitivity wind sensor
WMS-16NEMA 2794 WMS-16 with NEMA 4X data acquisition module with
WMS-16NEMA-S 3308 WMS-16 with NEMA 4X data acquisition module with
WMS-18 2395 Portable weather station in a 9 kg (20 lb) 51 x 43 x
WMS-16 modular
weather station, $2390
Individual Components for Custom Systems
Model No. Price Description
WMS-16D $995 Data acquisition module in desktop enclosure, includes a serial cable
WMS-16N-B 1585 Data acquisition module in NEMA 4X enclosure 110/220 Vac charger assembly and 7 A/hour battery
WMS-16N-A 1990 Data acquisition module in NEMA 4X enclosure 10 watt solar power charger assembly
WMS-16P 45 110/220 Vac power supply
WMS-16TM 125 1.5 m (5') tripod and 1.5 m (5') sensor mast [2.4 m (8') total]
WMS-16-2E 285 Wind speed/direction sensor, 12 m (40') cable (for WMS-16)
WMS-16-5E 380 High sensitivity wind sensor, 12 m (40') cable (for WMS-16EPA)
WMS-16TH 345 Outdoor temperature and relative humidity sensor,12 m (40') sensor*
WMS-16THS 125 Solar radiation shield for temp/RH sensor
WMS-16BP 265 Barometric pressure sensor 0.45 m (18") cable (sensor always to be near base)
WMS-16RC 165 Rain gauge, includes mounting arm and 12 m (40') cable*
WMS-16SR 635 Solar radiation sensor, includes mounting arm and
WMS-16T 95 Auxiliary air temperature sensor, 12 m (40') cable
WMS-16TWS 115 Water or soil temperature sensor, 12 m (40') cable
RG-2501/40 390 Tipping bucket rain gauge, 12 m (40') cable
WMS-16MAC 235 Telephone modem, AC powered
WMS-16MDC 460 Telephone modem, DC powered
WMS-16STR 345 Windows graphical software package
Standard length for all cables between base unit and sensors are 12 m (40'). To order items with longer cable length add suffix “-XFT”
where X is length in feet, and add $1 per cable per foot per sensor.
Ordering Examples: WMS-16T-100FT, with 30 m (100') cable, $95 + 60 = $155. WMS-16NEMA, modular weather station with NEMA
enclosure and 110/220 Vac charger, $2794.
WMS-16NEMA-S, solar powered weather station with RG-2501/40 rain gauge, $3308 + 390 = $3698.
and 7 A/hour battery
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
(Specify Model Number)
acquisition module (WMS-16D), 115/230 Vac power
supply (WMS-16P), wind speed/direction sensor
(WMS-16-2E), temperature/RH sensor (WMS-16TH),
radiation shield (WMS-16THS), barometric pressure
sensor (WMS-16BP), rain gauge (WMS-16RC) and
tripod/sensor mast (WMS-16TM)
(WMS165E replaces WMS-16-2E sensor)
110/220 Vac charger and 7 A/hr battery (WMS-16N-B
replaces WMS-16D and WMS-16P)
solar panel charger and 7 A/hr battery (WMS-16N-A
replaces WMS-16D and WMS-16P)
20 cm (20 x 17 x 8") carrying case. Includes sensors
for wind speed/direction, temperature and a data
logger with 128K RAM and 7 A/hour battery for up to
5 days between charging with 110/220 Vac charger
12 m (
40') cable