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32 Channel Isolated Digital I/O
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32-Channel Isolated
Digital I/O USB Data Acquisition
User Manual

Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................... 2
1.1 Hardware Features.. . .. .. .. .. ........... .. . ........... ... . .. .. . .. .. . ........... 2
1.2 Software Overview............................................................ 3
1.2.1 More on the CD ....................... ................. ..................... 3
Chapter 2 Installation ....................................................... 6
2.1 Unpacking ......................................................................... 6
2.2 Driver Installation ............................................................. 7
2.3 Hardware Installation ........................................................ 9
2.4 Hardware Uninstallation ................................................... 9
Figure 2.1:Unplug or Eject Hardware Dialog .............. 10
Figure 2.2:Stop a Hardware device dialog box ............ 10
Chapter 3 Signal Connections ........................................ 12
3.1 Overview ......................................................................... 12
3.2 I/O Connectors ................................................................ 12
3.2.1 Pin Assignments .......................................................... 12
Figure 3.1:I/O Connector Pin Assignment .................. 12
3.2.2 I/O Connector Signal Description ................................ 13
Table 3.1:I/O Connector Signal Descriptions .............. 13
3.2.3 LED Indicator Status Descript ion ................................ 13
Table 3.2:LED Indicator Status Description ................ 13
3.3 Isolated Digital I/O Connections..................................... 14
3.3.1 Dry/Wet Contact Support for Digital Input ................. 14
Figure 3.2:Isolated Digital Input Connections ............. 14
3.3.2 Isolated Digital Output Connections ............................ 15
Figure 3.3:Isolated Digital Output Connections .......... 15
3.4 Field Wiring Considerations ........................................... 16
Appendix A Specifications ................................................. 18
A.1 Isolated Digital Input....................................................... 18
A.2 Isolated Digital Output .................................................... 18
A.3 Isolated Counter .............................................................. 18
A.4 General ............................................................................ 18
v Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction
Thank you for buying the USB-4750 data acquisition mod- ule. The
USB-4750 is
It features a unique
acquisition and control.
a powerful data acquisition (DAS) module for the USB port.
circuit design and complete functions for data
1.1 Hardware Features
USB-4750 features excellent measurement & control functions:
• 32 isolated digital input/output channels
• High-voltage isolation up to 2,500 VDC on all channels
• Dry/wet contact support
• Interrupt handling capability
• High-sink current for isolated output channels (100mA max./Channel)
• Digital output value retained after hot system reset
• Programmable Power-Up States for output channels
• Wiring ternimals on module
Yo u ca n inst al l up to sixteen USB-4750’s to a
because of the restriction of device
The power output of an USB port is 500 mA,
the USB-4750 requir es 350 mA (Max.).
This means that if an USB hub is used,
an external power supply to support more
than one
USB-4750 device.
For detailed specifications of USB-4750, please
to Appendix A, Specifications.
USB-4750 User Manual 2
it will

1.2 Software Overview
Omega offers a rich set of DLL drivers, third-party driver support and
application software
function library to help boost your application performance and work
seamlessly with development tools such as Visual C++, Visual
of your device. The Device Drivers feature a complete I/O
on the companion CD-ROM to help fully exploit the
1.2.1 More on the CD
For instructions on how to begin programming in each development tool,
some tutorial chapters are included in the Device Drivers Manual
reference. Please
the Device
also look at
since they can
The Device Drivers Manual can be found on the companion CD-ROM.
Alternatively, if
system, The
Start button:
Start/Programs/Omega USB-4700 Series/ Device Driver’s Manual
The example source code can be found under the corresponding installa-
folder such as the default installation path:
Pr o g r a m F i l e s /Omega/USB-4700/Examples
refer to the corresponding sections in these chapters on
Drivers Manual to begin your programming efforts. You can
the example source code provided for each programming tool,
get you very well oriented.
you have already installed the Device Drivers on your
Device Drivers Manual can be readily accessed through the
3 Chapter 1
for your