Miniature Temperature
NB1TXA thermocouple
shown smaller than
actual size.
U 2-Wire Transmitter
U 4 to 20 mAdc Output
U ±0.1% Accuracy
U Upscale Break Protection
U Non-Isolated
Mountable in Any Standard
Protection Head
U Accepts J, K, T, E
Thermocouple or 100 Ω
Platinum RTD Inputs
The non-isolated TX90A Series
transmitters convert thermocouple
or RTD signals into a 4 to 20 mA
DC signal output that is directly
referenced to the mV input of a
thermocouple or resistance of a
100 Ω Platinum RTD.
For thermocouple transmitters, the
4 to 20 mA output is not linearized.
thermocouple transmitters are
available for Type K, J, T, and
E with color coding for each
thermocouple type. The transmitters
for RTDs are available with the 4 to
20 mA output directly proportional
to the input resistance or with the
4 to 20 mA output linearized to
Note, RTDs are slightly non-linear
with the resistance diverging from
actual temperature by approximately
1% at the mid point of full scale. (For
linearized RTD transmitters, specify
“RTD-L”. Non-linearized transmitters
are the more popular choice).
The TX90A transmitters mount
directly in OMEGA’s standard
protection heads for connection to
your sensor. OMEGA also provides
complete thermocouple and RTD
Output Range: 4 to 20 mA dc
Zero and Span Adjustment Range:
±25% for °F and ±10% for °C
Accuracy: ±0.1% of FS (includes effects
of linearity, hysteresis and repeatability)
referenced to the mV input
Operating Temperature Range:
-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
Storage Temperature Range:
-46 to 121°C (-50 to 250°F)
Max Loop Vs – 8
Resistance: 0.020A
Supply Voltage: 8 to 50 Vdc,
24V nominal
Dimensions: 31.75 H x 44.5 mm D
(1.25 x 1.75”); height includes
terminal strip
TX90A Series
Actual Size.
To Order Visit omega.com/tx91a_92a for Pricing and Details
Model No. Description
TX91A-(*) Thermocouple (Type J, K, T, E)
TX92A-(*) RTD transmitter (100 Ω Pt100, alpha = 0.00385)
TX92A-(*)-L RTD transmitter (100 Ω Pt100, alpha = 0.00385) with the
Transmitter Assemblies
RT 1.2 m (48") mounting track
TX90-BR Mounting bracket for RT mounting track
NB1TXA-(*) TX91A Transmitter in cast iron head with 12" L,
NBSTXA-(*) TX91A Transmitter in aluminum head with 12" L,
PRTXA-(*)-12 TX92A Transmitter in cast iron head with 12" L,
PSR-24S Regulated power supply, 24 Vdc, 400 mA, screw terminal
PSR-24L Regulated power supply, 24 Vdc, 400 mA, UL,
PSR-24L-230 Regulated power supply, 24 Vdc, 400 mA, stripped leads,
Comes complete with operator’s manual. (*) Specify range code from chart below.
Price per additional foot. Add suffix “-XX” in inches. Example: NB1TXA-JB-12.
Ordering Examples: TX91A-J2, specifies a Type J transmitter, with 0 to 200°F range.
NB1TXA-J8, specifies a Type J transmitter assembly, with 0 to 150°C range.
Range Codes
TX91A TX92A Range
– – – – 1 1-L -40 to 60 (-40 to 140)
J2 K2 T2 E2 2 2-L -18 to 93 (0 to 200)
J3 K3 T3 E3 3 3-L -18 to 149 (0 to 300)
J4 K4 T4 E4 4 4-L -18 to 260 (0 to 500)
J5 K5 T5 E5 5 5-L -18 to 399 (0 to 750)
J6 K6 – E6 6 6-L -18 to 538 (0 to 1000)
J7 K7 T7 E7 7 7-L 0 to 100 (32 to 212)
J8 K8 T8 E8 8 8-L 0 to 150 (32 to 302)
J9 K9 T9 E9 9 9-L 0 to 250 (32 to 482)
J10 K10 T10 E10 10 10-L 0 to 400 (32 to 752)
J11 K11 – E11 – – 0 to 500 (32 to 932)
4 to 20 mA output linearized to temperature
OD, ungrounded junction, 304 SS sheath probe
OD, ungrounded junction, 304 SS sheath probe
ungrounded junction, 304 SS sheath RTD probe
stripped leads
230 Vac input, CE