1.1 Introduction
1.2 General Applications and Benefits
1.3 Identification
3.1 Operating Software
3.2 TVS-1100 Software
3.3 Software Installation
4.1 Electrical and Safety Specifications
4.2 System Requirements

1.1 Introduction
TVS-1100 is a hot wire anemometer system for measuring air temperature and
velocity using single sensor technology. The device is connected to a PC through
an USB port for communication between the software and the device. The
system is capable of measuring temperatures from –20 oC to 130 oC and flows
from 0 to 10000 ft/min. It can accommodate up to 32 channels. The standard
calibration is from 0 to 1200 lfm, the high speed calibration is from 0 to 10,000
lfm. The air temperature at which velocity is calibrated is from ambient to 85 oC.
An attempt to measure flows in temperatures higher than 85 oC, would give
erroneous data, even though it can read temperatures up to 120 oC.
1.2 General Applications and Benefits
Heat sink manufacturers, IC houses, board designers, and other electronic
manufacturers are increasingly becoming interested in evaluating the thermal
performance of their product under different airflow conditions. The reduction of
electronic component sizes and increase in their power dissipation has forced the
electronic community to be more aware of the thermal performance of their
products. The hotter the devices, the shorter their life span and the greater the
likelihood of a malfunction. The challenge in these units is the reduction in the
spacing between boards, thereby the requirement of small size sensors to
measure air flow measurement. Of utmost importance is the measurement of air
flow and temperature at the same point to minimize errors introduced as a result
of temperature gradients. The conventional hot wire systems measure these two

quantities using two independent sensors and, in most situations this can
introduce errors in excess of 40% due to temperature gradients and radiation
coupling between the two sensors.
1.3 Identification
The TVS-1100 is identified by OE followed by 5 digits (i.e., OE12345) located on
the bottom of the unit.

The device is housed in an electronic box that accepts commands from the
software through the USB communication port, and reports the data back to the
system. It includes the circuitry for temperature and velocity sensors. Figure 1
shows the rear view of the TVS-1100 box.
Note: Please read the Manual before operating the system.
Figure 1 - Rear view of the TVS-1100
The function and description of ports and connectors on the rear panel are as
1. Power – This is the location for connecting the power supply to the
system.The external power supply provided with the system plugs in here.

2. USB Port (COM Port) – The TVS-1100 is attached to the serial port of the
PC with a straight cable through this port. TVS-1100 comes with a 6 feet
long standard USB cable.
3. Port# - Sensors are attached to the TVS-1100 through these ports. The
order of attachment is immaterial, since each individual sensor has a sensor
ID card that enables the system to find its calibration constants from a text
file located in the PC C directory using its serial identification number.
Figure 2 shows the front view of the TVS-1100. It has 8 LEDs associated with up
to 8 daughter cards. For every daughter card installed, there is one LED lit up.
Figure 2 - Front view of the TVS-1100

3.1 Introduction
TVS-1100 software is a graphical user interface that communicates with the
TVS-1100 box through the PC USB port. This software enables the user to set
the different parameters and run the software to acquire the data.
Data acquisition is comprised of cycles dictated by the duration set by the user in
minutes. Each cycle consists of a selected number of temperature measurements
followed by a selected number of velocity measurements. The selected number
is set by the user. The cycles will continue until the time elapsed is greater than
the duration. The user has the option to check the availability of the sensors and
select which of those sensors he wants to collect data. Software also allows the
user to save temperature and velocity raw data into text files that can be opened
in ExcelTM using tab delimited. The software has different controls and is
described bellow:
3.2 TVS-1100 Software
Figure 3 and 4 show the TVS-1100 software user interface when it is running.