Microprocessor-Based pH Controller with
Automatic Temperature Compensation
PHCN-37 Series
U Microprocessor-Based Versatility
U High and Low Alarm Setpoints
U Scalable 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA or
0 to 10V Output
U Compact Panel Design
This microprocessor-based family
of pH, ORP and pH/ORP panel
mounted controller is designed for
a wide variety of environmental
monitoring applications. The
units feature automatic or manual
temperature compensation of pH,
two 5 A mechanical relays and a
choice of a scalable 4 to 20 mA,
or 0 to 20 mA control or recording
output or a 0 to 10V output. For
ease of operation all calibration
and parameter setpoints are
selectable through the front
keypad. The PHCN/ORCN/
OPCN-37 can be interfaced
with a variety of pH and ORP
ORCN-37: ±2 Vdc
OPCN-37: ±620 mV
Resolution: 0.1, 1 mV
Accuracy: 0.1 mV @ 25°C
Decimal Point: 2 position auto ranging
pH and Temperature
Range: 0 to 14.00 pH; 0 to 100°C
(32 to 212°F)
Resolution: 0.01 pH, 0.1°C
Calibration pH: 2 or 3 point
Accuracy: ±0.01 pH; ±0.5°C
Common Specifications
Display: 4-digit, LED, 13.7 mm (0.54")
Relays: Dual SPDT (form C)
5 A @ 240 Vac, mechanical relay.
Programmable deadband hysteresis
around setpoints.
Output: 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA or
0 to 10V (scalable) software selectable
Input Impedance: >10
Temperature Compensation:
Manual or Automatic, 0 to 100°C using
Pt 100 Ω or Pt 1000 Ω RTD
Connectors: pH/ORP-BNC;
Temperature -terminal strip
Power: 115 Vac, 230 Vac, 50/60 Hz;
10 to 32 Vdc or 26 to 56 Vdc
To Order Visit omega.com/phcn37 for Pricing and Details
Model No. Description
PHCN-37 Microprocessor-based pH controller
ORCN-37 Microprocessor-based ORP controller
OPCN-37 Microprocessor-based selectable pH or ORP controller
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
To order with isolated analog output, add suffix “-AI” to model number for additional cost.
To order with 10 to 32 Vdc power, add suffix “-DC10/32” to model number for additional cost.
To order with 26 to 56 Vac power, add suffix “-DC26/56” to model number for additional cost.
Ordering Examples: PHCN-37 microprocessor-based pH controller.
ORCN-37 micro processor-based ORP controller.
Don’t forget your buffer solutions!
4.00 pH buffer, PHA-4.
7.00 pH buffer, PHA-7
10.00 pH buffer, PHA-10.
All in 500 mL (1 pt) bottles
Visit omega.com for more details
PHCN-37 shown smaller
than actual size with
PHE-6510 and PHEH-65-10.
Sold separately, visit
omega.com/phe-6510 for details.
Panel Cutout:
(1.772 x 3.622")
Dimensions: 48 H x 96 W x 177 mm D
(1.89 x 3.78 x 7.00")
Weight: 580 g (1.27 lb)
8 DIN, 45 H x 92 mm W
Our Industrial pH Instrumentation and Electrodes product
line continues to expand, visit omega.com for new details!
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& Service
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