Precision Thermistor Sensor
For Surface Temperature Measurements
13 (1⁄2)
ON-909 Series
supplied with
3 m (10') of
cable and
phone plug.
shown actual size.
mm (inch)
U Epoxy Encapsulated
Thermistor Contained
in Stamped, 300 Series
SS Housing
U Construction Provides
Maximum Surface Contact
U 26 AWG Stranded PFA
Insulated and Jacketed
Cable (See Table
for Length)
U Ideally Suited for
Applications Such as
Determining Heat Loss,
Compressor Efficiency
and Measuring Manifold
or Bearing Temperature
U Max Temperature
100°C (212°F)
(See Table
To Order Visit omega.com/on-409_on-909 for Pricing and Details
Model Resistance Interchangeability Max Tip Diameter Cable Cable
Number @ 25°C @ 0 to 70°C Temp (inch) Length Termination
ON-409-PP 2252 Ω ±0.1°C 100°C (212°F) 0.44" 3 m (10') Phone plug
ON-909-44004 2252 Ω ±0.2°C 100°C (212°F) 0.38" 300 mm (12") Stripped
ON-909-44005 3000 Ω ±0.2°C 100°C (212°F) 0.38" 300 mm (12") Stripped
ON-909-44007 5000 Ω ±0.2°C 100°C (212°F) 0.38" 300 mm (12") Stripped
ON-909-44006 10000 Ω ±0.2°C 100°C (212°F) 0.38" 300 mm (12") Stripped
ON-909-44008 30000 Ω ±0.2°C 100°C (212°F) 0.38" 300 mm (12") Stripped
ON-909-44004-40 2252 Ω ±0.2°C 100°C (212°F) 0.38" 1 m (40") Stripped
ON-909-44005-40 3000 Ω ±0.2°C 100°C (212°F) 0.38" 1 m (40") Stripped
ON-909-44007-40 5000 Ω ±0.2°C 100°C (212°F) 0.38" 1 m (40") Stripped
ON-909-44006-40 10000 Ω ±0.2°C 100°C (212°F) 0.38" 1 m (40") Stripped
ON-909-44008-40 30000 Ω ±0.2°C 100°C (212°F) 0.38" 1 m (40") Stripped
Notes: For additional cable length, add required length (in inches) to end of the model number for additional cost. For a phone plug, add “-PP”
to the model number for additional cost. For tighter interchangeability, substitute the thermistor part number from the table below and add the
price listed to the sensor price.
Ordering Examples: ON-909-44004-40-PP, surface thermistor sensor with a resistance of 2252 Ω at 25°C and an interchangeability of ±0.2°C,
1 m (40") of cable and a phone plug connector.
ON-909-44032-40-PP, surface thermistor sensor with a resistance of 30000 Ω at 25°C and an interchangeability of ±0.1°C, 1 m (40") of cable
and a phone plug connector.
Optional Thermistors
Resistance Maximum Storage and Working
Model @ 25°C Working Interchangeability Temp for Best
Number (Ω) Temp @ 0 to 70°C Stability
44033 2252 75°C (165°F) ±0.1°C -80 to 75°C (-110 to 165°F)
44030 3000 75°C (165°F) ± 0.1°C -80 to 75°C (-110 to 165°F)
44034 5000 75°C (165°F) ± 0.1°C -80 to 75°C (-110 to 165°F)
44031 10,000 75°C (165°F) ±0.1°C -80 to 75°C (-110 to 165°F)
44032 30,000 75°C (165°F) ±0.1°C -80 to 75°C (-110 to 165°F)