Omega Products OM-USB Installation Manual

Table of Contents
About Omega Data Acquisition Software .................................. 4
■ SSyysstteemm rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss.......................................................................................................................................... 44
■ FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn…… .................................................................................................................................... 66
Installing the Omega Data Acquisition software ....................... 7
Installing the hardware and detecting it with Windows ............ 9
Adding new hardware to InstaCal ............................................ 10
■ IInnssttaaCCaall oovveerrvviieeww ................................................................................................................................................ 1100
■ IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1100
■ CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn .............................................................................................................................................................. 1111
■ CCaalliibbrraattiioonn ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1111
■ TTeesstt .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1111
Running InstaCal and adding DEMO-BOARD hardware......... 13
■ RRuunnnniinngg IInnssttaaCCaall aanndd aaddddiinngg tthhee DDEEMMOO--BBOOAARRDD .............................................. 1133
Configuring and testing the DEMO-BOARD with InstaCal ..... 15
■ CCoonnffiigguurriinngg cchhaannnneell 00 oonn tthhee DDEEMMOO--BBOOAARRDD ............................................................ 1155
■ TTeessttiinngg cchhaannnneell 00 oonn tthhee DDEEMMOO--BBOOAARRDD ........................................................................ 1155
Plotting and generating data with TracerDAQ ........................ 17
■ AAccqquuiirriinngg aanndd llooggggiinngg ddaattaa wwiitthh tthhee SSttrriipp CChhaarrtt ...................................................... 1177
■ AAccqquuiirriinngg ddaattaa wwiitthh tthhee OOsscciilllloossccooppee ...................................................................................... 2200
■ GGeenneerraattiinngg wwaavveeffoorrmmss wwiitthh tthhee FFuunnccttiioonn GGeenneerraattoorr ........................................ 2222
■ GGeenneerraattiinngg wwaavveeffoorrmmss wwiitthh tthhee RRaattee GGeenneerraattoorr .................................................... 2255
Getting started with the Universal Library............................... 28
Getting started with the ULx for NI LabVIEW .......................... 30
Opening your hardware user's guides ..................................... 32
About Omega Data Acquisition
This User's Guide contains the latest information on installing the Omega Engineering data acquisition software you received with the OMB-DAQ-2416 Series and OM-USB Series hardware. Please read this booklet completely before you install any software or hardware.
The Omega Engineering data acquisition software includes the following software packages:
InstaCal & Universal Library Installation, calibration,
and test utility, and programming library for OMB-DAQ­2416 Series and OM-USB Series hardware.
TracerDAQ® Professional grade Strip Chart,
Oscilloscope, Function Generator, and Rate Generator applications.
ULx for NI LabVIEW — Library of virtual instruments
(VIs) used with supported Omega hardware to develop applications with NI LabVIEW.
Hardware User's Guides Hardware user's guides for
OMB-DAQ-2416 Series and OM-USB Series data acquisition hardware.
You select the packages that you want to install from the software installation dialog.
System requirements
You can install the Omega Engineering data acquisition software package on a computer running one of these operating systems:
Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) Windows VISTA (32-bit or 64-bit) Windows XP (32-bit with Service Pack 2, or 64-bit) Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4
These operating systems are the only requirements for running InstaCal. The hardware and software requirements for the other packages are listed next.
About Omega Data Acquisition Software
Universal Library
32-bit application development software that supports one or more of these 32-bit languages:
Windows® languages: Visual Basic and Visual
.NET languages: VB .NET, C# .NET (Visual Studio® 2003,
2005 and 2008)
Windows languages: Borland C++, Borland C++
Builder®, Delphi®
ULx for NI LabVIEW
InstaCal & Universal Library NI LabVIEW 8.21 or later (32-bit only) Microsoft .NET® Framework 2.0
TracerDAQ requires the following software to be installed:
Microsoft .NET® Framework 2.0  DirectX 9.0c Omega Engineering's InstaCal
The Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and DirectX 9.0c automatically install with TracerDAQ if these applications are not already installed.
Hardware requirements
Video card with 16 MB of memory and support for
Direct3D Acceleration
Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 Computer with Pentium® 4 processor and 256 MB of
A Microsoft-compatible mouse Supported Omega Engineering data acquisition hardware:
OMB-DAQ-2416 Series hardware OM-USB Series hardware
To use the Omega data acquisition software with an Omega Engineering device, install the latest Windows Update. You can run Windows Update from n=en-us.
Hardware User's Guides
Software requirements
For more information…
If you have questions that you cannot answer by reading this booklet, refer to these resources:
Tech support contact information:
Web site – Omega Engineering product manuals (PDF) at
Adobe Reader is automatically selected if you select to install the hardware user's guides and do not have this program currently installed.
Email: Phone: 1-800-USA-WHEN (1-800-848-4286) and follow the
instructions for reaching Tech Support.
Installing the Omega
Data Acquisition software
The Omega Engineering installation program consists of a series of easy-to-follow dialogs that lead you through the installation procedure. To install the Omega Engineering software, do the following.
1. Insert the Omega Engineering CD in your CD drive and wait
for the installation program to start. If the installation program does not start automatically, use
Windows Explorer to browse to the root of the CD, and double-click on Install.exe.
The DAQ Software dialog opens.
All software packages are selected for installation ( ) by default if the requirements for the package are met.
When you click on a package, a brief description of it
appears in the Description frame, along with the requirements to install that package.
After you click on a package, you can click on the View
ReadMe button to view the readme file for that package.
2. If you do not want to install a software package, click on the
check box next to it to uncheck it ( ).
The Required dependencies area lists the software packages needed to run the Omega Engineering DAQ software you selected to install. This area may be blank, or may list one or more of the following packages:
Adobe Reader - Adobe Reader is required to read the
hardware user's guides. If you do not have Adobe Reader installed, it is listed in the Required
dependencies area and the checkbox is checked. If you
have an earlier version already installed, installing the latest version is optional. Deselect the Adobe Reader check box to keep your currently installed version.
Microsoft .NET framework - The .NET Framework 2.0
is required to install TracerDAQ and the hardware user's guides. If the framework is not detected on your PC, this package is listed and the checkbox is checked. In this case, it is recommended that you leave the
Microsoft .NET framework check box checked. If you
uncheck the Microsoft .NET framework check box, the
TracerDAQ and Hardware Manuals check boxes
become disabled, the Adobe Reader check box becomes unchecked, and these packages are not installed.
3. Click on the Install button and follow the instructions on the
installation dialogs. If Microsoft .NET framework was checked in the Required
dependencies area, the install program installs version 2.0 of
the .NET framework before launching the InstaCal & Universal Library installation program. The installation program automatically installs each selected software product in succession. After all selected Omega Engineering DAQ components are installed, a dialog opens which lets you install Adobe Acrobat Reader.
You are prompted to restart your computer after installing all of the selected products.
Installing the hardware and
detecting it with Windows
After you install the Omega Engineering data acquisition software, install your hardware and let it be detected by Windows.
For plug-and-play USB devices, connect a USB cable between the device and the PC.
A "Found new hardware" message appears as the device is detected by Windows. A New Hardware Wizard automatically runs and installs the drivers required to operate the device.
Additional New Hardware Wizard may appear
When installing some Omega Engineering devices such as the OMB-DAQ-2416 Series an additional New Hardware Wizard may appear when you install the hardware. This wizard is required to install additional drivers specific to this hardware. DO NOT CANCEL THIS WIZARD or installation of the hardware will not be completed properly.
Adding new hardware to
After the device is detected with Windows, run InstaCal from the Windows Start Menu or from the installation directory (inscal32.exe) so that it can detect the new hardware and add it to its configuration file.
OMB-DAQ-2416 Series hardware cannot be used with Universal Library programs until they are first detected by InstaCal and added to the configuration file.
InstaCal overview
InstaCal is an installation, configuration, calibration, and test program for use with OMB-DAQ-2416 Series and OM-USB Series hardware. With InstaCal, you can change device configuration settings, calibrate analog inputs and outputs, and test the device's analog channels and digital ports.
InstaCal automatically detects and adds OMB-DAQ-2416
Series and OM-USB Series devices to the board list after they are plugged in/connected to the PC.
InstaCal also detects removal of a USB device that is no longer connected to the PC, and prompts you to remove the device from the board list.
The DEMO-BOARD is a virtual ISA data acquisition
board which you must manually add to InstaCal.
From InstaCal's drop-down menu, select Install > Add Board to display a group of tabs. Each tab lists the devices you can install. Once selected, the device is added to InstaCal and the board list, and remains there until removed.
InstaCal's main form lists each device that it automatically detects or that has been manually added to the board list.
Adding new hardware to InstaCal
To change the configuration settings of a device, double-click on the device name to open a Board Configuration dialog. The settings which appear are specific to the device selected.
A common configuration task for A/D boards is to set the analog input channel mode to either single-ended or differential.
InstaCal stores hardware configuration settings in a configuration file which is read by the Universal Library when you run an application. To change device settings, stop the UL application and run InstaCal.
Multithreading is not supported
Only one application program that calls the Omega Engineering driver can be running at a time. If the device is used by a Universal Library program, changes to device configuration settings can only be made when the program is not running.
InstaCal can calibrate the analog input or output channels for DAQ devices that support field calibration. Select the device from InstaCal's main form, and choose A/D or D/A from the
Calibrate menu. A Board Calibration dialog appears. Follow
the instructions on the dialog to calibrate the desired channels.
InstaCal provides analog and digital tests to determine if the channels analog inputs and digital bits are working properly. To test the device, select either Test > Analog or Test > Digital. A
Board test dialog opens with options specific to the selected
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