Omega Products OMG-PCI-DIO24 Installation Manual
User’s Guide
24 Channel Digital I/O Board
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WHAT S INCLUDED........................................................................................1
CARD SETUP ....................................................................................................1
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ..........................................................................1
Linux Users.....................................................................................1
SYSTEM INSTALLATION................................................................................2
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................3
WINDOWS SOFTWARE ...................................................................................3
LINUX SOFTWARE ..........................................................................................3
3rd Party Software Support..........................................................4
50 PIN RIBBON CABLE PIN OUT....................................................................5
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS..................................................................6
Pull Ups ...........................................................................................7
PROGRAMMING ..........................................................................................................8
Application Programmers Interface (API) ...............................8
Presetting an Output Port:..........................................................8
Interrupts: ....................................................................................... 8
Port C ..............................................................................................8
Port Configuration:......................................................................9
Addressing Continued................................................................12
DIRECT HARDWARE CONTROL..................................................................13
Reading the Inputs:.....................................................................13
Reading the Outputs:..................................................................13
Presetting an Output Port:........................................................13
Writing the Outputs:...................................................................13
Bit Set/Reset.................................................................................13
Port Configuration:....................................................................13
Register Description (for direct hardware control).............15
CONTROL WORDS.........................................................................................16
I/O Configuration........................................................................16
Bit Set or Reset Port C................................................................17
Interrupt control..........................................................................18
Interrupt mode select table........................................................18
Interrupt Read..............................................................................18
ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS..........................................................19
POWER CONSUMPTION................................................................................19
MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURES (MTBF).............................................19
PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS................................................................................19
APPENDIX A - TROUBLE SHOOTING..................................................................20
APPENDIX B - HOW TO GET ASSISTANCE......................................................21
APPENDIX C - SILK-SCREEN.................................................................................22
APPENDIX D - COMPLIANCE NOTICES.............................................................23
EMC DIRECTIVE STATEMENT ...................................................................23
Figure 1-50 Pin Ribbon Cable Pin Out..............................................................5
Figure 2-Electrical Characteristics...................................................................6
Figure 3-Pull Up Resistors ..................................................................................7
Figure 4-Control Words .......................................................................................9
Figure 5-Absolute byte Address, (any configuration)...................................11
Figure 6-Relative Byte Address........................................................................11
Figure 7-Relative Byte Address Continued .....................................................11
Figure 8-Relative Byte Address........................................................................12
Figure 9-Register Description..........................................................................15
Figure 10-I/O Configuration.............................................................................16
Figure 11-Control Word, Port Setup...............................................................16
Figure 12-Bit Set or Reset.................................................................................18
Figure 13-Interrupt Control Tables .................................................................18
Introduction and Installation
The OMG-PCI -DIO24 provides one 8255 mode 0 compatible port providing two eight-bit ports and two four-bit ports. When configured as outputs each bit of the two four -bit ports may be set or reset individually.
What’s Included
The OMG-PCI -DIO24 is shipped with the following items. If any of these items is missing or damaged, contact the supplier.
OMG-PCI-DIO24 Adapter
Software CD
Industry Standard Relay Rack Cables are Available:
Part number CA135 for Edge Connection Part number CA167 for IDC Connection
Card Setup
The OMG-PCI -DIO24 is a fully compliant PCI ‘Plug and Play’ adapter. All card resources (i.e. I/O address, IRQ selection) are auto-assigned by either your system BIOS or your ‘Plug and Play’ operating system.
Software Installation
For proper operation install software first. To install the software place the CD in your CD-ROM tray and the auto-run program will start. If auto-run is not available browse the CD and choose “index.htm”. Choose Install Software at the beginning of the CD. Select the Digital I/O software drivers and install SeaIO prior to installing hardware.
Linux Users
Refer to the installation instructions at the beginning of the CD for details on installing the digital I/O cards in Linux.
OMG-PCI -DIO24 Page 1
Introduction and Installation
System Installation
The OMG-PCI -DIO24 can be installed in any of the PCI expansion slots.
1. Turn off PC power. Disconnect the power cord.
2. Remove the PC case cover.
3. Locate an available PCI slot and remove the blank metal slot cover.
4. Remove the clamping portion of the bracket from the card.
5. Gently insert the OMG-PCI-DIO24 into the slot. Make sure that the
adapter is seated properly.
6. Feed the 50-pin ribbon cable through the cutout bracket and connect it to the card.
7. Replace the bracket retaining screw.
8. Install the clamping portion of the bracket
9. Replace the computer cover.
10. Connect the power cord. Installation is complete.
OMG-PCI -DIO24 Page 2
Technical Description
Technical Description
The OMG-PCI -DIO24 provides 24 channels of digital I/O configurable as inputs or outputs, which can be utilized for PC based control and automation of equipment including: sensors, switches, satellite antenna control systems, video and audio studio automation, security control systems, and other indust rial automation systems.
Windows Software
The OMG-PCI-DIO24 ships with the SeaI/O suite of Windows 98/NT/ME/2000 drivers. SeaI/O provides the user with a consistent and straightforward API, allowing the developer to concentrate on the details of the application as opposed to low level driver development. Popular development environments, including Visual C++, Visual Basic, and Delphi, are supported for application development. SeaI/O includes a utility for configuring the driver parameters under Windows, further simplifying installation. Sample applications are included to facilitate rapid application development.
Linux Software
The OMG-PCI -DIO24 ships with software for Linux, including a kernel-mode driver, API, and the SeaIOTst diagnostic tool. The kernel-mode driver is provided as a module, so future driver upgrades may be performed with minimal (usually zero) downtime. The Linux API is identical to its Windows counterpart, facilitating quick and easy ports of existing SeaI/O -aware applications to the Linux operating system. All source code for the Linux software suite is provided under the GNU Public License (GPL v2.0), to assist in "roll-your-own"-type applications.
OMG-PCI -DIO24 Page 3
Technical Description
3rd Party Software Support
Third party software support for many HMI/MMI and other process control software is included on the product installation CD. For the most up to date information on third party software support, please visit
OMG-PCI -DIO24 Page 4
Technical Description
50 pin ribbon cable pin out
Figure 1-50 Pin Ribbon Cable Pin Out
Description Pin #
Port A A0 47 A1 45 A2 43 A3 41 A4 39 A5 37 A6 35 A7 33
Port B B0 31 B1 29 B2 27 B3 25 B4 23 B5 21 B6 19 B7 17
Port C C0 15 C1 13 C2 11 C3 9 C4 7 C5 5 C6 3 C7 1
GND All Even pins
+5V 49
OMG-PCI -DIO24 Page 5
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