Omega Products OM-EL-HL Installation Manual

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Requirements 3 First Time User 3 Using the EasyLog Data Logger 3 Navigating the Menu Systems 4 Initial Setup 5 Attaching EasyLog to OM-EL-HL 5 Main Menu 6
1. Search 6
2. Status 7
3. Start 7
3.1 Active 7
3.2 Alarms 7
3.3 High Alarm 8
3.4 Low Alarm 8
3.5 Start Mode 8
3.6 Start Logger 8
4. Stop 8
5. Download 9
6. Emulate 9
7. Setup 10
7.1 Logger Name 10
7.2 Sensor Type 10
7.3 Sample Rate 10
7.4 Storage Method 10
7.5 LCD Symbol 11
7.6 Scaler 11
7.7 Default Cal 11
7.8 Update and Exit 11
8. Advanced 11
8.1 Reset Logger 12
8.2 Clear Logger 12
8.3 New Address 12
9. OM-EL-HL Comms 12
9.1 Interface 12
9.2 Smart Search 12
10. Time 13
11. Date 13 Quick Menu 14 Compatible Products 15 Specification 16 Index 17 Software Licence Agreement 18
Introduction 2
9.3 Search Limit 13
The OM-EL-HL is a low cost, hand-held EasyLog configuration and data collection unit which can be operated by both technical and non-technical personnel. The OM-EL-HL is designed to be used in environments where a Windows based PC is either unavailable or impractical. Up to eight EasyLogs can be configured and the data from each stored in non-volatile memory that will hold the data until it can be analyzed on a PC.
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The OM-EL-HL is a field tool for data retrieval and configuration of the Omega EasyLog series of data loggers. The OM-EL-HL is designed to be used in conjunction with a PC running OM-EL-WIN EasyLog control software.
Minimum System Requirements
IBM compatible PC running Windows 3.1 or above.
OM-EL-WIN version 3.01 or above.
One or more EasyLogs.
EasyLog RS232 serial cable.
D-type to D-type RS232 serial cable. (Included)
OM-EL-LINK-IR - Self powered RS232 to InfraRed converter for the PC.
OM-EL-PANEL-IR - Panel Mounting InfraRed transmitter / Receiver.
OM-EL-2-IR - OM-EL-2 with InfraRed communications.
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For users not familiar with the EasyLog range, please refer to the EasyLog datasheets and OM-EL-WIN user manual.
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A typical logging scenario consists of four stages:-
Selecting and connecting an appropriate sensor.
Choosing the desired recording method and starting the log.
Stopping the log after the required period and extracting the recorded data.
Presenting and analyzing the data.
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The OM-EL-HL is operated by using a simple menu system. The Up and Down arrow keys navigate the main/sub menus, while left and right arrow keys select the appropriate logger. A “beep” will confirm that a key has been pressed.
The Enter key is used to select the highlighted menu.
The Escape key will revert to the previous menu without saving any data.
Arrow keys are also used in selected menus to allow the user to enter alpha/numeric data.
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Before operating the OM-EL-HL for the first time, two 1.5V AA type batteries must be inserted correctly in the battery compartment on the rear of the unit. The cover of the battery compartment is held in place by a single screw.
With the batteries in place, press the ON/OFF key to power up the OM-EL-HL. The internal microprocessor clock will now need to be set with the correct time and date. This is accomplished by using the Current Date and Current Time menus as described on page 13.
The OM-EL-HL will also indicate a Low Battery Warning on power up if the batteries have a low level of charge left. If this message is displayed, the user is advised to switch off the OM-EL-HL and replace the batteries. The clock will then require re-setting.
Once the clock has been set, the OM-EL-HL is ready to use.
When replacing the batteries, it is advisable for the user to wait approximately
15 seconds before inserting the new batteries. This will allow the OM-EL-HL’s low power circuitry to fully discharge.
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Using the EasyLog interface cable (from OM-EL-WIN), plug the 9-way D socket of the lead into the serial port at the top of the OM-EL-HL. The opposite end of the lead is connected to the EasyLog. Depending on the module, the connector at this end could be either a 9-way D socket, an 8-pin Mini-DIN or the jack plug supplied with OM-EL-WIN-LITE.
Alternatively, the integrated InfraRed communication link can be selected in the Comms menu. The InfraRed link may be used with OM-EL-PANEL-IR, OM-EL­LINK-IR or OM-EL-2-IR. OM-EL-LINK-IR can also be used for InfraRed communication with a PC.
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