Resistance Heating Wire
Nickel-Chromium Alloy
60% Nickel /16% Chromium
(Balance Iron)
U Used to Make Straight or
Helical Coil Resistance
U Quick Heating, Long Life
U High Temperature,
1000°C (1850°F)
U Corrosion Resistant
U Convenient 15 m (50')
and 60 m (200') Spools
Nickel-Chrome 60 is the world’s
standard of comparison in the
electrical trade for metallic
resistance wire. It is an alloy of 60%
nickel and 16% chromium, and is
the accepted material for heating
devices operating up to 1000°C
(1850°F). This encompasses
most pluggable power cord
domestic heating appliances and
those heating units of medium
temperatures which do not require
the unsurpassed quality of
NI/CR-80/20, the 80-20 alloy.
In addition to being commonly used
in electrical heating, Nickel-Chrome
60 is used extensively in industrial
applications for rheostats
and resistance units. It
makes for compact units
capable of withstanding severe
overloads and short circuits without
damage or circuit impairment.
The excellent corrosion resistance
of Nickel-Chrome 60 makes it very
useful for purposes other than
electrical heating. Acid dipping
baskets, cyanide hardening and
pickling containers, filter cloth, wire
mesh, bolts and nuts are a few
representative uses.
Composition: 60% Ni, 16% Cr,
balance Fe
Specific Resistance: 675 Ω per circular
mil-foot at 68°F (20°C); see table below
for multiplication factors to obtain
resistance at other temperatures
Specific Gravity: 8.25
Density: 0.298 lb/in
Melting Point: Approx 1350°C (2450°F)
Nominal Coefficient of
Linear Expansion:
0.000017 (20 to 1000°C)
Tensile Strength (lb/in
at 20°C (68°F):
Soft Annealed: 95,000
Nominal Temperature Coefficient
of Resistance:
0.00015 Ω/Ω/°C (20 to 500°C)
Factor by Which Resistance at Room Temperature Is to Be Multiplied to Obtain Resistance at Indicated Temperatures
(These figures are given as a basis for engineering calculations and represent average material as supplied.)
Temp °C 20 93 204 315 427 538 649 760 871°C
Temp ° F 68 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600°F
Factor 1.000 1.019 1.044 1.070 1.092 1.108 1.112 1.118 1.13
To Order Visit omega.com/ni60 for Pricing and Details
Current Temperature Characteristics* °C (°F)
Dia. Ω per ft @ 425 550 650 750 875 1100
AWG mm (inch) 20°C (68°F) (800) (1000) (1200) (1400) (1600) (2000) Model No.
18 1.0 (0.040) 0.4219 7.90 9.75 11.96 14.51 17.37 23.08 NI60-040-(†)
20 0.81 (0.032) 0.6592 5.92 7.25 8.86 10.69 12.72 16.87 NI60-032-(†)
22 0.64 (0.0253) 1.055 4.44 5.40 6.56 7.87 11.63 12.33 NI60-025-(†)
24 0.51 (0.0201) 1.671 3.32 4.01 4.86 5.80 6.82 9.01 NI60-020-(†)
26 0.40 (0.0159) 2.670 2.52 3.00 3.61 4.31 5.06 6.63 NI60-015-(†)
28 0.32 (0.0126) 4.252 1.90 2.28 2.73 3.23 3.77 4.88 NI60-012-(†)
30 0.25 (0.010) 6.750 1.43 1.74 2.06 2.43 2.81 3.59 NI60-010-(†)
Showing approximate amperes necessary to produce a given temperature, applying only to a straight wire stretched horizontally in free air.
† Specify desired length in feet: “50” or “200”. Note: This wire is not intended for use in making thermocouple elements.
Ordering Example: NI60-010-200 is a 60 m (200') spool of 30 gage bare 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy heating wire.
Note: Published prices are based on market value at time of printing and are subject to change due to
Nickel surcharges, Chromium and precious-metal market fluctuations.