Miniature Wireless
Thermocouple Connectors
For Short Range Laboratory and Light
Industrial Uses
USB receiver.
MWTC-A-K shown actual size.
868 or
915 MHz
Laptop not included.
MWTC Series
Universal input
accepts standard and
miniature connectors.
Included software turns your PC into a meter, data logger and chart recorder.
Up To 48
U Available in 9 Thermocouple Calibrations
U Built-In Cold Junction Compensation
and Linearization
U MWTC-REC Receivers Work with Multiple
Wireless Remote Connectors
U Low Power Operation and Sleep Mode for
Extended Battery Life
U Each Wireless Connector Transmits
Measured and Ambient Temperatures
in Real Time
U Free Software Converts Your PC Into
a Multi-Channel Chart Recorder or
Data Logger
The OMEGA® MWTC Wireless Smart Thermocouple
Connector Series features stand-alone, compact,
battery powered thermocouple connectors that transmit
measurement data back to a mating receiver up to 90 m
(300') away. When activated the connector will transmit
readings continuously at pre-set time interval that was
programmed by the user during the initial setup.
Each unit measures and transmits: thermocouple
input reading and connector ambient temperature to
a receiver and is displayed on the PC screen in real
time using the free provided software. When used
with an MWTC-REC receiver, data from multiple
wireless thermocouple connectors can be received
and displayed. Each unit includes free software that
converts your PC into a strip chart recorder or data
logger so readings can be saved and later printed or
exported to a spreadsheet file.

The MWTC can transmit thermocouple
readings wirelessly to your PC, up to
300' away.
U Choose From USB or
Analog Output Models
U USB Models Accept
48 Wireless Inputs
U Economical Single
Channel Model with
Analog Output
U Wirelessly Transmit up
to 90 m (300')
The MWTC-REC series is a family
of wireless receivers designed to
work with the MWTC transmitters.
Three models are available to meet
your application needs, with either
USB communication to a PC, or
analog output(s) to drive a remote
display, recorder, data logger or
PLC. Transmissions of up to 90 m
(300') are possible with the MWTC.
The MWTC-REC1 is a compact
multi-channel receiver that connects
to your PC through a 1.8 m (6')
cable (included). It is capable of
working with up to 48 individual
MWTC wireless connectors.
The miniature MWTC-REC5 is
designed for shorter distances,
such as testing and laboratory
applications. The size of a flash
drive, the MWTC-REC5 plugs right
into USB port. The MWTC-REC6 is
a compact, single channel receiver
that provides an analog output that
corresponds to the input range of
the MWTC wireless connector it is
paired to.
Transmitter Specifications
Thermocouple Measurement Range:
J: -100 to 760°C (-148 to 1400°F)
K: -100 to 1260°C (-148 to 2300°F)
T: -200 to 400°C (-328 to 752°F)
E: -200 to 1000°C (-328 to 1832°F)
R: 260 to 1760°C (500 to 3200°F)
S: 260 to 1760°C (500 to 3200°F)
B: 870 to 1820°C (1598 to 3308°F)
C: 0 to 2315°C (32 to 4200°F)
N: -100 to 1260°C (-148 to 2300°F)
Measurement Accuracy (Greater of):
J, K: ±0.5% of rdg or ±1.0°C (1.8°F)
T, E, N: ±0.5% of rdg or ±2.0°C (3.6°F)
R, S, B, C: ±0.5% of full scale
Measurement Resolution: 1°C/1°F
Cold Junction Compensation:
-10 to 70°C (14 to 158°F)
Thermocouple Connection: Universal
female accepts both standard male
(OSTW Series) or miniature male
(SMPW Series) mating connector
Operating Environment: -10 to 70°C
(14 to 158°F)
Computer Interface: USB (one interface
cable included with
MWTC-REC1 receiver)
Transmit Sample Rate: Programmable
from 2 seconds to 2 min
Radio Frequency: ISM 915 MHz or ISM
868 MHz
RF Output Power: 10 dBm (10 mW)
Model MWTC-(*)-915: FCC, Class B
Model MWTC-(*)-868: CE
Range of RF Link:
Up to 90 m (300'): Outdoor line of sight
Up to 39 m (130'): Indoor/urban
Software: Requires Windows
Battery: AAA size; 1.5V lithium included;
also compatible with 1.5V alkaline or
3.6V lithium
Battery Life (Typical): 330 days at 1
sample/minute reading rate
@25°C (77°F)
Data Transmitted to Receiver:
Thermocouple reading and
connector ambient reading
Dimensions: 76 L x 25.4 W x 13 mm H
(3 x 1 x 0.5")
Enclosure: Plastic (Nylon)
Note: Because of transmission frequency
regulations, these products may only be used
in the United States and Canada (915 MHz
models) or Europe (868 MHz models).
Receiver Specifications
MWTC-REC1: USB bus +5V
powered, 300 mA consumption
MWTC-REC5: USB bus +5V
powered, 300 mA consumption
MWTC-REC6: 12 to 24 Vdc at 50 mA
USB Compatibility: USB 1.1, USB 2.0
LED Indicators: TX transmit/receive (red);
USB power (green, MWTC-REC1 only)
Radio Frequency (RF): 915/868 MHz
USB Cable Type: USB 4P(A) male
Analog Output (MWTC-REC6): One,
non-isolated 0 to 5 Vdc or 0 to 10 Vdc
Ambient Operating: -10 to 70°C
(14 to 158°F), 0 to 95% RH
MWTC-REC1: 70 L x 51 W x 20.5 mm
(2.75 x 2 x 0.8")
MWTC-REC6: 76 x 32 x 26 mm H
(3 x 1.25 x 1")
MWTC-REC1: 89 g (0.2 lb) with cable
MWTC-REC6: 102 g (3.6 oz)
Enclosure/Housing: Plastic
Wireless Receiver
shown smaller than actual size.
48 Channels
USB Connection
915 MHz
shown smaller than
Wireless connectors
sold separately, visit
868 or
MWTC-REC5-915 shown
smaller than actual size.
actual size.